The Disgraceful Universities

And Bob Jones University, one of Americas most conservative colleges, banned interracial dating all the way up to the 2000's. And Liberty University, a large ultra-conservative school, bans holding hands, televisions in rooms of all non-senior students, and drinking....anywhere, not just on campus, but anywhere in the world, by it's students.

See? There are crazy assholes everywhere.

That is only the tip of the abortion myth iceberg...

The Religious can people that have no regard for the crawling the walking have such a passion for the unborn?

Easy...they DON'T...they're a bunch of racists that USED Roe v. Wade as a political wedge issue...

Book Excerpt: 'Thy Kingdom Come'

by Randall Balmer

In the 1980s, in order to solidify their shift from divorce to abortion, the Religious Right constructed an abortion myth, one accepted by most Americans as true. Simply put, the abortion myth is this: Leaders of the Religious Right would have us believe that their movement began in direct response to the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.
In the course of one of the sessions, Weyrich tried to make a point to his Religious Right brethren (no women attended the conference, as I recall). Let's remember, he said animatedly, that the Religious Right did not come together in response to the Roe decision. No, Weyrich insisted, what got us going as a political movement was the attempt on the part of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to rescind the tax-exempt status of Bob Jones University because of its racially discriminatory policies.

Evangelical: Religious Right Has Distorted the Faith : NPR


Ronald Reagan showed off his racist credentials by defending the racist Bob Jones U's tax exempt status... more example of why the white conservative racist South turned Republican from the 50's to the present.
Neocon nepotism. How nice...

Douglas Feith's Son Among 'WSJ' Opinion Fellows

In the hyper-inbred world of conservative opinion journalism, having a famous father never hurts -- even if your dad is an alleged torture enabler who may soon face arrest overseas.

The Wall Street Journal just handed out its 2009 Robert L. Bartley Fellowships, awarded to those college students who best exemplify the ideals of the Journal's longtime editorial-page editor, who died in 2003. For the second year in a row, the group includes David Feith, son of former undersecretary of defense Douglas Feith.

Feith père is one of six Bush Administration officials being investigated by a Spanish court for possible violations of international law.

Little known fact: Hillary Clinton got a leg up by being married to what's-his-name.....

True story.

Except she is a little smarter than what's-his-name, and a LOT smarter than any conservative.

Can you practice this for 2016...MRS. President...
Imagine, if you actually picked up a book....

From 1380s to 1648, the Janissaries were gathered through the devşirme system. This was the recruiting of non-Turkish children, notably Balkan Christians; Jews were never subject to devşirme, nor were children from Turkic families. In early days, all Christians were enrolled indiscriminately; later, those of Albanian, northern Greek, and Serb origin were preferred.
Encyclopædia Britannica. Eleventh Edition

(My bold)

Their original organization, I grant. They were established 14th C as you noted, but not abolished until 1826 C.E. Too current. & you seem to be arguing that it was a kind of draft of non-Islamic intake. But that doesn't square with the units being elite.

There's a nice article in Wikipedia, under Janissaries. The originals may have been slaves & POWs, but evolved into the Christian intake (& forced conversions, removal from parents, fostering with Islamic parents to learn the language & religion). But as Janissaries became part of the dominant social order, Christian intake was halted - during the 17th C. After that, Islamic volunteers were the rule.

My use of 'Janissaries' for Liberals was based on their characteristic of strictly following orders....good soldiers......more like iron filings in a magnetic field than intelligent human beings.

Coming from someone who dutifully spouts rightwing talking points on a daily basis, without the insight to even defend what you're repeating,

that is ironic gold.
Please do yourself a favor and stop trying to bring others to your level, which you cannot do with someone that has the ability to take in any information and sort through it and become educated and make the decision they need to make.
One more time, I have made the same comment continuously but you seem to not have enough intellect to know what I am saying.

Here you are again and making a complete fool of yourself.
It is difficult for someone of your caliber to actually grasp the concept of gathering information and then, making a completely sane and informed decision.
One day it may happen for you if you get rid of your vile anger and hatred of those who can function in this manner.

Does that neon light flashing IDIOT over your head keep you awake at night?

I got your characterizations....and chalk them to my revealing what a dunce you are....

...but you haven't commented on the post you're ostensibly commenting on.... that because you're an idiot?
Thank God for all those overachieving Asians. Otherwise our poor top tier liberal arts colleges would have no students wanting to be brainwashed.

Great thread, btw. Priceless
And Arabs...don't forget them. They are also very supportive of our liberal least financially.
Lol. If you say so.

One thing I'm looking forward to when we suffer the imminent social and economic collapse that you and your fellow lofty elitists have brought to us....

I can't wait to see how well y'all handle starvation. The smarter ones will flock to the countryside to beg help from the people they so obviously despise right now. And will probably be slaughtered wholesale.
The military strategist Carl von Clausewitz wrote that the most effective way to defeat an enemy is to strike at his “center of gravity, the main source of his strength. Our democracy’s “center of gravity” was the education our colleges and universities provided. Colleges and universities no longer teach the American history that would have served as the tocsin, and prepared our best and brightest to defend our American traditions.

Read about the Klingenstein Report: "... the report demonstrates how Bowdoin has become an intellectual monoculture dedicated above all to identity politics.... The school's ideological pillars would likely be familiar to anyone who has paid attention to American higher education lately. There's the obsession with race, class, gender and sexuality as the essential forces of history and markers of political identity. ... there are the paeans to "global citizenship," or loving all countries except one's own." David Feith: The Golf Shot Heard Round the Academic World -

1. "Bowdoin College.... One of the most liberal colleges in the country has been exposed for its incredible animus toward conservatism,...

2. In 2010, Barry Mills, the president of Bowdoin College, went golfing with investor and philanthropist Thomas Klingenstein. Their conversation included talk of “diversity,” and Mills later quoted Klingenstein anonymously in his convocation address to Bowdoin's freshman class.

a. Mills claimed that the philanthropist had stated "I would never support Bowdoin—you are a ridiculous liberal school that brings all the wrong students to campus for all the wrong reasons." Mills added that the man criticized Bowdoin’s "misplaced and misguided diversity efforts,"...

3. Klingenstein got wind of the remarks and responded in the Claremont Review of Books: "He didn't like my views, so he turned me into a backswing interrupting, Bowdoin-hating boor who wants to return to the segregated days of Jim Crow... I explained my disapproval of 'diversity' as it generally has been implemented on college campuses: too much celebration of racial and ethnic difference," and not enough “celebration of our common American identity."

4. Klingenstein called Mills out for insinuating that he was a racist, as Mills had said:
We are, in the main, a place of liberal political persuasion... we must be willing to entertain diverse perspectives throughout our community... Diversity of ideas at all levels of the college is crucial for our credibility and for our educational mission.

5. ... Klingenstein called Mills’ bluff. He commissioned researchers to ascertain exactly how serious Bowdoin was about intellectual diversity, rigorous academics, and civic identity. The researchers studied Bowdoin from its founding in 1794, with particular emphasis on the last 45 years. This week, the voluminous report was released.

6. The report states that Bowdoin is centered on race, class, gender, and sexuality as the bases for history, the focus on “sustainability" (code for the evils of capitalism), and the praise of "global citizenship."

7. Bowdoin has "no curricular requirements that center on the American founding or the history of the nation." There is no requirement for history majors to take even one course in American history. There is no class available in the history department about American political, military, diplomatic, or intellectual history. There are, however, classes in that department revolving around race, class, gender, and sexuality.

8. The freshman seminar required of all students? Try one of these: "Sexual Life of Colonialism," "Affirmative Action and U.S. Society," "Fictions of Freedom," "Racism," "Queer Gardens," and "Modern Western Prostitutes."

9. "...four or five out of approximately 182 full-time faculty members might be described as politically conservative."

10. Guess what percentage of faculty donations went to Barack Obama in 2012? You guessed it: 100 percent."
Study Exposes Bowdoin College as Completely Intolerant of Conservatism

" In publishing these and other gems, Mr. Klingenstein and the National Association of Scholars hope to encourage alumni and trustees to push aggressively for reforms." WSJ, Op.Cit.

The disgrace of higher education: they have given up education in exchange for politicization.

What can they produce but Janissaries of the Left.

My, my. thus far in my classes, Chemistry and Calculus, the only mention of handedness has had to do with chirality. Kind of hard to politisize science or math. The only people that try to do that are the whacked out 'Conservatives' like you.
Lol. If you say so.

One thing I'm looking forward to when we suffer the imminent social and economic collapse that you and your fellow lofty elitists have brought to us....

I can't wait to see how well y'all handle starvation. The smarter ones will flock to the countryside to beg help from the people they so obviously despise right now. And will probably be slaughtered wholesale.

Oh my, another damned ignorant 'Conservative' exulting in the thought of fellow Americans being killed. Ever look into the eyes of someone as they died? I have. People like you are below disgust.
Red State Vs. Blue State: Where Would You Rather Live? | Santa Monica Mirror

Here are some (based on 2010 U.S. Census data):

• Blue states tend to have a more educated populace. California is typical with 37.4 percent of adults holding college degrees. Deeply blue Massachusetts ranks first in this category with 53.4 percent of adults holding at least a bachelor’s degree. Minnesota, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Iowa, and Maryland (all blue in 2008) come next, interrupted in the red only by North Dakota with 49.5 percent.

At the bottom is a corps of red states including Alaska at 26.6 percent, Texas at 32.2 percent, and Arizona with 33 percent.

• Unemployment is highest in 2008 blue states Nevada (12 percent in July), Rhode Island (10.8 percent), and here in California (10.2 percent in September). States with the least unemployment were North Dakota, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Oklahoma, but five of the next six lowest unemployment rates were in blue states.

• Red states tend to have a far higher percentage of persons abusing drugs, led by West Virginia with 25.8 persons out of every 100,000 dying of drug overdoses, Utah with 18.4 and Alaska with 18.1 in 2008, the last year for which statistics are available, followed closely by extremely red Kentucky at 17.9 per 100,000.

Red states like Louisiana, Arizona, Alabama, Oklahoma, and Tennessee all topped 14 per 100,000 in this sad category. California, a fairly typical blue state in drug abuse, saw 10.4 persons out of every 100,000 die of drug overdoses, both from illegal drugs and prescription ones, still too many. The leader among 2008 blue states here was Florida at 16.9. (statistics from the Policy Impact Report of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
And Bob Jones University, one of Americas most conservative colleges, banned interracial dating all the way up to the 2000's. And Liberty University, a large ultra-conservative school, bans holding hands, televisions in rooms of all non-senior students, and drinking....anywhere, not just on campus, but anywhere in the world, by it's students.

See? There are crazy assholes everywhere.

Meanwhile, US taxpayers fund a Georgetown Law Student's attempts to get porked.
Lol. If you say so.

One thing I'm looking forward to when we suffer the imminent social and economic collapse that you and your fellow lofty elitists have brought to us....

I can't wait to see how well y'all handle starvation. The smarter ones will flock to the countryside to beg help from the people they so obviously despise right now. And will probably be slaughtered wholesale.

Oh my, another damned ignorant 'Conservative' exulting in the thought of fellow Americans being killed. Ever look into the eyes of someone as they died? I have. People like you are below disgust.

I don't consider the sneering, totalitarian baby killers "American". You obviously hate everything America stands for and have spent a lot of time and energy destroying it.

There will be judgement eventually, though, and it will be gratifying.
The military strategist Carl von Clausewitz wrote that the most effective way to defeat an enemy is to strike at his “center of gravity, the main source of his strength. Our democracy’s “center of gravity” was the education our colleges and universities provided. Colleges and universities no longer teach the American history that would have served as the tocsin, and prepared our best and brightest to defend our American traditions.

Read about the Klingenstein Report: "... the report demonstrates how Bowdoin has become an intellectual monoculture dedicated above all to identity politics.... The school's ideological pillars would likely be familiar to anyone who has paid attention to American higher education lately. There's the obsession with race, class, gender and sexuality as the essential forces of history and markers of political identity. ... there are the paeans to "global citizenship," or loving all countries except one's own." David Feith: The Golf Shot Heard Round the Academic World -

1. "Bowdoin College.... One of the most liberal colleges in the country has been exposed for its incredible animus toward conservatism,...

2. In 2010, Barry Mills, the president of Bowdoin College, went golfing with investor and philanthropist Thomas Klingenstein. Their conversation included talk of “diversity,” and Mills later quoted Klingenstein anonymously in his convocation address to Bowdoin's freshman class.

a. Mills claimed that the philanthropist had stated "I would never support Bowdoin—you are a ridiculous liberal school that brings all the wrong students to campus for all the wrong reasons." Mills added that the man criticized Bowdoin’s "misplaced and misguided diversity efforts,"...

3. Klingenstein got wind of the remarks and responded in the Claremont Review of Books: "He didn't like my views, so he turned me into a backswing interrupting, Bowdoin-hating boor who wants to return to the segregated days of Jim Crow... I explained my disapproval of 'diversity' as it generally has been implemented on college campuses: too much celebration of racial and ethnic difference," and not enough “celebration of our common American identity."

4. Klingenstein called Mills out for insinuating that he was a racist, as Mills had said:
We are, in the main, a place of liberal political persuasion... we must be willing to entertain diverse perspectives throughout our community... Diversity of ideas at all levels of the college is crucial for our credibility and for our educational mission.

5. ... Klingenstein called Mills’ bluff. He commissioned researchers to ascertain exactly how serious Bowdoin was about intellectual diversity, rigorous academics, and civic identity. The researchers studied Bowdoin from its founding in 1794, with particular emphasis on the last 45 years. This week, the voluminous report was released.

6. The report states that Bowdoin is centered on race, class, gender, and sexuality as the bases for history, the focus on “sustainability" (code for the evils of capitalism), and the praise of "global citizenship."

7. Bowdoin has "no curricular requirements that center on the American founding or the history of the nation." There is no requirement for history majors to take even one course in American history. There is no class available in the history department about American political, military, diplomatic, or intellectual history. There are, however, classes in that department revolving around race, class, gender, and sexuality.

8. The freshman seminar required of all students? Try one of these: "Sexual Life of Colonialism," "Affirmative Action and U.S. Society," "Fictions of Freedom," "Racism," "Queer Gardens," and "Modern Western Prostitutes."

9. "...four or five out of approximately 182 full-time faculty members might be described as politically conservative."

10. Guess what percentage of faculty donations went to Barack Obama in 2012? You guessed it: 100 percent."
Study Exposes Bowdoin College as Completely Intolerant of Conservatism

" In publishing these and other gems, Mr. Klingenstein and the National Association of Scholars hope to encourage alumni and trustees to push aggressively for reforms." WSJ, Op.Cit.

The disgrace of higher education: they have given up education in exchange for politicization.

What can they produce but Janissaries of the Left.

My, my. thus far in my classes, Chemistry and Calculus, the only mention of handedness has had to do with chirality. Kind of hard to politisize science or math. The only people that try to do that are the whacked out 'Conservatives' like you.

You feeling all right?

What a gaffe you made in this post.

" Kind of hard to politisize science or math."

No, it isn't.....take the topic you made famous....or infamous:

The Scam of the age: Global Warming! about walking right into one!!

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