The Diary Invasion: TrumpUSA


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
In honor of the Super Bowl (GO EAGLES!!), I'm writing one last parable (this one is about raw democratic vigilance baby).

This parable is inspired by Cobra, The Last Boy Scout, and Blade.




Damien was an Albanian-American and self-proclaimed 'democracy-vigilante,' blogging on the Internet about the value of capitalism optimism in 'TrumpUSA' while prowling the city streets of New York at night with his silencer-pistol which he called 'Betty.' Damien and Betty were everything that Damien's Internet blogs were not --- radical. Damien and Betty were simply proving that there was nothing wrong with fundamental 'politics' in the age of media and pluralism.


In upstate New York at the time, a strange new cult of Devil-worshippers were forming. This cult was called the Fish-Bloods, and they wore ceremonial fish-monster head-masks and blue prayer robes and walked into the Hudson River to pray about the coming of the AntiChrist. The Fish-Bloods despised everything 'American' (including idealistic sports-fans cheering for the 'underdog Philadelphia Eagles' trying to 'avenge' their loss to the seemingly-invincible New England Patriots in Super Bowl 52). The Fish-Bloods wanted to start their own blood-bank for vampirism and medical use 'immune' from the blood of capitalists and Christians.


When Damien heard about the Fish-Bloods and their very eccentric 'antics,' he realized that the cult was the 'religious face' of the underground anarchist crime-organization known as the 'Bloodsports,' a ruthless clan of gun and blade wielding thugs and bike-riders mimicking the malice and restless fury of the fictional 'Night-Slasher crime-gang' from the iconic American crime-thriller film Cobra. The Bloodsports prayed to an ancient demon called Moloch who represented the sheer will to use revolutionary 'tactics' to subvert all dominant paradigms of civilized society. Damien knew he had to literally 'destroy' Moloch (and all his mystique!).


Damien (and Betty!) decided to take down the key leaders of the Bloodsports (one at a time) as they drove around alone or rode their bike alone or went home to their abodes alone. Damien then proceeded to blog on the Internet that the members of the Bloodsports were 'mysteriously dying,' because their demon-god Moloch demanded ritual and regular human sacrifice for his insidious honor. The Fish-Bloods were furious when two members read Damien's blogs and realized that Moloch and the Bloodsports were being undermined (right before the Fish-Bloods' secret plan to dump chemical acid from a flying jet onto the football field of Super Bowl 52 (during the Halftime Show!). Damien (and Betty!) were the best weapons against this 'idolatrous invasion.' Would TrumpUSA prevail?



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