The DNC gives Joe the Boot

Biden's mind is like a web browser. 20 tabs are open, 17 are frozen and he has no idea where the music is coming from
Following up on Tubefreak's post ... I'm especially itching to hear what Ole Joe has to say about young Hunter's activities in The Ukraine ... itching like poison ivy bad ...

I hear it's been a year and there has been exactly ZERO from Trump's DOJ on this. What else do you need to know?

The more chaos, unresolved scandals, llies and caterwauling, the better.

It's resolved alright. Trump and his crazy Ukraine traveling lawyer found NOTHING....except impeachment

Which failed. Y'all haven't seen the extent of the failure yet. Y'all will be screaming at the sky again in November. Just please, keep the ANTIFA fags in their welthy parents basement. People are likely to start shooting y'all if you get dumb again

Skipping over all the deplorable nonsense "Y'all" spew, Trump WAS impeached and although he wasn't removed, he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If you think that HELPS Trump's re-election chances then you simply don't know up from down.

Eight???? Who were they???

Lamar Alexander
Susan Collins
Mitt Romney
Marco Rubio
Rob Portman
Ben Sasse

I don't recall the 8th, but Ben Sasse did say that Alexander "speaks for a lot of us"

Seems to me you don't recall a lot. Better use more reliable sources than CNN:

Seems you don't know wtf you are reading.

Only one Republican voted for removal - Romney.

The rest of them voted against removal, but they still condemed Trump's behaviour and admitted that he was culpable in everything Article I accused him of (abusing his office for personal political gain)

The only ones that still belive Trump did not bring this on himself are blind politicos and Trump tools.

Typical lib. When proven wrong, move the goal posts. You said:

he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If he was found culpable by them, they would have voted for removal.

Thats not a logical conclusion.

You may well agree with everything a person is accused of but disagree with the punishment or would rather defer that puinishment for someone else to administer (in this case voters in november).

What I said about 8 Republican senators finding that Trump was guilty of the behaviour Article I layed out remains true.
Kinda surprising eth? Who knew the democrats were even that intelligent.

The question is will the DNC go along with it and how will they manage to get rid of Biden....perhaps they could get his wife to persuade him.....she seems a tad more alert than ole joe.

The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample.

Super majority of Americans will dump him, come November.

"Super majority of Americans" voted against Trump if you don't reacall the 2016 election. ;)

Kinda surprising eth? Who knew the democrats were even that intelligent.

The question is will the DNC go along with it and how will they manage to get rid of Biden....perhaps they could get his wife to persuade him.....she seems a tad more alert than ole joe.

The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample.

Super majority of Americans will dump him, come November.

"Super majority of Americans" voted against Trump if you don't reacall the 2016 election. ;)

View attachment 322133

Didn't realize "majority of Americans" is another word for "majority of counties"

Loving County, Texas population 134
Is totally comparable to
Kings County, New York population 2,600,747

P.S. Your nubers are also bullshit, clinton won 487 counties.
Last edited:
Kinda surprising eth? Who knew the democrats were even that intelligent.

The question is will the DNC go along with it and how will they manage to get rid of Biden....perhaps they could get his wife to persuade him.....she seems a tad more alert than ole joe.

The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample.

Hey, leave Jose alone. He is doing his part to be safe in the age of WUFLU. Look here, he even has a modified mask so he can sniff little girls hair without breathing on them.

View attachment 321786

Something tells me Biden isn't going to be the Democrat nominee. He's just not there.

He's not there is why he will be their nominee. A logical coherent Democrat is a Republican.

Thats a really naive view of the world.

Say what you will about him but no one seriously accused Obama of being illogical or incoherent....same can't be said for a Republican in the White House now.

Of course he wasn't illogical.

If you force restaurants to put calorie count on every item in the menu, that will make fat kids skinny.

If you try and force kids to eat garbage food they don't want in school, they will just start eating what you offer them.

If a man wears a dress, that makes him a woman, and our schools need to allow those guys in dresses into your daughters rest rooms, locker rooms, and showers in school, and it won't be a problem.

If you increase taxes on our job creators, that inspires them to create more good paying jobs.

That's Hussein alright, always logical. :laugh:

That's just stupid.

Just because you disagreed on some policy with Obama not mean that he was illogical or incoherent.
Trump will refuse to debate Biden.

Oh, you're a Joe Biden fan?

Name three of his complete sentences.

I would not call myself a fan. Objectively, however, he’s far more accomplished and experienced than Trump.

I find it funny that a Trombie is asking for complete sentences.

Could you find three? Could you find any?

And regarding experience... experience in what? Being in government for 30+ years, like Biden or Hillary, while doing nothing expect spreading dogma is not experience.

In fact, Trump has more presidential experience then both of them together.
Trump will refuse to debate Biden.

Oh, you're a Joe Biden fan?

Name three of his complete sentences.

I would not call myself a fan. Objectively, however, he’s far more accomplished and experienced than Trump.

I find it funny that a Trombie is asking for complete sentences.

Could you find three? Could you find any?

What do you do when someone challenges you to do something that is ridiculous? Do you run out and do it?

What kind of moron thinks that thousands of examples of Joe Biden speaking eloquently on any number of subjects don’t exist? Are you that kind of moron?

Here is a challenge for you. Find me one credible professional speech instructor or college professor who says that Trump is a better public speaker/ communicator than Biden.

You won’t be able to.
Okay, let me throw out this angle: what if the COVID-19 lockdown continues into the summer and the Dems do not conduct enough primaries to give Biden the nomination on the 1st ballot? Or, let's say within the next month or 2, a number of investigations become public that implicate Biden in wrong-doing with respect to Ukraine, China, and perhaps other instances that we don't even know about yet. It's almost funny, Biden could go down for the same thing the Dems tried to pin on Trump - abuse of office when he was the VP. Might not be prosecutable, but could be damaging nonetheless. So, the possibility of a brokered convention shouldn't be casually dismissed, and if it happens, then what?

Who steps up? Bernie? Hillary? Cuomo? Things could get crazy.
Okay, let me throw out this angle: what if the COVID-19 lockdown continues into the summer and the Dems do not conduct enough primaries to give Biden the nomination on the 1st ballot? Or, let's say within the next month or 2, a number of investigations become public that implicate Biden in wrong-doing with respect to Ukraine, China, and perhaps other instances that we don't even know about yet. It's almost funny, Biden could go down for the same thing the Dems tried to pin on Trump - abuse of office when he was the VP. Might not be prosecutable, but could be damaging nonetheless. So, the possibility of a brokered convention shouldn't be casually dismissed, and if it happens, then what?

Who steps up? Bernie? Hillary? Cuomo? Things could get crazy.

Many Trombie nutbags have weird fantasy lives.
Okay, let me throw out this angle: what if the COVID-19 lockdown continues into the summer and the Dems do not conduct enough primaries to give Biden the nomination on the 1st ballot? Or, let's say within the next month or 2, a number of investigations become public that implicate Biden in wrong-doing with respect to Ukraine, China, and perhaps other instances that we don't even know about yet. It's almost funny, Biden could go down for the same thing the Dems tried to pin on Trump - abuse of office when he was the VP. Might not be prosecutable, but could be damaging nonetheless. So, the possibility of a brokered convention shouldn't be casually dismissed, and if it happens, then what?

Who steps up? Bernie? Hillary? Cuomo? Things could get crazy.

Primaries (or delegates) are not even needed. It's their party and they'll nominate who they want to.

Primary elections are a joke. A bread-and-circus theater to make political parties look "inclusive". They're neither required to happen nor required to be followed. Case in point -- Republicans cancelled several primaries this year even though there were prominent challengers. Case in point two -- 2016 rigging of Democratic primaries for Clinton. Case in point three -- Hubert Humphrey didn't even run in primaries, nominated 1968. Case in point four -- Teddy Roosevelt coming into the convention with a comfortable primary lead and being shown the door.
Okay, let me throw out this angle: what if the COVID-19 lockdown continues into the summer and the Dems do not conduct enough primaries to give Biden the nomination on the 1st ballot? Or, let's say within the next month or 2, a number of investigations become public that implicate Biden in wrong-doing with respect to Ukraine, China, and perhaps other instances that we don't even know about yet. It's almost funny, Biden could go down for the same thing the Dems tried to pin on Trump - abuse of office when he was the VP. Might not be prosecutable, but could be damaging nonetheless. So, the possibility of a brokered convention shouldn't be casually dismissed, and if it happens, then what?

Who steps up? Bernie? Hillary? Cuomo? Things could get crazy.

The only real replacement would be Bernie. Hillary has no interest, and getting beat twice by Trump would be more than she could take. Cuomo is a flash in the pan. Until this virus came up, probably half the people in the country didn't even know who he was. He will soon be forgotten if we have some real positive results in the coming weeks.
Following up on Tubefreak's post ... I'm especially itching to hear what Ole Joe has to say about young Hunter's activities in The Ukraine ... itching like poison ivy bad ...

I hear it's been a year and there has been exactly ZERO from Trump's DOJ on this. What else do you need to know?

The more chaos, unresolved scandals, llies and caterwauling, the better.

It's resolved alright. Trump and his crazy Ukraine traveling lawyer found NOTHING....except impeachment

Which failed. Y'all haven't seen the extent of the failure yet. Y'all will be screaming at the sky again in November. Just please, keep the ANTIFA fags in their welthy parents basement. People are likely to start shooting y'all if you get dumb again

Skipping over all the deplorable nonsense "Y'all" spew, Trump WAS impeached and although he wasn't removed, he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If you think that HELPS Trump's re-election chances then you simply don't know up from down.

Eight???? Who were they???

Lamar Alexander
Susan Collins
Mitt Romney
Marco Rubio
Rob Portman
Ben Sasse

I don't recall the 8th, but Ben Sasse did say that Alexander "speaks for a lot of us"

Seems to me you don't recall a lot. Better use more reliable sources than CNN:

Seems you don't know wtf you are reading.

Only one Republican voted for removal - Romney.

The rest of them voted against removal, but they still condemed Trump's behaviour and admitted that he was culpable in everything Article I accused him of (abusing his office for personal political gain)

The only ones that still belive Trump did not bring this on himself are blind politicos and Trump tools.

Typical lib. When proven wrong, move the goal posts. You said:

he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If he was found culpable by them, they would have voted for removal.

Thats not a logical conclusion.

You may well agree with everything a person is accused of but disagree with the punishment or would rather defer that puinishment for someone else to administer (in this case voters in november).

What I said about 8 Republican senators finding that Trump was guilty of the behaviour Article I layed out remains true.

Sure, which is why all but one RINO voted not guilty.
Something tells me Biden isn't going to be the Democrat nominee. He's just not there.

He's not there is why he will be their nominee. A logical coherent Democrat is a Republican.

Thats a really naive view of the world.

Say what you will about him but no one seriously accused Obama of being illogical or incoherent....same can't be said for a Republican in the White House now.

Of course he wasn't illogical.

If you force restaurants to put calorie count on every item in the menu, that will make fat kids skinny.

If you try and force kids to eat garbage food they don't want in school, they will just start eating what you offer them.

If a man wears a dress, that makes him a woman, and our schools need to allow those guys in dresses into your daughters rest rooms, locker rooms, and showers in school, and it won't be a problem.

If you increase taxes on our job creators, that inspires them to create more good paying jobs.

That's Hussein alright, always logical. :laugh:

That's just stupid.

Just because you disagreed on some policy with Obama not mean that he was illogical or incoherent.

Everything I listed is completely illogical. You can't see that because you're a leftist, and they are logical to you.
Kinda surprising eth? Who knew the democrats were even that intelligent.

The question is will the DNC go along with it and how will they manage to get rid of Biden....perhaps they could get his wife to persuade him.....she seems a tad more alert than ole joe.

The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample.

No! No! I'm looking forward to THE DEBATE!!!!

View attachment 321776


Game over!
"Can anyone tell me what this man just said" -- DJT

Anyone promoting or blindly supporting this stumbling, teetering fool heading into senility out of blind hatred for Trump because of his brash, antagonizing personality, is at best heading for one massive embarrassment in office. Is even the Left capable of rationalizing all that lays ahead for a Biden Presidency for four years? Just where did those 500 psychiatric experts go that claimed Trump a mental case too risque for the White House?

In the unlikely event that Creepy Joe does get in, and tanks the economy with taxation on businesses, bringing back commie care fines and mandates, increasing minimum wage, they will be saying the economy is Trump's fault.

If we get an edge on this thing, the economy is improving, stock market recovering, and Creepy Joe gets in, they will be giving him credit for the economic recovery.

Funny how adamant the Left was about Trump destroying the economy and savings but strangely quiescent now that it has already rebounded close to 23,000, already about 6,000 higher than the highest Obama ever saw when he "recovered" the economy.
Kinda surprising eth? Who knew the democrats were even that intelligent.

The question is will the DNC go along with it and how will they manage to get rid of Biden....perhaps they could get his wife to persuade him.....she seems a tad more alert than ole joe.

The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample.

Super majority of Americans will dump him, come November.

"Super majority of Americans" voted against Trump if you don't reacall the 2016 election. ;)

View attachment 322133
Is that supposed to mean anything?

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