The dominion Voting suit against Fox should fail

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Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
People are getting spun here. The left wing media of course laps up the bleatings of the legal team for plaintiff Dominion. And the regular liberal MSM has a bug up it’s collective ass about Fox News.

So they make comments (reported as alleged “news”) about how a media outlet could get reamed even with the higher burden imposed on plaintiffs suing news outlets for defamation. This is why we get lots of reports about Hannity denying that he believed the Trump claim and Murdoch basically saying the same thing.

The liberal MSM is content to insinuate from that sketchy information that defendant Fox News was guilty of actual malice. But that’s horseshit.

New outlets report NEWS. The Fox News legal defense team makes a much more salient argument: “Fox News maintains that its reporting and commentary was protected by the 1st Amendment because allegations presented by a sitting president are newsworthy even if false.

Source of above quote: How strong is Dominion's defamation case against Fox News? Legal experts weigh in

That tidbit is (surprisingly) found within a report from a left wing MSM news outlet. But it is kind of buried and not forever being trumpeted like the snarky predictions of pending doom for Fox News.

Anyway, some food for thought. I’ll go even further however. A commentator (like Hannity) doesn’t report “news.” He offers opinions. So his revelation is (imho) irrelevant to Dominion’s “case.”

I won’t predict how the case turns out. But I doubt they will end up at trial and if it does go to trial I’d expect Dominion to lose. We may never know the settlement number of it does settle. But I’m confident it won’t gut Fox News.
Fox News maintains that its reporting and commentary was protected by the 1st Amendment because allegations presented by a sitting president are newsworthy even if false.

And that is why this will go nowhere. Dominion is just trying to bully people into not challenging their software. Because no one can argue that comments made by a president are NOT news, or that a news organization can't print them just because others might disagree with his views.

Nor can anyone press the standard of misinformation or accuracy because that would put the entire news industry out of business.

Then there is the matter of even proving any of it false.
Has FOXNEWS been lying about this whole thing, yes or no, OP?
Another ^ stupid question from MalcomExLax.

The short answer is, of course, “no.”

I happen not to share the Trump view that the election was stolen. I certainly don’t buy the claim that Trump “lied.” Once again, even if he’s mistaken, an incorrect claim isn’t necessarily a lie.

But, he was the President. So, even if HE had been knowingly “lying,” a network isn’t itself “lying” by reporting (or commenting on) what a President and his legal team (etc) are alleging.

Let’s say (hypothetically) that it was an intentional and knowing lie by Trump and his advisors. Ok. Sue them. But suing a news media outlet for repeating the claim shouldn’t be actionable in court.
The left wing media lied about Russian Trump collusion... should they be sued?...
Trump tried and failed spectacularly.

Dominion has so many smoking guns to get to actual malice, it's crazy.
Trump tried and failed spectacularly.

Dominion has so many smoking guns to get to actual malice, it's crazy.
The courts have told Dominion to bring forth their case a dozen times and Dominion won't do it.... all they want is the headline that they intend to sue....
if you haven't realized it yet... the US court and justice system is corrupt....
According to Rupert Murdoch's deposition..the short answer is yes. They were lying about it..and they knew they were lying about it.
It is amusing to see. If I were Dominion, I'd take it all the way to the end. They're gonna get some judgement out of Fox. :)
There’s a bigger story here than FOX, regardless of how this turns out.

FOX and the rest of MAGA media are essentially a mirror of each other. That means they have ALL been lying to the rubes for ratings and clicks.

The rubes know this, too. There is no way they don’t.
So, you offer your unsupported and silly and biased preconceived notion as a premise and then as your conclusion.

You waste many electrons to say nothing of any value. 👍
Another ^ stupid question from MalcomExLax.

The short answer is, of course, “no.”

I happen not to share the Trump view that the election was stolen. I certainly don’t buy the claim that Trump “lied.” Once again, even if he’s mistaken, an incorrect claim isn’t necessarily a lie.

But, he was the President. So, even if HE had been knowingly “lying,” a network isn’t itself “lying” by reporting (or commenting on) what a President and his legal team (etc) are alleging.

Let’s say (hypothetically) that it was an intentional and knowing lie by Trump and his advisors. Ok. Sue them. But suing a news media outlet for repeating the claim shouldn’t be actionable in court.
Why do you not know these things....?
  1. Murdoch Acknowledges Fox News Hosts Endorsed Election Fraud Falsehoods
  2. Rupert Murdoch Colluded With Jared Kushner to Try to Throw the 2020 Election to Trump Because Of Course He Did
  4. Tucker Carlson called Trump ‘a demonic force.’ Read text exchanges between Fox News employees about voter fraud. - The Boston Globe
  6. What Fox News Hosts Said Privately vs. Publicly About Voter Fraud
  7. Fox News hosts and executives privately mocked pro-Trump election conspiracy theories after he lost, internal texts show
  8. The Fox News Text Messages Prove the Hosts All Know They’re Craven Liars
I'm not even gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, you're simply a partisan hack and a bonafide liar.

Of course these lying sons-of-bitches should get taken to the cleaners for their rampant lies. They're not news.

Carry on.
The way I look at this case is that Dominion wasn't financially harmed by these allegations by Fox News- whether they are true or not true.

After all, if Democrat politicians think that Dominion is in the bag for them, they'd be MORE likely not less to sign a contract with Dominion.

And that means a lot more money for them.

Dominion is a publicly traded corporation, the idea that they had "emotional " distress over this is a load of Shinola.
According to Rupert Murdoch's deposition..the short answer is yes. They were lying about it..and they knew they were lying about it.
It is amusing to see. If I were Dominion, I'd take it all the way to the end. They're gonna get some judgement out of Fox. :)
Not what Murdoch said.

You lib morons still can’t accurately define “lie.” Bubba can’t define “is.” A new SCOTUS Justice couldn’t define “woman

One of the many reasons why none of you can be taken seriously.
Your ignorance is astounding. Poor pitiable MalcolmExLax still can’t track a simple, straightforward and accurate argument. You poor pathetic little dumb dumb.

If you were a reporter and assuming some President claimed that a voting machine company had somehow been involved in altering votes, even if you (as a person) didn’t believe what the President was claiming, that doesn’t leave it to you to decide whether to disseminate what the President had claimed. (Your belief also doesn’t determine if the claim was truthful or not.)

Consequently, Murdoch suggesting that the President was wrong or lying doesn’t control.

You’ve got nothing (as always), MalcolmExLax.

Stumble and fumble on.
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