The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative Posters on This Forum


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Both resort to sarcasm and insults, although Liberals seem to have the edge on sexual innuendo. However, I have noticed that, while Conservatives tend to argue policies, Liberals tend to argue politics (i.e., who is going to get elected). Is this just an ends/means dichotomy, or is something else at play?
Most of the time liberal's own posts are so dripping with idiocy they are self mocking, I just sit back and laugh.
Both resort to sarcasm and insults, although Liberals seem to have the edge on sexual innuendo. However, I have noticed that, while Conservatives tend to argue policies, Liberals tend to argue politics (i.e., who is going to get elected). Is this just an ends/means dichotomy, or is something else at play?
Astute observations. Leftists don't discuss policy because they fail at those debates, so they engage in the politics of political destruction. Donald Trump is an outstanding recent example of this. They won't debate him because they know he's right and he would trounce all over them in any debate.

It will be interesting once debates are hosted between the Hildabeast and the GOP nominee because she can't debate worth crap and any on of the GOP candidates running today will run circles around her.
As this thread so perfectly demonstrates, most of the conservatives here are primarily focused on whining about how meeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaan those awful liberals are.
With the serious hacks (far right and left) the only way I can tell em apart is by what ideology they're embracing......... :eusa_whistle:
Most conservatives and liberals have actual discussions, obviously there's not many of those........
Biggest difference between liberals and conservatives has been and will always be.........about the "results". To conservatives, results matter. To liberals, they don't.......if the intentions are good with liberals, that's all that matters!!!

Will never change.

Its just two different ways of processing thoughts.
Biggest difference between liberals and conservatives has been and will always be.........about the "results". To conservatives, results matter. To liberals, they don't.......if the intentions are good with liberals, that's all that matters!!!

Will never change.

Its just two different ways of processing thoughts.

Which is why there's a long list of myths they promoted over the last 50 years that proved to be false. But they never admit error, they just move on to the next myth

1. Global Warming

2. Global cooling

3. The Population Bomb

4. The "hole in the ozone"

5. DDT is bad for the environment

6. Dwindling world oil supply

7. AIDS is just as much a heterosexual disease

8. 1 in 10 men are gay

9. Communism will work under the right conditions

10. Irradiating food is bad
So many vulgar, misinformed Pubtrolls avoiding solutions and facts at all costs...
Which is why there's a long list of myths they promoted over the last 50 years that proved to be false. But they never admit error, they just move on to the next myth

1. Global Warming TRUE

2. Global cooling TRUE but #1 changed everything

3. The Population Bomb TRUE

4. The "hole in the ozone" TRUE

5. DDT is bad for the environment TRUE

6. Dwindling world oil supply TRUE

7. AIDS is just as much a heterosexual disease TRUE and in Africa it definitely is.

8. 1 in 10 men are gay Certainly hasn't been proven to be untrue

9. Communism will work under the right conditions I'll give you this one

10. Irradiating food is bad DEPENDS
I'm afraid your record sucks. Only one definitely untrue and two maybes. :funnyface:
Both resort to sarcasm and insults, although Liberals seem to have the edge on sexual innuendo. However, I have noticed that, while Conservatives tend to argue policies, Liberals tend to argue politics (i.e., who is going to get elected). Is this just an ends/means dichotomy, or is something else at play?

Are we really still calling this cesspool a "forum"?

Not even the "Clean" debate board is serious discussion.

I hereby apologize for all my sexual innuendo.

Both resort to sarcasm and insults, although Liberals seem to have the edge on sexual innuendo. However, I have noticed that, while Conservatives tend to argue policies, Liberals tend to argue politics (i.e., who is going to get elected). Is this just an ends/means dichotomy, or is something else at play?

"Is this just an ends/means dichotomy, or is something else at play?"

Well, what policies are left in the liberal playbook. If you don't have anything, you surely can't present it. Liberalism had a fun 6 years.

I guess that is why there are so many angry right wingers!!

Oh the little gun toting fist pumping right winger is so cute when he's mad! Oh yes you are you little commie hating rascal you!
Both resort to sarcasm and insults, although Liberals seem to have the edge on sexual innuendo. However, I have noticed that, while Conservatives tend to argue policies, Liberals tend to argue politics (i.e., who is going to get elected). Is this just an ends/means dichotomy, or is something else at play?
Sarcasm and insults are merely choices for conservatives.

Liberals are the ones who resort to them.
Both resort to sarcasm and insults, although Liberals seem to have the edge on sexual innuendo. However, I have noticed that, while Conservatives tend to argue policies, Liberals tend to argue politics (i.e., who is going to get elected). Is this just an ends/means dichotomy, or is something else at play?

In other words, they root for their party even though they have no clue about policies. No surprise there. Many libs argue based on their emotions and their candidates are all about emotional issues and they claim they will make people feel better. The emotional people don't understand how things work so they take the word of those who claim they will fix things. And their candidates never expect much of them other than voting.
Both resort to sarcasm and insults, although Liberals seem to have the edge on sexual innuendo. However, I have noticed that, while Conservatives tend to argue policies, Liberals tend to argue politics (i.e., who is going to get elected). Is this just an ends/means dichotomy, or is something else at play?
Sarcasm and insults are merely choices for conservatives.

Liberals are the ones who resort to them.

I tend to respond to insults with insults. Just trying to speak their language to get their attention.
Both resort to sarcasm and insults, although Liberals seem to have the edge on sexual innuendo. However, I have noticed that, while Conservatives tend to argue policies, Liberals tend to argue politics (i.e., who is going to get elected). Is this just an ends/means dichotomy, or is something else at play?

I haven't noticed many people wanting to talk policy.

I think this is more of a perception issue than reality.

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