The DNC gives Joe the Boot

Kinda surprising eth? Who knew the democrats were even that intelligent.

The question is will the DNC go along with it and how will they manage to get rid of Biden....perhaps they could get his wife to persuade him.....she seems a tad more alert than ole joe.

The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample.

Hey, leave Jose alone. He is doing his part to be safe in the age of WUFLU. Look here, he even has a modified mask so he can sniff little girls hair without breathing on them.

View attachment 321786

View attachment 322134
What a bad ass! Question... what are the odds that Trump actually knows how to drive a car? 10%? wanna take the over or under?
Following up on Tubefreak's post ... I'm especially itching to hear what Ole Joe has to say about young Hunter's activities in The Ukraine ... itching like poison ivy bad ...

I hear it's been a year and there has been exactly ZERO from Trump's DOJ on this. What else do you need to know?

The more chaos, unresolved scandals, llies and caterwauling, the better.

It's resolved alright. Trump and his crazy Ukraine traveling lawyer found NOTHING....except impeachment

Which failed. Y'all haven't seen the extent of the failure yet. Y'all will be screaming at the sky again in November. Just please, keep the ANTIFA fags in their welthy parents basement. People are likely to start shooting y'all if you get dumb again

Skipping over all the deplorable nonsense "Y'all" spew, Trump WAS impeached and although he wasn't removed, he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If you think that HELPS Trump's re-election chances then you simply don't know up from down.

Eight???? Who were they???

Lamar Alexander
Susan Collins
Mitt Romney
Marco Rubio
Rob Portman
Ben Sasse

I don't recall the 8th, but Ben Sasse did say that Alexander "speaks for a lot of us"

Seems to me you don't recall a lot. Better use more reliable sources than CNN:

Seems you don't know wtf you are reading.

Only one Republican voted for removal - Romney.

The rest of them voted against removal, but they still condemed Trump's behaviour and admitted that he was culpable in everything Article I accused him of (abusing his office for personal political gain)

The only ones that still belive Trump did not bring this on himself are blind politicos and Trump tools.

Typical lib. When proven wrong, move the goal posts. You said:

he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If he was found culpable by them, they would have voted for removal.

Thats not a logical conclusion.

You may well agree with everything a person is accused of but disagree with the punishment or would rather defer that puinishment for someone else to administer (in this case voters in november).

What I said about 8 Republican senators finding that Trump was guilty of the behaviour Article I layed out remains true.

Sure, which is why all but one RINO voted not guilty.


So you think the job of a Senator is to bleat along with the sheep in his political party huh? Strange, I always thought it was to represent his constituents. Kinda makes you wonder, if Senators' votes are to be dick-tated, why have a vote at all? Why have Senators at all? Just hire a dick-tator. Save time.

Guess how much of the vote Rump got in that state btw.

That's right. The DNC has sent up the trial balloon.
Jill and Joe are having the 'conversation' today.
I hear Joe is going to get into poodle breeding after he leaves the race for 'health reasons'.
John Kerry has some mighty fine 'tea-cup' poodles.

I'd like to see any evidence that the majority of Democrats want Cuomo. From everything I have seen, Sanders had the second most votes.

Yeah, it's just a tabloid rag quoting a conservative-leaning poll. The OP did his part by attributing it to an entity that had nothing to do with it.

That said, it is a political party and as such can nominate whoever it wants to nominate. In that decision primaries mean nothing. They never did. That system is basically a focus group set up to see what sells.
You have the brain power of a retarded monkey. So an unbiased question, asked to an even number of people on either side (and actually more Dims, putting the lie to your blubbering about “conservative leaning”) is bad because being the retarded monkey you are you just don’t like who did the poll. By the way retarded monkey, continually funnying posts to mock a poster is against the rules. Continue your meltdown.

Wackadoo melts down over getting funnied ---- and SOMEBODY ELSE is the meltdown. :lmao:

Already posted this but yes it is (1) an ONLINE poll, (2) run by a top Republican pollster, using (3) a LOADED question, which was (4) responded to by more self-described Republicans than Democrats.

Polling is a science, and one I've been trained in, so yes this shit not only stands out --- IT'S ALL NOTED RIGHT THERE IN THE FUCKING LINK.

Pointing out the stupidity of a retarded monkey like you is not melting down. It’s pointing out a FACT you retarded monkey. Not a loaded question you retard. Plain and unbiased and unambiguous. Apparently your grade school brain can’t process that. You fucking illiterate asshole. YOUR OWN LINK show some MORE Dims than Republicans responding. You e been trained in polling? Sure you have retarded monkey boy. You just got all your lies exposed asshole. Slapping the shit out of you again. Now go get your binky.

As I already pointed out in the other thread on the same shit, Dumbass....

How many times are y'all gonna keep posting this same bullshit from the same link?

Speaking OF that same link, here's what it STILL says, if you only READ it:

>> The poll, conducted April 3-6, was commissioned by the conservative pro-market Club for Growth, which generally supports Republican candidates. <<

Furtherfuckingmore, it's an ONLINE poll, and guess what they're worth for accuracy.

>> The poll was conducted online among a representative sample of 1,000 people by WPAi, one of the top three polling firms used by Republicans.

And check out the WORDING of the poll question:

>> Respondents were asked: “Based on what you know today, do you agree or disagree that Democrats should nominate Governor Andrew Cuomo for president instead of Joe Biden?”

There were 361 Democratic respondents, 349 Republican respondents and 262 independents. <<

That's a leading question, and it's VERBOTEN in a legitimate poll. That makes this a "push poll". That means a "poll" that's designed to "find" a predetermined outcome. A poll that was actually objective would never plant a suggestion like that; it would use an open question.

That's ALL right there in YOUR OWN LINK.

Last but not least, it's dishonest on your part to take a poll where 361 of 972 respondents identify as "Democrats" and twist that into"Majority of Democrats want to....".

And no, I'm not trained in online polling. That's not even legitimate. I'm trained in ACTUAL polling, which is why I know IMMEDIATELY at first glance that this IS a push poll.
It doesn’t matter who you claim the pollsters allegedly support. When more respondents identify as Dims, they ARE a majority. But as I proved in a prior post, simple math is beyond a retarded monkey like you. Still whining about a straightforward unbiased question? Damn you’re stupid. Leading question? BULLSHIT. I was wrong. The retarded monkey is a thousand times smarter than you. I never twisted anything you lying hack. Merely pointed out a FACT. Your are totally debunked. Again.

This just in --- 362 out of 972 IS NOT A FUCKING MAJORITY IN ANY KIND OF MATH, Shit4brains. You'd need AT LEAST 473 for that.

And yes, it IS a fucking leading question, one that would NEVER be allowed in a legitimate poll. A genuine poll would leave the question open and INVITE THE RESPONDENT to come up with a name. This one *PLANTED* a name. That's why it's a fucking push poll, Dumbass.
This just in, the retarded monkey is laughing at you. See dumbfuck, 361 is bigger than 349, which is bigger than 262. Meaning the majority were Dims. SImple math defeats Slogo again. See fuckwit, the news has had Cuomo as the one replacing Biden. Thus you would ask the question that way to be accurate. Current events defeat Slogo too. Keep showing how fucking uneducated you are dumbfuck. That sound you hear is the world laughing at you.
Following up on Tubefreak's post ... I'm especially itching to hear what Ole Joe has to say about young Hunter's activities in The Ukraine ... itching like poison ivy bad ...

I hear it's been a year and there has been exactly ZERO from Trump's DOJ on this. What else do you need to know?

The more chaos, unresolved scandals, llies and caterwauling, the better.

It's resolved alright. Trump and his crazy Ukraine traveling lawyer found NOTHING....except impeachment

Which failed. Y'all haven't seen the extent of the failure yet. Y'all will be screaming at the sky again in November. Just please, keep the ANTIFA fags in their welthy parents basement. People are likely to start shooting y'all if you get dumb again

Skipping over all the deplorable nonsense "Y'all" spew, Trump WAS impeached and although he wasn't removed, he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If you think that HELPS Trump's re-election chances then you simply don't know up from down.

Eight???? Who were they???

Lamar Alexander
Susan Collins
Mitt Romney
Marco Rubio
Rob Portman
Ben Sasse

I don't recall the 8th, but Ben Sasse did say that Alexander "speaks for a lot of us"

Seems to me you don't recall a lot. Better use more reliable sources than CNN:

Seems you don't know wtf you are reading.

Only one Republican voted for removal - Romney.

The rest of them voted against removal, but they still condemed Trump's behaviour and admitted that he was culpable in everything Article I accused him of (abusing his office for personal political gain)

The only ones that still belive Trump did not bring this on himself are blind politicos and Trump tools.

Typical lib. When proven wrong, move the goal posts. You said:

he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If he was found culpable by them, they would have voted for removal.

Thats not a logical conclusion.

You may well agree with everything a person is accused of but disagree with the punishment or would rather defer that puinishment for someone else to administer (in this case voters in november).

What I said about 8 Republican senators finding that Trump was guilty of the behaviour Article I layed out remains true.

Sure, which is why all but one RINO voted not guilty.


So you think the job of a Senator is to bleat along with the sheep in his political party huh? Strange, I always thought it was to represent his constituents. Kinda makes you wonder, if Senators' votes are to be dick-tated, why have a vote at all? Why have Senators at all? Just hire a dick-tator. Save time.

Guess how much of the vote Rump got in that state btw.


He's always been a RINO. How did your "sheep" bleat with their party? Care to take a look at the vote for removal record?

Don't say it's because of what Trump did. You can also look how they voted in the Clinton impeachment; you know, the guy that actually committed a real crime and a real impeachable offense?

The other real Republicans seen this for what it was, a waste of time witch hunt. Nothing there. He did no wrong. No crime, no impeachable offense, and nothing that DumBama or Biden didn't do.
That's right. The DNC has sent up the trial balloon.
Jill and Joe are having the 'conversation' today.
I hear Joe is going to get into poodle breeding after he leaves the race for 'health reasons'.
John Kerry has some mighty fine 'tea-cup' poodles.

I'd like to see any evidence that the majority of Democrats want Cuomo. From everything I have seen, Sanders had the second most votes.

Yeah, it's just a tabloid rag quoting a conservative-leaning poll. The OP did his part by attributing it to an entity that had nothing to do with it.

That said, it is a political party and as such can nominate whoever it wants to nominate. In that decision primaries mean nothing. They never did. That system is basically a focus group set up to see what sells.
You have the brain power of a retarded monkey. So an unbiased question, asked to an even number of people on either side (and actually more Dims, putting the lie to your blubbering about “conservative leaning”) is bad because being the retarded monkey you are you just don’t like who did the poll. By the way retarded monkey, continually funnying posts to mock a poster is against the rules. Continue your meltdown.

Wackadoo melts down over getting funnied ---- and SOMEBODY ELSE is the meltdown. :lmao:

Already posted this but yes it is (1) an ONLINE poll, (2) run by a top Republican pollster, using (3) a LOADED question, which was (4) responded to by more self-described Republicans than Democrats.

Polling is a science, and one I've been trained in, so yes this shit not only stands out --- IT'S ALL NOTED RIGHT THERE IN THE FUCKING LINK.

Pointing out the stupidity of a retarded monkey like you is not melting down. It’s pointing out a FACT you retarded monkey. Not a loaded question you retard. Plain and unbiased and unambiguous. Apparently your grade school brain can’t process that. You fucking illiterate asshole. YOUR OWN LINK show some MORE Dims than Republicans responding. You e been trained in polling? Sure you have retarded monkey boy. You just got all your lies exposed asshole. Slapping the shit out of you again. Now go get your binky.

As I already pointed out in the other thread on the same shit, Dumbass....

How many times are y'all gonna keep posting this same bullshit from the same link?

Speaking OF that same link, here's what it STILL says, if you only READ it:

>> The poll, conducted April 3-6, was commissioned by the conservative pro-market Club for Growth, which generally supports Republican candidates. <<

Furtherfuckingmore, it's an ONLINE poll, and guess what they're worth for accuracy.

>> The poll was conducted online among a representative sample of 1,000 people by WPAi, one of the top three polling firms used by Republicans.

And check out the WORDING of the poll question:

>> Respondents were asked: “Based on what you know today, do you agree or disagree that Democrats should nominate Governor Andrew Cuomo for president instead of Joe Biden?”

There were 361 Democratic respondents, 349 Republican respondents and 262 independents. <<

That's a leading question, and it's VERBOTEN in a legitimate poll. That makes this a "push poll". That means a "poll" that's designed to "find" a predetermined outcome. A poll that was actually objective would never plant a suggestion like that; it would use an open question.

That's ALL right there in YOUR OWN LINK.

Last but not least, it's dishonest on your part to take a poll where 361 of 972 respondents identify as "Democrats" and twist that into"Majority of Democrats want to....".

And no, I'm not trained in online polling. That's not even legitimate. I'm trained in ACTUAL polling, which is why I know IMMEDIATELY at first glance that this IS a push poll.
It doesn’t matter who you claim the pollsters allegedly support. When more respondents identify as Dims, they ARE a majority. But as I proved in a prior post, simple math is beyond a retarded monkey like you. Still whining about a straightforward unbiased question? Damn you’re stupid. Leading question? BULLSHIT. I was wrong. The retarded monkey is a thousand times smarter than you. I never twisted anything you lying hack. Merely pointed out a FACT. Your are totally debunked. Again.

This just in --- 362 out of 972 IS NOT A FUCKING MAJORITY IN ANY KIND OF MATH, Shit4brains. You'd need AT LEAST 487 for that.

And yes, it IS a fucking leading question, one that would NEVER be allowed in a legitimate poll. A genuine poll would leave the question open and INVITE THE RESPONDENT to come up with a name. This one *PLANTED* a name. That's why it's a fucking push poll, Dumbass.
This just in, the retarded monkey is laughing at you. See dumbfuck, 361 is bigger than 349, which is bigger than 262. Meaning the majority were Dims. SImple math defeats Slogo again. See fuckwit, the news has had Cuomo as the one replacing Biden. Thus you would ask the question that way to be accurate. Current events defeat Slogo too. Keep showing how fucking uneducated you are dumbfuck. That sound you hear is the world laughing at you.


ma·jor·i·ty | \ mə-ˈjȯr-ə-tē , -ˈjär- \
plural majorities
Definition of majority

1a: a number or percentage equaling more than half of a total

Last edited:
Following up on Tubefreak's post ... I'm especially itching to hear what Ole Joe has to say about young Hunter's activities in The Ukraine ... itching like poison ivy bad ...

I hear it's been a year and there has been exactly ZERO from Trump's DOJ on this. What else do you need to know?

The more chaos, unresolved scandals, llies and caterwauling, the better.

It's resolved alright. Trump and his crazy Ukraine traveling lawyer found NOTHING....except impeachment

Which failed. Y'all haven't seen the extent of the failure yet. Y'all will be screaming at the sky again in November. Just please, keep the ANTIFA fags in their welthy parents basement. People are likely to start shooting y'all if you get dumb again

Skipping over all the deplorable nonsense "Y'all" spew, Trump WAS impeached and although he wasn't removed, he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If you think that HELPS Trump's re-election chances then you simply don't know up from down.

Eight???? Who were they???

Lamar Alexander
Susan Collins
Mitt Romney
Marco Rubio
Rob Portman
Ben Sasse

I don't recall the 8th, but Ben Sasse did say that Alexander "speaks for a lot of us"

Seems to me you don't recall a lot. Better use more reliable sources than CNN:

Seems you don't know wtf you are reading.

Only one Republican voted for removal - Romney.

The rest of them voted against removal, but they still condemed Trump's behaviour and admitted that he was culpable in everything Article I accused him of (abusing his office for personal political gain)

The only ones that still belive Trump did not bring this on himself are blind politicos and Trump tools.

Typical lib. When proven wrong, move the goal posts. You said:

he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If he was found culpable by them, they would have voted for removal.

Thats not a logical conclusion.

You may well agree with everything a person is accused of but disagree with the punishment or would rather defer that puinishment for someone else to administer (in this case voters in november).

What I said about 8 Republican senators finding that Trump was guilty of the behaviour Article I layed out remains true.

Sure, which is why all but one RINO voted not guilty.


So you think the job of a Senator is to bleat along with the sheep in his political party huh? Strange, I always thought it was to represent his constituents. Kinda makes you wonder, if Senators' votes are to be dick-tated, why have a vote at all? Why have Senators at all? Just hire a dick-tator. Save time.

Guess how much of the vote Rump got in that state btw.


He's always been a RINO. How did your "sheep" bleat with their party? Care to take a look at the vote for removal record?

Don't say it's because of what Trump did. You can also look how they voted in the Clinton impeachment; you know, the guy that actually committed a real crime and a real impeachable offense?

The other real Republicans seen this for what it was, a waste of time witch hunt. Nothing there. He did no wrong. No crime, no impeachable offense, and nothing that DumBama or Biden didn't do.

I don't have a party but I do understand what a Senator does, and what a Senator does NOT do is represent a political party, period.
That's right. The DNC has sent up the trial balloon.
Jill and Joe are having the 'conversation' today.
I hear Joe is going to get into poodle breeding after he leaves the race for 'health reasons'.
John Kerry has some mighty fine 'tea-cup' poodles.

I'd like to see any evidence that the majority of Democrats want Cuomo. From everything I have seen, Sanders had the second most votes.

Yeah, it's just a tabloid rag quoting a conservative-leaning poll. The OP did his part by attributing it to an entity that had nothing to do with it.

That said, it is a political party and as such can nominate whoever it wants to nominate. In that decision primaries mean nothing. They never did. That system is basically a focus group set up to see what sells.
You have the brain power of a retarded monkey. So an unbiased question, asked to an even number of people on either side (and actually more Dims, putting the lie to your blubbering about “conservative leaning”) is bad because being the retarded monkey you are you just don’t like who did the poll. By the way retarded monkey, continually funnying posts to mock a poster is against the rules. Continue your meltdown.

Wackadoo melts down over getting funnied ---- and SOMEBODY ELSE is the meltdown. :lmao:

Already posted this but yes it is (1) an ONLINE poll, (2) run by a top Republican pollster, using (3) a LOADED question, which was (4) responded to by more self-described Republicans than Democrats.

Polling is a science, and one I've been trained in, so yes this shit not only stands out --- IT'S ALL NOTED RIGHT THERE IN THE FUCKING LINK.

Pointing out the stupidity of a retarded monkey like you is not melting down. It’s pointing out a FACT you retarded monkey. Not a loaded question you retard. Plain and unbiased and unambiguous. Apparently your grade school brain can’t process that. You fucking illiterate asshole. YOUR OWN LINK show some MORE Dims than Republicans responding. You e been trained in polling? Sure you have retarded monkey boy. You just got all your lies exposed asshole. Slapping the shit out of you again. Now go get your binky.

As I already pointed out in the other thread on the same shit, Dumbass....

How many times are y'all gonna keep posting this same bullshit from the same link?

Speaking OF that same link, here's what it STILL says, if you only READ it:

>> The poll, conducted April 3-6, was commissioned by the conservative pro-market Club for Growth, which generally supports Republican candidates. <<

Furtherfuckingmore, it's an ONLINE poll, and guess what they're worth for accuracy.

>> The poll was conducted online among a representative sample of 1,000 people by WPAi, one of the top three polling firms used by Republicans.

And check out the WORDING of the poll question:

>> Respondents were asked: “Based on what you know today, do you agree or disagree that Democrats should nominate Governor Andrew Cuomo for president instead of Joe Biden?”

There were 361 Democratic respondents, 349 Republican respondents and 262 independents. <<

That's a leading question, and it's VERBOTEN in a legitimate poll. That makes this a "push poll". That means a "poll" that's designed to "find" a predetermined outcome. A poll that was actually objective would never plant a suggestion like that; it would use an open question.

That's ALL right there in YOUR OWN LINK.

Last but not least, it's dishonest on your part to take a poll where 361 of 972 respondents identify as "Democrats" and twist that into"Majority of Democrats want to....".

And no, I'm not trained in online polling. That's not even legitimate. I'm trained in ACTUAL polling, which is why I know IMMEDIATELY at first glance that this IS a push poll.
It doesn’t matter who you claim the pollsters allegedly support. When more respondents identify as Dims, they ARE a majority. But as I proved in a prior post, simple math is beyond a retarded monkey like you. Still whining about a straightforward unbiased question? Damn you’re stupid. Leading question? BULLSHIT. I was wrong. The retarded monkey is a thousand times smarter than you. I never twisted anything you lying hack. Merely pointed out a FACT. Your are totally debunked. Again.

This just in --- 362 out of 972 IS NOT A FUCKING MAJORITY IN ANY KIND OF MATH, Shit4brains. You'd need AT LEAST 473 for that.

And yes, it IS a fucking leading question, one that would NEVER be allowed in a legitimate poll. A genuine poll would leave the question open and INVITE THE RESPONDENT to come up with a name. This one *PLANTED* a name. That's why it's a fucking push poll, Dumbass.
This just in, the retarded monkey is laughing at you. See dumbfuck, 361 is bigger than 349, which is bigger than 262. Meaning the majority were Dims. SImple math defeats Slogo again. See fuckwit, the news has had Cuomo as the one replacing Biden. Thus you would ask the question that way to be accurate. Current events defeat Slogo too. Keep showing how fucking uneducated you are dumbfuck. That sound you hear is the world laughing at you.

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ma·jor·i·ty | \ mə-ˈjȯr-ə-tē , -ˈjär- \
plural majorities
Definition of majority

1a: a number or percentage equaling more than half of a total

Sorry asshole. 361 is still more than the other numbers. Yes you are digging yourself deeper and deeper. Keep hitting that funny button after you have been warned about breaking rules asshat. The retarded monkey thinks you’re retarded. Beating you is becoming way too easy. Trying to whine and cry your way out of another pile of shit you made in your diaper. Now show us where 349 and 292 are greater than 361 or STFU.
Following up on Tubefreak's post ... I'm especially itching to hear what Ole Joe has to say about young Hunter's activities in The Ukraine ... itching like poison ivy bad ...

I hear it's been a year and there has been exactly ZERO from Trump's DOJ on this. What else do you need to know?

The more chaos, unresolved scandals, llies and caterwauling, the better.

It's resolved alright. Trump and his crazy Ukraine traveling lawyer found NOTHING....except impeachment

Which failed. Y'all haven't seen the extent of the failure yet. Y'all will be screaming at the sky again in November. Just please, keep the ANTIFA fags in their welthy parents basement. People are likely to start shooting y'all if you get dumb again

Skipping over all the deplorable nonsense "Y'all" spew, Trump WAS impeached and although he wasn't removed, he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If you think that HELPS Trump's re-election chances then you simply don't know up from down.

Eight???? Who were they???

Lamar Alexander
Susan Collins
Mitt Romney
Marco Rubio
Rob Portman
Ben Sasse

I don't recall the 8th, but Ben Sasse did say that Alexander "speaks for a lot of us"

Seems to me you don't recall a lot. Better use more reliable sources than CNN:

Seems you don't know wtf you are reading.

Only one Republican voted for removal - Romney.

The rest of them voted against removal, but they still condemed Trump's behaviour and admitted that he was culpable in everything Article I accused him of (abusing his office for personal political gain)

The only ones that still belive Trump did not bring this on himself are blind politicos and Trump tools.

Typical lib. When proven wrong, move the goal posts. You said:

he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If he was found culpable by them, they would have voted for removal.

Thats not a logical conclusion.

You may well agree with everything a person is accused of but disagree with the punishment or would rather defer that puinishment for someone else to administer (in this case voters in november).

What I said about 8 Republican senators finding that Trump was guilty of the behaviour Article I layed out remains true.

Sure, which is why all but one RINO voted not guilty.


So you think the job of a Senator is to bleat along with the sheep in his political party huh? Strange, I always thought it was to represent his constituents. Kinda makes you wonder, if Senators' votes are to be dick-tated, why have a vote at all? Why have Senators at all? Just hire a dick-tator. Save time.

Guess how much of the vote Rump got in that state btw.


He's always been a RINO. How did your "sheep" bleat with their party? Care to take a look at the vote for removal record?

Don't say it's because of what Trump did. You can also look how they voted in the Clinton impeachment; you know, the guy that actually committed a real crime and a real impeachable offense?

The other real Republicans seen this for what it was, a waste of time witch hunt. Nothing there. He did no wrong. No crime, no impeachable offense, and nothing that DumBama or Biden didn't do.

I don't have a party but I do understand what a Senator does, and what a Senator does NOT do is represent a political party, period.

Then that Senator should leave for a party he does represent and support.
Following up on Tubefreak's post ... I'm especially itching to hear what Ole Joe has to say about young Hunter's activities in The Ukraine ... itching like poison ivy bad ...

I hear it's been a year and there has been exactly ZERO from Trump's DOJ on this. What else do you need to know?

The more chaos, unresolved scandals, llies and caterwauling, the better.

It's resolved alright. Trump and his crazy Ukraine traveling lawyer found NOTHING....except impeachment

Which failed. Y'all haven't seen the extent of the failure yet. Y'all will be screaming at the sky again in November. Just please, keep the ANTIFA fags in their welthy parents basement. People are likely to start shooting y'all if you get dumb again

Skipping over all the deplorable nonsense "Y'all" spew, Trump WAS impeached and although he wasn't removed, he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If you think that HELPS Trump's re-election chances then you simply don't know up from down.

Eight???? Who were they???

Lamar Alexander
Susan Collins
Mitt Romney
Marco Rubio
Rob Portman
Ben Sasse

I don't recall the 8th, but Ben Sasse did say that Alexander "speaks for a lot of us"

Seems to me you don't recall a lot. Better use more reliable sources than CNN:

Seems you don't know wtf you are reading.

Only one Republican voted for removal - Romney.

The rest of them voted against removal, but they still condemed Trump's behaviour and admitted that he was culpable in everything Article I accused him of (abusing his office for personal political gain)

The only ones that still belive Trump did not bring this on himself are blind politicos and Trump tools.

Typical lib. When proven wrong, move the goal posts. You said:

he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If he was found culpable by them, they would have voted for removal.

Thats not a logical conclusion.

You may well agree with everything a person is accused of but disagree with the punishment or would rather defer that puinishment for someone else to administer (in this case voters in november).

What I said about 8 Republican senators finding that Trump was guilty of the behaviour Article I layed out remains true.

Sure, which is why all but one RINO voted not guilty.


So you think the job of a Senator is to bleat along with the sheep in his political party huh? Strange, I always thought it was to represent his constituents. Kinda makes you wonder, if Senators' votes are to be dick-tated, why have a vote at all? Why have Senators at all? Just hire a dick-tator. Save time.

Guess how much of the vote Rump got in that state btw.


He's always been a RINO. How did your "sheep" bleat with their party? Care to take a look at the vote for removal record?

Don't say it's because of what Trump did. You can also look how they voted in the Clinton impeachment; you know, the guy that actually committed a real crime and a real impeachable offense?

The other real Republicans seen this for what it was, a waste of time witch hunt. Nothing there. He did no wrong. No crime, no impeachable offense, and nothing that DumBama or Biden didn't do.

I don't have a party but I do understand what a Senator does, and what a Senator does NOT do is represent a political party, period.

Then that Senator should leave for a party he does represent and support.

Once AGAIN --- I dunno if my posts are somehow translated into Macedonian here or what --- a Senator's job is not to represent a political party. It is to represent his CONSTITUENTS. You know, the voters who elected him. THEY are his boss. If you're expecting a given Senator (or Rep) to vote the way you want, and they're not your representative --- then you're just wrong.
Following up on Tubefreak's post ... I'm especially itching to hear what Ole Joe has to say about young Hunter's activities in The Ukraine ... itching like poison ivy bad ...

I hear it's been a year and there has been exactly ZERO from Trump's DOJ on this. What else do you need to know?

The more chaos, unresolved scandals, llies and caterwauling, the better.

It's resolved alright. Trump and his crazy Ukraine traveling lawyer found NOTHING....except impeachment

Which failed. Y'all haven't seen the extent of the failure yet. Y'all will be screaming at the sky again in November. Just please, keep the ANTIFA fags in their welthy parents basement. People are likely to start shooting y'all if you get dumb again

Skipping over all the deplorable nonsense "Y'all" spew, Trump WAS impeached and although he wasn't removed, he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If you think that HELPS Trump's re-election chances then you simply don't know up from down.

Eight???? Who were they???

Lamar Alexander
Susan Collins
Mitt Romney
Marco Rubio
Rob Portman
Ben Sasse

I don't recall the 8th, but Ben Sasse did say that Alexander "speaks for a lot of us"

Seems to me you don't recall a lot. Better use more reliable sources than CNN:

Seems you don't know wtf you are reading.

Only one Republican voted for removal - Romney.

The rest of them voted against removal, but they still condemed Trump's behaviour and admitted that he was culpable in everything Article I accused him of (abusing his office for personal political gain)

The only ones that still belive Trump did not bring this on himself are blind politicos and Trump tools.

Typical lib. When proven wrong, move the goal posts. You said:

he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If he was found culpable by them, they would have voted for removal.

Thats not a logical conclusion.

You may well agree with everything a person is accused of but disagree with the punishment or would rather defer that puinishment for someone else to administer (in this case voters in november).

What I said about 8 Republican senators finding that Trump was guilty of the behaviour Article I layed out remains true.

Sure, which is why all but one RINO voted not guilty.


So you think the job of a Senator is to bleat along with the sheep in his political party huh? Strange, I always thought it was to represent his constituents. Kinda makes you wonder, if Senators' votes are to be dick-tated, why have a vote at all? Why have Senators at all? Just hire a dick-tator. Save time.

Guess how much of the vote Rump got in that state btw.


He's always been a RINO. How did your "sheep" bleat with their party? Care to take a look at the vote for removal record?

Don't say it's because of what Trump did. You can also look how they voted in the Clinton impeachment; you know, the guy that actually committed a real crime and a real impeachable offense?

The other real Republicans seen this for what it was, a waste of time witch hunt. Nothing there. He did no wrong. No crime, no impeachable offense, and nothing that DumBama or Biden didn't do.

I don't have a party but I do understand what a Senator does, and what a Senator does NOT do is represent a political party, period.

Then that Senator should leave for a party he does represent and support.

Once AGAIN --- I dunno if my posts are somehow translated into Macedonian here or what --- a Senator's job is not to represent a political party. It is to represent his CONSTITUENTS. You know, the voters who elected him. THEY are his boss. If you're expecting a given Senator (or Rep) to vote the way you want, and they're not your representative --- then you're just wrong.

Did he ask every constituent how they wanted him to vote?

If you could be honest with yourself, just for a second, you might understand it had nothing to do with his constituents. It had nothing to do with any law being broken. It had nothing to do with an impeachable offense since there was none. It had to do with him hating Trump.

He hated Trump since Trump won the nomination. Trump is sitting in a place Romney feels is rightfully his. Trump considered him for a position with his team, and opted not to hire Romney. I don't know if the President was serious, or just yanking his chain as a joke. But Romney is a TDS person if there ever was one.
Kinda surprising eth? Who knew the democrats were even that intelligent.

The question is will the DNC go along with it and how will they manage to get rid of Biden....perhaps they could get his wife to persuade him.....she seems a tad more alert than ole joe.

The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample.

Super majority of Americans will dump him, come November.

"Super majority of Americans" voted against Trump if you don't reacall the 2016 election. ;)

View attachment 322133
Is that supposed to mean anything?

You tell me, is "super majority of Americans voted against Trump" suppose to mean something?
Following up on Tubefreak's post ... I'm especially itching to hear what Ole Joe has to say about young Hunter's activities in The Ukraine ... itching like poison ivy bad ...

I hear it's been a year and there has been exactly ZERO from Trump's DOJ on this. What else do you need to know?

The more chaos, unresolved scandals, llies and caterwauling, the better.

It's resolved alright. Trump and his crazy Ukraine traveling lawyer found NOTHING....except impeachment

Which failed. Y'all haven't seen the extent of the failure yet. Y'all will be screaming at the sky again in November. Just please, keep the ANTIFA fags in their welthy parents basement. People are likely to start shooting y'all if you get dumb again

Skipping over all the deplorable nonsense "Y'all" spew, Trump WAS impeached and although he wasn't removed, he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If you think that HELPS Trump's re-election chances then you simply don't know up from down.

Eight???? Who were they???

Lamar Alexander
Susan Collins
Mitt Romney
Marco Rubio
Rob Portman
Ben Sasse

I don't recall the 8th, but Ben Sasse did say that Alexander "speaks for a lot of us"

Seems to me you don't recall a lot. Better use more reliable sources than CNN:

Seems you don't know wtf you are reading.

Only one Republican voted for removal - Romney.

The rest of them voted against removal, but they still condemed Trump's behaviour and admitted that he was culpable in everything Article I accused him of (abusing his office for personal political gain)

The only ones that still belive Trump did not bring this on himself are blind politicos and Trump tools.

Typical lib. When proven wrong, move the goal posts. You said:

he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If he was found culpable by them, they would have voted for removal.

Thats not a logical conclusion.

You may well agree with everything a person is accused of but disagree with the punishment or would rather defer that puinishment for someone else to administer (in this case voters in november).

What I said about 8 Republican senators finding that Trump was guilty of the behaviour Article I layed out remains true.

Sure, which is why all but one RINO voted not guilty.


So you think the job of a Senator is to bleat along with the sheep in his political party huh? Strange, I always thought it was to represent his constituents. Kinda makes you wonder, if Senators' votes are to be dick-tated, why have a vote at all? Why have Senators at all? Just hire a dick-tator. Save time.

Guess how much of the vote Rump got in that state btw.


He's always been a RINO. How did your "sheep" bleat with their party? Care to take a look at the vote for removal record?

Don't say it's because of what Trump did. You can also look how they voted in the Clinton impeachment; you know, the guy that actually committed a real crime and a real impeachable offense?

The other real Republicans seen this for what it was, a waste of time witch hunt. Nothing there. He did no wrong. No crime, no impeachable offense, and nothing that DumBama or Biden didn't do.

I don't have a party but I do understand what a Senator does, and what a Senator does NOT do is represent a political party, period.

Then that Senator should leave for a party he does represent and support.

We've seen how Senators who don't represent party voted in impeachment trials.
Kinda surprising eth? Who knew the democrats were even that intelligent.

The question is will the DNC go along with it and how will they manage to get rid of Biden....perhaps they could get his wife to persuade him.....she seems a tad more alert than ole joe.

The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample.

Super majority of Americans will dump him, come November.

"Super majority of Americans" voted against Trump if you don't reacall the 2016 election. ;)

View attachment 322133
Is that supposed to mean anything?

You tell me, is "super majority of Americans voted against Trump" suppose to mean something?
Ask the guy that wrote it if you don’t understand what he meant. I’m asking about this lame # of counties statement that was made
Kinda surprising eth? Who knew the democrats were even that intelligent.

The question is will the DNC go along with it and how will they manage to get rid of Biden....perhaps they could get his wife to persuade him.....she seems a tad more alert than ole joe.

The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample.

Super majority of Americans will dump him, come November.

"Super majority of Americans" voted against Trump if you don't reacall the 2016 election. ;)

View attachment 322133
Is that supposed to mean anything?

You tell me, is "super majority of Americans voted against Trump" suppose to mean something?
Ask the guy that wrote it if you don’t understand what he meant. I’m asking about this lame # of counties statement that was made

Right... I didn't see you asking him is his post suppose to mean something.
Kinda surprising eth? Who knew the democrats were even that intelligent.

The question is will the DNC go along with it and how will they manage to get rid of Biden....perhaps they could get his wife to persuade him.....she seems a tad more alert than ole joe.

The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample.

Super majority of Americans will dump him, come November.

"Super majority of Americans" voted against Trump if you don't reacall the 2016 election. ;)

View attachment 322133
Is that supposed to mean anything?

You tell me, is "super majority of Americans voted against Trump" suppose to mean something?
Ask the guy that wrote it if you don’t understand what he meant. I’m asking about this lame # of counties statement that was made

Right... I didn't see you asking him is his post suppose to mean something.
You didn’t see me ask because I didn’t ask him. But good job diverting... you’re a real pro
Following up on Tubefreak's post ... I'm especially itching to hear what Ole Joe has to say about young Hunter's activities in The Ukraine ... itching like poison ivy bad ...

I hear it's been a year and there has been exactly ZERO from Trump's DOJ on this. What else do you need to know?

The more chaos, unresolved scandals, llies and caterwauling, the better.

It's resolved alright. Trump and his crazy Ukraine traveling lawyer found NOTHING....except impeachment

Which failed. Y'all haven't seen the extent of the failure yet. Y'all will be screaming at the sky again in November. Just please, keep the ANTIFA fags in their welthy parents basement. People are likely to start shooting y'all if you get dumb again

Skipping over all the deplorable nonsense "Y'all" spew, Trump WAS impeached and although he wasn't removed, he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If you think that HELPS Trump's re-election chances then you simply don't know up from down.

Eight???? Who were they???

Lamar Alexander
Susan Collins
Mitt Romney
Marco Rubio
Rob Portman
Ben Sasse

I don't recall the 8th, but Ben Sasse did say that Alexander "speaks for a lot of us"

Seems to me you don't recall a lot. Better use more reliable sources than CNN:

Seems you don't know wtf you are reading.

Only one Republican voted for removal - Romney.

The rest of them voted against removal, but they still condemed Trump's behaviour and admitted that he was culpable in everything Article I accused him of (abusing his office for personal political gain)

The only ones that still belive Trump did not bring this on himself are blind politicos and Trump tools.

Typical lib. When proven wrong, move the goal posts. You said:

he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If he was found culpable by them, they would have voted for removal.

Thats not a logical conclusion.

You may well agree with everything a person is accused of but disagree with the punishment or would rather defer that puinishment for someone else to administer (in this case voters in november).

What I said about 8 Republican senators finding that Trump was guilty of the behaviour Article I layed out remains true.

Sure, which is why all but one RINO voted not guilty.


So you think the job of a Senator is to bleat along with the sheep in his political party huh? Strange, I always thought it was to represent his constituents. Kinda makes you wonder, if Senators' votes are to be dick-tated, why have a vote at all? Why have Senators at all? Just hire a dick-tator. Save time.

Guess how much of the vote Rump got in that state btw.


He's always been a RINO. How did your "sheep" bleat with their party? Care to take a look at the vote for removal record?

Don't say it's because of what Trump did. You can also look how they voted in the Clinton impeachment; you know, the guy that actually committed a real crime and a real impeachable offense?

The other real Republicans seen this for what it was, a waste of time witch hunt. Nothing there. He did no wrong. No crime, no impeachable offense, and nothing that DumBama or Biden didn't do.

I don't have a party but I do understand what a Senator does, and what a Senator does NOT do is represent a political party, period.

Then that Senator should leave for a party he does represent and support.

Once AGAIN --- I dunno if my posts are somehow translated into Macedonian here or what --- a Senator's job is not to represent a political party. It is to represent his CONSTITUENTS. You know, the voters who elected him. THEY are his boss. If you're expecting a given Senator (or Rep) to vote the way you want, and they're not your representative --- then you're just wrong.

Did he ask every constituent how they wanted him to vote?

If you could be honest with yourself, just for a second, you might understand it had nothing to do with his constituents. It had nothing to do with any law being broken. It had nothing to do with an impeachable offense since there was none. It had to do with him hating Trump.

He hated Trump since Trump won the nomination. Trump is sitting in a place Romney feels is rightfully his. Trump considered him for a position with his team, and opted not to hire Romney. I don't know if the President was serious, or just yanking his chain as a joke. But Romney is a TDS person if there ever was one.


Senators do have open lines to their constituents, yes. Obviously said Senator doesn't solicit opinion from literally everybody in the state one at a time, that would be practically impossible. But anyone who wants to opine, can. Again, this is UTAH's business, not yours, not mine, and certainly not that of a political party. Senators DO NOT REPRESENT political parties. Show me in the Constitution where I'm wrong.

And again, as far as your TDS wishlist, Rump could not muster even as much as 45% of that state's vote -- even in a deep-red state with an R after his name --- so it's fair to say he's not the new-clothes emperor that many on a site like this drool over. He finished so poorly because Evan McMullin was on the ticket. In other words Rump was so distasteful to Utahans that a significant chunk of them voted for a 3P candidate who only appeared on a handful of state ballots and had no chance of winning, yet they preferred that to Rump. So as far as there exists outward evidence of what the state thinks, it does not support your little tree-house fantasy.

A Senator represents the constituents of his or her state, NOT a political party --- PERIOD, FULL STOP. The only (waste) product of a term like "RINO" or "DINO" is lockstep tribalism. And that's useless. If that's not the case --- WHO do Bernie Sanders and Angus King represent?
That's right. The DNC has sent up the trial balloon.
Jill and Joe are having the 'conversation' today.
I hear Joe is going to get into poodle breeding after he leaves the race for 'health reasons'.
John Kerry has some mighty fine 'tea-cup' poodles.
Joe Biden has that hands on approach to management
That's right. The DNC has sent up the trial balloon.
Jill and Joe are having the 'conversation' today.
I hear Joe is going to get into poodle breeding after he leaves the race for 'health reasons'.
John Kerry has some mighty fine 'tea-cup' poodles.
Joe Biden has that hands on approach to management

What bugs me about Murdoch he has so much control over what political information the American people see, and he is not even an American.

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