The dominion Voting suit against Fox should fail

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That’s what you do. In thread after thread.

No worries. No one believes you
No. It’s your lies which nobody with a brain believes, letch.
For example?
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
Everybody should be vaxxed and boosted
The inflation reduction act will reduce inflation
US zero carbon emissions by 2050 will help fight climate change
People are getting spun here. The left wing media of course laps up the bleatings of the legal team for plaintiff Dominion. And the regular liberal MSM has a bug up it’s collective ass about Fox News.

So they make comments (reported as alleged “news”) about how a media outlet could get reamed even with the higher burden imposed on plaintiffs suing news outlets for defamation. This is why we get lots of reports about Hannity denying that he believed the Trump claim and Murdoch basically saying the same thing.

The liberal MSM is content to insinuate from that sketchy information that defendant Fox News was guilty of actual malice. But that’s horseshit.

New outlets report NEWS. The Fox News legal defense team makes a much more salient argument: “Fox News maintains that its reporting and commentary was protected by the 1st Amendment because allegations presented by a sitting president are newsworthy even if false.

Source of above quote: How strong is Dominion's defamation case against Fox News? Legal experts weigh in

That tidbit is (surprisingly) found within a report from a left wing MSM news outlet. But it is kind of buried and not forever being trumpeted like the snarky predictions of pending doom for Fox News.

Anyway, some food for thought. I’ll go even further however. A commentator (like Hannity) doesn’t report “news.” He offers opinions. So his revelation is (imho) irrelevant to Dominion’s “case.”

I won’t predict how the case turns out. But I doubt they will end up at trial and if it does go to trial I’d expect Dominion to lose. We may never know the settlement number of it does settle. But I’m confident it won’t gut Fox News.

Fox better hurry up and settle before DeSantis takes HB 991 federal.
What if it can only be proven that some of their employees thought it was false? Does a media corporation need to be a hive mind entity?
That sounds like an interesting caveat on the surface but after consideration...and obviously take with a grain of salt; unlike most on these boards, I am a layman.

1. If that person was involved in the direct dissemination of that known wrong "news", then potentially.

2. If that person was shown to hide the information from from those who disseminated the lie, then potentially.

3. How high up the chain? If executives knew and yet let it happen, I would think they would have culpability, potentially.

4. Lastly. Your point would translate into any organization could perpetuate any lies they wanted, even those that unfairly destroy the reputation and finances of another entity (defamation), and as long as 1 or 2 employees believed it, then it was ok. That would translate into chaos on a social and corporate level. Again not an expert, but to me, that doesn't pass the common sense smell test.

What do you think?
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
Everybody should be vaxxed and boosted
The inflation reduction act will reduce inflation
US zero carbon emissions by 2050 will help fight climate change
For sake of arguement, let's pretend your list is actually fact....Can you prove that those in the media, who participated in those stories knew, without a doubt, that those stories were not true?
For sake of arguement, let's pretend your list is actually fact....Can you prove that those in the media, who participated in those stories knew, without a doubt, that those stories were not true?
Yes within reasonable doubt because more honest media was reporting the actual facts. Just like they promoted the Russiagate narrative after that had been fully and reasonably debunked, the partisan MSM reported what their audience wanted to hear and never provided the extenuating circumstances that called it all into question.

I cannot believe that people on social media, on message boards, in casual conversation at the dinner table knew about those extenuating circumstances and professional reporters/commentators/media hosts did not.
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That sounds like an interesting caveat on the surface but after consideration...and obviously take with a grain of salt; unlike most on these boards, I am a layman.

1. If that person was involved in the direct dissemination of that known wrong "news", then potentially.

2. If that person was shown to hide the information from from those who disseminated the lie, then potentially.

3. How high up the chain? If executives knew and yet let it happen, I would think they would have culpability, potentially.

4. Lastly. Your point would translate into any organization could perpetuate any lies they wanted, even those that unfairly destroy the reputation and finances of another entity (defamation), and as long as 1 or 2 employees believed it, then it was ok. That would translate into chaos on a social and corporate level. Again not an expert, but to me, that doesn't pass the common sense smell test.

What do you think?
I think that news organizations should be able to report theories posed by politicians, whether the actual reporters agree with them or not.
So, you offer your unsupported and silly and biased preconceived notion as a premise and then as your conclusion.

You waste many electrons to say nothing of any value. 👍
You have been conned. It's all there. It's time for you to grow up and admit it.
People are getting spun here. The left wing media of course laps up the bleatings of the legal team for plaintiff Dominion. And the regular liberal MSM has a bug up it’s collective ass about Fox News.

So they make comments (reported as alleged “news”) about how a media outlet could get reamed even with the higher burden imposed on plaintiffs suing news outlets for defamation. This is why we get lots of reports about Hannity denying that he believed the Trump claim and Murdoch basically saying the same thing.

The liberal MSM is content to insinuate from that sketchy information that defendant Fox News was guilty of actual malice. But that’s horseshit.

New outlets report NEWS. The Fox News legal defense team makes a much more salient argument: “Fox News maintains that its reporting and commentary was protected by the 1st Amendment because allegations presented by a sitting president are newsworthy even if false.

Source of above quote: How strong is Dominion's defamation case against Fox News? Legal experts weigh in

That tidbit is (surprisingly) found within a report from a left wing MSM news outlet. But it is kind of buried and not forever being trumpeted like the snarky predictions of pending doom for Fox News.

Anyway, some food for thought. I’ll go even further however. A commentator (like Hannity) doesn’t report “news.” He offers opinions. So his revelation is (imho) irrelevant to Dominion’s “case.”

I won’t predict how the case turns out. But I doubt they will end up at trial and if it does go to trial I’d expect Dominion to lose. We may never know the settlement number of it does settle. But I’m confident it won’t gut Fox News.
If it gets the court approval and goes to trial, and makes that stage, FOX NEWS will LOSE....imo.

Being a commentator on a NEWS Channel does not give you free reign to KNOWINGLY promote a lie and knowingly defame or book guests to defame another company or person.... The key is they all knew their guests were lying, and they went along with it and promoted what they KNEW were lies about Dominion and theft, fraud, etc.... because of greed.... Ratings.... Fear of losing their audience to NEWSMAX if they did not promote the BIG LIE, that the election was stolen and Dominion was at the center of it....
If it gets the court approval and goes to trial, and makes that stage, FOX NEWS will LOSE....imo.

Being a commentator on a NEWS Channel does not give you free reign to KNOWINGLY promote a lie and knowingly defame or book guests to defame another company or person.... The key is they all knew their guests were lying, and they went along with it and promoted what they KNEW were lies about Dominion and theft, fraud, etc.... because of greed.... Ratings.... Fear of losing their audience to NEWSMAX if they did not promote the BIG LIE, that the election was stolen and Dominion was at the center of it....
The rubes have to deny all of this now.

Because if Fox has been lying to them, ALL of their media has been lying to them.

So now, they go into full denial mode.
According to Rupert Murdoch's deposition..the short answer is yes. They were lying about it..and they knew they were lying about it.
It is amusing to see. If I were Dominion, I'd take it all the way to the end. They're gonna get some judgement out of Fox. :)

Well uhm ya, it's Faux Paus Nuz. Lying is like breathing for them, a necessity to survive!
Jack, if you only knew what I do in my spare time, I bet you'd trade with what YOU do in a heartbeat.

Wow, Jack, did you figure that out by yourself all without a calendar, or did you cheat and peek?
No one care that you jack off in your spare time
Yes within reasonable doubt because more honest media was reporting the actual facts. Just like they promoted the Russiagate narrative after that had been fully and reasonably debunked, the partisan MSM reported what their audience wanted to hear and never provided the extenuating circumstances that called it all into question.

I cannot believe that people on social media, on message boards, in casual conversation at the dinner table knew about those extenuating circumstances and professional reporters/commentators/media hosts did not.
So you have no example of MSM reporters reporting on these stories but knew they were false?
People are getting spun here. The left wing media of course laps up the bleatings of the legal team for plaintiff Dominion. And the regular liberal MSM has a bug up it’s collective ass about Fox News.

So they make comments (reported as alleged “news”) about how a media outlet could get reamed even with the higher burden imposed on plaintiffs suing news outlets for defamation. This is why we get lots of reports about Hannity denying that he believed the Trump claim and Murdoch basically saying the same thing.

The liberal MSM is content to insinuate from that sketchy information that defendant Fox News was guilty of actual malice. But that’s horseshit.

New outlets report NEWS. The Fox News legal defense team makes a much more salient argument: “Fox News maintains that its reporting and commentary was protected by the 1st Amendment because allegations presented by a sitting president are newsworthy even if false.

Source of above quote: How strong is Dominion's defamation case against Fox News? Legal experts weigh in

That tidbit is (surprisingly) found within a report from a left wing MSM news outlet. But it is kind of buried and not forever being trumpeted like the snarky predictions of pending doom for Fox News.

Anyway, some food for thought. I’ll go even further however. A commentator (like Hannity) doesn’t report “news.” He offers opinions. So his revelation is (imho) irrelevant to Dominion’s “case.”

I won’t predict how the case turns out. But I doubt they will end up at trial and if it does go to trial I’d expect Dominion to lose. We may never know the settlement number of it does settle. But I’m confident it won’t gut Fox News.
I'm not understanding how Dominion was harmed in this or had damages. Did they lose any business?
I'm not understanding how Dominion was harmed in this or had damages. Did they lose any business?
A large chunk of voters are now convinced the voting machines are tools for fraud - primarily because of the lies that the Trumpsters spun up and Fox repeating them. For a company that builds and runs those machines, that's damages.
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