The difference between how the GOP treated Bill Clinton vs Donald Trump.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Republicans chased Bill Clinton from when he was voted into office. Monica wasn't even working in the White House during their first few failed investigations.

And finally, they got a false denial of a BJ after many, many millions of dollars of tax payer money wasted.

Trump on the other hand has been accused of working with the Russians. Well, we know all the Trump/Russian connections. We have them from Trump family statements. Trump even gave classified material to the Russians after barring the American media from his office.

So, which is a greater threat to the country? Russia or a BJ?

So if Republicans insisted on so many investigations of the Clinton's, shouldn't they be held to the same standard for Trump?

After all, let's say it again, which is a greater threat to the country? Russia or a BJ?
The Whitewater farce ending years later in impeachment over a consensual blowjob was a total mockery. Republicans have no right to complain about investigations after their countless failed/fake investigations they launch whenever one of their talk radio hosts riles the base up over something fake.
The Whitewater farce ending years later in impeachment over a consensual blowjob was a total mockery. Republicans have no right to complain about investigations after their countless failed/fake investigations they launch whenever one of their talk radio hosts riles the base up over something fake.
Hey bed wetter, your meat puppet faggot implied the Russian were no longer a threat remember? So you mean the reset failed, you admit obozo actually is an incompetent boob?

Of course you have to ignore the fact slick was impeached for perjury, not a hummer or using Monica as a cigar humidifier.

If democrooks had the slightest bit of ethics they would have voted to convict.

Then again Ted Kennedy killed a woman and democrooks kept him in the senate.

You are a pathetic piece of shit Deanturd. I hope you walk in front of a bus or get beaten to death by a homeless illegal alien.

Yes, the hypocrisy of partisans is hardly surprising. It's gone on for eons. Conversely, the Democrats have hammered Trump for all of his fib telling, while conveniently ignoring all of Obama's. The pots shouldn't be calling the kettles black.
Hey bed wetter, your meat puppet faggot implied the Russian were no longer a threat remember? So you mean the reset failed, you admit obozo actually is an incompetent boob?

Of course you have to ignore the fact slick was impeached for perjury, not a hummer or using Monica as a cigar humidifier.

If democrooks had the slightest bit of ethics they would have voted to convict.

Then again Ted Kennedy killed a woman and democrooks kept him in the senate.

You are a pathetic piece of shit Deanturd. I hope you walk in front of a bus or get beaten to death by a homeless illegal alien.

How did Obama and Kennedy impact Bill and Don's investigations?

And I said the lie was a denial over a BJ, which is was.

Trump said he has no involvement with Russians. His business dealings and his kids say otherwise.

So a BJ is a bigger threat than an enemy of America?

Perhaps you would be happier in Moscow?

Have you ever considered moving there?
Yes, the hypocrisy of partisans is hardly surprising. It's gone on for eons. Conversely, the Democrats have hammered Trump for all of his fib telling, while conveniently ignoring all of Obama's. The pots shouldn't be calling the kettles black.
All of Obama's lies?

With the GOP controlling both houses for most of Obama's two terms, if there were some there there, they would have found it and used it. Believe it.
At least Trumps not fucking chicks in the White House like dirty Billy
The investigation into Clinton started out as an investigation into the Whitewater law firm. Finding it to be a giant nothing burger, Ken Starr moved on to more salacious material. Four years and tens of millions of dollars later, the nation found itself reading about spunk on a blue dress in the newspaper.

I was in Greece on a break from Bosnia when that shit hit the papers. Imagine how it felt to be an American in a faraway land and seeing your President's face next to a photo of an ugly intern on the front page of a foreign paper.

Fun times.

Here we are, only six months into an investigation into Trump and the pseuedocons are already whining it has gone on too long.
Republicans chased Bill Clinton from when he was voted into office. Monica wasn't even working in the White House during their first few failed investigations.

And finally, they got a false denial of a BJ after many, many millions of dollars of tax payer money wasted.

Trump on the other hand has been accused of working with the Russians. Well, we know all the Trump/Russian connections. We have them from Trump family statements. Trump even gave classified material to the Russians after barring the American media from his office.

So, which is a greater threat to the country? Russia or a BJ?

So if Republicans insisted on so many investigations of the Clinton's, shouldn't they be held to the same standard for Trump?

After all, let's say it again, which is a greater threat to the country? Russia or a BJ?
Bill Clinton perjured himself with the BLUE DRESS, then didn't get impeached because establishment republicans like John(Song Bird) McCain didn't vote to impeach, yet there is only the Charge, with no evidence of Trump Collusion, yet you dumbfucks have OCD for the President. More like PTDS or President Trump Dysfunction Syndrome, and he continues to beat you libtards up mentally, because he keeps on winning and winning, while you are whining and whining.....MAGA, baby,.
Anyone need to see a sample of all the topics on this forum screaming for Obama's impeachment?

Karma's a bitch, baby. I just love it when pseudocons get bitch slapped by their own benchmarks.

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