The disturbing view of Muslims in the US

And what have YOU done to stop them? Nothing? So then we can question your credibility too?

I am not in a position of power or authority over any religious group. So your question is basically---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------stupid

Nor are religious leaders in positions of power over political groups.

ISIS is NOT a political group. it is a radical religious group. Saudi Arabia has an air force, why don't they bomb ISIS into oblivion?

Is ISIS in Saudi Arabia?

not yet. But ISIS certainly poses a threat to the kingdom of the family of Saud.

-- Which explains the wall and its internal defence measures, as any country would take.

But why would they go far afield and "bomb ISIS into oblivion"?

That was your point.
I am not in a position of power or authority over any religious group. So your question is basically---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------stupid

Nor are religious leaders in positions of power over political groups.

ISIS is NOT a political group. it is a radical religious group. Saudi Arabia has an air force, why don't they bomb ISIS into oblivion?

Is ISIS in Saudi Arabia?

not yet. But ISIS certainly poses a threat to the kingdom of the family of Saud.

-- Which explains the wall and its internal defence measures, as any country would take.

But why would they go far afield and "bomb ISIS into oblivion"?

That was your point.

the premise was that "normal" muslims are not trying to stop or eliminate ISIS. the discussion so far confirms that.

there is really nothing more to add.
Muslims are the ones actual most of the fighting against Islamic extremist. The extremist are killing more Muslims than non-Muslim.

yes it is the convert or die policy
If you look at what ISIS is doing, they are killing the faithful along with the not so faithful and the infidels. Essential anyone who is not a supporter is their enemy.

The Organization Of Islamic Cooperation which represents 1.4 billion Muslims in 57 nations say, The Islamic State Has "Nothing To Do With Islam," Has Committed Crimes "That Cannot Be Tolerated."

Al-Azhar, the Grand Mufti Shawqi Allam, Egypt's highest religious authority: "Islamic State Is Corrupt And A Danger To Islam."

Arab League: "Strongly Denounced" The "Crimes Against Humanity" Carried Out By The Islamic State.

Turkey's Top Cleric: Islamic State's Threats Are "Hugely Damaging," "Truly Awful."

CAIR Repeatedly Condemned The Islamic State As "Un-Islamic And Morally Repugnant."

The Muslim Council Of Great Britain: "Violence Has No Place In Religion."

The Islamic Society of North America: The Islamic State's Actions "Are To Be Denounced And Are In No Way Representative Of What Islam Actually Teaches."

100 Sunni And Shiite U.K. Imams: The Islamic State Is An "Illegitimate, Vicious Group."

Saudi Arabia's Highest Religious Authority: Terrorists Like The Islamic State Is The "Number One Enemy Of Islam."

Muslim Public Affairs Council: Condemned The Islamic State And Called For "Stand Against Extremism."

Muslim Leaders Have Roundly Denounced Islamic State, But Conservative Media Won't Tell You That

that's all great but its just talk. no action.
Talk is about all religious leaders can do. Islam like Christianity is compose of a number secs (denominations). which have different interpretations of the Quran. Within the sects their are branches, some being strict fundamentalist others more secular. Just as the beliefs of Unitarians and Jehovah's Witnesses vary so do the beliefs of various branches of Islam.

ISIS and Al Qaeda are sects of Islam, they have certainly done more than just talk.

My point is that the "normal" muslims that you quoted have done nothing th stop the radicals except talk. That makes me question their credibility.
Muslims just like Christians, and Jews, have jobs, families, and participate in activities that have nothing to do with their religion. There are some that are religious zealots and their are some that don't event practice their religion. They do exactly what you do, talk. Like you, they aren't fighting ISIS in Syria, or joining anti-terrorist groups because it has nothing to do with them and their lives.
yes it is the convert or die policy
If you look at what ISIS is doing, they are killing the faithful along with the not so faithful and the infidels. Essential anyone who is not a supporter is their enemy.

The Organization Of Islamic Cooperation which represents 1.4 billion Muslims in 57 nations say, The Islamic State Has "Nothing To Do With Islam," Has Committed Crimes "That Cannot Be Tolerated."

Al-Azhar, the Grand Mufti Shawqi Allam, Egypt's highest religious authority: "Islamic State Is Corrupt And A Danger To Islam."

Arab League: "Strongly Denounced" The "Crimes Against Humanity" Carried Out By The Islamic State.

Turkey's Top Cleric: Islamic State's Threats Are "Hugely Damaging," "Truly Awful."

CAIR Repeatedly Condemned The Islamic State As "Un-Islamic And Morally Repugnant."

The Muslim Council Of Great Britain: "Violence Has No Place In Religion."

The Islamic Society of North America: The Islamic State's Actions "Are To Be Denounced And Are In No Way Representative Of What Islam Actually Teaches."

100 Sunni And Shiite U.K. Imams: The Islamic State Is An "Illegitimate, Vicious Group."

Saudi Arabia's Highest Religious Authority: Terrorists Like The Islamic State Is The "Number One Enemy Of Islam."

Muslim Public Affairs Council: Condemned The Islamic State And Called For "Stand Against Extremism."

Muslim Leaders Have Roundly Denounced Islamic State, But Conservative Media Won't Tell You That

that's all great but its just talk. no action.
Talk is about all religious leaders can do. Islam like Christianity is compose of a number secs (denominations). which have different interpretations of the Quran. Within the sects their are branches, some being strict fundamentalist others more secular. Just as the beliefs of Unitarians and Jehovah's Witnesses vary so do the beliefs of various branches of Islam.

ISIS and Al Qaeda are sects of Islam, they have certainly done more than just talk.

My point is that the "normal" muslims that you quoted have done nothing th stop the radicals except talk. That makes me question their credibility.
Muslims just like Christians, and Jews, have jobs, families, and participate in activities that have nothing to do with their religion. There are some that are religious zealots and their are some that don't event practice their religion. They do exactly what you do, talk. Like you, they aren't fighting ISIS in Syria, or joining anti-terrorist groups because it has nothing to do with them and their lives.

I am talking about muslim leaders, not the guy who owns the convenience store around the corner.
Nor are religious leaders in positions of power over political groups.

ISIS is NOT a political group. it is a radical religious group. Saudi Arabia has an air force, why don't they bomb ISIS into oblivion?

Is ISIS in Saudi Arabia?

not yet. But ISIS certainly poses a threat to the kingdom of the family of Saud.

-- Which explains the wall and its internal defence measures, as any country would take.

But why would they go far afield and "bomb ISIS into oblivion"?

That was your point.

the premise was that "normal" muslims are not trying to stop or eliminate ISIS. the discussion so far confirms that.

there is really nothing more to add.

Again, feel free to link this imaginarily-selective negative.
I am not in a position of power or authority over any religious group. So your question is basically---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------stupid

Nor are religious leaders in positions of power over political groups.

ISIS is NOT a political group. it is a radical religious group. Saudi Arabia has an air force, why don't they bomb ISIS into oblivion?

Is ISIS in Saudi Arabia?

not yet. But ISIS certainly poses a threat to the kingdom of the family of Saud.

-- Which explains the wall and its internal defence measures, as any country would take.

But why would they go far afield and "bomb ISIS into oblivion"?

That was your point.

No answer is only answer.
Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Well that's the racist bigot view....

Can you tell me how Amal Cooney (George Clooney's wife) the Human Rights lawyer is responsible for what is going on in the Middle East.

But hey you christian are the same as Fred Phelps and Jim Jones... You must be a piece of scum... Generalising is great...
Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Well that's the racist bigot view....

Can you tell me how Amal Cooney (George Clooney's wife) the Human Rights lawyer is responsible for what is going on in the Middle East.

But hey you christian are the same as Fred Phelps and Jim Jones... You must be a piece of scum... Generalising is great...
Explain to me how Muslims are not responsible for the image they put forth.

And I'm not a Christian.
What I'm waiting for are the Muslim leaders in high positions around the world to come out and denounce terrorist attacks AND groups like ISIS.

The thing is, when you're going :lalala: as they do so you tend not to hear them. And if your usual sources are Pam Geller and JizzHandWash, well they're gonna be filtered out.

But by all means feel free to link a negative. :popcorn:

And it'll have to make all those statements in post 257 go away. :lalala:

Say what you want about Catholics, Jews, Protestants, etc., but if a terrorist group that associated themselves with the Catholic church did an attack like the Boston Marathon-the pope would IMMEDIATELY denounce it.

Bullshittio. Why would he do that? It would make for a very busy day.

Eric Rudolph bombed the Olympics, bombed an abortion clinic, killed a guard, maimed a nurse and bombed a lesbian bar. And then he lived as a fugitive here (near me).

Eric Rudolph is a Catholic. Were you part of the outcry against "Catholic extremism"? Were you out here calling for the Pope to denounce Eric Rudolph?

No, didn't think so.

The fact that some element does something and is simultaneously affiliated with Group X --- DOES NOT MAKE GROUP X THE PERPETRATOR. :banghead:

It's funny how the left bashes the GOP for not wanting women to have equal rights, yet it's wrong to say that many Muslim countries are barbaric for the way they treat women in their culture? I think being stoned for cheating on your husband, not being able to get an education/vote, not choosing who you can marry, etc. is worse than not getting paid the same amount of money (which btw I do think is wrong).

All that is fucked up.
But they're also aspects of culture. You don't find the same social hierarchy bullshit going on in, say Saudi Arabia and Tunisia. Yet they're both also Muslim.

Again -- plug that into the bold sentence above, then look around and see where you are.

Composition Fallacy

This really really really ain't rocket surgery.

Did he do it in the name of Catholicism? Was he a part of a well organized group? I didn't think so.

edit: When you have to cite Saudi Arabia as an example of a high know your argument is weak.
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Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Well that's the racist bigot view....

Can you tell me how Amal Cooney (George Clooney's wife) the Human Rights lawyer is responsible for what is going on in the Middle East.

But hey you christian are the same as Fred Phelps and Jim Jones... You must be a piece of scum... Generalising is great...
Explain to me how Muslims are not responsible for the image they put forth.

And I'm not a Christian.

Are you saying Amal Clooney is responsible for other Muslims....

Are you white... Are you responsible for other White people... What every religion or atheist, are you responsible for others apart of your faith...

Nope, you just generalise and say all muslims are bad because there is a few bad muslims...

Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Well that's the racist bigot view....

Can you tell me how Amal Cooney (George Clooney's wife) the Human Rights lawyer is responsible for what is going on in the Middle East.

But hey you christian are the same as Fred Phelps and Jim Jones... You must be a piece of scum... Generalising is great...
Explain to me how Muslims are not responsible for the image they put forth.

And I'm not a Christian.

Are you saying Amal Clooney is responsible for other Muslims....

Are you white... Are you responsible for other White people... What every religion or atheist, are you responsible for others apart of your faith...

Nope, you just generalise and say all muslims are bad because there is a few bad muslims...


Did we?

When was the first 'Interference'?

And please... be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow.
Muslims just like Christians, and Jews, have jobs, families, and participate in activities that have nothing to do with their religion.

Well I tell ya what... you go get some Baptists to start murdering innocent people by the gross in the Name of my religion and we, the Baptists... will show you how quickly we check that nonsense.

Put it to you this way, if our Preacher stands up behind the pulpit on Sunday and starts calling for the Church to arm people to murder Episcopalians, he'd be on the floor and hogtied before the Plate was passed.

I guess I will NEVER tire of watching the Ideological Left defend the Mass-murdering Cult: Islam.

And that's probably because if ANYTHING the Left says is true, then Islam represents EVERYTHING the Left claims to stand against.

So, where we see the Left DEFEND ISLAM... we can then, through that evidence, reasonably conclude that the Left is a disingenuous collective of lyin' sacks of Islam.
Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Well that's the racist bigot view....

Can you tell me how Amal Cooney (George Clooney's wife) the Human Rights lawyer is responsible for what is going on in the Middle East.

But hey you christian are the same as Fred Phelps and Jim Jones... You must be a piece of scum... Generalising is great...
Explain to me how Muslims are not responsible for the image they put forth.

And I'm not a Christian.

Are you saying Amal Clooney is responsible for other Muslims....

Are you white... Are you responsible for other White people... What every religion or atheist, are you responsible for others apart of your faith...

Nope, you just generalise and say all muslims are bad because there is a few bad muslims...


Did we?

When was the first 'Interference'?

And please... be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow.
I believe it was the brits and their attempts to spread christianity.
Before that it was the Romans.
Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Well that's the racist bigot view....

Can you tell me how Amal Cooney (George Clooney's wife) the Human Rights lawyer is responsible for what is going on in the Middle East.

But hey you christian are the same as Fred Phelps and Jim Jones... You must be a piece of scum... Generalising is great...
Explain to me how Muslims are not responsible for the image they put forth.

And I'm not a Christian.

Are you saying Amal Clooney is responsible for other Muslims....

Are you white... Are you responsible for other White people... What every religion or atheist, are you responsible for others apart of your faith...

Nope, you just generalise and say all muslims are bad because there is a few bad muslims...


Did we?

When was the first 'Interference'?

And please... be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow.
I believe it was the brits and their attempts to spread christianity.
Before that it was the Romans.


I see... and what year was that? Just put a pin in it for me.
What's life like in Muslim countries?

What's the point here?

I don't like Islam. I also don't like Christianity. Doesn't mean I wouldn't stand up for people from both religions to have freedoms, rights, and the chance to just get on with their life.

Muslim countries are taking few if any Muslim refugees. Don't lay this all at our feet.
Well that's the racist bigot view....

Can you tell me how Amal Cooney (George Clooney's wife) the Human Rights lawyer is responsible for what is going on in the Middle East.

But hey you christian are the same as Fred Phelps and Jim Jones... You must be a piece of scum... Generalising is great...
Explain to me how Muslims are not responsible for the image they put forth.

And I'm not a Christian.

Are you saying Amal Clooney is responsible for other Muslims....

Are you white... Are you responsible for other White people... What every religion or atheist, are you responsible for others apart of your faith...

Nope, you just generalise and say all muslims are bad because there is a few bad muslims...


Did we?

When was the first 'Interference'?

And please... be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow.
I believe it was the brits and their attempts to spread christianity.
Before that it was the Romans.


I see... and what year was that? Just put a pin in it for me.
Want me to jump through a hoop burning in flames too or can you figure it out for yourself?
Explain to me how Muslims are not responsible for the image they put forth.

And I'm not a Christian.

Are you saying Amal Clooney is responsible for other Muslims....

Are you white... Are you responsible for other White people... What every religion or atheist, are you responsible for others apart of your faith...

Nope, you just generalise and say all muslims are bad because there is a few bad muslims...


Did we?

When was the first 'Interference'?

And please... be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow.
I believe it was the brits and their attempts to spread christianity.
Before that it was the Romans.


I see... and what year was that? Just put a pin in it for me.
Want me to jump through a hoop burning in flames too or can you figure it out for yourself?

You've been inflames since ya advanced that nonsense.

Islam is built entirely, solely, utterly and exclusively upon WAR. No War... No islam.

Since the 2nd Decade of the Existence of Islam, Islam has been murdering innocents as a means to acquire political power... and spent 700 years raiding, murdering and raping its way across North Africa, the Mediterranean, across southern Europe eventually causing what is otherwise known as the Dark Ages... as Islam shut down the means of Europe to access the International Trade routes... and sending such into the darkness intrinsic to the common siege.

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