The do nothing congress is at it again.....effin the american people!!

I used to want to be a trucker, hours of peace and quiet to think, open roads with a destination on the horizon. I always figured I could do well at it too, I only sleep about 4 hours a day and can do so in as little as 15 minute increments spread across the day if I wish. (I drop straight to REM, kind of skipping the typical fall asleep/wake up unconscious time - though I'd have to sit around for 5-10 minutes before I could function optimally heh) Unfortunately the only trucking up here was the ice road to the oil fields and well maybe you've seen that show "Ice Road Trucker" heh If I lived in the lower 48 I probably would have though...

I have to wonder, will we start giving tickets to regular drivers for being idiots and driving when overly tired? How about those fucks who can't get up on time and scream all over the roads because their late? I mean if we're going to talk about preventing accidents due to poor planing or poor personal management, then I think the vast, vast majority of the blame is on average drivers, not truckers, hell I wouldn't doubt that the majority of semi accidents are actually /caused/ by regular drivers, rather than being the fault of the driver of the rig.

Also, aren't they union in general? (I'm thinking Teamsters for some reason) A union contract would prevent a company from demanding excessively long shifts would it not?
This is just SOP, standard operating procedure, for passing laws and legislation that can not possibly pass in congress for special interest or pork barrel bills. In this case, a funding bill to protect citizens against a health and safety crisis due to begin in only weeks when the mosquito season in wide areas of the nation could have devastating effects for newborn infants and families. The talking points for the trucking lobby will try to project the issue as one about truck drivers when really it is about trucking companies being able to make larger profits at the expense of public safety. Basic American legislative corruption. Elected officials need and want the campaign contributions so they will threaten the population with having deformed babies and families facing lifetimes of caring for disabled children if trucking companies are not allowed to make more profits.
People like Tigger are the reason the founder's didn't believe in democracy...and why I hate democracy. The first things he thinks to do is run to the government to fix what she perceives as a problem. Just a dumb democrobot with no idea of how shitty government answers to problems are...even when she has been given access to the internet and can find plenty of examples to prove government solutions are never solutions... Plain DUMB, low IQ...should not be able to vote.
Bitch, just because a mf don't agree with your sorry white ass, find you stupid as hell, can't stand the site of your want to prevent me from voting and your side, your kind, you white mf's voted for Trump and GWB???? and you want to call me out??? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE, YOU FOOL, YOU DUMB AS FOOL!!
People like Tigger are the reason the founder's didn't believe in democracy...and why I hate democracy. The first things he thinks to do is run to the government to fix what she perceives as a problem. Just a dumb democrobot with no idea of how shitty government answers to problems are...even when she has been given access to the internet and can find plenty of examples to prove government solutions are never solutions... Plain DUMB, low IQ...should not be able to vote.
Bitch, just because a mf don't agree with your sorry white ass, find you stupid as hell, can't stand the site of your want to prevent me from voting and your side, your kind, you white mf's voted for Trump and GWB???? and you want to call me out??? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE, YOU FOOL, YOU DUMB AS FOOL!!
You're too dumb to vote...period. You don't just disagree with me, you disagree with everything this nation was founded upon. Stupid knuckledragger.
People like Tigger are the reason the founder's didn't believe in democracy...and why I hate democracy. The first things he thinks to do is run to the government to fix what she perceives as a problem. Just a dumb democrobot with no idea of how shitty government answers to problems are...even when she has been given access to the internet and can find plenty of examples to prove government solutions are never solutions... Plain DUMB, low IQ...should not be able to vote.
Bitch, just because a mf don't agree with your sorry white ass, find you stupid as hell, can't stand the site of your want to prevent me from voting and your side, your kind, you white mf's voted for Trump and GWB???? and you want to call me out??? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE, YOU FOOL, YOU DUMB AS FOOL!!
You're too dumb to vote...period. You don't just disagree with me, you disagree with everything this nation was founded upon. Stupid knuckledragger.

Bitch, I'm a 10 year naval vet...what the fuck in your record? I pay taxes, I vote, I do all the things necessary to be of value to my family and the black community....but white whores like you, you simple minded motherfuckers who think white skin some how elevates you maggots above everyone else, YOUR KIND ARE THE FOOLS, SHOULD NEVER EVER EVER BE ALLOWED TO VOTE, WHO DO NOTHING FOR THIS COUNTRY BUT WHINE ABOUT THE MF'S YOU YOURSELVES SEND TO WASHINGTON WHO DO NOTHING FOR YOU. YOU MAGGOTS CONSISTANTLY VOTE IN CONSERVATIVES WHO DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR YOU TRASHY'S BUT SCARE THE HELL OUT OF YOU AND LAUGH THEIR WAY TO WASHINGTON OFF YOUR IGNORANCE.

Grow the fuck up and own the fact, your kind is nothing but a worthless sore on the country and the planet....can't wait for you maggots to become the MINORITY SOMEDAY!! The world is sick you too
People like Tigger are the reason the founder's didn't believe in democracy...and why I hate democracy. The first things he thinks to do is run to the government to fix what she perceives as a problem. Just a dumb democrobot with no idea of how shitty government answers to problems are...even when she has been given access to the internet and can find plenty of examples to prove government solutions are never solutions... Plain DUMB, low IQ...should not be able to vote.
Bitch, just because a mf don't agree with your sorry white ass, find you stupid as hell, can't stand the site of your want to prevent me from voting and your side, your kind, you white mf's voted for Trump and GWB???? and you want to call me out??? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE, YOU FOOL, YOU DUMB AS FOOL!!
You're too dumb to vote...period. You don't just disagree with me, you disagree with everything this nation was founded upon. Stupid knuckledragger.

Bitch, I'm a 10 year naval vet...what the fuck in your record? I pay taxes, I vote, I do all the things necessary to be of value to my family and the black community....but white whores like you, you simple minded motherfuckers who think white skin some how elevates you maggots above everyone else, YOUR KIND ARE THE FOOLS, SHOULD NEVER EVER EVER BE ALLOWED TO VOTE, WHO DO NOTHING FOR THIS COUNTRY BUT WHINE ABOUT THE MF'S YOU YOURSELVES SEND TO WASHINGTON WHO DO NOTHING FOR YOU. YOU MAGGOTS CONSISTANTLY VOTE IN CONSERVATIVES WHO DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR YOU TRASHY'S BUT SCARE THE HELL OUT OF YOU AND LAUGH THEIR WAY TO WASHINGTON OFF YOUR IGNORANCE.

Grow the fuck up and own the fact, your kind is nothing but a worthless sore on the country and the planet....can't wait for you maggots to become the MINORITY SOMEDAY!! The world is sick you too
You still act like an ignorant ape after being in the navy? Geez, you groids are worse off than I thought. What did you do in the navy, potato peeler?
I get the same responses duh, cause the same stupid white fucks like you stalk me..duh
Stalk you?

Stalk, as in following a mf's thread and commenting on its every word...yeah, stalk. Next stupid fuckin question, moron!!
That's not stalking. That's replying to a thread you put out for public consumption and open for comment.

Don't post if you can't handle criticism and mockery.

Dude I can handle anything but my up coming mammagram that's scaring the shit out of me and dick for brains shit heads like you!!
Dick for brains would be more like yo' black brothers than me. They are the ones that run around bragging on their 'muh dicks' all day. Its all they've got I've always figured.

Black men dick size, section 8 and chicken and juice...Becky is that you?:banana:
People like Tigger are the reason the founder's didn't believe in democracy...and why I hate democracy. The first things he thinks to do is run to the government to fix what she perceives as a problem. Just a dumb democrobot with no idea of how shitty government answers to problems are...even when she has been given access to the internet and can find plenty of examples to prove government solutions are never solutions... Plain DUMB, low IQ...should not be able to vote.
Bitch, just because a mf don't agree with your sorry white ass, find you stupid as hell, can't stand the site of your want to prevent me from voting and your side, your kind, you white mf's voted for Trump and GWB???? and you want to call me out??? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE, YOU FOOL, YOU DUMB AS FOOL!!
You're too dumb to vote...period. You don't just disagree with me, you disagree with everything this nation was founded upon. Stupid knuckledragger.

Bitch, I'm a 10 year naval vet...what the fuck in your record? I pay taxes, I vote, I do all the things necessary to be of value to my family and the black community....but white whores like you, you simple minded motherfuckers who think white skin some how elevates you maggots above everyone else, YOUR KIND ARE THE FOOLS, SHOULD NEVER EVER EVER BE ALLOWED TO VOTE, WHO DO NOTHING FOR THIS COUNTRY BUT WHINE ABOUT THE MF'S YOU YOURSELVES SEND TO WASHINGTON WHO DO NOTHING FOR YOU. YOU MAGGOTS CONSISTANTLY VOTE IN CONSERVATIVES WHO DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR YOU TRASHY'S BUT SCARE THE HELL OUT OF YOU AND LAUGH THEIR WAY TO WASHINGTON OFF YOUR IGNORANCE.

Grow the fuck up and own the fact, your kind is nothing but a worthless sore on the country and the planet....can't wait for you maggots to become the MINORITY SOMEDAY!! The world is sick you too
You still act like an ignorant ape after being in the navy? Geez, you groids are worse off than I thought. What did you do in the navy, potato peeler?
At least I served my country, what the fuck have you done, beside live off your white privilege food stamp card? Again, call my black ass out all the fuck you like, but know that sooner or later lice lickers, yous gonna have negros in that snow white cave of yours.....cause ALL WHITE WOMEN LOVE TO SAMPLE CHOCOLATE......AND YOU KNOW IT
And cops aren't forced to do their jobs either, yet you morons have no issues rallying on their behalf....I just hope you and your family never fall victim to vomit slurping mice eating lice ball fuck head!!
I support cops and have little regard for those that make their jobs difficult. If your family members are too stupid or careless to avoid wrestling with them then tough shitski.

I was wondering when you'd show up....warden gone home yet?
COs aren't cops and I'm neither. When are you going to get something right? You want to blame cops for the bad behavior with your race because personal responsibility is an anathema to you.

Oh, lord, nut've ventured off topic..abandon ship everybody...the nut is coming out.....WTF are you talking bout nut head?
A warden is the head of a correctional facility. Correction officers work there, not me. YOU brought it up, not me.

The last thing I want to discuss is your home
Is there any human activity where Progressives can function without Federal government oversight and regulation?
The question should always be, why does the private sector abuse its labor force? Corporate america is hell fire bent on not only destroying our labor force, but making sure we die in the process.....shitty healthcare, deregulating health standards, low wages, against the clean air bill, I mean the list is endless...all for profit, that they refuse to pay taxes on.......we should all be on our knees and thank god for the fed. gov.,,,that is democratic!!
Is there any human activity where Progressives can function without Federal government oversight and regulation?
The question should always be, why does the private sector abuse its labor force? Corporate america is hell fire bent on not only destroying our labor force, but making sure we die in the process.....shitty healthcare, deregulating health standards, low wages, against the clean air bill, I mean the list is endless...all for profit, that they refuse to pay taxes on.......we should all be on our knees and thank god for the fed. gov.,,,that is democratic!!

You might actually try working for once, or maybe just read about people who work. You sound like a Pajama Boy Marxist who became an expert on economics without ever leaving Mom's Basement
Congress Is Using Zika To Weaken Truck Safety

Fighting the virus is tied to a bill that would allow fatigued truckers to stay on the road for more than 80 hours a week.

Truck driver Dana Logan tried on Wednesday to recount a crash that decapitated two fathers and two children, hoping to convince Congress to stop weakening rules that require truckers to get rest.

She couldn’t do it. A dozen years after the fatigued driver of another truck fell asleep and drove into an SUV stuck in traffic behind her rig on a Texas highway, Logan was still too devastated to finish talking about it.

Just what America's highways and roads need......huge semi's on the road carrying God knows what with drivers forced by corporate America to stay on the road for more than 80 hours plus a week. Meth anyone?
.Do conservatives ever ever ever have trouble sleeping at night?

The party of let them die and fuck you!!! Somehow the loserterians feel that the government through the cdc shouldn't fight this virus. How irresponsible. Vote democrat in November!

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