The DNC is a PRIVATE organization.

The DNC is a private organization, the Presidential election is a federal process.
That's nice now try answering the op, k....thanks

He just did answer it. If the DNC had not been running a major presidential candidate it wouldn't be a federal issue.

But the DNC is not empowered to conduct an investigation. Let's say that we catch one of the Hackers and go to extradite him. He denies the hacking, and the Federal Goverment is supposed to say what in the hearing? We were told it was him? First hand evidence is what is needed. Not take my word for it this is what happened, I swear to god.

That's the problem. It's always been the problem with this story. Turn it around. Pretend it was the Republicans who were hacked, and they conduct their own review of their servers, and swear it was the Chinese who hacked them and Hillary was behind it. What would you do? You would demand to know why the FBI hasn't been given the servers. You would snort and call the reports a lie from their own investigators. That's why we have theoretically impartial investigative agencies, to find out the truth.

But not in the case of the DNC servers. In that case, take my word for it is apparently enough. I wouldn't trust either Party saying that. Why do you?

I don't know where you're pulling this from. I'm not a member of a political party. Never have been.
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

The police don't investigate crimes against private organizations?
If the "victim" refuses to cooperate they don't. How many times have we heard about abusive husbands or boyfriends getting off because the female won't cooperate.

Another righty lie . They have cooperated.

Why doesn't the GOP hand over their servers? Maybe they were hacked and the Russians didn't release the info because they wanted the Don to win .

Fake Beacon Pings were planted by a Democrat Operative on a Trump Tower Server and Russian Alpha Bank Server. Both Trump Tower and Russian Alpha Bank gave full access to US Intelligence to look at their servers, and neither one was REQUIRED TO.

So how come THE DNC is refusing to cooperate?

Both Russia in UNPRECEDENTED FASHION and Trump tower gave full cooperation.
And neither of them BLEACH BITTED their servers before US Intelligence looked at them.

Why The Coverup? Why has no one been allowed to look at THE DNC SERVER?
Maybe the DNC did a Hildebeast on their server and wiped it with like a rag or something?
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

The DNC is a private organization like the Fed is a Private organization.

The DNC IS the federal government.

Uhhmmm............... no. It's not. Not even remotely close.
The DNC is a private organization, the Presidential election is a federal process.
That's nice now try answering the op, k....thanks

He just did answer it. If the DNC had not been running a major presidential candidate it wouldn't be a federal issue.

But the DNC is not empowered to conduct an investigation. Let's say that we catch one of the Hackers and go to extradite him. He denies the hacking, and the Federal Goverment is supposed to say what in the hearing? We were told it was him? First hand evidence is what is needed. Not take my word for it this is what happened, I swear to god.

That's the problem. It's always been the problem with this story. Turn it around. Pretend it was the Republicans who were hacked, and they conduct their own review of their servers, and swear it was the Chinese who hacked them and Hillary was behind it. What would you do? You would demand to know why the FBI hasn't been given the servers. You would snort and call the reports a lie from their own investigators. That's why we have theoretically impartial investigative agencies, to find out the truth.

But not in the case of the DNC servers. In that case, take my word for it is apparently enough. I wouldn't trust either Party saying that. Why do you?

EVERY company I ever worked for did their own internal investigation before they decided to go to the police.
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

The police don't investigate crimes against private organizations?
If the "victim" refuses to cooperate they don't. How many times have we heard about abusive husbands or boyfriends getting off because the female won't cooperate.

Another righty lie . They have cooperated.

Why doesn't the GOP hand over their servers? Maybe they were hacked and the Russians didn't release the info because they wanted the Don to win .
The GOP did cooperate. The only thing hacked was old emails that were benign.

What amazes me is so many liberals take it up the rear from the DNC and seem to enjoy it. Why even bother with democrat primaries? Your votes don't matter.
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

The police don't investigate crimes against private organizations?
If the "victim" refuses to cooperate they don't. How many times have we heard about abusive husbands or boyfriends getting off because the female won't cooperate.

Another righty lie . They have cooperated.

Why doesn't the GOP hand over their servers? Maybe they were hacked and the Russians didn't release the info because they wanted the Don to win .

Fake Beacon Pings were planted by a Democrat Operative on a Trump Tower Server and Russian Alpha Bank Server. Both Trump Tower and Russian Alpha Bank gave full access to US Intelligence to look at their servers, and neither one was REQUIRED TO.

So how come THE DNC is refusing to cooperate?

Both Russia in UNPRECEDENTED FASHION and Trump tower gave full cooperation.
And neither of them BLEACH BITTED their servers before US Intelligence looked at them.

Why The Coverup? Why has no one been allowed to look at THE DNC SERVER?
Maybe the DNC did a Hildebeast on their server and wiped it with like a rag or something?
Which then would be another reason for them not to let anyone look at THE DNC SERVER, because forensics would be able to determine if it was wiped even if they couldn't recover the data. You don't wipe a server if you aren't trying to hide something.

Like with a cloth?

Fer heaven's sake, people are forced to take drug tests for jobs and put up with that exactly what could be SO private....and SO EMBARRASSING on Clinton's SERVER and SO MUCH OF THAT KIND OF MATERIAL that you'd have to delete 30,000 emails? And SO EMBARRASSING THAT YOU'D HAVE TO BLEACH BIT IT?

Same with THE DNC SERVER....what's the big deal? What you you hiding?

1.) You don't delete 30,000 emails off of a server that is under 2 Federal Court Orders to preserve the server as is.

2.) If you are THE FBI and James Comey, you don't allow Hillary Clinton and her staff to delete 30,000 emails about Yoga Pants if a Server is under 2 Federal Preservation Orders.

3.) If you are The Court or Judge who issues either one of these 2 Federal Court Ordered Preservation Orders, You DON'T look the other way when someone VIOLATES THEM.

You are pissed as Hell and you throw a Contempt of Court and Obstruction of Justice Charge on them.

See where I am going with this?

4.) If you announce to THE WORLD in the middle of a CAMPAIGN that "RUSSIA HACKED MY SERVER" and you are trying to some how tie The TRUMP CAMPAIGN to that, YOU DON'T refuse to let anyone look at it, when you have something like that at your disposal that even if your opposition was not involved in COLLUSION would be powerful enough for you to use as a weapon and FALSELY Accuse and Associate and with INNUENDO RIGHT OR WRONG attach it to THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN. You don't HOLSTER a weapon like that, YOU DRAW IT and FIRE IT and put Your Opposition DOWN!

5.) If You can't beat your OPPOSITION FAIR AND SQUARE, then be a graceful loser. YOU DON'T Create false narratives, false conspiracies, fake news, and then SOLICIT THE PRESIDENT OBAMA's HELP in your SMEAR Campaign and have him engage in Wiretapping, Unmasking, and LEAKING OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.

There is no EARTHLY reason for THE DNC to keep that server hidden and under wraps like they are.
Last edited:
The DNC is a private organization, the Presidential election is a federal process.
That's nice now try answering the op, k....thanks

He just did answer it. If the DNC had not been running a major presidential candidate it wouldn't be a federal issue.

But the DNC is not empowered to conduct an investigation. Let's say that we catch one of the Hackers and go to extradite him. He denies the hacking, and the Federal Goverment is supposed to say what in the hearing? We were told it was him? First hand evidence is what is needed. Not take my word for it this is what happened, I swear to god.

That's the problem. It's always been the problem with this story. Turn it around. Pretend it was the Republicans who were hacked, and they conduct their own review of their servers, and swear it was the Chinese who hacked them and Hillary was behind it. What would you do? You would demand to know why the FBI hasn't been given the servers. You would snort and call the reports a lie from their own investigators. That's why we have theoretically impartial investigative agencies, to find out the truth.

But not in the case of the DNC servers. In that case, take my word for it is apparently enough. I wouldn't trust either Party saying that. Why do you?

EVERY company I ever worked for did their own internal investigation before they decided to go to the police.

Yes, but they then provided the raw data, the actual evidence to the police didn't they? The DNC hasn't.

Try going to court to prosecute when nobody has seen the servers. The Defense would have an opportunity to examine the servers with their own experts wouldn't they? Yet where the DNC comes into play, nobody is allowed to see it except them. So just piss off and take our word for it. We swear to God!
The DNC is a private organization, the Presidential election is a federal process.
That's nice now try answering the op, k....thanks

He just did answer it. If the DNC had not been running a major presidential candidate it wouldn't be a federal issue.

But the DNC is not empowered to conduct an investigation. Let's say that we catch one of the Hackers and go to extradite him. He denies the hacking, and the Federal Goverment is supposed to say what in the hearing? We were told it was him? First hand evidence is what is needed. Not take my word for it this is what happened, I swear to god.

That's the problem. It's always been the problem with this story. Turn it around. Pretend it was the Republicans who were hacked, and they conduct their own review of their servers, and swear it was the Chinese who hacked them and Hillary was behind it. What would you do? You would demand to know why the FBI hasn't been given the servers. You would snort and call the reports a lie from their own investigators. That's why we have theoretically impartial investigative agencies, to find out the truth.

But not in the case of the DNC servers. In that case, take my word for it is apparently enough. I wouldn't trust either Party saying that. Why do you?

EVERY company I ever worked for did their own internal investigation before they decided to go to the police.

Yes, but they then provided the raw data, the actual evidence to the police didn't they? The DNC hasn't.

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

Try going to court to prosecute when nobody has seen the servers. The Defense would have an opportunity to examine the servers with their own experts wouldn't they? Yet where the DNC comes into play, nobody is allowed to see it except them. So just piss off and take our word for it. We swear to God!

Yes they did. Crowdstrike worked closely with the Federal government.
That's nice now try answering the op, k....thanks

He just did answer it. If the DNC had not been running a major presidential candidate it wouldn't be a federal issue.

But the DNC is not empowered to conduct an investigation. Let's say that we catch one of the Hackers and go to extradite him. He denies the hacking, and the Federal Goverment is supposed to say what in the hearing? We were told it was him? First hand evidence is what is needed. Not take my word for it this is what happened, I swear to god.

That's the problem. It's always been the problem with this story. Turn it around. Pretend it was the Republicans who were hacked, and they conduct their own review of their servers, and swear it was the Chinese who hacked them and Hillary was behind it. What would you do? You would demand to know why the FBI hasn't been given the servers. You would snort and call the reports a lie from their own investigators. That's why we have theoretically impartial investigative agencies, to find out the truth.

But not in the case of the DNC servers. In that case, take my word for it is apparently enough. I wouldn't trust either Party saying that. Why do you?

EVERY company I ever worked for did their own internal investigation before they decided to go to the police.

Yes, but they then provided the raw data, the actual evidence to the police didn't they? The DNC hasn't.

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

Try going to court to prosecute when nobody has seen the servers. The Defense would have an opportunity to examine the servers with their own experts wouldn't they? Yet where the DNC comes into play, nobody is allowed to see it except them. So just piss off and take our word for it. We swear to God!

Yes they did. Crowdstrike worked closely with the Federal government.

They reported to the Federal Government, that isn't working closely. Find a news story where the servers themselves were examined by Federal Agents. You can't. It didn't happen.
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

The DNC is a private organization like the Fed is a Private organization.

The DNC IS the federal government.

Uhhmmm............... no. It's not. Not even remotely close.
but they filed papers to be in a federal election and store federal documents. therefore, they come under federal law to comply with the government. the fact the FBI or DOJ didn't subpoena their server just shows the crime one will go to to avoid being caught.
That's nice now try answering the op, k....thanks

He just did answer it. If the DNC had not been running a major presidential candidate it wouldn't be a federal issue.

But the DNC is not empowered to conduct an investigation. Let's say that we catch one of the Hackers and go to extradite him. He denies the hacking, and the Federal Goverment is supposed to say what in the hearing? We were told it was him? First hand evidence is what is needed. Not take my word for it this is what happened, I swear to god.

That's the problem. It's always been the problem with this story. Turn it around. Pretend it was the Republicans who were hacked, and they conduct their own review of their servers, and swear it was the Chinese who hacked them and Hillary was behind it. What would you do? You would demand to know why the FBI hasn't been given the servers. You would snort and call the reports a lie from their own investigators. That's why we have theoretically impartial investigative agencies, to find out the truth.

But not in the case of the DNC servers. In that case, take my word for it is apparently enough. I wouldn't trust either Party saying that. Why do you?

EVERY company I ever worked for did their own internal investigation before they decided to go to the police.

Yes, but they then provided the raw data, the actual evidence to the police didn't they? The DNC hasn't.

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

Try going to court to prosecute when nobody has seen the servers. The Defense would have an opportunity to examine the servers with their own experts wouldn't they? Yet where the DNC comes into play, nobody is allowed to see it except them. So just piss off and take our word for it. We swear to God!

Yes they did. Crowdstrike worked closely with the Federal government.

If you call handing a copy of a bullshit report to someone in Government, "COOPERATION", then I will call MY handing used toilet paper to the IRS as my taxes being "PAID IN FULL."

Crowdstrike produced a report that was paid for by THE DNC that was favorable to THE DNC's Narrative in the midst of a campaign.

Furthermore, not only did CROWDSTRIKE not directly examine The Server, but they had to Retract Portions of their "OPINION PAPER" because they made several mistakes with their analysis as limited as it was.

And with no one to corroborate their findings, THE REPORT IS BUNK
Last edited:
He just did answer it. If the DNC had not been running a major presidential candidate it wouldn't be a federal issue.

But the DNC is not empowered to conduct an investigation. Let's say that we catch one of the Hackers and go to extradite him. He denies the hacking, and the Federal Goverment is supposed to say what in the hearing? We were told it was him? First hand evidence is what is needed. Not take my word for it this is what happened, I swear to god.

That's the problem. It's always been the problem with this story. Turn it around. Pretend it was the Republicans who were hacked, and they conduct their own review of their servers, and swear it was the Chinese who hacked them and Hillary was behind it. What would you do? You would demand to know why the FBI hasn't been given the servers. You would snort and call the reports a lie from their own investigators. That's why we have theoretically impartial investigative agencies, to find out the truth.

But not in the case of the DNC servers. In that case, take my word for it is apparently enough. I wouldn't trust either Party saying that. Why do you?

EVERY company I ever worked for did their own internal investigation before they decided to go to the police.

Yes, but they then provided the raw data, the actual evidence to the police didn't they? The DNC hasn't.

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

Try going to court to prosecute when nobody has seen the servers. The Defense would have an opportunity to examine the servers with their own experts wouldn't they? Yet where the DNC comes into play, nobody is allowed to see it except them. So just piss off and take our word for it. We swear to God!

Yes they did. Crowdstrike worked closely with the Federal government.
Umm NO THEY DIDN'T. If you call handing a copy of a bullshit report to someone in Government, then I will call handing used toilet paper to the IRS as my taxes being paid in full.

Crowdstrike produced a report that was paid for by THE DNC that was favorable to THE DNC's Narrative in the midst of a campaign. Furthermore, not only did CROWDSTRIKE not directly examine The Server, but they had to Retract Portions of their "OPINION PAPER" because they made several mistakes with their analysis as limited as it was.

And with no one to corroborate their findings, THE REPORT IS BUNK
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ding, ding, ding^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

The DNC is a private organization like the Fed is a Private organization.

The DNC IS the federal government.

Uhhmmm............... no. It's not. Not even remotely close.
but they filed papers to be in a federal election and store federal documents. therefore, they come under federal law to comply with the government. the fact the FBI or DOJ didn't subpoena their server just shows the crime one will go to to avoid being caught.

And people forget not one thing was done about Hillary Clinton violating 2 Federally Ordered Preservation Orders.
Exactly why did The Courts that issued them look the other way and do nothing?

Try to ignore a Judge's Order sometime and see what happens to you or me.
He just did answer it. If the DNC had not been running a major presidential candidate it wouldn't be a federal issue.

But the DNC is not empowered to conduct an investigation. Let's say that we catch one of the Hackers and go to extradite him. He denies the hacking, and the Federal Goverment is supposed to say what in the hearing? We were told it was him? First hand evidence is what is needed. Not take my word for it this is what happened, I swear to god.

That's the problem. It's always been the problem with this story. Turn it around. Pretend it was the Republicans who were hacked, and they conduct their own review of their servers, and swear it was the Chinese who hacked them and Hillary was behind it. What would you do? You would demand to know why the FBI hasn't been given the servers. You would snort and call the reports a lie from their own investigators. That's why we have theoretically impartial investigative agencies, to find out the truth.

But not in the case of the DNC servers. In that case, take my word for it is apparently enough. I wouldn't trust either Party saying that. Why do you?

EVERY company I ever worked for did their own internal investigation before they decided to go to the police.

Yes, but they then provided the raw data, the actual evidence to the police didn't they? The DNC hasn't.

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

Try going to court to prosecute when nobody has seen the servers. The Defense would have an opportunity to examine the servers with their own experts wouldn't they? Yet where the DNC comes into play, nobody is allowed to see it except them. So just piss off and take our word for it. We swear to God!

Yes they did. Crowdstrike worked closely with the Federal government.
Umm NO THEY DIDN'T. If you call handing a copy of a bullshit report to someone in Government, then I will call handing used toilet paper to the IRS as my taxes being paid in full.

Crowdstrike produced a report that was paid for by THE DNC that was favorable to THE DNC's Narrative in the midst of a campaign. Furthermore, not only did CROWDSTRIKE not directly examine The Server, but they had to Retract Portions of their "OPINION PAPER" because they made several mistakes with their analysis as limited as it was.

And with no one to corroborate their findings, THE REPORT IS BUNK

Wrong. They actually worked along side the Federal government to track the hack over several months.
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

The DNC is a private organization like the Fed is a Private organization.

The DNC IS the federal government.

Uhhmmm............... no. It's not. Not even remotely close.
but they filed papers to be in a federal election and store federal documents. therefore, they come under federal law to comply with the government. the fact the FBI or DOJ didn't subpoena their server just shows the crime one will go to to avoid being caught.

You don't need the server ! This whole stupid thing is fake news distraction by the Don . His specialty .
But the DNC is not empowered to conduct an investigation. Let's say that we catch one of the Hackers and go to extradite him. He denies the hacking, and the Federal Goverment is supposed to say what in the hearing? We were told it was him? First hand evidence is what is needed. Not take my word for it this is what happened, I swear to god.

That's the problem. It's always been the problem with this story. Turn it around. Pretend it was the Republicans who were hacked, and they conduct their own review of their servers, and swear it was the Chinese who hacked them and Hillary was behind it. What would you do? You would demand to know why the FBI hasn't been given the servers. You would snort and call the reports a lie from their own investigators. That's why we have theoretically impartial investigative agencies, to find out the truth.

But not in the case of the DNC servers. In that case, take my word for it is apparently enough. I wouldn't trust either Party saying that. Why do you?

EVERY company I ever worked for did their own internal investigation before they decided to go to the police.

Yes, but they then provided the raw data, the actual evidence to the police didn't they? The DNC hasn't.

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

Try going to court to prosecute when nobody has seen the servers. The Defense would have an opportunity to examine the servers with their own experts wouldn't they? Yet where the DNC comes into play, nobody is allowed to see it except them. So just piss off and take our word for it. We swear to God!

Yes they did. Crowdstrike worked closely with the Federal government.
Umm NO THEY DIDN'T. If you call handing a copy of a bullshit report to someone in Government, then I will call handing used toilet paper to the IRS as my taxes being paid in full.

Crowdstrike produced a report that was paid for by THE DNC that was favorable to THE DNC's Narrative in the midst of a campaign. Furthermore, not only did CROWDSTRIKE not directly examine The Server, but they had to Retract Portions of their "OPINION PAPER" because they made several mistakes with their analysis as limited as it was.

And with no one to corroborate their findings, THE REPORT IS BUNK

Wrong. They actually worked along side the Federal government to track the hack over several months.

DUDE give it up. Clinton could have been knocked out of the race simply due to her violation of The Two Preservation Orders.
Crowd Strike did not cooperate with The Government or they would have let The Government see the server.
Besides that you are on IGNORE and have been for a long time because you are a Brainwashed Clinton Whore and a Troll.
I just felt like reading some IRRATIONAL COMMENTS from Leftyville so I made the mistake of "viewing ignored content."
So why is our government spending all this money to "investigate" who hacked them? Especially considering they refused to cooperate with investigators? Fuckem.

All the crying is just a diversion to cover their dirty laundry as well as the medias that was leaked.

The DNC is a private organization like the Fed is a Private organization.

The DNC IS the federal government.

Uhhmmm............... no. It's not. Not even remotely close.
but they filed papers to be in a federal election and store federal documents. therefore, they come under federal law to comply with the government. the fact the FBI or DOJ didn't subpoena their server just shows the crime one will go to to avoid being caught.

You don't need the server ! This whole stupid thing is fake news distraction by the Don . His specialty .
Do I have to embarrass you again on this?
Then why did COMEY need CLINTON's Bleach Bitted Server?
EVERY company I ever worked for did their own internal investigation before they decided to go to the police.

Yes, but they then provided the raw data, the actual evidence to the police didn't they? The DNC hasn't.

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

Try going to court to prosecute when nobody has seen the servers. The Defense would have an opportunity to examine the servers with their own experts wouldn't they? Yet where the DNC comes into play, nobody is allowed to see it except them. So just piss off and take our word for it. We swear to God!

Yes they did. Crowdstrike worked closely with the Federal government.
Umm NO THEY DIDN'T. If you call handing a copy of a bullshit report to someone in Government, then I will call handing used toilet paper to the IRS as my taxes being paid in full.

Crowdstrike produced a report that was paid for by THE DNC that was favorable to THE DNC's Narrative in the midst of a campaign. Furthermore, not only did CROWDSTRIKE not directly examine The Server, but they had to Retract Portions of their "OPINION PAPER" because they made several mistakes with their analysis as limited as it was.

And with no one to corroborate their findings, THE REPORT IS BUNK

Wrong. They actually worked along side the Federal government to track the hack over several months.

DUDE give it up. Clinton could have been knocked out of the race simply due to her violation of The Two Preservation Orders.
Crowd Strike did not cooperate with The Government or they would have let The Government see the server.
Besides that you are on IGNORE and have been for a long time because you are a Brainwashed Clinton Whore and a Troll.
I just felt like reading some IRRATIONAL COMMENTS from Leftyville so I made the mistake of "viewing ignored content."


Jesus Christ you idiots that repeat the same lie over and over. I didn't want Clinton as President but I'm not going to do like you fucking Trumpbots and create an alternate reality because of what happened.

Fuck, Crowdstrike was actually under contract with the FBI. And you don't think they worked together?
Yes, but they then provided the raw data, the actual evidence to the police didn't they? The DNC hasn't.

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

Try going to court to prosecute when nobody has seen the servers. The Defense would have an opportunity to examine the servers with their own experts wouldn't they? Yet where the DNC comes into play, nobody is allowed to see it except them. So just piss off and take our word for it. We swear to God!

Yes they did. Crowdstrike worked closely with the Federal government.
Umm NO THEY DIDN'T. If you call handing a copy of a bullshit report to someone in Government, then I will call handing used toilet paper to the IRS as my taxes being paid in full.

Crowdstrike produced a report that was paid for by THE DNC that was favorable to THE DNC's Narrative in the midst of a campaign. Furthermore, not only did CROWDSTRIKE not directly examine The Server, but they had to Retract Portions of their "OPINION PAPER" because they made several mistakes with their analysis as limited as it was.

And with no one to corroborate their findings, THE REPORT IS BUNK

Wrong. They actually worked along side the Federal government to track the hack over several months.

DUDE give it up. Clinton could have been knocked out of the race simply due to her violation of The Two Preservation Orders.
Crowd Strike did not cooperate with The Government or they would have let The Government see the server.
Besides that you are on IGNORE and have been for a long time because you are a Brainwashed Clinton Whore and a Troll.
I just felt like reading some IRRATIONAL COMMENTS from Leftyville so I made the mistake of "viewing ignored content."


Jesus Christ you idiots that repeat the same lie over and over. I didn't want Clinton as President but I'm not going to do like you fucking Trumpbots and create an alternate reality because of what happened.

Fuck, Crowdstrike was actually under contract with the FBI. And you don't think they worked together?

Yeah. Podesta: 'It's on the FBI' That DNC Servers Weren't Turned Over

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