The DNC gives Joe the Boot

Following up on Tubefreak's post ... I'm especially itching to hear what Ole Joe has to say about young Hunter's activities in The Ukraine ... itching like poison ivy bad ...

I hear it's been a year and there has been exactly ZERO from Trump's DOJ on this. What else do you need to know?

The more chaos, unresolved scandals, llies and caterwauling, the better.

It's resolved alright. Trump and his crazy Ukraine traveling lawyer found NOTHING....except impeachment

Which failed. Y'all haven't seen the extent of the failure yet. Y'all will be screaming at the sky again in November. Just please, keep the ANTIFA fags in their welthy parents basement. People are likely to start shooting y'all if you get dumb again

Skipping over all the deplorable nonsense "Y'all" spew, Trump WAS impeached and although he wasn't removed, he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If you think that HELPS Trump's re-election chances then you simply don't know up from down.
Doesn't make any difference. Neither on of those idiots will be President.

One can't find the bathroom and the other is a moron that loves to hear himself speak more than Trump.

You certainly have a lot of confidence in our impeached assclown POTUS, who has failed the leadership test in response to a national emergency and will try to get re-elected in the middle of what probably will be the deepest economic contraction since Great Depression.

Care to explain why his approval numbers are going up?

I don't care to explain falsehoods.

He was underwater on COVID-19, got a bump from Federal giveaway and is now back down underwater.

Overall, after a brief bump Trump is still about as unpopular as he has been for 2 and half years now.

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i dont know how Biden will answer the first questioned presented to him in any debate,,,"Senator Biden, can you tell the 25 million viewers what city you are in at the current moment?"

Because you are an idiot.
I think that thought of Cuomo as Democratic nominee will soon be squashed by those with heads on their shoulders. If Cuomo would jump ship this year to campaign for the presidency he'd be view much the same as the captain of the Costa Concordia.
Following up on Tubefreak's post ... I'm especially itching to hear what Ole Joe has to say about young Hunter's activities in The Ukraine ... itching like poison ivy bad ...

I hear it's been a year and there has been exactly ZERO from Trump's DOJ on this. What else do you need to know?

The more chaos, unresolved scandals, llies and caterwauling, the better.

It's resolved alright. Trump and his crazy Ukraine traveling lawyer found NOTHING....except impeachment

Which failed. Y'all haven't seen the extent of the failure yet. Y'all will be screaming at the sky again in November. Just please, keep the ANTIFA fags in their welthy parents basement. People are likely to start shooting y'all if you get dumb again

Skipping over all the deplorable nonsense "Y'all" spew, Trump WAS impeached and although he wasn't removed, he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If you think that HELPS Trump's re-election chances then you simply don't know up from down.

Eight???? Who were they???
Kinda surprising eth? Who knew the democrats were even that intelligent.

The question is will the DNC go along with it and how will they manage to get rid of Biden....perhaps they could get his wife to persuade him.....she seems a tad more alert than ole joe.

The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample.

The New York Post reports a Republican polling outfit found that the New York governor is preferred over Biden.

I would be mildly suspicious of that report inasmuch as Biden is beating Trump by ten points or more in nearly every poll.

Even Trump friendly Rasmussen has Trump underwater, 43 to 56.

The only time polls are even close to accurate is about a week before the election. Outside of that, it's best to ignore them.
Kinda surprising eth? Who knew the democrats were even that intelligent.

The question is will the DNC go along with it and how will they manage to get rid of Biden....perhaps they could get his wife to persuade him.....she seems a tad more alert than ole joe.

The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample.

National poll? They asked 1000 people. I’m not not sure , but
I think there are few more democrats than that. What a joke.
This poll was conducted by republicans, gee, I wonder what there trying to do?
Stupid post, not large enough sample I think
Doesn't make any difference. Neither on of those idiots will be President.

One can't find the bathroom and the other is a moron that loves to hear himself speak more than Trump.

You certainly have a lot of confidence in our impeached assclown POTUS, who has failed the leadership test in response to a national emergency and will try to get re-elected in the middle of what probably will be the deepest economic contraction since Great Depression.
Both parties have sanitized their candidate to be picked for many decades. Trump was a surprise. But Biden is the sanitized candidate like Trump won in the 2016 primaries. Now you are going to have the back room deals that smell of worse corruption then putting Biden in to get rid of Sanders.

I think it's silly to compare Trump the candidate vs REALITY that has been Trump's presidency.

He more like a shiny gimmic that gets old pretty fast. I'd say there is now a sizable portion of electorate that just wants a comeback to normacy and uncle Joe fits that bill well.
You must be as senile as Biden to make that statement. Do you actually believe that the Democrat party is going to allow Biden to debate the President?

Trump will refuse to debate Biden.

Not in your lifetime. Trump is an entertainer, and he will get more laughs with Biden than if he went on stage with a clown.
Kinda surprising eth? Who knew the democrats were even that intelligent.

The question is will the DNC go along with it and how will they manage to get rid of Biden....perhaps they could get his wife to persuade him.....she seems a tad more alert than ole joe.

The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample.

Super majority of Americans will dump him, come November.

"Super majority of Americans" voted against Trump if you don't reacall the 2016 election. ;)

Right, the overflow from CommieFronia. Big deal. Why is Hilary drunk in her basement and Trump in the White House???
Kinda surprising eth? Who knew the democrats were even that intelligent.

The question is will the DNC go along with it and how will they manage to get rid of Biden....perhaps they could get his wife to persuade him.....she seems a tad more alert than ole joe.

The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample.

The New York Post reports a Republican polling outfit found that the New York governor is preferred over Biden.

I would be mildly suspicious of that report inasmuch as Biden is beating Trump by ten points or more in nearly every poll.

Even Trump friendly Rasmussen has Trump underwater, 43 to 56.

The only time polls are even close to accurate is about a week before the election. Outside of that, it's best to ignore them.
i would love to see this poll taken.......Biden VS any random Thanksgiving Turkey for President
Following up on Tubefreak's post ... I'm especially itching to hear what Ole Joe has to say about young Hunter's activities in The Ukraine ... itching like poison ivy bad ...

The original report was supposed to be out in late spring or early summer. Thanks to this crisis we have, it will be stalled closer to election day, which would help us greatly if they do find something in Ukraine.
Doesn't make any difference. Neither on of those idiots will be President.

One can't find the bathroom and the other is a moron that loves to hear himself speak more than Trump.

You certainly have a lot of confidence in our impeached assclown POTUS, who has failed the leadership test in response to a national emergency and will try to get re-elected in the middle of what probably will be the deepest economic contraction since Great Depression.
Both parties have sanitized their candidate to be picked for many decades. Trump was a surprise. But Biden is the sanitized candidate like Trump won in the 2016 primaries. Now you are going to have the back room deals that smell of worse corruption then putting Biden in to get rid of Sanders.

I think it's silly to compare Trump the candidate vs REALITY that has been Trump's presidency.

He more like a shiny gimmic that gets old pretty fast. I'd say there is now a sizable portion of electorate that just wants a comeback to normacy and uncle Joe fits that bill well.

If normalcy is what you think Creepy Joe will bring, perhaps it's best if he enters normalcy himself.
Following up on Tubefreak's post ... I'm especially itching to hear what Ole Joe has to say about young Hunter's activities in The Ukraine ... itching like poison ivy bad ...

I hear it's been a year and there has been exactly ZERO from Trump's DOJ on this. What else do you need to know?

The more chaos, unresolved scandals, llies and caterwauling, the better.

It's resolved alright. Trump and his crazy Ukraine traveling lawyer found NOTHING....except impeachment

Which failed. Y'all haven't seen the extent of the failure yet. Y'all will be screaming at the sky again in November. Just please, keep the ANTIFA fags in their welthy parents basement. People are likely to start shooting y'all if you get dumb again

Skipping over all the deplorable nonsense "Y'all" spew, Trump WAS impeached and although he wasn't removed, he was found culpable of everything laid out in Article I of impeachment by no less than 8 Senate Republicans along with all Democrats.

If you think that HELPS Trump's re-election chances then you simply don't know up from down.

Eight???? Who were they???

Lamar Alexander
Susan Collins
Mitt Romney
Marco Rubio
Rob Portman
Ben Sasse

I don't recall the 8th, but Ben Sasse did say that Alexander "speaks for a lot of us"
Kinda surprising eth? Who knew the democrats were even that intelligent.

The question is will the DNC go along with it and how will they manage to get rid of Biden....perhaps they could get his wife to persuade him.....she seems a tad more alert than ole joe.

The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample.

Super majority of Americans will dump him, come November.

"Super majority of Americans" voted against Trump if you don't reacall the 2016 election. ;)

Right, the overflow from CommieFronia. Big deal. Why is Hilary drunk in her basement and Trump in the White House???

I'm sorry you don't happen to like the quality of the American majority.
Kinda surprising eth? Who knew the democrats were even that intelligent.

The question is will the DNC go along with it and how will they manage to get rid of Biden....perhaps they could get his wife to persuade him.....she seems a tad more alert than ole joe.

The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample.

Biden is kind of what McCain was back in the Obama days. You weren't crazy about voting for him, but you did so anyway to try and see the other guy defeated.

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