The dominion Voting suit against Fox should fail

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People are getting spun here. The left wing media of course laps up the bleatings of the legal team for plaintiff Dominion. And the regular liberal MSM has a bug up it’s collective ass about Fox News.

So they make comments (reported as alleged “news”) about how a media outlet could get reamed even with the higher burden imposed on plaintiffs suing news outlets for defamation. This is why we get lots of reports about Hannity denying that he believed the Trump claim and Murdoch basically saying the same thing.

The liberal MSM is content to insinuate from that sketchy information that defendant Fox News was guilty of actual malice. But that’s horseshit.

New outlets report NEWS. The Fox News legal defense team makes a much more salient argument: “Fox News maintains that its reporting and commentary was protected by the 1st Amendment because allegations presented by a sitting president are newsworthy even if false.

Source of above quote: How strong is Dominion's defamation case against Fox News? Legal experts weigh in

That tidbit is (surprisingly) found within a report from a left wing MSM news outlet. But it is kind of buried and not forever being trumpeted like the snarky predictions of pending doom for Fox News.

Anyway, some food for thought. I’ll go even further however. A commentator (like Hannity) doesn’t report “news.” He offers opinions. So his revelation is (imho) irrelevant to Dominion’s “case.”

I won’t predict how the case turns out. But I doubt they will end up at trial and if it does go to trial I’d expect Dominion to lose. We may never know the settlement number of it does settle. But I’m confident it won’t gut Fox News.
Hopefully, it goes to trial & Trump's blowers like Tuck & Lumpy Sean will be forced to testify about their filthy lies which helped to incite what happened on J6.
They literally have proof of every requirement of the crime
Oh just proved that once again you don’t even know what the fuck you’re babbling about. It’s a civil matter, you jerkoff. It’s not a criminal case.
in the form of sworn testimony from and correspondence between the liars.
None of which amounts to a lie.
I would say: don't bet much on your prediction.

I don’t bet on this stuff and I don’t take any advice from you on anything. Remember; you’re a retard.
Hopefully, it goes to trial & Trump's blowers like Tuck & Lumpy Sean will be forced to testify about their filthy lies which helped to incite what happened on J6.
You’re detached from reality. Also, you’re quite stupid. It’s a funny combination.
Hey that wasn't very nice of you stealing food from the kiddies plates! :) You could stand to drop a few pounds.
There is a reason all of Trump's "lawyers" fanciful conspiracy arguments held no water with any judge..even the ones appointed by the great orange roughy himself. They were built on bullshit. And summarily dismissed.
Now for some truth, Jack. Our electoral court system is so crooked that Trump's team had no time to even begin to put together the cases, so most of it was lost missing deadlines and on technicalities struggling to try to get 2 years of legal work done in four weeks.

Now you can go back to your dinner. Gopher it.

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Oh just proved that once again you don’t even know what the fuck you’re babbling about. It’s a civil matter, you jerkoff. It’s not a criminal case.
I know that. I will call it "the crime" anyway. It's just a colloquialism. When the tears dry, take a moment. You'll get it.

None of which amounts to a lie.
When they know what they are saying on air is false, that amounts to a lie.


I will bet this thread goes on the pile of your many other hilarious and failed threads. Tell Kari Lake we said hi.
They have emails showing they not only knew it was wrong but harmful as well
The “they”’refers to whom?

How do the emails (linky?) supposedly “show” that “they” knew something (what exactly?) and what difference does knowledge of harm make?

It would hurt Dominion just as much of it was completely true.
They aren't being sued for false claims made by a president. They are being sued because they knew those claims were false and pushed the narratives anyhow, and that deliberate lie lead to dominion's business being hurt financially.
They are being sued for knowingly repeating claims by a President that they knew to be false. I don't know how to say it any more clearly than that.

But if a news organization can be sued for reporting a President's lie when they know or suspect the information is a lie, then ALL MSM is guilty of that, not just Fox News.
Now for some truth, Jack. Our electoral court system is so crooked that Trump's team had no time to even begin to put together the cases, so most of it was lost missing deadlines and on technicalities struggling to try to get 2 years of legal work done in four weeks.

Now you can go back to your dinner. Gopher it.

Rodents GIFs | Tenor
You can post as many gifs of your family outings as you'd like. It doesn't change the fact your boy lost. Your "opinions" of our court system are irrelevant. His team had ample time to put together arguments. A lot more time than they should have been given. What they were really looking for was a pliant judge who would give them some breathing room of a few weeks while they strung together their bullshit "evidence" to present. Fortunately, the judges saw through the bullshit and dismissed the claims. If there was ANYTHING to any of releases of the Kraken, you'd be seeing exactly what the Dominion/Fox suit is giving us now. Discovery..followed by a trial.
I know that. I will call it "the crime" anyway. It's just a colloquialism. When the tears dry, take a moment. You'll get it.

Double down on your ignorance and stupidity. It’s ok. It’s still not a “crime,” you babbling retard. 🤣
When they know what they are saying on air is false, that amounts to a lie.
Who said they knew it was “false?” Not believing it isn’t the same as knowing that it’s false, you dolt.

I will bet this thread goes on the pile of your many other hilarious and failed threads. Tell Kari Lake we said hi.
I don’t accumulate piles failed thread. That’s you, you retarded projectionist hack. Get back down on Brandon. He’s not gonna be licking his own asshole.
Nope. Reporting and repeating what the President and some of his team said is still news coverage or associated (still protected). Any “damages” would be attributable to the President and those staffers but NOT to reporters.
Uh, no. Repeating Trump's lies, knowing they were lies & featuring hacks like Guiliani & the kraken lady defaming Dominion makes Fox liable.

Trump's lies about the election make him a disgusting lowlife sociopath but we already knew that. And Dominion isn't suing him anyway. So Fox can pick up the tab for carrying his water.
Uh, no. Repeating Trump's lies, knowing they were lies & featuring hacks like Guiliani & the kraken lady defaming Dominion makes Fox liable.

Trump's lies about the election make him a disgusting lowlife sociopath but we already knew that. And Dominion isn't suing him anyway. So Fox can pick up the tab for carrying his water.
And of course these morons laid it all out for everybody to see. Clearly they had become very Comfortable being unethical liars and never thought they would face Consequences.
They did. Wow. You really know less nothing about this.
No. They didn’t. You either make shit up or you’re a simple minded moron. Maybe both
You also don't understand why them knowing it was harmful matters.
Again. The fact that you have zero comprehension of the issues is entirely on you.
Hilarious. So this is basically just a cult tantrum.
You’re the one throwing tantrums as always.

I’m sure Dominion got damaged. If due to false claims, that’s legally actionable. But if due to the factual accuracy, of the claim, then that’s not actionable.

However, if it was both false and caused damages, poor widdle Dominion would still have to sue the right party or parties.

Here, they haven’t.

Try to get your handler to go over all of this with you, before you are sent back into your rubber-walled room for the night.

News outlets report news. A President making a claim of this magnitude is news. It is true, in fact, that Trump and some of his people DID say it.

Now prove to me that Fox News “knew” that the claims about Dominion were false.

In fact, prove they were false.

You’re detached from reality. Also, you’re quite stupid. It’s a funny combination.
I'm already one up on you, retard. I knew Trump was a compulsive liar & a lowlife conman long before he even waddled off the escalator. You? You're still falling for the con.
I'm already one up on you, retard. I knew Trump was a compulsive liar & a lowlife conman long before he even waddled off the escalator. You? You're still falling for the con.
He also appears to know less nothing nothing about his own thread topic.
You can post as many gifs of your family outings as you'd like.
You making fun of my family Jack? You do know that is a serious RULE VIOLATION! But I realize it is probably tough for you trying to get over the HUMP day.

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His team had ample time to put together arguments.
Is that why it took the whole J6 Committee TWO YEARS just to build a bogus case against one man (Trump)? You didn't do so good there Jack!

A lot more time than they should have been given.
Yeah, communists like you don't believe in fair hearings at all.

Fortunately, the judges saw through the bullshit and dismissed the claims.
Is that the fevered alternate reality of BULLSHIT you tell yourself now?

If there was ANYTHING to any of releases of the Kraken, you'd be seeing exactly what the Dominion/Fox suit is giving us now. Discovery..followed by a trial.
Sure Jack. They are giving us NOTHING. Meantime, there was a HARD AND FAST deadline for Trump to meet just six weeks after the election before the next phase HAD to move forward because God knows you can't hold up a presidential certification even if it is the WRONG guy! But Fox and Dominion can jerk each other off ad infinitum.
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