The disturbing view of Muslims in the US

I'm pretty sure that he's not living in fear, as you imagine.

You made the comment, are you going to back out of it now?

muslims who do not comply with the mullahs and ayatollahs seem to disappear or lose their heads. I hope you neighbor is aware of the danger.

Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

reducing any group to the sins of a few is bigotry.

but you know that.

yeah, would that be like blaming all gun owners for the acts of a few mentally ill idiots?

do you ever respond to anything by staying on topic?

guns shouldn't get into the hands of the mentally ill. they do because of lax gun laws.


Chicago has the toughest gun laws in the country, have you checked the chicago gun death statistics lately?

Criminals ignore gun laws, thats why they are called criminals.
CAn I get a gun permit while wearing a habib?

Habib is a Arabic male name meaning "beloved".

So no, I don't think you can get a gun permit while wearing an arabic man.
muslims who do not comply with the mullahs and ayatollahs seem to disappear or lose their heads. I hope you neighbor is aware of the danger.

reducing any group to the sins of a few is bigotry.

but you know that.

yeah, would that be like blaming all gun owners for the acts of a few mentally ill idiots?

do you ever respond to anything by staying on topic?

guns shouldn't get into the hands of the mentally ill. they do because of lax gun laws.


Chicago has the toughest gun laws in the country, have you checked the chicago gun death statistics lately?

Criminals ignore gun laws, thats why they are called criminals.
CAn I get a gun permit while wearing a habib?

Habib is a Arabic male name meaning "beloved".

So no, I don't think you can get a gun permit while wearing an arabic man.
You know what I meant.
yeah, would that be like blaming all gun owners for the acts of a few mentally ill idiots?

do you ever respond to anything by staying on topic?

guns shouldn't get into the hands of the mentally ill. they do because of lax gun laws.


Chicago has the toughest gun laws in the country, have you checked the chicago gun death statistics lately?

Criminals ignore gun laws, thats why they are called criminals.
CAn I get a gun permit while wearing a habib?

Habib is a Arabic male name meaning "beloved".

So no, I don't think you can get a gun permit while wearing an arabic man.
You know what I meant.

Of course I knew what you meant, but I wanted to highlight the ignorance and bigotry in your response.
Columbia Heights students walk out over Facebook post about Muslims

Trump declines to correct man who says Obama is Muslim

"We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims," said the first man Trump called on to ask a question. "We know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American."

Ahmed Mohamed, Muslim teen cuffed over clock mistaken for bomb, still suspended from school

"Mohamed will not be charged with possessing a hoax bomb because there's no evidence the 14-year-old meant to cause alarm Monday at MacArthur High School in the Dallas suburb of Irving, according to police Chief Larry Boyd."

Since 9/11 Muslims have been having a hard time in the US. The reasons are clear, Bush wanted to make a new Common Enemy, the demise of the USSR left a gaping hole in the right wing "be tough on anything" policy.

In the past just calling someone a Communist was as bad as it got, now it's calling someone a Muslim. You want to get at Obama because you don't like him? Just call him a Muslim. It's simple, so simple even a redneck who managed to pass grade 2 could do it. It doesn't take brains.

And the whole while with ISIS going around killing and apparently this being really important for the citizens of the US, as opposed to, say, the Civil War in DRC or other such places.

Some Muslims are bad. Some Christians are bad. But by vilifying ALL Muslims people are essentially giving the right exactly what they want. People criticise Obama's foreign policy, it hasn't been amazing, but he's pulled back from the vilification of Muslims, and the need for the right to make Muslims the problem (and therefore the solution).

Interestingly, unlike Judaism, Islam does pass religious affiliation to children through the father. In this sense then President Obama is very much a Muslim if he wished to claim it.
Yep, we dont want to insult the poor little jihadist darlings, we must embrace the violent, backwards, infidels..... Lol

Like they do us......
I'm pretty sure that he's not living in fear, as you imagine.

You made the comment, are you going to back out of it now?

muslims who do not comply with the mullahs and ayatollahs seem to disappear or lose their heads. I hope you neighbor is aware of the danger.

Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

reducing any group to the sins of a few is bigotry.

but you know that.

yeah, would that be like blaming all gun owners for the acts of a few mentally ill idiots?

do you ever respond to anything by staying on topic?

guns shouldn't get into the hands of the mentally ill. they do because of lax gun laws.


Chicago has the toughest gun laws in the country, have you checked the chicago gun death statistics lately?

Criminals ignore gun laws, thats why they are called criminals.
CAn I get a gun permit while wearing a habib?

No, a CC permit requires a picture of your face and fingerprints.
If we kill them we don't have to waste time understanding them.

The most honest thing to which a bigot has ever admitted.

pretty much the same thing the black lives matter group is saying, and you liberfools support them.
I have never expressed support for that group. I don't really know much about them either way.

That doesn't make me want to kill them, which is what makes all the difference between me and you bigots.
If we kill them we don't have to waste time understanding them.

The most honest thing to which a bigot has ever admitted.

pretty much the same thing the black lives matter group is saying, and you liberfools support them.
I have never expressed support for that group. I don't really know much about them either way.

That doesn't make me want to kill them, which is what makes me different from you bigots.

Radical islam has declared war on the USA, Israel, and Christians world wide. They have declared jihad on those groups and avowed to kill them.

When someone is at war with you and is trying to kill you, smart people kill them first.

No one is saying we should kill all muslims, only the radical fringe who would behead YOU simply because you are an american. Wake up and smell reality.
muslims who do not comply with the mullahs and ayatollahs seem to disappear or lose their heads. I hope you neighbor is aware of the danger.

reducing any group to the sins of a few is bigotry.

but you know that.

yeah, would that be like blaming all gun owners for the acts of a few mentally ill idiots?

do you ever respond to anything by staying on topic?

guns shouldn't get into the hands of the mentally ill. they do because of lax gun laws.


Chicago has the toughest gun laws in the country, have you checked the chicago gun death statistics lately?

Criminals ignore gun laws, thats why they are called criminals.
CAn I get a gun permit while wearing a habib?

Habib is a Arabic male name meaning "beloved".

So no, I don't think you can get a gun permit while wearing an arabic man.

hijab is beyond his working vocabulary
So then Muslims who are just normal people who are Muslims should not be treated the same as radical Muslims then, right?

Those poor Moslems! They really should be encouraged to move to their "holy lands" where they will not be persecuted by xenophobic Americans.

And here was me thinking the US had freedom of religion.

When it comes to Christians they should be able to do what they like above and beyond the law, when it comes to Muslims they shouldn't even be able to do what is within the law. GO FIGURE!!!

Those poor Moslems!


I was more concerned with the hypocrisy.

No one is above the law, even hillary clinton. are you in favor of muslim women being allowed to have their drivers license pictures with their faces covered by a black sheet?

This country is so screwed up right now, we are kowtowing to every muslim demand and making Christianity a crime.

and you fricken libs just sit there watching and grinning like a jackass eating briars.

No one is above the law, oh, except Kim Davis and anyone who decides their Christian faith comes above the law.

You say it's screwed up kowtowing to every Muslim, but it's CHRISTIANS who are not following the law, and it's Christian Republican Candidates for the Presidency who are backing such people.
Those poor Moslems! They really should be encouraged to move to their "holy lands" where they will not be persecuted by xenophobic Americans.

And here was me thinking the US had freedom of religion.

When it comes to Christians they should be able to do what they like above and beyond the law, when it comes to Muslims they shouldn't even be able to do what is within the law. GO FIGURE!!!

Those poor Moslems!


I was more concerned with the hypocrisy.

No one is above the law, even hillary clinton. are you in favor of muslim women being allowed to have their drivers license pictures with their faces covered by a black sheet?

This country is so screwed up right now, we are kowtowing to every muslim demand and making Christianity a crime.

and you fricken libs just sit there watching and grinning like a jackass eating briars.

No one is above the law, oh, except Kim Davis and anyone who decides their Christian faith comes above the law.

You say it's screwed up kowtowing to every Muslim, but it's CHRISTIANS who are not following the law, and it's Christian Republican Candidates for the Presidency who are backing such people.

I have said all along that she has to follow the law. But she is also free to stand behind her religious beliefs and accept the punishment that goes with that----------------much like MLK did, and Mandela.

Why is standing on principle great when done by blacks and gays, but terrible when done by a white Christian?
And here was me thinking the US had freedom of religion.

When it comes to Christians they should be able to do what they like above and beyond the law, when it comes to Muslims they shouldn't even be able to do what is within the law. GO FIGURE!!!

Those poor Moslems!


I was more concerned with the hypocrisy.

No one is above the law, even hillary clinton. are you in favor of muslim women being allowed to have their drivers license pictures with their faces covered by a black sheet?

This country is so screwed up right now, we are kowtowing to every muslim demand and making Christianity a crime.

and you fricken libs just sit there watching and grinning like a jackass eating briars.

No one is above the law, oh, except Kim Davis and anyone who decides their Christian faith comes above the law.

You say it's screwed up kowtowing to every Muslim, but it's CHRISTIANS who are not following the law, and it's Christian Republican Candidates for the Presidency who are backing such people.

I have said all along that she has to follow the law. But she is also free to stand behind her religious beliefs and accept the punishment that goes with that----------------much like MLK did, and Mandela.

Why is standing on principle great when done by blacks and gays, but terrible when done by a white Christian?

Oh, sure she is.

Which gay or black people are you talking about and what did they do exactly?
Then the ones who aren't should step up to the plate and condemn the ones who are making their lives miserable.
Pretty sure they do, unless you're blind.
Well, let's see some. Out of the billion plus muslims, if the majority of them oppose the murdering bastards that commit acts of terrorism and have condemned them, you should be able to post about 10,000 videos. How about 10?

Do 6 million Syrian refugees count?
Muslims are the ones actual most of the fighting against Islamic extremist. The extremist are killing more Muslims than non-Muslim.

yes it is the convert or die policy
If you look at what ISIS is doing, they are killing the faithful along with the not so faithful and the infidels. Essential anyone who is not a supporter is their enemy.

The Organization Of Islamic Cooperation which represents 1.4 billion Muslims in 57 nations say, The Islamic State Has "Nothing To Do With Islam," Has Committed Crimes "That Cannot Be Tolerated."

Al-Azhar, the Grand Mufti Shawqi Allam, Egypt's highest religious authority: "Islamic State Is Corrupt And A Danger To Islam."

Arab League: "Strongly Denounced" The "Crimes Against Humanity" Carried Out By The Islamic State.

Turkey's Top Cleric: Islamic State's Threats Are "Hugely Damaging," "Truly Awful."

CAIR Repeatedly Condemned The Islamic State As "Un-Islamic And Morally Repugnant."

The Muslim Council Of Great Britain: "Violence Has No Place In Religion."

The Islamic Society of North America: The Islamic State's Actions "Are To Be Denounced And Are In No Way Representative Of What Islam Actually Teaches."

100 Sunni And Shiite U.K. Imams: The Islamic State Is An "Illegitimate, Vicious Group."

Saudi Arabia's Highest Religious Authority: Terrorists Like The Islamic State Is The "Number One Enemy Of Islam."

Muslim Public Affairs Council: Condemned The Islamic State And Called For "Stand Against Extremism."
Pretty sure they do, unless you're blind.
Well, let's see some. Out of the billion plus muslims, if the majority of them oppose the murdering bastards that commit acts of terrorism and have condemned them, you should be able to post about 10,000 videos. How about 10?

Do 6 million Syrian refugees count?
Muslims are the ones actual most of the fighting against Islamic extremist. The extremist are killing more Muslims than non-Muslim.

yes it is the convert or die policy
If you look at what ISIS is doing, they are killing the faithful along with the not so faithful and the infidels. Essential anyone who is not a supporter is their enemy.

The Organization Of Islamic Cooperation which represents 1.4 billion Muslims in 57 nations say, The Islamic State Has "Nothing To Do With Islam," Has Committed Crimes "That Cannot Be Tolerated."

Al-Azhar, the Grand Mufti Shawqi Allam, Egypt's highest religious authority: "Islamic State Is Corrupt And A Danger To Islam."

Arab League: "Strongly Denounced" The "Crimes Against Humanity" Carried Out By The Islamic State.

Turkey's Top Cleric: Islamic State's Threats Are "Hugely Damaging," "Truly Awful."

CAIR Repeatedly Condemned The Islamic State As "Un-Islamic And Morally Repugnant."

The Muslim Council Of Great Britain: "Violence Has No Place In Religion."

The Islamic Society of North America: The Islamic State's Actions "Are To Be Denounced And Are In No Way Representative Of What Islam Actually Teaches."

100 Sunni And Shiite U.K. Imams: The Islamic State Is An "Illegitimate, Vicious Group."

Saudi Arabia's Highest Religious Authority: Terrorists Like The Islamic State Is The "Number One Enemy Of Islam."

Muslim Public Affairs Council: Condemned The Islamic State And Called For "Stand Against Extremism."

Muslim Leaders Have Roundly Denounced Islamic State, But Conservative Media Won't Tell You That

If you look at what ISIS is doing, they are killing the faithful along with the not so faithful and the infidels. Essential anyone who is not a supporter is their enemy.

yes you have no argument from me

as i stated they have a convert or die policy
Those poor Moslems!


I was more concerned with the hypocrisy.

No one is above the law, even hillary clinton. are you in favor of muslim women being allowed to have their drivers license pictures with their faces covered by a black sheet?

This country is so screwed up right now, we are kowtowing to every muslim demand and making Christianity a crime.

and you fricken libs just sit there watching and grinning like a jackass eating briars.

No one is above the law, oh, except Kim Davis and anyone who decides their Christian faith comes above the law.

You say it's screwed up kowtowing to every Muslim, but it's CHRISTIANS who are not following the law, and it's Christian Republican Candidates for the Presidency who are backing such people.

I have said all along that she has to follow the law. But she is also free to stand behind her religious beliefs and accept the punishment that goes with that----------------much like MLK did, and Mandela.

Why is standing on principle great when done by blacks and gays, but terrible when done by a white Christian?

Oh, sure she is.

Which gay or black people are you talking about and what did they do exactly?

MLK and Barney Frank. Both broke the law in order to further their cause, and they were praised for doing it. MLK's arguments were very similar to those made by the clerk in KY.
Pretty sure they do, unless you're blind.
Well, let's see some. Out of the billion plus muslims, if the majority of them oppose the murdering bastards that commit acts of terrorism and have condemned them, you should be able to post about 10,000 videos. How about 10?

Do 6 million Syrian refugees count?
Muslims are the ones actual most of the fighting against Islamic extremist. The extremist are killing more Muslims than non-Muslim.

yes it is the convert or die policy
If you look at what ISIS is doing, they are killing the faithful along with the not so faithful and the infidels. Essential anyone who is not a supporter is their enemy.

The Organization Of Islamic Cooperation which represents 1.4 billion Muslims in 57 nations say, The Islamic State Has "Nothing To Do With Islam," Has Committed Crimes "That Cannot Be Tolerated."

Al-Azhar, the Grand Mufti Shawqi Allam, Egypt's highest religious authority: "Islamic State Is Corrupt And A Danger To Islam."

Arab League: "Strongly Denounced" The "Crimes Against Humanity" Carried Out By The Islamic State.

Turkey's Top Cleric: Islamic State's Threats Are "Hugely Damaging," "Truly Awful."

CAIR Repeatedly Condemned The Islamic State As "Un-Islamic And Morally Repugnant."

The Muslim Council Of Great Britain: "Violence Has No Place In Religion."

The Islamic Society of North America: The Islamic State's Actions "Are To Be Denounced And Are In No Way Representative Of What Islam Actually Teaches."

100 Sunni And Shiite U.K. Imams: The Islamic State Is An "Illegitimate, Vicious Group."

Saudi Arabia's Highest Religious Authority: Terrorists Like The Islamic State Is The "Number One Enemy Of Islam."

Muslim Public Affairs Council: Condemned The Islamic State And Called For "Stand Against Extremism."

Muslim Leaders Have Roundly Denounced Islamic State, But Conservative Media Won't Tell You That

thats all great but its just talk. no action.

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