The Disgraceful Universities

Now now, don't get your self all worked up, stop and think. Novel Idea isn't it, something so new for you to think.
You again proved my point.
Wow! Ignorance, Ignorance and more Ignorance.

This just proves how ignorant you are and let others lead you down a path of ignorance.
If you go to college to learn and you cannot stop and separate the knowledge you are there to take in; not only from professors but on your own, you are ignorant.

Here ya' go, dim-wit:

"Hate-America Sociology."

De Russy's colleague sent her a copy of a student's exam from an introductory sociology class found lying in a room at an East Coast public college. The professor had given it a perfect score of 100. Here are some of the questions asked and the student's written response:

"Question: How does the United States 'steal' the resources of other (third world) countries?" "Answer: We steal through exploitation. Our multinationals are aware that indigenous people in developing nations have been coaxed off their plots and forced into slums. Because it is lucrative, our multinationals offer them extremely low wage labor that cannot be turned down."

"Question: Why is the U.S. on shaky moral ground when it comes to preventing illegal immigration?" "Answer: Some say that it is wrong of the United States to prevent illegal immigration because the same people we are denying entry to, we have exploited for the purpose of keeping the American wheel spinning. …" "Question: What is the interactionist approach to gender? "Answer: The majority of multigender encounters are male-dominated. (F)or example, while involved in conversation, the male is much more likely to interrupt. Most likely because the male believes the female's expressed thoughts are inferior to his own.

"Question: Please briefly explain the matrix of domination." "Answer: The belief that domination has more than one dimension. For example, Males are dominant over females, whites over blacks, and affluent over impoverished."

Teaching students hate-America indoctrination is widespread, as I've documented in the past. A few years ago, according to UCLA's Bruin Standard, Mary Corey, UCLA history professor, instructed her class, "Capitalism isn't a lie on purpose. It's just a lie." She continued, "(Capitalists) are swine. … They're bastard people."

Rod Swanson, a UCLA economics professor, told his class, "The United States of America, backed by facts, is the greediest and most selfish country in the world."

Professor Andrew Hewitt, chairman of UCLA's Department of Germanic Languages, told his class, "Bush is a moron, a simpleton and an idiot." The professor's opinion of the rest of us: "American consumerism is a very unique thing; I don't think anyone else lusts after money in such a greedy fashion."

An English professor at Montclair State University in New Jersey tells his students, "Conservatism champions racism, exploitation and imperialist war."

Most tragically, parents who cough up thousands in tuition to send their youngsters off to be educated, rather than indoctrinated, are unaware of the academic rot as well.

College and Progressive Professors brainwash our children !! Academic Rot ?

You live in America?
Which one....the one these weasels are 'teaching' their captive audience about?

This is the way universities turn out morons like you.

Now...don't forget to tell the kids: "If you go to college to learn and you cannot stop and separate the knowledge you are there to take in; not only from professors but on your own, you are ignorant."

Does that neon light flashing IDIOT over your head keep you awake at night? that's how this joke in the White House got elected!!!

You'll believe anything!

"30,000 years ago, Native Americans"

You think that's true????

"Fast forward to the 1500 and those evil English...."

You believe that, too????


"the Spainish boiling and skinning Native Americans." a book!!!

Try "Our Savage Neighbors: How Indian War Transformed Early America" by
Peter Silver

The strong have always taken what they wanted from the weak until relatively recently in history. Aboriginal people with lesser technology were (and still are) likely to find that they have an either/or choice. Either let us have what we want, or we'll take it anyway...and you'll wish you had given it to us. What may be different today is that the law is employed in the process in order give it an aura of fairness. You know, like eminent domain etc. The gov't can even condemn property when there's nothing inherently dangerous or unsafe about it.

One of my favorite examples from US history is when we took a large chunk of Mexico away from the Mexicans and then paid them for it.

You moron....your post would, no doubt earn an A+ in Bowdoin and any other Liberals monastery.

"The Thornton Affair, also known as the Thornton Skirmish, Thornton's Defeat, or Rancho Carricitos was a battle in 1846 between the military forces of the United States and Mexico in disputed territory. The much larger Mexican force completely defeated the Americans. It served as the primary justification for U.S. President James K. Polk's call to Congress to declare war against Mexico, starting the Mexican-American War. 2000 Mexican soldiers attacked an American army patrol of 70 men, killing 11 Americans, wounding 5 and capturing 49."
Thornton Affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did you notice three errors I pointed out in your previous post, as well?

How do they keep folks as stupid as you've managed to remain?

Don't you ever research anything for yourself????

I'm familiar with the history. Are YOU?

Our gov't wanted their land, pure and simple. We were going to take it one way or another. Just like we wanted to annex or take over parts of Canada. We made several attempts to do so. This all fit in with the Messianic fervor of the widely held theory of Manifest Destiny.

The cession of this territory from Mexico was a major goal of the war. Alta California and Santa Fe de Nuevo Mexico were captured soon after the start of the war and the last region tance there was subdued in January 1847, but Mexico would not accept the loss of territory. Therefore during 1847 United States troops invaded central Mexico and occupied the Mexican capital of Mexico City, but still no Mexican government was willing to ratify transfer of the northern territories to the U.S. It was uncertain whether any treaty could be reached. There was even an All of Mexico Movement proposing complete annexation of Mexico among Eastern Democrats, opposed by Southerners like John C. Calhoun who wanted additional territory for white Southerners and their black slaves but not the large population of central Mexico.

Mexican Cession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You do realize that going to college is a voluntary activity, do you not? You must also the realize that which college you attend is equally as voluntary. Okay, end of thread...
You do realize that going to college is a voluntary activity, do you not? You must also the realize that which college you attend is equally as voluntary. Okay, end of thread...

Not so fast, fred you want to close a topic because the retards try to teach poeple what to think and not how to think? dont the left try to say that about cons?
You do realize that going to college is a voluntary activity, do you not? You must also the realize that which college you attend is equally as voluntary. Okay, end of thread...

Do you realize....

...oops....I forgot I was dealing with one with the IQ of a stump.

But, since I you not realize that education is a defense industry....and once morons are convinced that the United States is evil.....they will not defend it.

Liberals either hate this nation, or are dupes who go along to get along.

This is what history will reveal: the American experiment was ended, not by an enemy from without.....but by a fifth column within.
The military strategist Carl von Clausewitz wrote that the most effective way to defeat an enemy is to strike at his “center of gravity, the main source of his strength. ...

1. ...

2. ...

10. ...

What can they produce but Janissaries of the Left.

(My bold)

Nah, Janissaries were elite military Turkish (!) units. The whole argument here is that Bowdoin has decayed from the proud traditions of Col. Joshua L. Chamberlain, whose unit defended Little Round Top @ Gettysburg - ironic, since he returned to Bowdoin after the war. Nope, the usage is tonedeaf. Maybe Sycophants or some other disparaging word, but spare us metaphors that clang like cheap tin.
You do realize that going to college is a voluntary activity, do you not? You must also the realize that which college you attend is equally as voluntary. Okay, end of thread...

Do you realize....

...oops....I forgot I was dealing with one with the IQ of a stump.

But, since I you not realize that education is a defense industry....and once morons are convinced that the United States is evil.....they will not defend it.

Liberals either hate this nation, or are dupes who go along to get along.

This is what history will reveal: the American experiment was ended, not by an enemy from without.....but by a fifth column within.

and this is why the left so hates the voucher system, they are losing future votes.
Most right wing Bible universities don't even teach "real" biology or science. They don't want to upset the parents of the children sent there to "learn".
A professor at USC instructs his class in election fraud.

?Stupid and Racist?: Video captures professor ranting against Republican Party

In a 15 min. video secretly captured by USC student Tyler Talgo, political science Professor Darry Sragow also appears to endorse the illegal suppression of Republican votes.

“You lose their information on the election in the mail,” he suggested when a student asked him how to keep Republicans from voting. “I mean there is lots of ways to do it [SIC].”

A teaching assistant (TA), who also appeared to work for the university, then seemed to suggest Black Panthers could be placed at polling stations to intimidate Republican voters.

Rather than rebuking the TA, Sragow appeared to confirm the suggestion.

“Yeah, yeah,” he said. “You can do that.”

(My bold)

I don't care where, when, who - Left, Right, Center - although it's hard to imagine a centrist getting up to blocking voting. Still, investigate & if credible, prosecute whoever tries to do this, to the maximum penalty allowed by law. Our elections should be sacred, a lot of people suffered & died so that we could have a vote.

Anyone willing to falsify or block legitimate voting should be made an example of, promptly, with no plea bargain deals. In fact, I'd prefer the fools do decades @ hard labor - if they can't have strong minds & character, they can @ least develop strong backs. Something fitting would be to have them construct polling places, but I'm not all that fussy about what they do, as long as it's constructive ...
Most right wing Bible universities don't even teach "real" biology or science. They don't want to upset the parents of the children sent there to "learn".

What is real? that we evolved from a hairy ape that was strong as hell, to hunt, get the mates and with fur to protect from the cold~To a weak pink creature that was weak and prolly never had sex unless with a sheep? thats not evoloution thats backwards.
You do realize that going to college is a voluntary activity, do you not? You must also the realize that which college you attend is equally as voluntary. Okay, end of thread...

Do you realize....

...oops....I forgot I was dealing with one with the IQ of a stump.

But, since I you not realize that education is a defense industry....and once morons are convinced that the United States is evil.....they will not defend it.

Liberals either hate this nation, or are dupes who go along to get along.

This is what history will reveal: the American experiment was ended, not by an enemy from without.....but by a fifth column within.

No. I didn't realize education was a "defense industry." Would you "defend" this notion? Even were I to grant this, what relevance does this have to what a single private college chooses to teach, and why are you not picking on the myriad Christian universities? Oh that's right... Because you are biased towards Christian universities since you are one, even though these universities do exactly what Bowdoin is supposedly doing, except its an ideology you don't like. I get it now. You aren't interested in truth or integrity.
Most right wing Bible universities don't even teach "real" biology or science. They don't want to upset the parents of the children sent there to "learn".

What is real? that we evolved from a hairy ape that was strong as hell, to hunt, get the mates and with fur to protect from the cold~To a weak pink creature that was weak and prolly never had sex unless with a sheep? thats not evoloution thats backwards.

Most right wing Bible universities don't even teach "real" biology or science. They don't want to upset the parents of the children sent there to "learn".

What is real? that we evolved from a hairy ape that was strong as hell, to hunt, get the mates and with fur to protect from the cold~To a weak pink creature that was weak and prolly never had sex unless with a sheep? thats not evoloution thats backwards.


need something besides hey? to debate me on this one. confused you did I? If I evovled from an ape shouldnt I pull an engine block out by one arm by now? hell its been ove 100,000 years? right?
What is real? that we evolved from a hairy ape that was strong as hell, to hunt, get the mates and with fur to protect from the cold~To a weak pink creature that was weak and prolly never had sex unless with a sheep? thats not evoloution thats backwards.


need something besides hey? to debate me on this one. confused you did I? If I evovled from an ape shouldnt I pull an engine block out by one arm by now? hell its been ove 100,000 years? right?

need something besides hey? to debate me on this one. confused you did I? If I evovled from an ape shouldnt I pull an engine block out by one arm by now? hell its been ove 100,000 years? right?


I was taught how to think, you I guess was taught what to think.... another liberal hiding his head in the sand of suppose science? I guess.

You obviously weren't taught grammar.
A non-white immigrant complaining about too much 'diversity' in America.

lol, there's a certain artistic quality to that level of self-loathing, I have to admit.
What can they produce but Janissaries of the Left.

I don't really agree with you POV, (because I know that there are leaning right professors, too) but kudos for knowing what Janissaries are.

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