The difference between hell and Hell

Hell has not yet been created, and will not be until the judgement.

Hell does not exist yet

The Bible states hell has been created for Satan and his bad angels already. I have to admit Matthew is a tough book to read.

“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." Matthew 25:41 It's those in Hades (eventually everyone) who still await final judgement. If you're really bad, then you could suffer in Hades, too, such as the rich man who didn't do anything for Lazarus.
Are you saying Hades has a section for sort of bad people awaiting final judgement and eternal fire for "really bad" people?

Yes, Hades, the temporary resting place for the dead, has already been separated to those who made it and those who didn't. On the side who didn't make it, apparently there are a few who have begun their suffering already.
So what if Lazarus felt bad about the bad rich man's soul burning for the last 2 thousand years and asked God to release him? Would that be possible?

Probably not. The only chance you have for redemption is in this life and this life alone. There is no pleading for the souls of the dead because like it's written: It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.

I'm just going by what's written in the Bible. Lazarus no matter what sins he committed in his short life, will probably be exonerated as a glorious testimony to the power that Christ has over death.
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Probably not. The only chance you have for redemption is in this life and this life alone. There is no pleading for the souls of the dead because like it's written: It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.

I'm just going by what's written in the Bible.

Netflix disagrees with you.

Hell has not yet been created, and will not be until the judgement.

Hell does not exist yet
You know stuff.

Theses less pagan influencecwith this on3.

I don't really know much, just forwarding what I've heard.
Hell as is traditionally preached by "christians" is borrowed from paganism and isnt reality.

At the end of all this the earth will become a Lake of Fire and that will be that. God, the Father will then reform the earth before He comes down from heaven to make His home ON EARTH with resurrected Man (His children)

The Biblical depiction of hell was written long before Paganism, and translated from the original Aramaic, Latin,Hebrew, and Greek. You're right about the meek inheriting the earth, though. That will happen when what's in Revelations plays out.
Probably not. The only chance you have for redemption is in this life and this life alone. There is no pleading for the souls of the dead because like it's written: It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.

I'm just going by what's written in the Bible.

Netflix disagrees with you.


Netflix be damned. The majority of the Bible was written by you Jews, and I trust you enough to believe that you know what you're saying.
The Bible states hell has been created for Satan and his bad angels already. I have to admit Matthew is a tough book to read.

“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." Matthew 25:41 It's those in Hades (eventually everyone) who still await final judgement. If you're really bad, then you could suffer in Hades, too, such as the rich man who didn't do anything for Lazarus.
Are you saying Hades has a section for sort of bad people awaiting final judgement and eternal fire for "really bad" people?

Yes, Hades, the temporary resting place for the dead, has already been separated to those who made it and those who didn't. On the side who didn't make it, apparently there are a few who have begun their suffering already.
So what if Lazarus felt bad about the bad rich man's soul burning for the last 2 thousand years and asked God to release him? Would that be possible?

I suppose Lazarus is sleeping and won't know about the rich man's suffering. It won't be up to him to judge the fate of the rich man, but Jesus. Some Bible scholars think it was a parable that Jesus told. However, if it was about a real people, then that is what I heard happened to the rich man. Apparently, some could be in some form of torment already in Hades as the rich man was thirsty and he wanted to warn his brothers. The length of time of where one goes is moot. You either are destined for heaven or hell. It is said God already knows who will make it and who won't. That was already predestined. All we can do is fulfill our destiny.

Anyway, today it has come down to creation vs. evolution. It has always been about creation vs. evolution as long as humans lived. I think both are "faith based," but only one side has the real evidence. The other side is wrong about everything. The way it has turned out and is turning out is they contradict each other perfectly.
I don't understand what you mean that "Lazarus is sleeping". Why would people be sleeping in Heaven? And My question was not about Lazarus judging the rich man, but showing compassion for him in the afterlife. And what God's reaction to such compassion would be.

All the dead are sleeping, awaiting the Second Coming, at which point they will be awakened to stand judgement.
Hell has not yet been created, and will not be until the judgement.

Hell does not exist yet

The Bible states hell has been created for Satan and his bad angels already. I have to admit Matthew is a tough book to read.

“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." Matthew 25:41 It's those in Hades (eventually everyone) who still await final judgement. If you're really bad, then you could suffer in Hades, too, such as the rich man who didn't do anything for Lazarus.
Are you saying Hades has a section for sort of bad people awaiting final judgement and eternal fire for "really bad" people?

Yes, Hades, the temporary resting place for the dead, has already been separated to those who made it and those who didn't. On the side who didn't make it, apparently there are a few who have begun their suffering already.

You mean like Democrats?

I think politics does come into play today because many Democrats have become atheists and evolutionists since the 1850s. Politics probably had less effect prior to that as creation scientists were still able to participate in science forums, journals, and peer-reviews, i.e. secular science was still mixed beliefs.
Probably not. The only chance you have for redemption is in this life and this life alone. There is no pleading for the souls of the dead because like it's written: It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.

I'm just going by what's written in the Bible.

Netflix disagrees with you.


Netflix be damned. The majority of the Bible was written by you Jews, and I trust you enough to believe that you know what you're saying.

The Torah ... which xtian's appropriated as their bible ... contains no references to Hell as a place of eternal damnation.

So, I'm willing to take the word of Veronica Mars and Sam Malone on this one.
Are you saying Hades has a section for sort of bad people awaiting final judgement and eternal fire for "really bad" people?

Yes, Hades, the temporary resting place for the dead, has already been separated to those who made it and those who didn't. On the side who didn't make it, apparently there are a few who have begun their suffering already.
So what if Lazarus felt bad about the bad rich man's soul burning for the last 2 thousand years and asked God to release him? Would that be possible?

I suppose Lazarus is sleeping and won't know about the rich man's suffering. It won't be up to him to judge the fate of the rich man, but Jesus. Some Bible scholars think it was a parable that Jesus told. However, if it was about a real people, then that is what I heard happened to the rich man. Apparently, some could be in some form of torment already in Hades as the rich man was thirsty and he wanted to warn his brothers. The length of time of where one goes is moot. You either are destined for heaven or hell. It is said God already knows who will make it and who won't. That was already predestined. All we can do is fulfill our destiny.

Anyway, today it has come down to creation vs. evolution. It has always been about creation vs. evolution as long as humans lived. I think both are "faith based," but only one side has the real evidence. The other side is wrong about everything. The way it has turned out and is turning out is they contradict each other perfectly.
I don't understand what you mean that "Lazarus is sleeping". Why would people be sleeping in Heaven? And My question was not about Lazarus judging the rich man, but showing compassion for him in the afterlife. And what God's reaction to such compassion would be.

All the dead are sleeping, awaiting the Second Coming, at which point they will be awakened to stand judgement.

Dante, a deeply religions xtian philosopher, states that the dead have already been judged and occupy Hell and it's outer regions.
The Bible states hell has been created for Satan and his bad angels already. I have to admit Matthew is a tough book to read.

“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." Matthew 25:41 It's those in Hades (eventually everyone) who still await final judgement. If you're really bad, then you could suffer in Hades, too, such as the rich man who didn't do anything for Lazarus.
Are you saying Hades has a section for sort of bad people awaiting final judgement and eternal fire for "really bad" people?

Yes, Hades, the temporary resting place for the dead, has already been separated to those who made it and those who didn't. On the side who didn't make it, apparently there are a few who have begun their suffering already.
So what if Lazarus felt bad about the bad rich man's soul burning for the last 2 thousand years and asked God to release him? Would that be possible?

I suppose Lazarus is sleeping and won't know about the rich man's suffering. It won't be up to him to judge the fate of the rich man, but Jesus. Some Bible scholars think it was a parable that Jesus told. However, if it was about a real people, then that is what I heard happened to the rich man. Apparently, some could be in some form of torment already in Hades as the rich man was thirsty and he wanted to warn his brothers. The length of time of where one goes is moot. You either are destined for heaven or hell. It is said God already knows who will make it and who won't. That was already predestined. All we can do is fulfill our destiny.

Anyway, today it has come down to creation vs. evolution. It has always been about creation vs. evolution as long as humans lived. I think both are "faith based," but only one side has the real evidence. The other side is wrong about everything. The way it has turned out and is turning out is they contradict each other perfectly.
I don't understand what you mean that "Lazarus is sleeping". Why would people be sleeping in Heaven? And My question was not about Lazarus judging the rich man, but showing compassion for him in the afterlife. And what God's reaction to such compassion would be.

When people die, they end up going to Hades where even Jesus went. I think it is called the realm or place of the dead and after death one is guided to their side. Jesus went to the Abraham side and took his Apostles and other believers to heaven during Resurrection. I said Lazarus was sleeping because most of us would be sleeping in the land of the dead awaiting final judgement. The parable says that Lazarus was in Abraham's bosom or his side while the rich man was in torment.
Probably not. The only chance you have for redemption is in this life and this life alone. There is no pleading for the souls of the dead because like it's written: It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.

I'm just going by what's written in the Bible.

Netflix disagrees with you.


Netflix be damned. The majority of the Bible was written by you Jews, and I trust you enough to believe that you know what you're saying.

The Torah ... which xtian's appropriated as their bible ... contains no references to Hell as a place of eternal damnation.

So, I'm willing to take the word of Veronica Mars and Sam Malone on this one.

That's probably because Elohim didn't give us the concept of hell until He gave us his son Jesus Christ and His plan for redemption. Elohim loves you people more than anyone else, as you are His chosen people. But He has extended his love to all, including we lowly Gentiles. After many attempts to bring you to Him, including the Great Flood and all those times you turned you faces away from Him, He has given you one final way to avoid the eternal damnation and misery which awaits those who forsake Him: His only begotten son, Jesus Christ. Those who believe upon Him will not be forgotten, but will live eternally in the presence of Elohim.
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Yes, Hades, the temporary resting place for the dead, has already been separated to those who made it and those who didn't. On the side who didn't make it, apparently there are a few who have begun their suffering already.
So what if Lazarus felt bad about the bad rich man's soul burning for the last 2 thousand years and asked God to release him? Would that be possible?

I suppose Lazarus is sleeping and won't know about the rich man's suffering. It won't be up to him to judge the fate of the rich man, but Jesus. Some Bible scholars think it was a parable that Jesus told. However, if it was about a real people, then that is what I heard happened to the rich man. Apparently, some could be in some form of torment already in Hades as the rich man was thirsty and he wanted to warn his brothers. The length of time of where one goes is moot. You either are destined for heaven or hell. It is said God already knows who will make it and who won't. That was already predestined. All we can do is fulfill our destiny.

Anyway, today it has come down to creation vs. evolution. It has always been about creation vs. evolution as long as humans lived. I think both are "faith based," but only one side has the real evidence. The other side is wrong about everything. The way it has turned out and is turning out is they contradict each other perfectly.
I don't understand what you mean that "Lazarus is sleeping". Why would people be sleeping in Heaven? And My question was not about Lazarus judging the rich man, but showing compassion for him in the afterlife. And what God's reaction to such compassion would be.

All the dead are sleeping, awaiting the Second Coming, at which point they will be awakened to stand judgement.

Dante, a deeply religions xtian philosopher, states that the dead have already been judged and occupy Hell and it's outer regions.

Dante was of Catholicism, which I have issues with. They kinda went full-retard with murdering Jews during the Crusades but I will say, they're the only ones around here who occasionally stand outside their church with anti-abortion signs. Plus they have some pretty good spaghetti suppers.
Dante, a deeply religions xtian philosopher, states that the dead have already been judged and occupy Hell and it's outer regions.

Dante Aligheiri? I doubt he was deeply religious, but more of a Christian rebel. His Divine Comedy does explain the classical and medieval beliefs in the "finest poem of the Middle Ages," and explains why he became so famous and popular. Maybe who you are thinking of as deeply religious was John Milton, a Puritan, who wrote Paradise Lost. That explains biblical actions and behaviors even though it should not be treated as biblical or biblical facts. I would think, for the most part, it explains and applies what is in the Bible.
All the dead are sleeping, awaiting the Second Coming, at which point they will be awakened to stand judgement.

What the Second Coming resolved for me was the greatest thing I ever heard an atheist say. This was after Professor Lawrence Krauss of Arizona State University debated Christian apologist William Lane Craig. During the debat, Krauss was asked if anything would change his atheist beliefs of no God and he said if God rearranged the stars to form the message, "I'm here."

A few days later, an atheist made the front page of a local SF-Bay Area paper when he said that God rearranging the stars to say, "I'm here" was not good enough because the people on the other side of the hemisphere would not see it. He went further and stated every atheist past, present, and future must be convinced.

This year, I learned that the Bible had already prophecized that "every eye will see" during the second coming of Jesus. This meant that all of humans matters will be resolved once and for all on Earth. That was great although the atheist wasn't told that.
All the dead are sleeping, awaiting the Second Coming, at which point they will be awakened to stand judgement.

What the Second Coming resolved for me was the greatest thing I ever heard an atheist say. This was after Professor Lawrence Krauss of Arizona State University debated Christian apologist William Lane Craig. During the debat, Krauss was asked if anything would change his atheist beliefs of no God and he said if God rearranged the stars to form the message, "I'm here."

A few days later, an atheist made the front page of a local SF-Bay Area paper when he said that God rearranging the stars to say, "I'm here" was not good enough because the people on the other side of the hemisphere would not see it. He went further and stated every atheist past, present, and future must be convinced.

This year, I learned that the Bible had already prophecized that "every eye will see" during the second coming of Jesus. This meant that all of humans matters will be resolved once and for all on Earth. That was great although the atheist wasn't told that.

I doubt if those atheists would even recognize the signs.

Matthew 16:4
4A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah." Jesus then left them and went away.
The Bible states hell has been created for Satan and his bad angels already. I have to admit Matthew is a tough book to read.

“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." Matthew 25:41 It's those in Hades (eventually everyone) who still await final judgement. If you're really bad, then you could suffer in Hades, too, such as the rich man who didn't do anything for Lazarus.
Are you saying Hades has a section for sort of bad people awaiting final judgement and eternal fire for "really bad" people?

Yes, Hades, the temporary resting place for the dead, has already been separated to those who made it and those who didn't. On the side who didn't make it, apparently there are a few who have begun their suffering already.
So what if Lazarus felt bad about the bad rich man's soul burning for the last 2 thousand years and asked God to release him? Would that be possible?

I suppose Lazarus is sleeping and won't know about the rich man's suffering. It won't be up to him to judge the fate of the rich man, but Jesus. Some Bible scholars think it was a parable that Jesus told. However, if it was about a real people, then that is what I heard happened to the rich man. Apparently, some could be in some form of torment already in Hades as the rich man was thirsty and he wanted to warn his brothers. The length of time of where one goes is moot. You either are destined for heaven or hell. It is said God already knows who will make it and who won't. That was already predestined. All we can do is fulfill our destiny.

Anyway, today it has come down to creation vs. evolution. It has always been about creation vs. evolution as long as humans lived. I think both are "faith based," but only one side has the real evidence. The other side is wrong about everything. The way it has turned out and is turning out is they contradict each other perfectly.

Creation is "faith based". However, evolution is believed by the same people who believe that cutting off your dick makes you a "woman", and the seas are wiping out the coastal areas.
Every system is founded on axioms or truths accepted a priori, or on the basis of faith, there's no denying it, this of course, include's Bacon's method (e.x. based on induction) and the theories or mathematical approximations of reality, the universe, or the cosmos which exist within its system, boundaries, and / or parameters.

The development of said scientific theories, such as evolution and others, and the philosophical axioms upon which the development of said theories themselves are often founded and practiced to begin with, would run contrary to the philosophical axioms espoused by one known as "John Gault" to begin with anyway, say of that what you will.
there is no god so no hell

You must be a Northern Baptist. They say "There is no hell", while the Southern Baptists say "The hell there ain't."
I'm a Festivist

I'm a Pastafarian

Flying spaghetti monster? At least you'll never be hungry, as long as you have a jar or two of Ragu. :04:
I think it's beyond a reasonable doubt that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is aesthetically inferior to Michaelangelo's Creation of Adam, for example.

And given that ultimately, science (as in Baconian science), its mathematical theories and approximations are just an aesthetic end in and of themselves (not to erreonously conflate Baconian science, or "scientism" with "atheism" in the simplest or the broadest sense to begin with anyway), then that alone would be reason enough to favor the deity depicted in the Creation of Adam over the aesthetically, creatively, and intellectually inferior "FSM", much as I'm sure the ladies would prefer the company of Adam to that hideous abomination and the nearly equally hideous abominatons and beasts who pay homage to it, having so much more in common with its ugliness and evolutionary defectiveness, akin to the dietary, hygienic, and mating behaviors and preferences of less evolved apes than a being like Adam does anyway.

Not that Adam nor Yahweh as depicted in such artwork was ever held nor said to "look like that" anyway, the idol or graven image in question merely meant to be representational of the transcendent ideas or abstract concepts which it represented...
I suppose Lazarus is sleeping and won't know about the rich man's suffering. It won't be up to him to judge the fate of the rich man, but Jesus. Some Bible scholars think it was a parable that Jesus told. However, if it was about a real people, then that is what I heard happened to the rich man. Apparently, some could be in some form of torment already in Hades as the rich man was thirsty and he wanted to warn his brothers. The length of time of where one goes is moot. You either are destined for heaven or hell. It is said God already knows who will make it and who won't. That was already predestined. All we can do is fulfill our destiny.

It was a parable.
Anyway, today it has come down to creation vs. evolution. It has always been about creation vs. evolution as long as humans lived. I think both are "faith based," but only one side has the real evidence. The other side is wrong about everything. The way it has turned out and is turning out is they contradict each other perfectly.

Not true.

Before the idea of evolution based on the poor philosophy of Kant, the idea of the process of life was mostly transformation.

Greeks saying humans come from fish, and other cultures mentioning several similar cases. The Talmud, the book of Muslims, the Popoh Vul of Mayans, and legends from aborigines of South America, all of them declared the phenomenon of apes as transformations from humans.

In the former eras they witnessed events which caused species to bring off spring deformed and with birth defects. They considered those mutations as "transformations" and generalized the idea for explaining the variety of species. They didn't considered those changes as evolution.
Hell, a word that lots of people are afraid of, and until today no one can describe a phenomenon that nobody has witnessed.

We are in a weird status here, believing in the existence of God by faith and believing in the existence of hell also by... faith? (yeah! move it to philosophy)
Hell, a word that lots of people are afraid of, and until today no one can describe a phenomenon that nobody has witnessed.

We are in a weird status here, believing in the existence of God by faith and believing in the existence of hell also by... faith? (yeah! move it to philosophy)
It seems to me a logical conclusion that God, whoever or whatever that may be, would have absolutely no reason to set up an eternal torture chamber for beings of his or its creation.

It also seems to me a logical conclusion that Hell was a creation by men trying to instill fear for the purposes of belief and conformance in their religion.
It seems to me a logical conclusion that God, whoever or whatever that may be, would have absolutely no reason to set up an eternal torture chamber for beings of his or its creation. [/QUOTE

That is correct. The idea taken from the bible is more guided to a death sentence burning the people/souls - and becoming ashes, not so eternal punishment but death.

It also seems to me a logical conclusion that Hell was a creation by men trying to instill fear for the purposes of belief and conformance in their religion.

It is a mixture of different beliefs from different cultures with different gods and doctrines. The purpose, at the end, must be the one you are mentioning. There is not such a character found in the "personality" of the god of the bible the act of punishing with eternal suffering for all eternity.

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