The Disgraceful Universities

here is another example for you, Prof Darry Sragow at USC

[ame=]Professor tells class Republican Party is "stupid and racist" - YouTube[/ame]
7. Bowdoin has "no curricular requirements that center on the American founding or the history of the nation." There is no requirement for history majors to take even one course in American history. There is no class available in the history department about American political, military, diplomatic, or intellectual history. There are, however, classes in that department revolving around race, class, gender, and sexuality.


Bowdoin lists 55 American history courses. If you want to prove that none of them deal with politics, the military, diplomacy, or intellectualism, feel free.

Otherwise, stop lying.


It has always been a respected school, but it is small and difficult to accept as representative of, well, anything other than Bowdoin.

"... difficult to accept as representative of, well, anything other than Bowdoin."


The National Association of Scholars (NAS) documented the changes in universities comparing the years 1914, 1939, 1964 and 1993.

a. Decline in required courses from 55% of courses, down to 33% by 1993. And even more telling, in 1914 no exemptions were allowed in 98% of the courses, but by 1993 it was only in 29%. This, of course produces students with a far narrower basis for understanding context.

b. In 1914, 57% of institutions had a literature requirement, by 1993 this was down to 14%. The same pattern appeared in philosophy, religion, social science, natural science, and mathematics.

c. The study found “diminishing rigor at most prestigious colleges…” Students graduating from these elite schools not only had fewer assignments to complete but were asked to do considerably less in completing them.” The NAS commented on how this drop off in hard work negatively influences character, and this effect on society’s leaders impacts the strength and vitality of society.

d. Decline of rigor can be seen, as well, in the number of days classes were in session, from 204 in 1914 to 156 in 1993, and the length of a class period fell by 10.2%.
The National Association of Scholars, “The Dissolution of General Education: 1914-1993” National Association of Scholars

You're only fooling yourself.

...but you're good at that, eh?
7. Bowdoin has "no curricular requirements that center on the American founding or the history of the nation." There is no requirement for history majors to take even one course in American history. There is no class available in the history department about American political, military, diplomatic, or intellectual history. There are, however, classes in that department revolving around race, class, gender, and sexuality.


Bowdoin lists 55 American history courses. If you want to prove that none of them deal with politics, the military, diplomacy, or intellectualism, feel free.

Otherwise, stop lying.

I've seen time and again, to understand what Leftists do, simply watch what they accuse others of doing.

You, of course, are a case in point.

I'll take that as a 'no' you can't, and 'no' you won't.
1. " I don't think he anticipated that the degradation of Ivy League education by political correctness, grade inflation and affirmative action would cancel the IQ effect and lead to a cultural elite of such ignorance. Unfortunately, at the moment, we are ruled by such people although the exposure of their incompetence may have salutary effects later on." The Credentialed Gentry and The Unpersuaded Yahoos by Elizabeth Scalia | First Things

2. "Very nice. The phrase "credentialed gentry" captures the situation nicely. Far from being truly educated, this group is so devoid of actual, original thoughts, they are almost paralyzed when a new idea comes along. The reaction of the CG crowd to the tea parties and Sarah Palin is a clear example this. The legitimate liberal response to the tea party movement should have been "This is good. We live in a democracy and people are participating." Pro-diversity, pro-woman liberals should have had at least a few kind words for Sarah Palin. Instead, when something new comes along that doesn't fit into their paradigm and they simply attack it." Ibid.

3. "We were talking about what they were learning in the course, and I mentioned how much it helped me in my upper-level English courses to be able to refer to Augustine's attachment to Neoplatonism before his conversion, and rely upon the fact that the students would know something of what I was talking about. They said that they didn't know anything of it either, and I laughed and replied that they would, by the end of this semester. And I added, "Unlike freshmen at that four-year community college on the other side of the city, er, you know, what's its name -- Brown!" We had a nice laugh at that. For Brown has had no real curriculum since the days when Ira Magaziner was a student rebel there, and assisted the administration in eliminating it." Ibid.

4. Ira Magaziner.
“As a student activist at Brown University in the late 1960s, he helped codify the no-requirements approach of the so-called New Curriculum (few grades, lots of self-discovery) and changed the face of modern academics. As Bill Clinton's point man on health care in 1994, he led perhaps the most contentious public-policy project of the last 20 years.”

5. For comparison:
On Wednesday, June 6, 1928 the Oxford English Dictionary was completed. In "The Meaning of Everything," Simon Winchester discusses the English of the time as follows:

“The English establishment of the day might be rightly derided at this remove as having been class-ridden and imperialist, bombastic and blimpish, racist and insouciant- but it was marked undeniably also by a sweeping erudition and confidence, and it was peopled by men and women who felt they were able to know all, to understand much, and in consequence to radiate the wisdom of deep learning.”

Once upon a time.....our college grads, the same.....

No longer.
Wow, now sustainability an evil practice (of course it would be to PC)? I must tell my organic farmer friends that they need to get out those poisons, petrochemicals and Monsanto herbicides RIGHT NOW!!! Poison that land and water! Sustainability is anti-American, dontcha know! Jesus.

I really do feel sorry for you PC.
The military strategist Carl von Clausewitz wrote that the most effective way to defeat an enemy is to strike at his “center of gravity, the main source of his strength. Our democracy’s “center of gravity” was the education our colleges and universities provided. Colleges and universities no longer teach the American history that would have served as the tocsin, and prepared our best and brightest to defend our American traditions.

Read about the Klingenstein Report: "... the report demonstrates how Bowdoin has become an intellectual monoculture dedicated above all to identity politics.... The school's ideological pillars would likely be familiar to anyone who has paid attention to American higher education lately. There's the obsession with race, class, gender and sexuality as the essential forces of history and markers of political identity. ... there are the paeans to "global citizenship," or loving all countries except one's own." David Feith: The Golf Shot Heard Round the Academic World -

1. "Bowdoin College.... One of the most liberal colleges in the country has been exposed for its incredible animus toward conservatism,...

2. In 2010, Barry Mills, the president of Bowdoin College, went golfing with investor and philanthropist Thomas Klingenstein. Their conversation included talk of “diversity,” and Mills later quoted Klingenstein anonymously in his convocation address to Bowdoin's freshman class.

a. Mills claimed that the philanthropist had stated "I would never support Bowdoin—you are a ridiculous liberal school that brings all the wrong students to campus for all the wrong reasons." Mills added that the man criticized Bowdoin’s "misplaced and misguided diversity efforts,"...

3. Klingenstein got wind of the remarks and responded in the Claremont Review of Books: "He didn't like my views, so he turned me into a backswing interrupting, Bowdoin-hating boor who wants to return to the segregated days of Jim Crow... I explained my disapproval of 'diversity' as it generally has been implemented on college campuses: too much celebration of racial and ethnic difference," and not enough “celebration of our common American identity."

4. Klingenstein called Mills out for insinuating that he was a racist, as Mills had said:
We are, in the main, a place of liberal political persuasion... we must be willing to entertain diverse perspectives throughout our community... Diversity of ideas at all levels of the college is crucial for our credibility and for our educational mission.

5. ... Klingenstein called Mills’ bluff. He commissioned researchers to ascertain exactly how serious Bowdoin was about intellectual diversity, rigorous academics, and civic identity. The researchers studied Bowdoin from its founding in 1794, with particular emphasis on the last 45 years. This week, the voluminous report was released.

6. The report states that Bowdoin is centered on race, class, gender, and sexuality as the bases for history, the focus on “sustainability" (code for the evils of capitalism), and the praise of "global citizenship."

7. Bowdoin has "no curricular requirements that center on the American founding or the history of the nation." There is no requirement for history majors to take even one course in American history. There is no class available in the history department about American political, military, diplomatic, or intellectual history. There are, however, classes in that department revolving around race, class, gender, and sexuality.

8. The freshman seminar required of all students? Try one of these: "Sexual Life of Colonialism," "Affirmative Action and U.S. Society," "Fictions of Freedom," "Racism," "Queer Gardens," and "Modern Western Prostitutes."

9. "...four or five out of approximately 182 full-time faculty members might be described as politically conservative."

10. Guess what percentage of faculty donations went to Barack Obama in 2012? You guessed it: 100 percent."
Study Exposes Bowdoin College as Completely Intolerant of Conservatism

" In publishing these and other gems, Mr. Klingenstein and the National Association of Scholars hope to encourage alumni and trustees to push aggressively for reforms." WSJ, Op.Cit.

The disgrace of higher education: they have given up education in exchange for politicization.

What can they produce but Janissaries of the Left.

Hmm, is Bowdoin a private college? Is Bob Jones University a private college? Is Hillsdale private? If they're private universities they don't have to conform to any particular pov or even attempt to. They can be biased if they choose. If you don't like it, don't go there. I would never send my kid to Hillsdale or Bob Jones, but I don't cry about what they teach.

I swear, most of the time you post the most useless drivel.
The American educational system at the university level is one of America's greatest assets. Countries the world over send their youth here to prepare them for a future in which competence in competition is seen as the key to the success of their societies in the coming decades.

And now conservative have set their sights on destroying even that? Wasn't destroying the economy with ideologically driven policies enough? Or destroying America's credibility in a war for nonexistent WMD?

Here's my advice: Until you can fix your own damn political party (which is obviously in horrible shape), keep your hands off of everything else in this country because you only manage to ruin what you touch. You showed that to everyone when the GOP had complete control of the federal gov't.
The military strategist Carl von Clausewitz wrote that the most effective way to defeat an enemy is to strike at his “center of gravity, the main source of his strength. Our democracy’s “center of gravity” was the education our colleges and universities provided. Colleges and universities no longer teach the American history that would have served as the tocsin, and prepared our best and brightest to defend our American traditions.

Read about the Klingenstein Report: "... the report demonstrates how Bowdoin has become an intellectual monoculture dedicated above all to identity politics.... The school's ideological pillars would likely be familiar to anyone who has paid attention to American higher education lately. There's the obsession with race, class, gender and sexuality as the essential forces of history and markers of political identity. ... there are the paeans to "global citizenship," or loving all countries except one's own." David Feith: The Golf Shot Heard Round the Academic World -

1. "Bowdoin College.... One of the most liberal colleges in the country has been exposed for its incredible animus toward conservatism,...

2. In 2010, Barry Mills, the president of Bowdoin College, went golfing with investor and philanthropist Thomas Klingenstein. Their conversation included talk of “diversity,” and Mills later quoted Klingenstein anonymously in his convocation address to Bowdoin's freshman class.

a. Mills claimed that the philanthropist had stated "I would never support Bowdoin—you are a ridiculous liberal school that brings all the wrong students to campus for all the wrong reasons." Mills added that the man criticized Bowdoin’s "misplaced and misguided diversity efforts,"...

3. Klingenstein got wind of the remarks and responded in the Claremont Review of Books: "He didn't like my views, so he turned me into a backswing interrupting, Bowdoin-hating boor who wants to return to the segregated days of Jim Crow... I explained my disapproval of 'diversity' as it generally has been implemented on college campuses: too much celebration of racial and ethnic difference," and not enough “celebration of our common American identity."

4. Klingenstein called Mills out for insinuating that he was a racist, as Mills had said:
We are, in the main, a place of liberal political persuasion... we must be willing to entertain diverse perspectives throughout our community... Diversity of ideas at all levels of the college is crucial for our credibility and for our educational mission.

5. ... Klingenstein called Mills’ bluff. He commissioned researchers to ascertain exactly how serious Bowdoin was about intellectual diversity, rigorous academics, and civic identity. The researchers studied Bowdoin from its founding in 1794, with particular emphasis on the last 45 years. This week, the voluminous report was released.

6. The report states that Bowdoin is centered on race, class, gender, and sexuality as the bases for history, the focus on “sustainability" (code for the evils of capitalism), and the praise of "global citizenship."

7. Bowdoin has "no curricular requirements that center on the American founding or the history of the nation." There is no requirement for history majors to take even one course in American history. There is no class available in the history department about American political, military, diplomatic, or intellectual history. There are, however, classes in that department revolving around race, class, gender, and sexuality.

8. The freshman seminar required of all students? Try one of these: "Sexual Life of Colonialism," "Affirmative Action and U.S. Society," "Fictions of Freedom," "Racism," "Queer Gardens," and "Modern Western Prostitutes."

9. "...four or five out of approximately 182 full-time faculty members might be described as politically conservative."

10. Guess what percentage of faculty donations went to Barack Obama in 2012? You guessed it: 100 percent."
Study Exposes Bowdoin College as Completely Intolerant of Conservatism

" In publishing these and other gems, Mr. Klingenstein and the National Association of Scholars hope to encourage alumni and trustees to push aggressively for reforms." WSJ, Op.Cit.

The disgrace of higher education: they have given up education in exchange for politicization.

What can they produce but Janissaries of the Left.

Hmm, is Bowdoin a private college? Is Bob Jones University a private college? Is Hillsdale private? If they're private universities they don't have to conform to any particular pov or even attempt to. They can be biased if they choose. If you don't like it, don't go there. I would never send my kid to Hillsdale or Bob Jones, but I don't cry about what they teach.

I swear, most of the time you post the most useless drivel.

I'm going to guess that any mind-numbed boor would find learning "the most useless drivel."
It is in the nature of one's ability to understand.

And that is because you fail to understand that Bowdoin is simply one example of the collapse of education.

It seems you haven't read post #22.

And, even more to the the explanation of the debilitation:

1. And the reason for the change is even more disheartening: Universities have abandoned intellect because it represented the barrier that rationality places in the way of politicization.

a. The move is toward ever more insistent and radical egalitarianism which is the very heart of modern liberalism, as “intellect in America is resented as a kind of excellence, as a claim to distinction, as a challenge to egalitarianism, as a quantity which almost certainly deprives a man or woman of the common touch.”
Richard Hofstadter, “Anti-intellectualism in American Life,” p. 51.

b. One can trace the anti-intellectualism, modern liberalism, and the passion for an evangelical equality as moving in tandem.

c. In light of the fact that rational thought can imperil many of the premises of the radical left, there has grown what is called post-modernism, an outright denial of truth. Even in science…

d. The leading proponents of ‘post-normal science,’ PNS, Funtowicz and Ravetz, have written that, in issue-driven science, ‘facts’ and ‘values’ are unified by replacing ‘truth’ by ‘quality.’

e. Students are taught by left-wing professors that traditional respect for logic, evidence, intellectual honesty, and the other requirements for scholastic discipline are not merely passé, but repressive, attempting to support a society that benefits only white, heterosexual males.

2. In too many college courses, examinations are minimized, grades inflated, and grading is based on ‘class participation.’ This is especially true in schools of education, where prospective teachers are thus allowed to avoid competition, and invest in educational faddishness in opposition to conventional (bourgeois) methods and standards. Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” ch. 7. is not merely a problem of one, or two schools....
It is a ubiquitous situation due to the dominance of Liberals in the field.
Actual learning if the furthest thing from their objective.
Wow, now sustainability an evil practice (of course it would be to PC)? I must tell my organic farmer friends that they need to get out those poisons, petrochemicals and Monsanto herbicides RIGHT NOW!!! Poison that land and water! Sustainability is anti-American, dontcha know! Jesus.

I really do feel sorry for you PC.

My little dunce, you simply cannot conceive of the concept of "sustainability" as a mere obfuscation....

....a way to camouflage the attempts to destroy America.

But....have patience!
I'll post an OP just for you on April 22.... do know why April 22nd....don't you?

Until then....continue to occupy your time with shiny objects and silly putty.
One day, I decided that, on top of my normal courses that I was taking, I would take American History I. The class started off great, talking about how 30,000 years ago, Native Americans lived in cities with the main hub around the St. Louis area. Othe cities branched off of the one main hub and popped up in the Cincinnati area and so on. Connecting these cities was a network of roads and trade was being conducted between these cities.

Fast forward to the 1500 and those evil English and about 3 days into the class. We are going through the book and come across a picture of the Spainish boiling and skinning Native Americans. The professor bust out with, "Look at this picture. See how the Native Americans were treated when Europe arrived? It kind of reminds you of Abu Ghraib doesn't it?"

I was taken aback and said, "Yeah, because having prisoners crawl around with underwear on there head is the same as being boiled and skinned alive isn't it?" The professor looked at me and said, "Yes, I'm a Liberal and will teach this class the way I see fit". I filed a complaint and dropped the class, got my money back but nothing happened to that professor.

Oh, it was at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College back in 2005.
One day, I decided that, on top of my normal courses that I was taking, I would take American History I. The class started off great, talking about how 30,000 years ago, Native Americans lived in cities with the main hub around the St. Louis area. Othe cities branched off of the one main hub and popped up in the Cincinnati area and so on. Connecting these cities was a network of roads and trade was being conducted between these cities.

Fast forward to the 1500 and those evil English and about 3 days into the class. We are going through the book and come across a picture of the Spainish boiling and skinning Native Americans. The professor bust out with, "Look at this picture. See how the Native Americans were treated when Europe arrived? It kind of reminds you of Abu Ghraib doesn't it?"

I was taken aback and said, "Yeah, because having prisoners crawl around with underwear on there head is the same as being boiled and skinned alive isn't it?" The professor looked at me and said, "Yes, I'm a Liberal and will teach this class the way I see fit". I filed a complaint and dropped the class, got my money back but nothing happened to that professor.

Oh, it was at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College back in 2005.

You don't get the point about how powerful countries treat powerless indigenous people in a historical context?
The American educational system at the university level is one of America's greatest assets. Countries the world over send their youth here to prepare them for a future in which competence in competition is seen as the key to the success of their societies in the coming decades.

And now conservative have set their sights on destroying even that? Wasn't destroying the economy with ideologically driven policies enough? Or destroying America's credibility in a war for nonexistent WMD?

Here's my advice: Until you can fix your own damn political party (which is obviously in horrible shape), keep your hands off of everything else in this country because you only manage to ruin what you touch. You showed that to everyone when the GOP had complete control of the federal gov't.

My clueless know not whereof you speak.

1. "College education in the Liberal Arts, or social sciences, is a waste of money and time, except as a display of leisure and wealth….or as a recognition symbol that might facilitate entrance into some higher class. Higher education is selling an illusion; how many ‘graduates’ survive only through parental or institutional subvention? Gender studies, multiculturalism, semiotics, video art,….who would be surprised to find a the MA’s in English bagging groceries?"
Mamet, "The Secret Knowledge," chapter three.

2. " But didn't ours go to Harvard and Princeton and Stanford? Didn't most of them get good grades? Yes. But while getting into the Ecole Nationale d'Administration or the Ecole Polytechnique or the dozens of other entry points to France's ruling class requires outperforming others in blindly graded exams, and graduating from such places requires passing exams that many fail, getting into America's "top schools" is less a matter of passing exams than of showing up with acceptable grades and an attractive social profile.

American secondary schools are generous with their As. Since the 1970s, it has been virtually impossible to flunk out of American colleges. And it is an open secret that "the best" colleges require the least work and give out the highest grade point averages. ... But the more it has dumbed itself down, the more it has defined itself by the presumption of intellectual superiority.

Its first tenet is that "we" are the best and brightest while the rest of Americans are retrograde, racist, and dysfunctional unless properly constrained. How did this replace the Founding generation's paradigm that "all men are created equal"?"
The American Spectator : America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution

3. You have proven how truly ignorant you are with this series of astounding blunders:
"And now conservative have set their sights on destroying even that? Wasn't destroying the economy with ideologically driven policies enough? Or destroying America's credibility in a war for nonexistent WMD?"

a. It was destroyed by the 60's Liberals who took over the institutions that they had, formerly, tried to burn down.

b..The economy was destroyed by Liberals who ignored the Constitution and took over the private economy: FDR created Fannie and Freddie.
Pick up a book for once.

c. The Democrats signed on to the intelligence that claimed WMD's. are simply an example of those sitting happy and fat while America disappears.
Party on.
The American educational system at the university level is one of America's greatest assets. Countries the world over send their youth here to prepare them for a future in which competence in competition is seen as the key to the success of their societies in the coming decades.

And now conservative have set their sights on destroying even that? Wasn't destroying the economy with ideologically driven policies enough? Or destroying America's credibility in a war for nonexistent WMD?

Here's my advice: Until you can fix your own damn political party (which is obviously in horrible shape), keep your hands off of everything else in this country because you only manage to ruin what you touch. You showed that to everyone when the GOP had complete control of the federal gov't.

My clueless know not whereof you speak.

1. "College education in the Liberal Arts, or social sciences, is a waste of money and time, except as a display of leisure and wealth….or as a recognition symbol that might facilitate entrance into some higher class. Higher education is selling an illusion; how many ‘graduates’ survive only through parental or institutional subvention? Gender studies, multiculturalism, semiotics, video art,….who would be surprised to find a the MA’s in English bagging groceries?"
Mamet, "The Secret Knowledge," chapter three.

2. " But didn't ours go to Harvard and Princeton and Stanford? Didn't most of them get good grades? Yes. But while getting into the Ecole Nationale d'Administration or the Ecole Polytechnique or the dozens of other entry points to France's ruling class requires outperforming others in blindly graded exams, and graduating from such places requires passing exams that many fail, getting into America's "top schools" is less a matter of passing exams than of showing up with acceptable grades and an attractive social profile.

American secondary schools are generous with their As. Since the 1970s, it has been virtually impossible to flunk out of American colleges. And it is an open secret that "the best" colleges require the least work and give out the highest grade point averages. ... But the more it has dumbed itself down, the more it has defined itself by the presumption of intellectual superiority.

Its first tenet is that "we" are the best and brightest while the rest of Americans are retrograde, racist, and dysfunctional unless properly constrained. How did this replace the Founding generation's paradigm that "all men are created equal"?"
The American Spectator : America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution

3. You have proven how truly ignorant you are with this series of astounding blunders:
"And now conservative have set their sights on destroying even that? Wasn't destroying the economy with ideologically driven policies enough? Or destroying America's credibility in a war for nonexistent WMD?"

a. It was destroyed by the 60's Liberals who took over the institutions that they had, formerly, tried to burn down.

b..The economy was destroyed by Liberals who ignored the Constitution and took over the private economy: FDR created Fannie and Freddie.
Pick up a book for once.

c. The Democrats signed on to the intelligence that claimed WMD's. are simply an example of those sitting happy and fat while America disappears.
Party on.

Hey!!!! my late wife was an english major and made damn good money as a waitress working at IHOP. lol I used to pick on her all the time about it.
One day, I decided that, on top of my normal courses that I was taking, I would take American History I. The class started off great, talking about how 30,000 years ago, Native Americans lived in cities with the main hub around the St. Louis area. Othe cities branched off of the one main hub and popped up in the Cincinnati area and so on. Connecting these cities was a network of roads and trade was being conducted between these cities.

Fast forward to the 1500 and those evil English and about 3 days into the class. We are going through the book and come across a picture of the Spainish boiling and skinning Native Americans. The professor bust out with, "Look at this picture. See how the Native Americans were treated when Europe arrived? It kind of reminds you of Abu Ghraib doesn't it?"

I was taken aback and said, "Yeah, because having prisoners crawl around with underwear on there head is the same as being boiled and skinned alive isn't it?" The professor looked at me and said, "Yes, I'm a Liberal and will teach this class the way I see fit". I filed a complaint and dropped the class, got my money back but nothing happened to that professor.

Oh, it was at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College back in 2005.

You don't get the point about how powerful countries treat powerless indigenous people in a historical context? that's how this joke in the White House got elected!!!

You'll believe anything!

"30,000 years ago, Native Americans"

You think that's true????

"Fast forward to the 1500 and those evil English...."

You believe that, too????


"the Spainish boiling and skinning Native Americans." a book!!!

Try "Our Savage Neighbors: How Indian War Transformed Early America" by
Peter Silver
This just proves how ignorant you are and let others lead you down a path of ignorance.
If you go to college to learn and you cannot stop and separate the knowledge you are there to take in; not only from professors but on your own, you are ignorant.

The military strategist Carl von Clausewitz wrote that the most effective way to defeat an enemy is to strike at his “center of gravity, the main source of his strength. Our democracy’s “center of gravity” was the education our colleges and universities provided. Colleges and universities no longer teach the American history that would have served as the tocsin, and prepared our best and brightest to defend our American traditions.

Read about the Klingenstein Report: "... the report demonstrates how Bowdoin has become an intellectual monoculture dedicated above all to identity politics.... The school's ideological pillars would likely be familiar to anyone who has paid attention to American higher education lately. There's the obsession with race, class, gender and sexuality as the essential forces of history and markers of political identity. ... there are the paeans to "global citizenship," or loving all countries except one's own." David Feith: The Golf Shot Heard Round the Academic World -

1. "Bowdoin College.... One of the most liberal colleges in the country has been exposed for its incredible animus toward conservatism,...

2. In 2010, Barry Mills, the president of Bowdoin College, went golfing with investor and philanthropist Thomas Klingenstein. Their conversation included talk of “diversity,” and Mills later quoted Klingenstein anonymously in his convocation address to Bowdoin's freshman class.

a. Mills claimed that the philanthropist had stated "I would never support Bowdoin—you are a ridiculous liberal school that brings all the wrong students to campus for all the wrong reasons." Mills added that the man criticized Bowdoin’s "misplaced and misguided diversity efforts,"...

3. Klingenstein got wind of the remarks and responded in the Claremont Review of Books: "He didn't like my views, so he turned me into a backswing interrupting, Bowdoin-hating boor who wants to return to the segregated days of Jim Crow... I explained my disapproval of 'diversity' as it generally has been implemented on college campuses: too much celebration of racial and ethnic difference," and not enough “celebration of our common American identity."

4. Klingenstein called Mills out for insinuating that he was a racist, as Mills had said:
We are, in the main, a place of liberal political persuasion... we must be willing to entertain diverse perspectives throughout our community... Diversity of ideas at all levels of the college is crucial for our credibility and for our educational mission.

5. ... Klingenstein called Mills’ bluff. He commissioned researchers to ascertain exactly how serious Bowdoin was about intellectual diversity, rigorous academics, and civic identity. The researchers studied Bowdoin from its founding in 1794, with particular emphasis on the last 45 years. This week, the voluminous report was released.

6. The report states that Bowdoin is centered on race, class, gender, and sexuality as the bases for history, the focus on “sustainability" (code for the evils of capitalism), and the praise of "global citizenship."

7. Bowdoin has "no curricular requirements that center on the American founding or the history of the nation." There is no requirement for history majors to take even one course in American history. There is no class available in the history department about American political, military, diplomatic, or intellectual history. There are, however, classes in that department revolving around race, class, gender, and sexuality.

8. The freshman seminar required of all students? Try one of these: "Sexual Life of Colonialism," "Affirmative Action and U.S. Society," "Fictions of Freedom," "Racism," "Queer Gardens," and "Modern Western Prostitutes."

9. "...four or five out of approximately 182 full-time faculty members might be described as politically conservative."

10. Guess what percentage of faculty donations went to Barack Obama in 2012? You guessed it: 100 percent."
Study Exposes Bowdoin College as Completely Intolerant of Conservatism

" In publishing these and other gems, Mr. Klingenstein and the National Association of Scholars hope to encourage alumni and trustees to push aggressively for reforms." WSJ, Op.Cit.

The disgrace of higher education: they have given up education in exchange for politicization.

What can they produce but Janissaries of the Left.
One day, I decided that, on top of my normal courses that I was taking, I would take American History I. The class started off great, talking about how 30,000 years ago, Native Americans lived in cities with the main hub around the St. Louis area. Othe cities branched off of the one main hub and popped up in the Cincinnati area and so on. Connecting these cities was a network of roads and trade was being conducted between these cities.

Fast forward to the 1500 and those evil English and about 3 days into the class. We are going through the book and come across a picture of the Spainish boiling and skinning Native Americans. The professor bust out with, "Look at this picture. See how the Native Americans were treated when Europe arrived? It kind of reminds you of Abu Ghraib doesn't it?"

I was taken aback and said, "Yeah, because having prisoners crawl around with underwear on there head is the same as being boiled and skinned alive isn't it?" The professor looked at me and said, "Yes, I'm a Liberal and will teach this class the way I see fit". I filed a complaint and dropped the class, got my money back but nothing happened to that professor.

Oh, it was at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College back in 2005.

You don't get the point about how powerful countries treat powerless indigenous people in a historical context? that's how this joke in the White House got elected!!!

You'll believe anything!

"30,000 years ago, Native Americans"

You think that's true????

"Fast forward to the 1500 and those evil English...."

You believe that, too????


"the Spainish boiling and skinning Native Americans." a book!!!

Try "Our Savage Neighbors: How Indian War Transformed Early America" by
Peter Silver

The strong have always taken what they wanted from the weak until relatively recently in history. Aboriginal people with lesser technology were (and still are) likely to find that they have an either/or choice. Either let us have what we want, or we'll take it anyway...and you'll wish you had given it to us. What may be different today is that the law is employed in the process in order give it an aura of fairness. You know, like eminent domain etc. The gov't can even condemn property when there's nothing inherently dangerous or unsafe about it.

One of my favorite examples from US history is when we took a large chunk of Mexico away from the Mexicans and then paid them for it.
This just proves how ignorant you are and let others lead you down a path of ignorance.
If you go to college to learn and you cannot stop and separate the knowledge you are there to take in; not only from professors but on your own, you are ignorant.

The military strategist Carl von Clausewitz wrote that the most effective way to defeat an enemy is to strike at his “center of gravity, the main source of his strength. Our democracy’s “center of gravity” was the education our colleges and universities provided. Colleges and universities no longer teach the American history that would have served as the tocsin, and prepared our best and brightest to defend our American traditions.

Read about the Klingenstein Report: "... the report demonstrates how Bowdoin has become an intellectual monoculture dedicated above all to identity politics.... The school's ideological pillars would likely be familiar to anyone who has paid attention to American higher education lately. There's the obsession with race, class, gender and sexuality as the essential forces of history and markers of political identity. ... there are the paeans to "global citizenship," or loving all countries except one's own." David Feith: The Golf Shot Heard Round the Academic World -

1. "Bowdoin College.... One of the most liberal colleges in the country has been exposed for its incredible animus toward conservatism,...

2. In 2010, Barry Mills, the president of Bowdoin College, went golfing with investor and philanthropist Thomas Klingenstein. Their conversation included talk of “diversity,” and Mills later quoted Klingenstein anonymously in his convocation address to Bowdoin's freshman class.

a. Mills claimed that the philanthropist had stated "I would never support Bowdoin—you are a ridiculous liberal school that brings all the wrong students to campus for all the wrong reasons." Mills added that the man criticized Bowdoin’s "misplaced and misguided diversity efforts,"...

3. Klingenstein got wind of the remarks and responded in the Claremont Review of Books: "He didn't like my views, so he turned me into a backswing interrupting, Bowdoin-hating boor who wants to return to the segregated days of Jim Crow... I explained my disapproval of 'diversity' as it generally has been implemented on college campuses: too much celebration of racial and ethnic difference," and not enough “celebration of our common American identity."

4. Klingenstein called Mills out for insinuating that he was a racist, as Mills had said:
We are, in the main, a place of liberal political persuasion... we must be willing to entertain diverse perspectives throughout our community... Diversity of ideas at all levels of the college is crucial for our credibility and for our educational mission.

5. ... Klingenstein called Mills’ bluff. He commissioned researchers to ascertain exactly how serious Bowdoin was about intellectual diversity, rigorous academics, and civic identity. The researchers studied Bowdoin from its founding in 1794, with particular emphasis on the last 45 years. This week, the voluminous report was released.

6. The report states that Bowdoin is centered on race, class, gender, and sexuality as the bases for history, the focus on “sustainability" (code for the evils of capitalism), and the praise of "global citizenship."

7. Bowdoin has "no curricular requirements that center on the American founding or the history of the nation." There is no requirement for history majors to take even one course in American history. There is no class available in the history department about American political, military, diplomatic, or intellectual history. There are, however, classes in that department revolving around race, class, gender, and sexuality.

8. The freshman seminar required of all students? Try one of these: "Sexual Life of Colonialism," "Affirmative Action and U.S. Society," "Fictions of Freedom," "Racism," "Queer Gardens," and "Modern Western Prostitutes."

9. "...four or five out of approximately 182 full-time faculty members might be described as politically conservative."

10. Guess what percentage of faculty donations went to Barack Obama in 2012? You guessed it: 100 percent."
Study Exposes Bowdoin College as Completely Intolerant of Conservatism

" In publishing these and other gems, Mr. Klingenstein and the National Association of Scholars hope to encourage alumni and trustees to push aggressively for reforms." WSJ, Op.Cit.

The disgrace of higher education: they have given up education in exchange for politicization.

What can they produce but Janissaries of the Left.

Here ya' go, dim-wit:

"Hate-America Sociology."

De Russy's colleague sent her a copy of a student's exam from an introductory sociology class found lying in a room at an East Coast public college. The professor had given it a perfect score of 100. Here are some of the questions asked and the student's written response:

"Question: How does the United States 'steal' the resources of other (third world) countries?" "Answer: We steal through exploitation. Our multinationals are aware that indigenous people in developing nations have been coaxed off their plots and forced into slums. Because it is lucrative, our multinationals offer them extremely low wage labor that cannot be turned down."

"Question: Why is the U.S. on shaky moral ground when it comes to preventing illegal immigration?" "Answer: Some say that it is wrong of the United States to prevent illegal immigration because the same people we are denying entry to, we have exploited for the purpose of keeping the American wheel spinning. …" "Question: What is the interactionist approach to gender? "Answer: The majority of multigender encounters are male-dominated. (F)or example, while involved in conversation, the male is much more likely to interrupt. Most likely because the male believes the female's expressed thoughts are inferior to his own.

"Question: Please briefly explain the matrix of domination." "Answer: The belief that domination has more than one dimension. For example, Males are dominant over females, whites over blacks, and affluent over impoverished."

Teaching students hate-America indoctrination is widespread, as I've documented in the past. A few years ago, according to UCLA's Bruin Standard, Mary Corey, UCLA history professor, instructed her class, "Capitalism isn't a lie on purpose. It's just a lie." She continued, "(Capitalists) are swine. … They're bastard people."

Rod Swanson, a UCLA economics professor, told his class, "The United States of America, backed by facts, is the greediest and most selfish country in the world."

Professor Andrew Hewitt, chairman of UCLA's Department of Germanic Languages, told his class, "Bush is a moron, a simpleton and an idiot." The professor's opinion of the rest of us: "American consumerism is a very unique thing; I don't think anyone else lusts after money in such a greedy fashion."

An English professor at Montclair State University in New Jersey tells his students, "Conservatism champions racism, exploitation and imperialist war."

Most tragically, parents who cough up thousands in tuition to send their youngsters off to be educated, rather than indoctrinated, are unaware of the academic rot as well.

College and Progressive Professors brainwash our children !! Academic Rot ?

You live in America?
Which one....the one these weasels are 'teaching' their captive audience about?

This is the way universities turn out morons like you.

Now...don't forget to tell the kids: "If you go to college to learn and you cannot stop and separate the knowledge you are there to take in; not only from professors but on your own, you are ignorant."
Now now, don't get your self all worked up, stop and think. Novel Idea isn't it, something so new for you to think.
You again proved my point.
Wow! Ignorance, Ignorance and more Ignorance.

This just proves how ignorant you are and let others lead you down a path of ignorance.
If you go to college to learn and you cannot stop and separate the knowledge you are there to take in; not only from professors but on your own, you are ignorant.

The military strategist Carl von Clausewitz wrote that the most effective way to defeat an enemy is to strike at his “center of gravity, the main source of his strength. Our democracy’s “center of gravity” was the education our colleges and universities provided. Colleges and universities no longer teach the American history that would have served as the tocsin, and prepared our best and brightest to defend our American traditions.

Read about the Klingenstein Report: "... the report demonstrates how Bowdoin has become an intellectual monoculture dedicated above all to identity politics.... The school's ideological pillars would likely be familiar to anyone who has paid attention to American higher education lately. There's the obsession with race, class, gender and sexuality as the essential forces of history and markers of political identity. ... there are the paeans to "global citizenship," or loving all countries except one's own." David Feith: The Golf Shot Heard Round the Academic World -

1. "Bowdoin College.... One of the most liberal colleges in the country has been exposed for its incredible animus toward conservatism,...

2. In 2010, Barry Mills, the president of Bowdoin College, went golfing with investor and philanthropist Thomas Klingenstein. Their conversation included talk of “diversity,” and Mills later quoted Klingenstein anonymously in his convocation address to Bowdoin's freshman class.

a. Mills claimed that the philanthropist had stated "I would never support Bowdoin—you are a ridiculous liberal school that brings all the wrong students to campus for all the wrong reasons." Mills added that the man criticized Bowdoin’s "misplaced and misguided diversity efforts,"...

3. Klingenstein got wind of the remarks and responded in the Claremont Review of Books: "He didn't like my views, so he turned me into a backswing interrupting, Bowdoin-hating boor who wants to return to the segregated days of Jim Crow... I explained my disapproval of 'diversity' as it generally has been implemented on college campuses: too much celebration of racial and ethnic difference," and not enough “celebration of our common American identity."

4. Klingenstein called Mills out for insinuating that he was a racist, as Mills had said:
We are, in the main, a place of liberal political persuasion... we must be willing to entertain diverse perspectives throughout our community... Diversity of ideas at all levels of the college is crucial for our credibility and for our educational mission.

5. ... Klingenstein called Mills’ bluff. He commissioned researchers to ascertain exactly how serious Bowdoin was about intellectual diversity, rigorous academics, and civic identity. The researchers studied Bowdoin from its founding in 1794, with particular emphasis on the last 45 years. This week, the voluminous report was released.

6. The report states that Bowdoin is centered on race, class, gender, and sexuality as the bases for history, the focus on “sustainability" (code for the evils of capitalism), and the praise of "global citizenship."

7. Bowdoin has "no curricular requirements that center on the American founding or the history of the nation." There is no requirement for history majors to take even one course in American history. There is no class available in the history department about American political, military, diplomatic, or intellectual history. There are, however, classes in that department revolving around race, class, gender, and sexuality.

8. The freshman seminar required of all students? Try one of these: "Sexual Life of Colonialism," "Affirmative Action and U.S. Society," "Fictions of Freedom," "Racism," "Queer Gardens," and "Modern Western Prostitutes."

9. "...four or five out of approximately 182 full-time faculty members might be described as politically conservative."

10. Guess what percentage of faculty donations went to Barack Obama in 2012? You guessed it: 100 percent."
Study Exposes Bowdoin College as Completely Intolerant of Conservatism

" In publishing these and other gems, Mr. Klingenstein and the National Association of Scholars hope to encourage alumni and trustees to push aggressively for reforms." WSJ, Op.Cit.

The disgrace of higher education: they have given up education in exchange for politicization.

What can they produce but Janissaries of the Left.

Here ya' go, dim-wit:

"Hate-America Sociology."

De Russy's colleague sent her a copy of a student's exam from an introductory sociology class found lying in a room at an East Coast public college. The professor had given it a perfect score of 100. Here are some of the questions asked and the student's written response:

"Question: How does the United States 'steal' the resources of other (third world) countries?" "Answer: We steal through exploitation. Our multinationals are aware that indigenous people in developing nations have been coaxed off their plots and forced into slums. Because it is lucrative, our multinationals offer them extremely low wage labor that cannot be turned down."

"Question: Why is the U.S. on shaky moral ground when it comes to preventing illegal immigration?" "Answer: Some say that it is wrong of the United States to prevent illegal immigration because the same people we are denying entry to, we have exploited for the purpose of keeping the American wheel spinning. …" "Question: What is the interactionist approach to gender? "Answer: The majority of multigender encounters are male-dominated. (F)or example, while involved in conversation, the male is much more likely to interrupt. Most likely because the male believes the female's expressed thoughts are inferior to his own.

"Question: Please briefly explain the matrix of domination." "Answer: The belief that domination has more than one dimension. For example, Males are dominant over females, whites over blacks, and affluent over impoverished."

Teaching students hate-America indoctrination is widespread, as I've documented in the past. A few years ago, according to UCLA's Bruin Standard, Mary Corey, UCLA history professor, instructed her class, "Capitalism isn't a lie on purpose. It's just a lie." She continued, "(Capitalists) are swine. … They're bastard people."

Rod Swanson, a UCLA economics professor, told his class, "The United States of America, backed by facts, is the greediest and most selfish country in the world."

Professor Andrew Hewitt, chairman of UCLA's Department of Germanic Languages, told his class, "Bush is a moron, a simpleton and an idiot." The professor's opinion of the rest of us: "American consumerism is a very unique thing; I don't think anyone else lusts after money in such a greedy fashion."

An English professor at Montclair State University in New Jersey tells his students, "Conservatism champions racism, exploitation and imperialist war."

Most tragically, parents who cough up thousands in tuition to send their youngsters off to be educated, rather than indoctrinated, are unaware of the academic rot as well.

College and Progressive Professors brainwash our children !! Academic Rot ?

You live in America?
Which one....the one these weasels are 'teaching' their captive audience about?

This is the way universities turn out morons like you.

Now...don't forget to tell the kids: "If you go to college to learn and you cannot stop and separate the knowledge you are there to take in; not only from professors but on your own, you are ignorant."
You don't get the point about how powerful countries treat powerless indigenous people in a historical context? that's how this joke in the White House got elected!!!

You'll believe anything!

"30,000 years ago, Native Americans"

You think that's true????

"Fast forward to the 1500 and those evil English...."

You believe that, too????


"the Spainish boiling and skinning Native Americans." a book!!!

Try "Our Savage Neighbors: How Indian War Transformed Early America" by
Peter Silver

The strong have always taken what they wanted from the weak until relatively recently in history. Aboriginal people with lesser technology were (and still are) likely to find that they have an either/or choice. Either let us have what we want, or we'll take it anyway...and you'll wish you had given it to us. What may be different today is that the law is employed in the process in order give it an aura of fairness. You know, like eminent domain etc. The gov't can even condemn property when there's nothing inherently dangerous or unsafe about it.

One of my favorite examples from US history is when we took a large chunk of Mexico away from the Mexicans and then paid them for it.

You moron....your post would, no doubt earn an A+ in Bowdoin and any other Liberals monastery.

"The Thornton Affair, also known as the Thornton Skirmish, Thornton's Defeat, or Rancho Carricitos was a battle in 1846 between the military forces of the United States and Mexico in disputed territory. The much larger Mexican force completely defeated the Americans. It served as the primary justification for U.S. President James K. Polk's call to Congress to declare war against Mexico, starting the Mexican-American War. 2000 Mexican soldiers attacked an American army patrol of 70 men, killing 11 Americans, wounding 5 and capturing 49."
Thornton Affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did you notice three errors I pointed out in your previous post, as well?

How do they keep folks as stupid as you've managed to remain?

Don't you ever research anything for yourself????

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