The DNC has petitioned Roger Daltrey to weigh in on President Biden

The lyrics are copyrighted. A move is on to have copyright released so the DNC can say goodbye to it's leader. The DNC is controlled by the leader of the party. The rebels have now won. Time to mourn and move on.

They won't have Joe to kick around anymore. On his way out, Joe should probably pardon everyone in sight. It would make great theater to go along with the Clown Show over at the RNC.
It does seem to be that Biden is holding out and waiting for some development to take place that will ensure his position as the D candidate. What could that be that saves him?

For some, that's where the attempted socalled assassination comes (came) in.

I don't believe that was it. There could be a carefully preplanned event that Biden needs to wait for.

For instance: Some really nasty stuff being dug out on Kamala's activities in her past.

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