The DNC’s braindead attack on Rand Paul


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
On Thursday, Sen. Rand Paul published an interesting op-ed in the Wall Street Journal criticizing the "interventionists" in both the Democratic and Republican parties who seem blind to the role past American interventions have played in the Middle East's current crises.

The piece includes some boilerplate criticisms of the Obama administration ("feckless," "veering," etc), as well as a broadside against Republican Party hawks who warned of catastrophe if the US failed to strike Syria. "What they were advocating for then — striking down Assad's regime — would have made our current situation even worse, as it would have eliminated the only regional counterweight to the ISIS threat," Paul writes.

"It's disappointing that Rand Paul, as a Senator and a potential presidential candidate, blames America for all the problems in the world, while offering reckless ideas that would only alienate us from the global community.

"Unfortunately, this is nothing new for Paul. Last week he criticized American policy to the president of another country on foreign soil. This week he's blaming the Obama Administration for another nation's civil war. That type of "blame America" rhetoric may win Paul accolades at a conference of isolationists but it does nothing to improve our standing in the world. In fact, Paul's proposals would make America less safe and less secure.

"Simply put, if Rand Paul had a foreign policy slogan, it would be - The Rand Paul Doctrine: Blame America. Retreat from the World."

The DNC s braindead attack on Rand Paul - Vox

The only good thing about a Rand Paul run at this point would be how it would force the Democrats to finally run as the hawks that they are, despite the fact that Rand has little credibility as a non-interventionist. Seeing that switch would be interesting.
Accusing Rand Paul of blaming America? Sounds like another party's accusation against another Paul in the past. It's almost as if both parties are being pulled by the same strings. Rand Paul must being doing something right.
Accusing Rand Paul of blaming America? Sounds like another party's accusation against another Paul in the past. It's almost as if both parties are being pulled by the same strings. Rand Paul must being doing something right.
From the article:

"it's still the case in foreign policy, the real divide isn't left vs. right, but interventionists vs. non-interventionists."

Of course, it'd be going a bit far to describe Rand as a non-interventionist, but the general sentiment is correct.
The DNC was heavy handed, but the problem with Paul's view is that fundamentalist islam (and imperial Russia) are, and will be, threats to international peace without the US doing anything its done in the past, and ignoring them is not a viable option.
The DNC was heavy handed, but the problem with Paul's view is that fundamentalist islam (and imperial Russia) are, and will be, threats to international peace without the US doing anything its done in the past, and ignoring them is not a viable option.
Terrorism is a problem because the U.S. is so heavily involved in the Middle East in the first place, and the actions Russia has taken in regards to the Ukraine, though vastly inflated by those in the west wanting a return to the Cold War, were in response to the U.S. and the E.U. helping to depose the Ukrainian government in the first place. So the real threat to international peace is the U.S. sticking its nose where it doesn't belong in the first place.
How funny is it that a Republican who clearly has his sights set on running for President in 2016 is the dove in this picture, and he is accusing the obvious Democratic opponent (Clinton) of being a hawk?

It's 1940 all over again.
How funny is it that a Republican who clearly has his sights set on running for President in 2016 is the dove in this picture, and he is accusing the obvious Democratic opponent (Clinton) of being a hawk?
How funny is it that Clinton and the DNC are portraying themselves as hawks in their responses to Rand?
No, Kevin, ALL actions have unintended consequences, but to figure Imperial Russia or Fundamentalist Islam is an exercise of hubris and historical revisionism, but Randian Paul is not lacking in that.
No, Kevin, ALL actions have unintended consequences, but to figure Imperial Russia or Fundamentalist Islam is an exercise of hubris and historical revisionism, but Randian Paul is not lacking in that.
Ahh yes, historical revisionism, because the U.S. didn't do any of those things.
The DNC was heavy handed, but the problem with Paul's view is that fundamentalist islam (and imperial Russia) are, and will be, threats to international peace without the US doing anything its done in the past, and ignoring them is not a viable option.

How many militant Muslims do you think say the same thing about America?

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