Zone1 The Design Argument for God’s Existence.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2012
At some stage, nearly everyone ponders the fundamental question: Does God exist? While we each explore our own paths to answer this question, many turn to science as the ultimate guide for unraveling life's most profound mysteries.

Is there a compelling, science-based argument that God exists?

In this essay, we’ll argue that recent discoveries in modern physics provide an argument that strongly suggests that an intelligent designer, God, is behind the universe and its laws. While this particular argument is based upon discoveries that are only a few decades old, the basic form of the argument follows in the footsteps of the age-old design argument.

There are some good arguments for a supreme being imo. But it isnt "god" that guy didnt even know to create the sun before plants. Or that the earth was round. Or that the earth rotated around the sun.
At some stage, nearly everyone ponders the fundamental question: Does God exist? While we each explore our own paths to answer this question, many turn to science as the ultimate guide for unraveling life's most profound mysteries.

Is there a compelling, science-based argument that God exists?

In this essay, we’ll argue that recent discoveries in modern physics provide an argument that strongly suggests that an intelligent designer, God, is behind the universe and its laws. While this particular argument is based upon discoveries that are only a few decades old, the basic form of the argument follows in the footsteps of the age-old design argument.


Any argument where you have a God you have to ask where that God came from.

If God could appear out of nowhere, then anything could have appeared out of nowhere.

If God couldn't appear out of nowhere, then he must have been created, and created by who or what? Another God? And then we're back at square one.
There are some good arguments for a supreme being imo. But it isnt "god" that guy didnt even know to create the sun before plants. Or that the earth was round. Or that the earth rotated around the sun.

Name one good argument for a supreme being.
At some stage, nearly everyone ponders the fundamental question: Does God exist? While we each explore our own paths to answer this question, many turn to science as the ultimate guide for unraveling life's most profound mysteries.

Is there a compelling, science-based argument that God exists?

In this essay, we’ll argue that recent discoveries in modern physics provide an argument that strongly suggests that an intelligent designer, God, is behind the universe and its laws. While this particular argument is based upon discoveries that are only a few decades old, the basic form of the argument follows in the footsteps of the age-old design argument.

That the universe does not cycle is beyond dispute , so it had a start and it has an end. It didn't pop out of nowhere.
Even the rankest scientistic agnostic can NOT deny this


Any argument where you have a God you have to ask where that God came from.

If God could appear out of nowhere, then anything could have appeared out of nowhere.

If God couldn't appear out of nowhere, then he must have been created, and created by who or what? Another God? And then we're back at square one.

The problem is, we Anthropomorphise G-d.
That's not a good argument at all.

A) We don't know if it even happened
B) Even if it did happen, it doesn't mean it has to have happened because of a god.
I agree on both counts. But it is the leading theory on our universe.
Probably because God... like Harry Potter, was created by humans... for human consumption.
People anthropomorphize their pets, even their garden flowers. We created none of these. The sum total is anthropomorphism is a human trait, how we explain anything so that other humans can understand some of our experiences.

Any argument where you have a God you have to ask where that God came from.

If God could appear out of nowhere, then anything could have appeared out of nowhere.

If God couldn't appear out of nowhere, then he must have been created, and created by who or what? Another God? And then we're back at square one.
The problem with this premise is centered around Christian doctrine that God is and always has been, and this is taken from the Bible, written from a time when man had no clue how the universe, our galaxy, or even our own solar system worked. Therefore how can we be certain, they were certain about the attributes of a completely unknowable god?

It is very Plausible that OT and NT authors didn't understand God and his "existence", therefore applied characteristics about God that are not correct. I know this is absolute heresy for Christians to think that "The Word of God" is wrong. But it is plausible, that characteristics were applied to God that are wrong, from our perspective and knowledge.
There are some good arguments for a supreme being imo. But it isnt "god" that guy didnt even know to create the sun before plants. Or that the earth was round. Or that the earth rotated around the sun.
The sun was created first.
Of course, God knows the earth is spherical, he created it.
That's the "circuit/circle of the earth" spoken about. Isa 40:22
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So the bible is BS. Noted.
The Bible doesn't say that the plants were created before the sun was created. Thanks to the preconceived notions and popular beliefs, the translators made lots of mistakes. However, since the original language is still available, we can make corrections.

Here's how it works. Take an English word and trace it back to the Hebrew or Greek. There you will find not one word but several choices that the word could have been translated into English with. In many cases the translators chose the wrong word thus giving an entirely different meaning to the narrative.
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The Bible doesn't say that the plants were created before the sun was created.
  • Day 1: God created light
  • Day 2: God created the sky or the atmosphere
  • Day 3: God created the dry land, seas, plants and trees
  • Day 4: God created the sun, moon and stars
  • Day 5: God created the birds and sea creatures
  • Day 6: God created the land animals and humans
  • Day 7: God rested and blessed the seventh day
  • Day 1: God created light
  • Day 2: God created the sky or the atmosphere
  • Day 3: God created the dry land, seas, plants and trees
  • Day 4: God created the sun, moon and stars
  • Day 5: God created the birds and sea creatures
  • Day 6: God created the land animals and humans
  • Day 7: God rested and blessed the seventh day
Day 1. God removed the darkness that shrouded the earth allowing the light of the preexisting sun to once again strike the earth.

Day 3. The preexisting dry land now appeared as well.

Day 4. God appointed the preexisting sun, moon, and stars as time and calender keepers for the people he would soon created.

God was refashioning the surface of the earth for the creation of modern man, and his plan for us. The original creation took place perhaps, as science says, billions of years before.
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