The difference between capitalism and socialism in a nutshell

Isn't our military Socialist? That would include the VA of course.

The far left proves they do not understand such things..
Please explain why the military is not Socialist or the VA?

Conservatives support using government when their ideas are promoted. The war on drugs, border patrol, police, etc.

Just don't ask them to fund the nws, noaa, nasa, jpl, ssi, fda , usgs, etc or any of a dozen other departments that generally make this country better.
Isn't our military Socialist? That would include the VA of course.

The far left proves they do not understand such things..
Please explain why the military is not Socialist or the VA?

Conservatives support using government when their ideas are promoted. The war on drugs, border patrol, police, etc.

Just don't ask them to fund the nws, noaa, nasa, jpl, ssi, fda , usgs, etc or any of a dozen other departments that generally make this country better.

Proof that this one is not connected in anyway to reality..
That's but one sentence in a vast description given by Mussolini.

Smiling.....Cont, you know you I'll say what I like. Just as you know that there's nothing you can do about it. Get used to the idea.

And what relevance does any of these questions have with the issues of pollution and environmental damage we're discussing? If you can't establish relevance, then you're offering us a awkward attempt to change the topic.

And I'm quite happy with this one.

Well, that is true.

One must understand what a pollutant is before discussing environmental damage.

It appears that you have no fucking idea what a pollutant is in that case nuclear power is "irrelevant.

If you have a point to make, make it. But you're insinuating an argument you can't even articulate. Let alone factually support. Unregulated capitalism results in horrendous damage to the environment, dirty air and dirty water. Its only through strict regulation and enforcement that this inevitable consequence of unchecked self interest can be mitigated.

If you disagree, tell us why. Make your argument.


As a communist you will reject outright any argument where I do not support a Commissar making the ultimate decisions.


You don't know what a communist is. "Communist' is simply a name you call people if you don't agree with them. Especially if they make points you can't refute, nor comprehend.

Unregulated capitalism results in horrendous damage to the environment, dirty air and dirty water. Its only through strict regulation and enforcement that this inevitable consequence of unchecked self interest can be mitigated.

If you disagree, tell us why. Make your argument.
I assume you studied Dialectical Materialism, Marxism-Leninism (yes it is called Marxism-Leninism) therefore, you know who and what a communist is.
Yes, I am sure conservatives want to breathe dirty air and drink dirty water.. are you out of your mind?

You write much like Mark Levin speaks, err rants. There is no, "what a communist is", most are like most Americans, working daily just to get buy. Their leaders are also like our leaders, protecting the status quo is their job security.

Communist leaders are ultra conservative, it matters not what Marx or Lenin wrote, nor how it was justified. For all political leaders - elected or otherwise - it's best to watch their feet, not their lips (it's not what they say, it's what they do).

I'd suggest anyone who attempts to comport liberals and progressives as communists or Marxists to read "Darkness at Noon, and "The God that Failed". See how the praxis of Stalin contrasts with the actions of Progressives or liberals and compare the methods used by today's conservatives in their quest to overturn Roe and stop abortions comports with the progressive efforts for social justice.
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Well, that is true.

One must understand what a pollutant is before discussing environmental damage.

It appears that you have no fucking idea what a pollutant is in that case nuclear power is "irrelevant.

If you have a point to make, make it. But you're insinuating an argument you can't even articulate. Let alone factually support. Unregulated capitalism results in horrendous damage to the environment, dirty air and dirty water. Its only through strict regulation and enforcement that this inevitable consequence of unchecked self interest can be mitigated.

If you disagree, tell us why. Make your argument.


As a communist you will reject outright any argument where I do not support a Commissar making the ultimate decisions.


You don't know what a communist is. "Communist' is simply a name you call people if you don't agree with them. Especially if they make points you can't refute, nor comprehend.

Unregulated capitalism results in horrendous damage to the environment, dirty air and dirty water. Its only through strict regulation and enforcement that this inevitable consequence of unchecked self interest can be mitigated.

If you disagree, tell us why. Make your argument.
I assume you studied Dialectical Materialism, Marxism-Leninism (yes it is called Marxism-Leninism) therefore, you know who and what a communist is.
Yes, I am sure conservatives want to breathe dirty air and drink dirty water.. are you out of your mind?

You write much like Mark Levin speaks, err rants. There is no, "what a communist is", most are like most Americans, working daily just to get buy. Their leaders are also like our leaders, protecting the status quo is their job security.

Communist leaders are ultra conservative, it matters not what Marx or Lenin wrote, nor how it was justified. All political leaders - elected or otherwise - it's best to watch their feet, not their lips (it's not what they say, it's what they do).

I'd suggest anyone who attempts to comport liberals and progressives as communists or Marxists to read "Darkness at Noon, and "The God that Failed". See how the praxis of Stalin contrasts with the actions of Progressives or liberals and compare the methods used by today's conservatives in their quest to overturn Roe and stop abortions comports with the progressive efforts for social justice.

Oh look more far left propaganda not connected to reality..
Pictures really are the only way to get the message across...

Well, that is true.

One must understand what a pollutant is before discussing environmental damage.

It appears that you have no fucking idea what a pollutant is in that case nuclear power is "irrelevant.

If you have a point to make, make it. But you're insinuating an argument you can't even articulate. Let alone factually support. Unregulated capitalism results in horrendous damage to the environment, dirty air and dirty water. Its only through strict regulation and enforcement that this inevitable consequence of unchecked self interest can be mitigated.

If you disagree, tell us why. Make your argument.


As a communist you will reject outright any argument where I do not support a Commissar making the ultimate decisions.


You don't know what a communist is. "Communist' is simply a name you call people if you don't agree with them. Especially if they make points you can't refute, nor comprehend.

Unregulated capitalism results in horrendous damage to the environment, dirty air and dirty water. Its only through strict regulation and enforcement that this inevitable consequence of unchecked self interest can be mitigated.

If you disagree, tell us why. Make your argument.
I assume you studied Dialectical Materialism, Marxism-Leninism (yes it is called Marxism-Leninism) therefore, you know who and what a communist is.
Yes, I am sure conservatives want to breathe dirty air and drink dirty water.. are you out of your mind?

You write much like Mark Levin speaks, err rants. There is no, "what a communist is", most are like most Americans, working daily just to get buy. Their leaders are also like our leaders, protecting the status quo is their job security.

Communist leaders are ultra conservative, it matters not what Marx or Lenin wrote, nor how it was justified. For all political leaders - elected or otherwise - it's best to watch their feet, not their lips (it's not what they say, it's what they do).

I'd suggest anyone who attempts to comport liberals and progressives as communists or Marxists to read "Darkness at Noon, and "The God that Failed". See how the praxis of Stalin contrasts with the actions of Progressives or liberals and compare the methods used by today's conservatives in their quest to overturn Roe and stop abortions comports with the progressive efforts for social justice.
OK.. I concede to stupidity. There is such a thing as "what a communist is" though. A communist is a murderer (killing those who do not share his political views) a plunderer (taking personal properties by force) a liar (living the good life while common people are lacking basics to their well being. That's WHAT a communist is. Who the communist is? It could be Blow Joe your neighbor, it was Lenin, Stalin, Castro..etc.
I believe in using the government ;) So if I hated killing babies, I wouldn't be a hypocrite asking the government to do it.

And your idea of social justice is promoting criminal behavior and mental illiness.

It's not my idea, do you oppose this:

"Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities."

It surely won't promote criminal behavior, though lassiez faire capitalism sure will. As for Mental Illness, that is not promoted or created by giving everyone equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities."
I believe in using the government ;) So if I hated killing babies, I wouldn't be a hypocrite asking the government to do it.

And your idea of social justice is promoting criminal behavior and mental illiness.

It's not my idea, do you oppose this:

"Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities."

It surely won't promote criminal behavior, though lassiez faire capitalism sure will. As for Mental Illness, that is not promoted or created by giving everyone equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities."

The far left programming responding to certain keywords, how cute..
Communist leaders are ultra conservative,
WC, (I like those initials. Look into it what it means in Europe)
hahahaha…. I don't think we have too much of a debate if you saying things like that. This is fucking hilarious…. hahaha….
If you have a point to make, make it. But you're insinuating an argument you can't even articulate. Let alone factually support. Unregulated capitalism results in horrendous damage to the environment, dirty air and dirty water. Its only through strict regulation and enforcement that this inevitable consequence of unchecked self interest can be mitigated.

If you disagree, tell us why. Make your argument.


As a communist you will reject outright any argument where I do not support a Commissar making the ultimate decisions.


You don't know what a communist is. "Communist' is simply a name you call people if you don't agree with them. Especially if they make points you can't refute, nor comprehend.

Unregulated capitalism results in horrendous damage to the environment, dirty air and dirty water. Its only through strict regulation and enforcement that this inevitable consequence of unchecked self interest can be mitigated.

If you disagree, tell us why. Make your argument.
I assume you studied Dialectical Materialism, Marxism-Leninism (yes it is called Marxism-Leninism) therefore, you know who and what a communist is.
Yes, I am sure conservatives want to breathe dirty air and drink dirty water.. are you out of your mind?

You write much like Mark Levin speaks, err rants. There is no, "what a communist is", most are like most Americans, working daily just to get buy. Their leaders are also like our leaders, protecting the status quo is their job security.

Communist leaders are ultra conservative, it matters not what Marx or Lenin wrote, nor how it was justified. For all political leaders - elected or otherwise - it's best to watch their feet, not their lips (it's not what they say, it's what they do).

I'd suggest anyone who attempts to comport liberals and progressives as communists or Marxists to read "Darkness at Noon, and "The God that Failed". See how the praxis of Stalin contrasts with the actions of Progressives or liberals and compare the methods used by today's conservatives in their quest to overturn Roe and stop abortions comports with the progressive efforts for social justice.
OK.. I concede to stupidity. There is such a thing as "what a communist is" though. A communist is a murderer (killing those who do not share his political views) a plunderer (taking personal properties by force) a liar (living the good life while common people are lacking basics to their well being. That's WHAT a communist is. Who the communist is? It could be Blow Joe your neighbor, it was Lenin, Stalin, Castro..etc.

No, they were not communists, per se; in fact that were (are, Castro is still alive) despots. I don't believe you need to concede to stupidity, simply admit you are ignorant. Now, that's not a bad thing, unless you are willfully so.
If you have a point to make, make it. But you're insinuating an argument you can't even articulate. Let alone factually support. Unregulated capitalism results in horrendous damage to the environment, dirty air and dirty water. Its only through strict regulation and enforcement that this inevitable consequence of unchecked self interest can be mitigated.

If you disagree, tell us why. Make your argument.


As a communist you will reject outright any argument where I do not support a Commissar making the ultimate decisions.


You don't know what a communist is. "Communist' is simply a name you call people if you don't agree with them. Especially if they make points you can't refute, nor comprehend.

Unregulated capitalism results in horrendous damage to the environment, dirty air and dirty water. Its only through strict regulation and enforcement that this inevitable consequence of unchecked self interest can be mitigated.

If you disagree, tell us why. Make your argument.
I assume you studied Dialectical Materialism, Marxism-Leninism (yes it is called Marxism-Leninism) therefore, you know who and what a communist is.
Yes, I am sure conservatives want to breathe dirty air and drink dirty water.. are you out of your mind?

You write much like Mark Levin speaks, err rants. There is no, "what a communist is", most are like most Americans, working daily just to get buy. Their leaders are also like our leaders, protecting the status quo is their job security.

Communist leaders are ultra conservative, it matters not what Marx or Lenin wrote, nor how it was justified. For all political leaders - elected or otherwise - it's best to watch their feet, not their lips (it's not what they say, it's what they do).

I'd suggest anyone who attempts to comport liberals and progressives as communists or Marxists to read "Darkness at Noon, and "The God that Failed". See how the praxis of Stalin contrasts with the actions of Progressives or liberals and compare the methods used by today's conservatives in their quest to overturn Roe and stop abortions comports with the progressive efforts for social justice.
OK.. I concede to stupidity. There is such a thing as "what a communist is" though. A communist is a murderer (killing those who do not share his political views) a plunderer (taking personal properties by force) a liar (living the good life while common people are lacking basics to their well being. That's WHAT a communist is. Who the communist is? It could be Blow Joe your neighbor, it was Lenin, Stalin, Castro..etc.

A communist is someone that nationalizes the entire economy(economic freedom), ends all political freedom and restricts you to a "job" in which you can never become better then anyone else.

And yes, they killed a lot of people to make it so.
Communist leaders are ultra conservative,
WC, (I like those initials. Look into it what it means in Europe)
hahahaha…. I don't think we have too much of a debate if you saying things like that. This is fucking hilarious…. hahaha….

Really? Maybe you will educate me and explain how Lenin, Stalin and Castro accepted change and responded to the ideas and actions of iconoclasts? Did they welcome new ideas, or did they defend what they are doing and persecute those who challenged them?

It appears I acted with haste when I excused your admission of stupidity. Yes, I understand the meaning in Europe, I've been there (have you?) and was surprised when my wife told me the WC in a very nice Italian Restaurant was nothing more than a hole in the floor.
Pictures really are the only way to get the message across...

Communism, not Socialism. Here is Socialism:

Nice eh?

Those are average, run of the mill, everyday workers boats out in front of your Socialist heaven?...Aren't you all supposed to be EQUAL?
Nope, but the playing field is supposed to be level.

Of course it is! That's why those boats AREN'T workers boats! That level field doesn't include the party higher ups!

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