The Difference Between Hate And Compassion


Jun 17, 2016
First, I have to say it is interesting to see what the mentally diseased and brainwashed parrot about "hate." But first and foremost, the survival of your own kind HAS to be the paremount concern. That is the end of that story. Though despite this, I have often been called a "hater." But what such people say holds the moral weight that what a worm has.

Now if I were hateful, I would like to see all negroes and jews impaled. Like what Vlad the Impaler did. Though many I would like to see tortured over a long period of time. Maybe even feed them with the remains of relatives. Or maybe cutting off one of their legs and feeding them from that for a while. So they can eat themselves. Basically making them beg for death before impaling them. But being compassionate, I would be satisfied to send all negroes and jews to Africa.

Also, if I were a hater, I would send all mexicans back to mexico. Some I would send back over the border using catapults. Though I might spare some of the children and anchor babies part of the flight back and use them basically as skeet. Others I would take out to sea and send through woodchippers to feed the fish and maybe replenish the dwindling fish populations. But being compassionate, I would be satisfied to send all the Central American injins and mestizos back to mexico. But for the "latinos" that are white enough, I would take a sizeable portion of the south west U.S. and make it a latino homeland. That way, if mexicans want to tunnel into the U.S., they will have to dig a very long tunnel.

There is no way to be any more compassionate than these things. That is without committing racial suicide. And there is nothing compassionate than that. Like it or not, being White matters. And White people have a RIGHT to exist!
Vlad the impaler was was a cannibal and the origin of the vampire legend which white people love. I dont understand why you think you have the moral justification to send anyone back anywhere unless you are indigenous to the americas. if youre not then you should take your cave chimp, flea bitten self back to the caves of europe so you can be with your fellow cave chimps.
Vlad the impaler was was a cannibal and the origin of the vampire legend which white people love. I dont understand why you think you have the moral justification to send anyone back anywhere unless you are indigenous to the americas. if youre not then you should take your cave chimp, flea bitten self back to the caves of europe so you can be with your fellow cave chimps.

In parts of what used to be Yugoslavia, Vlad Tepish is viewed as a hero. If you were to go there and talk to some of the historians there, you would probably hear a different story. Also, being White of European descent gives me all the justification I need. And in a historical sense, it gives me more justification than the warlike, conquering sand negeros who made up the Roman Empire.

As for the indains, some of the tribes in North America tried to wipe each other out too. No moral high ground there. They also used to do things like skin their captives alive with sharpened clamb shells, stake them out on large ant mounds, etc. etc. etc. No moral high ground there. Sometimes they would let their women torture captives. Whom I've heard were especially vicious. And if the women were getting in on the action, some of the children probably were too. No moral high ground there. The mexican indains used to rip out the hearts of their captives as an offering to their gods. The bodies were then consumed by the populace. No moral high ground there. Also, apart from being ugly, natives of the Western hemisphere tend to suffer more from obesity and diabetes. No genetic high ground there. So if anybody around here is a chimp, it is you. That's the truth. Deal with it.
Vlad the impaler was was a cannibal and the origin of the vampire legend which white people love. I dont understand why you think you have the moral justification to send anyone back anywhere unless you are indigenous to the americas. if youre not then you should take your cave chimp, flea bitten self back to the caves of europe so you can be with your fellow cave chimps.

In parts of what used to be Yugoslavia, Vlad Tepish is viewed as a hero. If you were to go there and talk to some of the historians there, you would probably hear a different story. Also, being White of European descent gives me all the justification I need. And in a historical sense, it gives me more justification than the warlike, conquering sand negeros who made up the Roman Empire.

As for the indains, some of the tribes in North America tried to wipe each other out too. No moral high ground there. They also used to do things like skin their captives alive with sharpened clamb shells, stake them out on large ant mounds, etc. etc. etc. No moral high ground there. Sometimes they would let their women torture captives. Whom I've heard were especially vicious. And if the women were getting in on the action, some of the children probably were too. No moral high ground there. The mexican indains used to rip out the hearts of their captives as an offering to their gods. The bodies were then consumed by the populace. No moral high ground there. Also, apart from being ugly, natives of the Western hemisphere tend to suffer more from obesity and diabetes. No genetic high ground there. So if anybody around here is a chimp, it is you. That's the truth. Deal with it.
I'm pretty sure a cannibal is a hero to whites. You've coveted human flesh as long as you have existed due to your neanderthal genes most likely.

I dont know why you went on that rant about the natives of the americas but i wasnt impressed at your deflection. The Roman empire was not in the americas dummy. It was in mainly in europe. You still havent answered my question concerning why you think you have the moral justification to send anyone anywhere. Youre a white cave monkey and as such not fit render any opinion of a moral nature considering the savagery of your race.
Vlad the impaler was was a cannibal and the origin of the vampire legend which white people love. I dont understand why you think you have the moral justification to send anyone back anywhere unless you are indigenous to the americas. if youre not then you should take your cave chimp, flea bitten self back to the caves of europe so you can be with your fellow cave chimps.

In parts of what used to be Yugoslavia, Vlad Tepish is viewed as a hero. If you were to go there and talk to some of the historians there, you would probably hear a different story. Also, being White of European descent gives me all the justification I need. And in a historical sense, it gives me more justification than the warlike, conquering sand negeros who made up the Roman Empire.

As for the indains, some of the tribes in North America tried to wipe each other out too. No moral high ground there. They also used to do things like skin their captives alive with sharpened clamb shells, stake them out on large ant mounds, etc. etc. etc. No moral high ground there. Sometimes they would let their women torture captives. Whom I've heard were especially vicious. And if the women were getting in on the action, some of the children probably were too. No moral high ground there. The mexican indains used to rip out the hearts of their captives as an offering to their gods. The bodies were then consumed by the populace. No moral high ground there. Also, apart from being ugly, natives of the Western hemisphere tend to suffer more from obesity and diabetes. No genetic high ground there. So if anybody around here is a chimp, it is you. That's the truth. Deal with it.
I'm pretty sure a cannibal is a hero to whites. You've coveted human flesh as long as you have existed due to your neanderthal genes most likely.

I dont know why you went on that rant about the natives of the americas but i wasnt impressed at your deflection. The Roman empire was not in the americas dummy. It was in mainly in europe. You still havent answered my question concerning why you think you have the moral justification to send anyone anywhere. Youre a white cave monkey and as such not fit render any opinion of a moral nature considering the savagery of your race.

I don't know where you learned what you think you know about White people. But I have never heard of a White cannibal that other White people consider to be a hero. Next, YOU are the one who brought up the moral justification of the indeginous americans. Next, YOU are the one who apparently has the problem with White people in this country and what they did to the indains. But the indains were far worse. And YOU even went as far back as cave man days when talking about White people in Europe. But it wasn't the White Europeans who the Roman empire conquered or tried to conquer who were causing the problems.

Next, if everything I said doesn't tell you of the moral justification of White people, nothing will. Another thing is that if you aren't White, you don't have any business telling White people anything about what White people do. Just as a bobcat has no business telling a lynx anything about what lynx do. Or as a mule deer has no business telling a white tail deer anything about what white tail deer do. Or as a bottle nose dolphin has no business telling spotted dolphins anything about what spotted dolphins do. Etc. into infinity.
Vlad the impaler was was a cannibal and the origin of the vampire legend which white people love. I dont understand why you think you have the moral justification to send anyone back anywhere unless you are indigenous to the americas. if youre not then you should take your cave chimp, flea bitten self back to the caves of europe so you can be with your fellow cave chimps.

In parts of what used to be Yugoslavia, Vlad Tepish is viewed as a hero. If you were to go there and talk to some of the historians there, you would probably hear a different story. Also, being White of European descent gives me all the justification I need. And in a historical sense, it gives me more justification than the warlike, conquering sand negeros who made up the Roman Empire.

As for the indains, some of the tribes in North America tried to wipe each other out too. No moral high ground there. They also used to do things like skin their captives alive with sharpened clamb shells, stake them out on large ant mounds, etc. etc. etc. No moral high ground there. Sometimes they would let their women torture captives. Whom I've heard were especially vicious. And if the women were getting in on the action, some of the children probably were too. No moral high ground there. The mexican indains used to rip out the hearts of their captives as an offering to their gods. The bodies were then consumed by the populace. No moral high ground there. Also, apart from being ugly, natives of the Western hemisphere tend to suffer more from obesity and diabetes. No genetic high ground there. So if anybody around here is a chimp, it is you. That's the truth. Deal with it.
I'm pretty sure a cannibal is a hero to whites. You've coveted human flesh as long as you have existed due to your neanderthal genes most likely.

I dont know why you went on that rant about the natives of the americas but i wasnt impressed at your deflection. The Roman empire was not in the americas dummy. It was in mainly in europe. You still havent answered my question concerning why you think you have the moral justification to send anyone anywhere. Youre a white cave monkey and as such not fit render any opinion of a moral nature considering the savagery of your race.

I don't know where you learned what you think you know about White people. But I have never heard of a White cannibal that other White people consider to be a hero. Next, YOU are the one who brought up the moral justification of the indeginous americans. Next, YOU are the one who apparently has the problem with White people in this country and what they did to the indains. But the indains were far worse. And YOU even went as far back as cave man days when talking about White people in Europe. But it wasn't the White Europeans who the Roman empire conquered or tried to conquer who were causing the problems.

Next, if everything I said doesn't tell you of the moral justification of White people, nothing will. Another thing is that if you aren't White, you don't have any business telling White people anything about what White people do. Just as a bobcat has no business telling a lynx anything about what lynx do. Or as a mule deer has no business telling a white tail deer anything about what white tail deer do. Or as a bottle nose dolphin has no business telling spotted dolphins anything about what spotted dolphins do. Etc. into infinity.
i learned what i know about white people from....white people. You guys have this happen of documenting your atrocities then trying to hide them so you look good. White people have zero moral justification. They arent even native to the americas They are the most violent virus ever to inhabit the planet. Your hero Vlad was a cannibal. I already pointed that out to you.
Vlad the impaler was was a cannibal and the origin of the vampire legend which white people love. I dont understand why you think you have the moral justification to send anyone back anywhere unless you are indigenous to the americas. if youre not then you should take your cave chimp, flea bitten self back to the caves of europe so you can be with your fellow cave chimps.

In parts of what used to be Yugoslavia, Vlad Tepish is viewed as a hero. If you were to go there and talk to some of the historians there, you would probably hear a different story. Also, being White of European descent gives me all the justification I need. And in a historical sense, it gives me more justification than the warlike, conquering sand negeros who made up the Roman Empire.

As for the indains, some of the tribes in North America tried to wipe each other out too. No moral high ground there. They also used to do things like skin their captives alive with sharpened clamb shells, stake them out on large ant mounds, etc. etc. etc. No moral high ground there. Sometimes they would let their women torture captives. Whom I've heard were especially vicious. And if the women were getting in on the action, some of the children probably were too. No moral high ground there. The mexican indains used to rip out the hearts of their captives as an offering to their gods. The bodies were then consumed by the populace. No moral high ground there. Also, apart from being ugly, natives of the Western hemisphere tend to suffer more from obesity and diabetes. No genetic high ground there. So if anybody around here is a chimp, it is you. That's the truth. Deal with it.
I'm pretty sure a cannibal is a hero to whites. You've coveted human flesh as long as you have existed due to your neanderthal genes most likely.

I dont know why you went on that rant about the natives of the americas but i wasnt impressed at your deflection. The Roman empire was not in the americas dummy. It was in mainly in europe. You still havent answered my question concerning why you think you have the moral justification to send anyone anywhere. Youre a white cave monkey and as such not fit render any opinion of a moral nature considering the savagery of your race.

I don't know where you learned what you think you know about White people. But I have never heard of a White cannibal that other White people consider to be a hero. Next, YOU are the one who brought up the moral justification of the indeginous americans. Next, YOU are the one who apparently has the problem with White people in this country and what they did to the indains. But the indains were far worse. And YOU even went as far back as cave man days when talking about White people in Europe. But it wasn't the White Europeans who the Roman empire conquered or tried to conquer who were causing the problems.

Next, if everything I said doesn't tell you of the moral justification of White people, nothing will. Another thing is that if you aren't White, you don't have any business telling White people anything about what White people do. Just as a bobcat has no business telling a lynx anything about what lynx do. Or as a mule deer has no business telling a white tail deer anything about what white tail deer do. Or as a bottle nose dolphin has no business telling spotted dolphins anything about what spotted dolphins do. Etc. into infinity.
i learned what i know about white people from....white people. You guys have this happen of documenting your atrocities then trying to hide them so you look good. White people have zero moral justification. They arent even native to the americas They are the most violent virus ever to inhabit the planet. Your hero Vlad was a cannibal. I already pointed that out to you.

Anything you learned from White people came from brainwashed White people. Apart from that, everything you learned about White people came from jews. Which is worse than the pot calling the kettle black. Apparently, the real truth isn't even allowed at this forum. Need proof? Go to the History section and scroll down. You will find a thread with some interesting pictures. It is called "The holocaust. The fake history." The thread was closed down to debate and the person who wrote it was banned. Look at the thread and see what is REALLY being hidden.
Vlad the impaler was was a cannibal and the origin of the vampire legend which white people love. I dont understand why you think you have the moral justification to send anyone back anywhere unless you are indigenous to the americas. if youre not then you should take your cave chimp, flea bitten self back to the caves of europe so you can be with your fellow cave chimps.

In parts of what used to be Yugoslavia, Vlad Tepish is viewed as a hero. If you were to go there and talk to some of the historians there, you would probably hear a different story. Also, being White of European descent gives me all the justification I need. And in a historical sense, it gives me more justification than the warlike, conquering sand negeros who made up the Roman Empire.

As for the indains, some of the tribes in North America tried to wipe each other out too. No moral high ground there. They also used to do things like skin their captives alive with sharpened clamb shells, stake them out on large ant mounds, etc. etc. etc. No moral high ground there. Sometimes they would let their women torture captives. Whom I've heard were especially vicious. And if the women were getting in on the action, some of the children probably were too. No moral high ground there. The mexican indains used to rip out the hearts of their captives as an offering to their gods. The bodies were then consumed by the populace. No moral high ground there. Also, apart from being ugly, natives of the Western hemisphere tend to suffer more from obesity and diabetes. No genetic high ground there. So if anybody around here is a chimp, it is you. That's the truth. Deal with it.
I'm pretty sure a cannibal is a hero to whites. You've coveted human flesh as long as you have existed due to your neanderthal genes most likely.

I dont know why you went on that rant about the natives of the americas but i wasnt impressed at your deflection. The Roman empire was not in the americas dummy. It was in mainly in europe. You still havent answered my question concerning why you think you have the moral justification to send anyone anywhere. Youre a white cave monkey and as such not fit render any opinion of a moral nature considering the savagery of your race.

I don't know where you learned what you think you know about White people. But I have never heard of a White cannibal that other White people consider to be a hero. Next, YOU are the one who brought up the moral justification of the indeginous americans. Next, YOU are the one who apparently has the problem with White people in this country and what they did to the indains. But the indains were far worse. And YOU even went as far back as cave man days when talking about White people in Europe. But it wasn't the White Europeans who the Roman empire conquered or tried to conquer who were causing the problems.

Next, if everything I said doesn't tell you of the moral justification of White people, nothing will. Another thing is that if you aren't White, you don't have any business telling White people anything about what White people do. Just as a bobcat has no business telling a lynx anything about what lynx do. Or as a mule deer has no business telling a white tail deer anything about what white tail deer do. Or as a bottle nose dolphin has no business telling spotted dolphins anything about what spotted dolphins do. Etc. into infinity.
i learned what i know about white people from....white people. You guys have this happen of documenting your atrocities then trying to hide them so you look good. White people have zero moral justification. They arent even native to the americas They are the most violent virus ever to inhabit the planet. Your hero Vlad was a cannibal. I already pointed that out to you.

Anything you learned from White people came from brainwashed White people. Apart from that, everything you learned about White people came from jews. Which is worse than the pot calling the kettle black. Apparently, the real truth isn't even allowed at this forum. Need proof? Go to the History section and scroll down. You will find a thread with some interesting pictures. It is called "The holocaust. The fake history." The thread was closed down to debate and the person who wrote it was banned. Look at the thread and see what is REALLY being hidden.
Most white people are brainwashed. Very few of them have a grasp on reality which is why we have a racist system in place. The problem is that they documented all of their shit so all I have to do is read it. Those Jews you are talking about are white as well. The Ashkenazi Jews are not the original ones. However, I'm not talking about them and yes they have told about you pale pink people as well. I just got to the part in your post where you claim the Holocaust was not real. You just lost the little teeny bit of cred you had with that statement. You take your meds OK?

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