The Difference

Trump got it right. There's a lot of extreme hate on both sides. There's no doubt, Soros-funded groups are behind this latest manufactured 'Crisis.' Just follow the money, it will lead to Soros. But Trump did nail it. There's so much hate on both sides. I know the Democrat Fake News is continuing on with their faux outrage over his comments, but i feel his comments were both appropriate and accurate.
Because no one was posting about it?

Really? You were and you weren't very interested in defending their rights then either.

"The worst thing Westboro does is picket like assholes, occasionally get accosted for it, and sue like the whiny little bitches they are."

"Most of them would be first time offenders, so as long as they didnt kill or permanently maim any of them they would likely get off with a wrist slap.

The trouble comes from the fact that alot of those westboro idiots are lawyers. I would assume anyone sued for pounding on those idiots would get some pro bono legal representation."

Wow, you spent all that time looking up quotes from me?

thanks for letting me live rent free in your head.

Did I ever say violence was justified?

I just grabbed the first couple I saw, took about 20 seconds. And yeah, you implied violence was justified because the offenders would probably get legal council for free.

Not at all. From what I remember most of those protests were at private funerals, and were basically saying a person's loved one is now in hell. That's much closer to fighting words than running around with a nazi flag.

Their protests were still legal, are you bending the rules on the 1st amendment?

not at all, those people got arrested, and deserve legal representation, right?

And the 1st amendment involves government suppression of speech. did you find me calling for government to quash the Westboro morons?
Really? You were and you weren't very interested in defending their rights then either.

"The worst thing Westboro does is picket like assholes, occasionally get accosted for it, and sue like the whiny little bitches they are."

"Most of them would be first time offenders, so as long as they didnt kill or permanently maim any of them they would likely get off with a wrist slap.

The trouble comes from the fact that alot of those westboro idiots are lawyers. I would assume anyone sued for pounding on those idiots would get some pro bono legal representation."

Wow, you spent all that time looking up quotes from me?

thanks for letting me live rent free in your head.

Did I ever say violence was justified?

I just grabbed the first couple I saw, took about 20 seconds. And yeah, you implied violence was justified because the offenders would probably get legal council for free.

Not at all. From what I remember most of those protests were at private funerals, and were basically saying a person's loved one is now in hell. That's much closer to fighting words than running around with a nazi flag.

Their protests were still legal, are you bending the rules on the 1st amendment?

not at all, those people got arrested, and deserve legal representation, right?

And the 1st amendment involves government suppression of speech. did you find me calling for government to quash the Westboro morons?

Were you defending their rights? Nope.
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?

If the KKK is having a rally and you don't like the KKK, don't show up. You could get killed and the President won't even defend you.

Says the far left drone that supported the killing of cops!
What a fucking cock sucker you are. I'm agreeing with your side you fucking idiot.

And I don't support killing cops unless they are bad cops. Lots of bad cops out there and yes bad/crooked cops should be put to death. Just like bad citizens should be put to death. Are you suddenly against the death penalty?

We give them incredible power and if they abuse it they need to go.

Why not? When you hear about an abusive corrupt cop, why would you not give that scum a lethal dose of something? Imagine how many lives they purposely ruined.

What, you defend bad cops now too?

Of course not, I just don't condone executing someone because they are corrupt. Frankly, I don't support he death penalty.
I wouldn't disagree under normal circumstances. These guys came geared up and armed up. Most of the counter protestors were in normal clothing. There is no "both sides are to blame".
NBC/ABC showed a picture of one anti-racist protester with an aerosol can that he had lit off the spray and was trying to burn one of the racists. That's not violence? From what I saw some on both sides came prepared for violence so denying it is ludicrous at best. Granted no one on the anti-racist side ran anyone over in a vehicle like that sick fuck did but violence is still violence and needs to be denounced in and of itself.

Trying to burn?
Maybe taunting.

View attachment 143975
You're justifying an overt act of violence? You're no better than they are.

You guys don't justify overt acts of violence? Think long and hard before you answer

Republican politician who body slammed reporter avoids jail time

I didn't have to because of this moronic statement;
"You guys".
Obviously you popped in without reading anything else I posted and completely misconstrued my intent...... But I would expect that from an emotive hack.

You just reminded me of that body slamming Republican when you said "You're justifying an overt act of violence? You're no better than they are"

It made me think of when that Republican body slammed the reporter and you right wing losers came to the politicians defense.
Wow, you spent all that time looking up quotes from me?

thanks for letting me live rent free in your head.

Did I ever say violence was justified?

I just grabbed the first couple I saw, took about 20 seconds. And yeah, you implied violence was justified because the offenders would probably get legal council for free.

Not at all. From what I remember most of those protests were at private funerals, and were basically saying a person's loved one is now in hell. That's much closer to fighting words than running around with a nazi flag.

Their protests were still legal, are you bending the rules on the 1st amendment?

not at all, those people got arrested, and deserve legal representation, right?

And the 1st amendment involves government suppression of speech. did you find me calling for government to quash the Westboro morons?

Were you defending their rights? Nope.

Did I ever say they couldn't protest?

Did I say the people beating them up should not be prosecuted?

Maybe my concern is greater here because your side continues to try to link white nationalism with conservatism as a whole, and justification of "Nazi punching" will sooner or later morph into justification of (punching anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney)

As a expansion on that. Do i get some primal satisfaction seeing a Nazi, a westboro jackass or a an Anti-fa person getting their ass kicked? Sure I do, lets attribute it to the lizard part of ones brain. but that is a one on one thing, and still doesn't justify using violence to stop free speech exercises.
If the KKK is having a rally and you don't like the KKK, don't show up. You could get killed and the President won't even defend you.

Says the far left drone that supported the killing of cops!
What a fucking cock sucker you are. I'm agreeing with your side you fucking idiot.

And I don't support killing cops unless they are bad cops. Lots of bad cops out there and yes bad/crooked cops should be put to death. Just like bad citizens should be put to death. Are you suddenly against the death penalty?

We give them incredible power and if they abuse it they need to go.

Why not? When you hear about an abusive corrupt cop, why would you not give that scum a lethal dose of something? Imagine how many lives they purposely ruined.

What, you defend bad cops now too?

Of course not, I just don't condone executing someone because they are corrupt. Frankly, I don't support he death penalty.

I'm really in favor of the death penalty. Not the way it's implemented today but it could be used so much more efficiently. For example, Jeffrey Dahmer. You catch that fucker, quickly try him, quick appeal, study/experiment on him and then kill him when we are done with him.

Or put him to work. You know those jobs Americans won't do? We need to put lifers to work. Instead of them costing us $30K a year we should be making money off those fucks.

I'm not talking about white collar or people who will get out one day. I'm talking about people who will die in prison. May as well work the fuck out of them.
I just grabbed the first couple I saw, took about 20 seconds. And yeah, you implied violence was justified because the offenders would probably get legal council for free.

Not at all. From what I remember most of those protests were at private funerals, and were basically saying a person's loved one is now in hell. That's much closer to fighting words than running around with a nazi flag.

Their protests were still legal, are you bending the rules on the 1st amendment?

not at all, those people got arrested, and deserve legal representation, right?

And the 1st amendment involves government suppression of speech. did you find me calling for government to quash the Westboro morons?

Were you defending their rights? Nope.

Did I ever say they couldn't protest?

Did I say the people beating them up should not be prosecuted?

Maybe my concern is greater here because your side continues to try to link white nationalism with conservatism as a whole, and justification of "Nazi punching" will sooner or later morph into justification of (punching anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney)

As a expansion on that. Do i get some primal satisfaction seeing a Nazi, a westboro jackass or a an Anti-fa person getting their ass kicked? Sure I do, lets attribute it to the lizard part of ones brain. but that is a one on one thing, and still doesn't justify using violence to stop free speech exercises.

What I'm saying is you didn't exact do anything to defend Westboro, but when Nazis, fucking violent Nazis are supposedly attacked first then it's all about free speech and 'Merica.

And, white nationalism is linked to conservatism, just look at this board alone. Never mind a President who goes out of his way to play false equivalencies. Conservatism has been tainted by racists and fascists and until you guys actively kick them to the curb you are enablers.
Says the far left drone that supported the killing of cops!
What a fucking cock sucker you are. I'm agreeing with your side you fucking idiot.

And I don't support killing cops unless they are bad cops. Lots of bad cops out there and yes bad/crooked cops should be put to death. Just like bad citizens should be put to death. Are you suddenly against the death penalty?

We give them incredible power and if they abuse it they need to go.

Why not? When you hear about an abusive corrupt cop, why would you not give that scum a lethal dose of something? Imagine how many lives they purposely ruined.

What, you defend bad cops now too?

Of course not, I just don't condone executing someone because they are corrupt. Frankly, I don't support he death penalty.

I'm really in favor of the death penalty. Not the way it's implemented today but it could be used so much more efficiently. For example, Jeffrey Dahmer. You catch that fucker, quickly try him, quick appeal, study/experiment on him and then kill him when we are done with him.

Or put him to work. You know those jobs Americans won't do? We need to put lifers to work. Instead of them costing us $30K a year we should be making money off those fucks.

I'm not talking about white collar or people who will get out one day. I'm talking about people who will die in prison. May as well work the fuck out of them.

I don't think a civilized society treats humans that way... even the French eventually closed Devil's Island!
NBC/ABC showed a picture of one anti-racist protester with an aerosol can that he had lit off the spray and was trying to burn one of the racists. That's not violence? From what I saw some on both sides came prepared for violence so denying it is ludicrous at best. Granted no one on the anti-racist side ran anyone over in a vehicle like that sick fuck did but violence is still violence and needs to be denounced in and of itself.

Trying to burn?
Maybe taunting.

View attachment 143975
You're justifying an overt act of violence? You're no better than they are.

You guys don't justify overt acts of violence? Think long and hard before you answer

Republican politician who body slammed reporter avoids jail time

I didn't have to because of this moronic statement;
"You guys".
Obviously you popped in without reading anything else I posted and completely misconstrued my intent...... But I would expect that from an emotive hack.

You just reminded me of that body slamming Republican when you said "You're justifying an overt act of violence? You're no better than they are"

It made me think of when that Republican body slammed the reporter and you right wing losers came to the politicians defense.
"right wing"
Could you possibly be any more of a pathetic loser?
Here's a clue, just because you exist in the us vs them paradigm bubble doesn't mean everyone does.............
Oh and point out where I defended the racists....... I won't hold my breath....... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Not at all. From what I remember most of those protests were at private funerals, and were basically saying a person's loved one is now in hell. That's much closer to fighting words than running around with a nazi flag.

Their protests were still legal, are you bending the rules on the 1st amendment?

not at all, those people got arrested, and deserve legal representation, right?

And the 1st amendment involves government suppression of speech. did you find me calling for government to quash the Westboro morons?

Were you defending their rights? Nope.

Did I ever say they couldn't protest?

Did I say the people beating them up should not be prosecuted?

Maybe my concern is greater here because your side continues to try to link white nationalism with conservatism as a whole, and justification of "Nazi punching" will sooner or later morph into justification of (punching anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney)

As a expansion on that. Do i get some primal satisfaction seeing a Nazi, a westboro jackass or a an Anti-fa person getting their ass kicked? Sure I do, lets attribute it to the lizard part of ones brain. but that is a one on one thing, and still doesn't justify using violence to stop free speech exercises.

What I'm saying is you didn't exact do anything to defend Westboro, but when Nazis, fucking violent Nazis are supposedly attacked first then it's all about free speech and 'Merica.

And, white nationalism is linked to conservatism, just look at this board alone. Never mind a President who goes out of his way to play false equivalencies. Conservatism has been tainted by racists and fascists and until you guys actively kick them to the curb you are enablers.

And the left has been infested with racists and fascists as well...
The "Alt Right" is based on bigotry and hate. Nothing ethnic or religious minorities can do will make them OK in the eyes of fuckers like Spencer and Duke.

"ANTIFA" is based on hatred of bigotry. You can be any color or creed. If you aren't a bigot, they will have no problem with you.

These are facts.

If you think they are equally evil. You are a fucking idiot.

Some of the Alt-Right showed up with helmets, shields and other weapons, looking for a fight. Some of the Antifa showed up with helmets, shields and other weapons, looking for a fight. On that point, both were equally guilty and evil.
The "Alt Right" is based on bigotry and hate. Nothing ethnic or religious minorities can do will make them OK in the eyes of fuckers like Spencer and Duke.

"ANTIFA" is based on hatred of bigotry. You can be any color or creed. If you aren't a bigot, they will have no problem with you.

These are facts.

If you think they are equally evil. You are a fucking idiot.

Some of the Alt-Right showed up with helmets, shields and other weapons, looking for a fight. Some of the Antifa showed up with helmets, shields and other weapons, looking for a fight. On that point, both were equally guilty and evil.

What he said.
Their protests were still legal, are you bending the rules on the 1st amendment?

not at all, those people got arrested, and deserve legal representation, right?

And the 1st amendment involves government suppression of speech. did you find me calling for government to quash the Westboro morons?

Were you defending their rights? Nope.

Did I ever say they couldn't protest?

Did I say the people beating them up should not be prosecuted?

Maybe my concern is greater here because your side continues to try to link white nationalism with conservatism as a whole, and justification of "Nazi punching" will sooner or later morph into justification of (punching anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney)

As a expansion on that. Do i get some primal satisfaction seeing a Nazi, a westboro jackass or a an Anti-fa person getting their ass kicked? Sure I do, lets attribute it to the lizard part of ones brain. but that is a one on one thing, and still doesn't justify using violence to stop free speech exercises.

What I'm saying is you didn't exact do anything to defend Westboro, but when Nazis, fucking violent Nazis are supposedly attacked first then it's all about free speech and 'Merica.

And, white nationalism is linked to conservatism, just look at this board alone. Never mind a President who goes out of his way to play false equivalencies. Conservatism has been tainted by racists and fascists and until you guys actively kick them to the curb you are enablers.

And the left has been infested with racists and fascists as well...

Sorry, doesn't fly.
The "Alt Right" is based on bigotry and hate. Nothing ethnic or religious minorities can do will make them OK in the eyes of fuckers like Spencer and Duke.

"ANTIFA" is based on hatred of bigotry. You can be any color or creed. If you aren't a bigot, they will have no problem with you.

These are facts.

If you think they are equally evil. You are a fucking idiot.

Some of the Alt-Right showed up with helmets, shields and other weapons, looking for a fight. Some of the Antifa showed up with helmets, shields and other weapons, looking for a fight. On that point, both were equally guilty and evil.

Fighting fascism is evil? Interesting.
I agree, Jillian, but here is the difference: we are not at war. We should not condone the use of violence on our fellow citizens from any quarter. As many here have pointed out in various threads, this has energized the hate groups, given them publicity. Although I don't believe we can ignore them, hitting them with bats at a legal rally is not the answer either.

we're not at war now.

how long you think that lasts if these people are given a foothold and people suck their thumbs?
I know. It's an issue and there has definitely been a revival of sorts, at least an emboldening of these groups that were kept tamped down while a black man was in office. I'm not at all convinced that they are such a small number that we can just ignore them. However, it's true that the situation in Germany was much different than here; it's all a matter of degree. A proud nation had been completely humiliated and given no way to get back on its feet for its offenses during WWI. The economy was devastated in a way we have never experienced, not even during the Depression, and they had an international foot on their neck, keeping them down. Perfect breeding ground for a man spouting nationalism, particularly in a country with a strong cultural tradition of militancy. He knew how to get things organized and working again, too, as well as giving Germans back their pride. While you can certainly draw some uncanny parallels to the Trump agenda, you need to keep it in perspective.

I think even a lot of the comfortable thumb suckers are aware, now, that these guys need to be watched. I hope. Teach your children and your grandchildren better. Fight the current Fox smear campaign against college education because they're rearing a generation in liberal thought. If liberal thought means rejecting the Nazi's and the KKK, it's alright by me. It's the best thing we can do. These were young men bearing the Vanguard shields last weekend. It's not a battle that will be won anytime soon. Blood in our streets is still not my first choice, though.

the fact that a black guy was in office was only incidental. it's the fact that he was followed by a white supremacist sympathizer and son of someone arrested at a klan rally that made it a problem.

everyone needs to stand up to these people. there is no other perspective.
Ya know what pisses them off more than anything else? Laughing at them, ignoring them.

Bingo!!!! These people are irrelevant and a very tiny, TINY minority.
See my siggie
The "Alt Right" is based on bigotry and hate. Nothing ethnic or religious minorities can do will make them OK in the eyes of fuckers like Spencer and Duke.

"ANTIFA" is based on hatred of bigotry. You can be any color or creed. If you aren't a bigot, they will have no problem with you.

These are facts.

If you think they are equally evil. You are a fucking idiot.
So is this your justification for Left Wing Violence?

Remember how pissy snowflakes and the Lib media got when Trump accurately explained how BOTH sides were partly to blame for Charlottesville? How they claimed this was BS and just Trump sticking up for white supremacists?

Yeah, not so much. This is what the Left so quietly tried to ignore / hide as they did so:


Again, so much for the Fake News narrative that Leftist snowflakes share no blame for the violence in Charlottesville....

Throwing balloons filled with urine...

When throwing their triggered pissy-fit over Trump accurately declaring 'both sides' were to blame in part, the Liberal Fake News Propaganda-Pushers and snowflakes make sure they don't mention any of THIS:

"TheDCNF witnessed leftist groups mace white supremacists as a way to start infiltrating Emancipation Park, where the rally was held. The radical left also began throwing a variety of items at the white supremacists, such as balloons filled with urine, paint, or pieces of concrete, as well as soda cans filled with concrete, food, and full water bottles. When they were out of items to throw, the radical left would search the streets for anything they could find to throw.

The left also brought out a “battering ram” made out of plywood and reinforced with a metal step ladder. Radical leftist protesters charged the white supremacists with their hand-made weapon. Enforcers managed to stop the device before it reached the actual shield line, but a new group of protesters tried to push the ram further."

Brutal Examples Of Violence That Occurred By Both Sides In Charlottesville [VIDEO]

Now what was that bullshit about Leftists having no share of the blame for the violence in Charlottesville and Trump just defending white supremacists when he declared BOTH sides were partly at fault?
Not at all. From what I remember most of those protests were at private funerals, and were basically saying a person's loved one is now in hell. That's much closer to fighting words than running around with a nazi flag.

Their protests were still legal, are you bending the rules on the 1st amendment?

not at all, those people got arrested, and deserve legal representation, right?

And the 1st amendment involves government suppression of speech. did you find me calling for government to quash the Westboro morons?

Were you defending their rights? Nope.

Did I ever say they couldn't protest?

Did I say the people beating them up should not be prosecuted?

Maybe my concern is greater here because your side continues to try to link white nationalism with conservatism as a whole, and justification of "Nazi punching" will sooner or later morph into justification of (punching anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney)

As a expansion on that. Do i get some primal satisfaction seeing a Nazi, a westboro jackass or a an Anti-fa person getting their ass kicked? Sure I do, lets attribute it to the lizard part of ones brain. but that is a one on one thing, and still doesn't justify using violence to stop free speech exercises.

What I'm saying is you didn't exact do anything to defend Westboro, but when Nazis, fucking violent Nazis are supposedly attacked first then it's all about free speech and 'Merica.

And, white nationalism is linked to conservatism, just look at this board alone. Never mind a President who goes out of his way to play false equivalencies. Conservatism has been tainted by racists and fascists and until you guys actively kick them to the curb you are enablers.

Back then we weren't seeing a systemic attempt to quash people's ability to speak, be it in public or at places like campuses.

Just like communism is linked to progressivism, do you support communists? Oh wait, just because you are on the same side of the political spectrum as them (in current views) you are automatically linked to them. Please denounce Che at your earliest convenience.

The only enabling going on is by the press giving these idiots what is now a 3 day free advertisement of their position, complete with statements making them look like they are being persecuted. I would rather they just go away.

But trying to stop them from being idiots isn't going to get rid of them, and may even draw more people to their cause.
The "Alt Right" is based on bigotry and hate. Nothing ethnic or religious minorities can do will make them OK in the eyes of fuckers like Spencer and Duke.

"ANTIFA" is based on hatred of bigotry. You can be any color or creed. If you aren't a bigot, they will have no problem with you.

These are facts.

If you think they are equally evil. You are a fucking idiot.

Some of the Alt-Right showed up with helmets, shields and other weapons, looking for a fight. Some of the Antifa showed up with helmets, shields and other weapons, looking for a fight. On that point, both were equally guilty and evil.

Fighting fascism is evil? Interesting.

Physically attacking people is evil.

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