The dominion Voting suit against Fox should fail

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What if it can only be proven that some of their employees thought it was false? Does a media corporation need to be a hive mind entity?
A. They knew what they were saying was bogus

B. They knew it was harmful

Uh, no. Repeating Trump's lies, knowing they were lies

Uh, wrong. Nobody has so far demonstrated that anyone “knew” it was a lie. In fact, it hasn’t even been proved that the claims were false.
& featuring hacks like Guiliani & the kraken lady defaming Dominion makes Fox liable.
According to you. But you’re baseless again. Fox News can “feature” anyone they wish in reporting on the story and their choice doesn’t have a damn thing to do with liability.
Trump's lies about the election make him a disgusting lowlife sociopath but we already knew that.

No. We don’t “know” that he lied at all: and nobody “knows” that he “is” a sociopath. Your empty claims mean shit.
And Dominion isn't suing him anyway.
Cool. Then they are suing the wrong defendant.
So Fox can pick up the tab for carrying his water.
False. Reporting news isn’t “carrying water” (even though that is what you liberal Main Stream “news” Media does on behalf of the liberal Democrap Parody).
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I'm already one up on you, retard. I knew Trump was a compulsive liar & a lowlife conman long before he even waddled off the escalator.

False, you pathetic ass sucking ass-clown. You didn’t “know” it and you still don’t. You’re an idiot; so you believe it. Those aren’t synonyms, you moron.
You? You're still falling for the con.
You fell for the con. But, then, you trip over a painted line in the road.
Your ignorance is astounding. Poor pitiable MalcolmExLax still can’t track a simple, straightforward and accurate argument. You poor pathetic little dumb dumb.

If you were a reporter and assuming some President claimed that a voting machine company had somehow been involved in altering votes, even if you (as a person) didn’t believe what the President was claiming, that doesn’t leave it to you to decide whether to disseminate what the President had claimed. (Your belief also doesn’t determine if the claim was truthful or not.)

Consequently, Murdoch suggesting that the President was wrong or lying doesn’t control.

You’ve got nothing (as always), MalcolmExLax.

Stumble and fumble on.
You are beyond salvation, a totally dishonest and immoral lying hack.

You have absolutely no credibility.
You are beyond salvation, a totally dishonest and immoral lying hack.

You have absolutely no credibility.
MalcolmExLax, you completely, perpetually and intentionally dishonest twat, your attempt to project your own abysmal character traits on to me fails because you’ve never had credibility. And you never will.

Sucks to be you, you lying twat rash.
It has been established by his own testimony that he knew the claims were false. Sorry.
He was the head cheese. The buck stops with him. For him it was all about the bucks.

Wait and see is my attitude. Not like I have a choice.
I know all of tRumps failures are always someone else's fault.
Poor tRump, poor Rammy!
And Biden failures?.... dummy.... you are about to live the rest of your miserable life in a very bad way thanks to your idiocy and Ideology...
So enjoy!....
Haha, you know less than nothing about your own thread topic. Pathetic and embarrassing. But pretty typical for you.

Like when you said Trump wasn't asked any yes/no questions in his deposition. I laughed.
That’s not what I said, you compulsive liar.

Instead, what I posted and later proved was that he was not asked only yes/no questions.

After you post, almost everyone laughs at you. Again.
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