The DNC is a PRIVATE organization.

So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

The DNC is a private organization like the Fed is a Private organization.

The DNC IS the federal government.

Uhhmmm............... no. It's not. Not even remotely close.
but they filed papers to be in a federal election and store federal documents. therefore, they come under federal law to comply with the government. the fact the FBI or DOJ didn't subpoena their server just shows the crime one will go to to avoid being caught.

You don't need the server ! This whole stupid thing is fake news distraction by the Don . His specialty .
Do I have to embarrass you again on this?
Then why did COMEY need CLINTON's Bleach Bitted Server?

They wanted it because it was physically being used as a quasi gov server . The situations are not the same . Clintons server wasn't a hacking case .

From the accounts , the Russians got in through fishing his password . Why do you need the physical server in investigate that ?
Yes they did. Crowdstrike worked closely with the Federal government.
Umm NO THEY DIDN'T. If you call handing a copy of a bullshit report to someone in Government, then I will call handing used toilet paper to the IRS as my taxes being paid in full.

Crowdstrike produced a report that was paid for by THE DNC that was favorable to THE DNC's Narrative in the midst of a campaign. Furthermore, not only did CROWDSTRIKE not directly examine The Server, but they had to Retract Portions of their "OPINION PAPER" because they made several mistakes with their analysis as limited as it was.

And with no one to corroborate their findings, THE REPORT IS BUNK

Wrong. They actually worked along side the Federal government to track the hack over several months.

DUDE give it up. Clinton could have been knocked out of the race simply due to her violation of The Two Preservation Orders.
Crowd Strike did not cooperate with The Government or they would have let The Government see the server.
Besides that you are on IGNORE and have been for a long time because you are a Brainwashed Clinton Whore and a Troll.
I just felt like reading some IRRATIONAL COMMENTS from Leftyville so I made the mistake of "viewing ignored content."


Jesus Christ you idiots that repeat the same lie over and over. I didn't want Clinton as President but I'm not going to do like you fucking Trumpbots and create an alternate reality because of what happened.

Fuck, Crowdstrike was actually under contract with the FBI. And you don't think they worked together?

Yeah. Podesta: 'It's on the FBI' That DNC Servers Weren't Turned Over
And now the finger pointing starts because The Dems just don't know which way to go with this.
There never was any hacking, and that is why The Server was never Subpoenaed.
Like I said, Comey's only function was the same as Loretta Lynch's....and that is to sweep The Obama Administration's Crimes under the rug....

You ever listen to Comey's excuses as to why he doesn't do "THE RIGHT THING?"

I was afraid
I was nauseous
I was confused
They wouldn't let me
She was too stupid to prosecute

Is that an FBI director?
Or a phucking political hack paid to manufacture excuses?
The DNC is a private organization, the Presidential election is a federal process.

And you would think they would be racing to turn over their server so that the real facts could be determined. But, they aren't. Seems to me the DNC is engaging in a calculated case of Obstruction of Justice.
The DNC is a private organization like the Fed is a Private organization.

The DNC IS the federal government.

Uhhmmm............... no. It's not. Not even remotely close.
but they filed papers to be in a federal election and store federal documents. therefore, they come under federal law to comply with the government. the fact the FBI or DOJ didn't subpoena their server just shows the crime one will go to to avoid being caught.

You don't need the server ! This whole stupid thing is fake news distraction by the Don . His specialty .
Do I have to embarrass you again on this?
Then why did COMEY need CLINTON's Bleach Bitted Server?

They wanted it because it was physically being used as a quasi gov server . The situations are not the same . Clintons server wasn't a hacking case .

From the accounts , the Russians got in through fishing his password . Why do you need the physical server in investigate that ?
because it is ground zero to the charge. It's what investigations do. In our court system they call it evidence. you should look up that definition. seems to me you are unfamiliar with the word.
The DNC is a private organization like the Fed is a Private organization.

The DNC IS the federal government.

Uhhmmm............... no. It's not. Not even remotely close.
but they filed papers to be in a federal election and store federal documents. therefore, they come under federal law to comply with the government. the fact the FBI or DOJ didn't subpoena their server just shows the crime one will go to to avoid being caught.

You don't need the server ! This whole stupid thing is fake news distraction by the Don . His specialty .
Do I have to embarrass you again on this?
Then why did COMEY need CLINTON's Bleach Bitted Server?

They wanted it because it was physically being used as a quasi gov server . The situations are not the same . Clintons server wasn't a hacking case .

From the accounts , the Russians got in through fishing his password . Why do you need the physical server in investigate that ?
To look at the logs dummy so that you can PROVE there was an ACTUAL INTRUSION from OUTSIDE YOUR LAN.

And have you ever looked at the emails that were leaked by Seth Rich to Julian Assange?

Here's one.

Now someone with a brain tell me what is interesting about that....
I'll give you a clue....if you can Google it, you will find the answer.

Iran Nuclear Deal
From:[email protected] To: [email protected] CC: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Date: 2015-06-22 04:23 Subject: Iran Nuclear Deal

Dear Jake, I have sent several detailed notes on the Iran nuclear deal, and will avoid repetition. But with the June 30 deadline fast approaching (although it may be extended), and with Hillary certain to be pressed on whether she supports the deal and will urge Congress not to disapprove it, I wanted to share a few thoughts.

1. This could well be a voting issue for many moderates in the Jewish community. The mainstream organized leadership will almost certainly oppose the deal, along with Israel and all the Republican candidates, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, and perhaps Egypt.

2. While we cannot be sure until there is a final agreement, it appears that many of the open issues since the preliminary accord, may be resolved in Iran's favor: (1) Enriched uranium will stay in Iran for dilution, rather than be sent to Russia or France for reprocessing. (2) Sanctions will not be phased-out commensurate with compliance, as the US Fact Sheet indicated after the last "agreement", but may come off more quickly. This will transfer billions to Iran and enhance its funding for terrorism and its efforts to gain hegemony in the region. (3) It is not clear what Iran will be required to do on PMD, if anything. This was required of Iraq by the UNSC in September 2002. Iran should be held to the same standard. They have yet to answer 11 of the 12 IAEA questions, yet UN sanctions will be lifted. (4) Russia, China and Iran itself may be able to block "snapback" sanctions if there is a violation of the agreement. US companies will be disadvantaged compared to European companies, since many US non-nuclear sanctions will remain, while all EU sanctions are nuclear-related. (5) Military sites (Parchin) are likely to be off the table for inspections. (6) Iran will likely be able to do research on advanced centrifuges, which enrich more uranium more rapidly than the current generation. This would markedly reduce the breakout time in the last years of the accord. Presidenr Obama has conceded this point (e.g. David Sanger article in NYT, April 8, 2015) (7) Iran will have an industrial size nuclear program, and will be left as a "nuclear capable state". (8) Iran will be able to keep 1000 centrifuges at Fordo. (9) Nothing in the agreement will limit its support for terrorism.

3. That said, there are likely to be positive aspects to the agreement. (1) The Arak plutonium plant will be effectively dismantled. (2) There will be more intrusive IAEA inspections, since Iran will sign the Additional Protocol of thr NPT. (3) The number of centrifuges will be cut by 2/3. (4) Iran will be a year away from breakout. It would still need to develop a nuclear weapon that can fit on a missile. (5) Iran's stockpile of enriched uranium from 10 tons to 700 pounds. (6) Ten years is a long time and Iran's conduct may moderate.

4, Hillary cannot oppose the agreement given her position as the President's Secretary of State and should urge its approval by Congress under Corker-Cardin. But she can and should point out concerns with it (as she did, unfortunately from my perspective, on TPP/TPA). More broadly, she should appear more muscular I her approach than the President's. The statement I suggested a few months ago still would be appropriate. But she should also say the following: (1) As President, she would never consider Iran a strategic partner in the region. Quite the contrary, she would do all she can to oppose Iranian misconduct. (2) Our allies in the region must know that we will stand behind them and supply them with the means to defend themselves and avoid the region tilting to Iran, including bunker-busting bombs Bush and Obama refused to provide to Israel.. Defense treaties should be considered so any attack by Iran would be considered an attack against the US. (3) Bibi should be invited for early talks on how the partnership with Israel can be strengthened to combat Iran and Israel's other avowed enemies. (4) A common agenda should be forged with Israel and our Arab allies. (5) If the US itself believes Iran has cheated, as President, she would reimpose US sanctions, even if Russia-China-Iran say there was no violation. She would work to get the EU to also reimpose their sanctions. (6) It is just as unacceptable for Iran to develop a nuclear weapon after the expiration of the agreement, as it is during the agreement, given the nature of the regime.

Therefore, while she would not be president, all means should be used to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.

Best wishes, Stu Eizenstat
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

The DNC is a private organization like the Fed is a Private organization.

The DNC IS the federal government.
No they aren't
The DNC is a private organization, the Presidential election is a federal process.

And you would think they would be racing to turn over their server so that the real facts could be determined. But, they aren't. Seems to me the DNC is engaging in a calculated case of Obstruction of Justice.

How is it obstruction of justice of there was a never a formal request for it in the way of a subpoena. Then the DNC would have had no choice.

Fact is, Crowdstrike was already under contract with the FBI, and had been since 2014, so obviously they were a trusted company, and Crowdstrike examined the servers and continued to work with the FBI on the investigation. This shit happens all the time, but it is only a big deal now.
How many times have I had to hear that bullshit people throw out there to somehow prop up Crowd Strike's reputation. The knob heads never actually looked at the actual server.

How Convenient that Crowdstrike was working with James Comey to help Hillary Clinton and THE DNC?

It actually makes it worse that Crowd Strike had a Conflict of Interest with The DNC, James Comey & The FBI, not better.

They weren't independent at all. And not only that, Crowd Strike waited until after Trump had won The Election to retract portions of the very report The DNC paid them to write to form an opinion based on nothing, that Russia hacked The DNC.

Forensic evidence of The Podesta Emails, which weren't even on the DNC server......nope....they were from a GMAIL that the emails were copied from INSIDE THE DNC. There was NO HACKING.

Use your brains people. This is a massive cover up to save The Democrat Party from being burned to The Ground for Attempting to Rig a Presidential Election and from promoting a lie, and even using The FBI and President Obama to try to Frame The Trump Team, which is why they engaged in Illegal Wiretapping, Arranged meetings with Russian Diplomats, Leaked Classified Intel, and Illegally Unmasked members of The Trump Campaign team. They even leaked his tax returns.

Exactly how does THE DNC claim their server was hacked, when Podesta was using a GMAIL account?

Has Google came out and claimed Their GMAIL SERVERS WERE HACKED BY RUSSIA and that's how Podesta's emails ended up on WIKILEAKS?


There is your proof.

Phucking Logic beats LIES every time.
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How many times have I had to hear that bullshit people throw out there to somehow prop up Crowd Strikes reputation. The knob heads never actually looked at the actual server.

How Convenient that Crowdstrike was working with James Comey to help Hillary Clinton and THE DNC?
It actually makes it worse that Crowdstrike had a Conflict of Interest with The DNC, James Comey & The FBI, not better.]
They weren't independent at all. And not only that, Crowdstrike waited until after Trump had won The Election to retract portions of the very report The DNC paid them to write to form an opinion based on nothing, that Russia hacked The DNC.

Forensic evidence of The Podesta Emails, which weren't even on the DNC server......nope....they were from a GMAIL that the emails were copied from INSIDE THE DNC.

Use your brains people. This is a massive cover up to save The Democrat Party from being burned to The Ground for Attempting to Rig a Presidential Election.

Comey was your fucking hero a week before the election and now it is all about how he was in cahoots with Hillary. If he was in cahoots with Hillary she would have won.
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

Another "leave Russia alone" plea. It must be getting hot in that kitchen expecially since Trump Jr just admitted another "forgotten" contact with Russians.

They have to have the world record for convenient amnesia

Trump Jr admitted rushing to meet with a lawyer.


That's like saying a Satanist worships an angel lmao
Again, I am going to ask this question until someone has the balls to answer it.

Exactly how was THE DNC SERVER HACKED when The DNC Mail Server uses the domain DEMOCRATS.ORG

And the emails that were leaked of Podesta's to Wikileaks were from his GMAIL account?
GMAIL does not cache copies of your email on a server or your PC.

You view the emails remotely through a web client.
Again, I am going to ask this question until someone has the balls to answer it.

Exactly how was THE DNC SERVER HACKED when The DNC Mail Server uses the domain DEMOCRATS.ORG

And the emails that were leaked of Podesta's to Wikileaks were from his GMAIL account?
GMAIL does not cache copies of your email on a server or your PC.

You view the emails remotely through a web client.

Go get a degree in computer forensics. Then apply for a Federal job with the FBI. Get Top Secret clearance. Then ask to work on the Russian collusion case involving the hacking, and find out.
Looking at Podesta's emails on Wikileaks, one will note that he has multiple, multiple email addresses, but you cannot find any emails sent to him at The address which is THE DNC SERVER.

Now isn't that special?

WTF did this idiot do, leave his PC on all the time and logged in to his 20 different web based email accounts?

A five year old could have copied his emails to a thumb drive.
Funny . All you righties talk about is that Comey and the FBI are a bunch of weasels who leak everything . Then you have the nerve to ask. "why didn't they give the FBI their server ?! "

This was at the time the FBI was torpedoing Hillary by the way .
And you would think they would be racing to turn over their server so that the real facts could be determined. But, they aren't. Seems to me the DNC is engaging in a calculated case of Obstruction of Justice.

They already had a private company give them the full details, which they already provided to the FBI. The real evidence of who did it, has to come from the NSA, since forensics won't tell you where the hack originated. Only the NSA can trace the source back to hackers in Russia.
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

Another "leave Russia alone" plea. It must be getting hot in that kitchen expecially since Trump Jr just admitted another "forgotten" contact with Russians.

They have to have the world record for convenient amnesia

Trump Jr admitted rushing to meet with a lawyer.


That's like saying a Satanist worships an angel lmao

So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

If you weren't so dumb and poorly informed - you would know that the DNC has in fact cooperated with investigators. Another hyperbolic NaziCon thread debunked.

June 14 — The Washington Post reports that hackers had gained access to DNC servers. It is the first public disclosure of the security breach.

June 15 — CrowdStrike, a computer security firm hired by the DNC to investigate the hacking, says that Russia is behind the cyberattack. In a blog post on its website, CrowdStrike co-founder Dmitri Alperovitch says that the company “immediately identified two sophisticated adversaries on the network – COZY BEAR and FANCY BEAR.” He wrote that “both adversaries engage in extensive political and economic espionage for the benefit of the government of the Russian Federation and are believed to be closely linked to the Russian government’s powerful and highly capable intelligence services.”

Guccifer 2.0 takes credit in a blog post for hacking the DNC computers and releases a few documents, including the Democratic Party’s 200-page opposition research report on Donald Trump. “The main part of the papers, thousands of files and mails, I gave to Wikileaks. They will publish them soon,” Guccifer 2.0 says in its blog post. (U.S. intelligence would later identify Guccifer 2.0 as the “persona” used by Russian military intelligence to release hacked emails to media outlets and WikiLeaks.)

Trump releases a statement that says: “We believe it was the DNC that did the ‘hacking’ as a way to distract from the many issues facing their deeply flawed candidate and failed party leader.”

June 20 — Manafort becomes the Trump campaign manager. He replaces Corey Lewandowski, who was fired.

July 8 – Page, a Trump foreign policy adviser, visits Moscow and speaks at thecommencement ceremony of the New Economic School. In his speech, Page is critical of U.S. policy toward Russia.

July 20 – Sessions delivers a speech at “Global Partners in Diplomacy,” an event held during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland and sponsored by the State Department,Heritage Foundation and others. After the event, Sessions had what he would later describe as a “brief encounter” with Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the U.S. The event was attended by somewhere between 50 ambassadors, according to the Washington Post, and 100 ambassadors, according to Heritage. (Sessions acknowledged when he recused himself from the Russian investigation in march 2017 that he spoke twice with Kislyak, including at this event.)

July 22 — WikiLeaks releases nearly 20,000 DNC emails. It would eventually release more than 44,000 emails and 17,000 attachments, WikiLeaks says on its website.

July 25 – The FBI confirms it has opened an investigation into the hacking of the DNC computer network. “The FBI is investigating a cyber intrusion involving the DNC and are working to determine the nature and scope of the matter. A compromise of this nature is something we take very seriously, and the FBI will continue to investigate and hold accountable those who pose a threat in cyberspace,” it says in a release.

(James Comey, the FBI director at the time, would later testify that the FBI in late July 2016 began investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election and whether Trump campaign associates were involved in those efforts. The New York Times would later report that Page’s speech in Moscow “was a catalyst for the F.B.I. investigation into connections between Russia and President Trump’s campaign.”)

Timeline of Russia Investigation -
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Another "leave Russia alone" plea. It must be getting hot in that kitchen expecially since Trump Jr just admitted another "forgotten" contact with Russians.

They have to have the world record for convenient amnesia

Give the kid a break, does Natalia Veselnitskaya sound like a Russian name?
And you would think they would be racing to turn over their server so that the real facts could be determined. But, they aren't. Seems to me the DNC is engaging in a calculated case of Obstruction of Justice.

They already had a private company give them the full details, which they already provided to the FBI. The real evidence of who did it, has to come from the NSA, since forensics won't tell you where the hack originated. Only the NSA can trace the source back to hackers in Russia.


Podesta's Emails posted on WIKILEAKS come from GMAIL.COM domain

Care to explain then how The DNC server was hacked?
And you would think they would be racing to turn over their server so that the real facts could be determined. But, they aren't. Seems to me the DNC is engaging in a calculated case of Obstruction of Justice.

They already had a private company give them the full details, which they already provided to the FBI. The real evidence of who did it, has to come from the NSA, since forensics won't tell you where the hack originated. Only the NSA can trace the source back to hackers in Russia.


Podesta's Emails posted on WIKILEAKS come from GMAIL.COM domain

Care to explain then how The DNC server was hacked?

Two separate hacks.

It's not complicated.

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