The Donald and COVID-19 and Election Campaigning and The Second Debate

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
From a personal experience I would advise The Donald and Melania Trump to get a second test for COVID-19. This is because my Grandmother tested Positive for COVID-19 and then she had a second test and she tested Negative for COVID-19.

To give some examples from the political world in America, the Republican Governor of Ohio tested Positive for COVID-19 then he had a second test and he tested Negative for COVID-19. The wife of the Democrat Governor of Virginia tested Positive for COVID-19 then she had a second test and she tested Negative for COVID-19.

There is absolutely no reason why The Donald can not continue to Campaign, he could have his rallies in a Virtual Form. I was reading this morning that there is some rule that says you can't campaign FROM The White House, well considering so MANY long-standing rules have been trashed USING COVID-19 as the excuse and considering how so MANY new rules have literally been made up on the spot USING COVID-19 as the excuse, then I'm sure they can either trash and/or make up on the spot new rules USING COVID-19 as the EXCUSE so that The Donald can campaign FROM The White House.

The other alternative to this would be that The Donald goes to Mar-a-Lago or the New Jersey Golf Club and stays there and has Virtual Rallies from one of those two places.

The Second Debate could be a Virtual Debate, Joe Biden can appear from his Basement and The Donald can appear from his Basement.

There in my opinion is absolutely no reason why Campaigning and Debating cannot continue. To suggest the entire Campaign and the Debating has to be trashed is completely absurd.
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From a personal experience I would advise The Donald and Melania Trump to get a second test for COVID-19. This is because my Grandmother tested Positive for COVID-19 and then she had a second test and she tested Negative for COVID-19.

To give some examples from the political world in America, the Republican Governor of Ohio tested Positive for COVID-19 then he had a second test and he tested Negative for COVID-19. The wife of the Democrat Governor of Virginia tested Positive for COVID-19 then she had a second test and she tested Negative for COVID-19.

There is absolutely no reason why The Donald can not continue to Campaign, he could have his rallies in a Virtual Form. I was reading this morning that there is some rule that says you can't campaign FROM The White House, well considering so MANY long-standing rules have been trashed USING COVID-19 as the excuse and considering how so MANY new rules have literally been made up on the spot USING COVID-19 as the excuse, then I'm sure they can either trash and/or make up on the spot new rules USING COVID-19 as the EXCUSE so that The Donald can campaign FROM The White House.

The other alternative to this would be that The Donald goes to Mar-a-Lago or the New Jersey Golf Club and stays there and has Virtual Rallies from one of those two places.

The Second Debate could be a Virtual Debate, Joe Biden can appear from his Basement and The Donald can appear from his Basement.

There in my opinion is absolutely no reason why Campaigning and Debating cannot continue. To suggest the entire Campaign and the Debating has to be trashed is completely absurd.
Democrats have been desperately trying to prevent Trump from this is the best way to do it.
From a personal experience I would advise The Donald and Melania Trump to get a second test for COVID-19. This is because my Grandmother tested Positive for COVID-19 and then she had a second test and she tested Negative for COVID-19.

To give some examples from the political world in America, the Republican Governor of Ohio tested Positive for COVID-19 then he had a second test and he tested Negative for COVID-19. The wife of the Democrat Governor of Virginia tested Positive for COVID-19 then she had a second test and she tested Negative for COVID-19.

There is absolutely no reason why The Donald can not continue to Campaign, he could have his rallies in a Virtual Form. I was reading this morning that there is some rule that says you can't campaign FROM The White House, well considering so MANY long-standing rules have been trashed USING COVID-19 as the excuse and considering how so MANY new rules have literally been made up on the spot USING COVID-19 as the excuse, then I'm sure they can either trash and/or make up on the spot new rules USING COVID-19 as the EXCUSE so that The Donald can campaign FROM The White House.

The other alternative to this would be that The Donald goes to Mar-a-Lago or the New Jersey Golf Club and stays there and has Virtual Rallies from one of those two places.

The Second Debate could be a Virtual Debate, Joe Biden can appear from his Basement and The Donald can appear from his Basement.

There in my opinion is absolutely no reason why Campaigning and Debating cannot continue. To suggest the entire Campaign and the Debating has to be trashed is completely absurd.
trump may be lying about his COVID experience for sympathy votes and to diss the virus when he overcomes it and says that the virus was nothing. After all, he is a consistent lier so why not this also? And yes, I agree that he will campaign from the White House.
From a personal experience I would advise The Donald and Melania Trump to get a second test for COVID-19. This is because my Grandmother tested Positive for COVID-19 and then she had a second test and she tested Negative for COVID-19.

To give some examples from the political world in America, the Republican Governor of Ohio tested Positive for COVID-19 then he had a second test and he tested Negative for COVID-19. The wife of the Democrat Governor of Virginia tested Positive for COVID-19 then she had a second test and she tested Negative for COVID-19.

There is absolutely no reason why The Donald can not continue to Campaign, he could have his rallies in a Virtual Form. I was reading this morning that there is some rule that says you can't campaign FROM The White House, well considering so MANY long-standing rules have been trashed USING COVID-19 as the excuse and considering how so MANY new rules have literally been made up on the spot USING COVID-19 as the excuse, then I'm sure they can either trash and/or make up on the spot new rules USING COVID-19 as the EXCUSE so that The Donald can campaign FROM The White House.

The other alternative to this would be that The Donald goes to Mar-a-Lago or the New Jersey Golf Club and stays there and has Virtual Rallies from one of those two places.

The Second Debate could be a Virtual Debate, Joe Biden can appear from his Basement and The Donald can appear from his Basement.

There in my opinion is absolutely no reason why Campaigning and Debating cannot continue. To suggest the entire Campaign and the Debating has to be trashed is completely absurd.
The standard treatment protocol is to begin medications and re-test in three days. I suspect a second and more reliable antibody blood test has already been drawn.

Trump is a person who will not sit around and will take every opportunity to campaign from home but not like Biden does... I expect Town hall style events set up on a moments notice all over the US done virtually by the president..
I doubt that Trump will have second test - don't you?

There in my opinion is absolutely no reason why Campaigning and Debating cannot continue. To suggest the entire Campaign and the Debating has to be trashed is completely absurd.
Pretty good chance the campaign will continue somehow. Who suggested that it is all over?
There is absolutely no reason why The Donald can not continue to Campaign, he could have his rallies in a Virtual Form. I was reading this morning that there is some rule that says you can't campaign FROM The White House, well considering so MANY long-standing rules have been trashed USING COVID-19 as the excuse and considering how so MANY new rules have literally been made up on the spot USING COVID-19 as the excuse, then I'm sure they can either trash and/or make up on the spot new rules USING COVID-19 as the EXCUSE so that The Donald can campaign FROM The White House.
I do not see Trump moving anywhere. The White House has been compromised with this virus and there is no reason to do it to other regions or locations without a clinical need to do so. As for the rule of not campaigning from the White House, these are exigent circumstances and can be justified for the temporary removal of this rule. Its commonsense..

What people fail to understand is people have the right to choose. This virus does not suspend the US constitution and people have the right to pursue happiness. Trump has taken personal responsibility for his own decisions just as every American has the right and duty to do also.

As I read through this thread after sleeping for a few hours I am looking at the left trying to force their shutdown and control agenda thwarting the will of the people. I am in disgust of this blatant power grab.. 99.8% of the US populace will now get and heal from this virus just as they do from the flu each year. There is no reason to fearmonger and become hyperbolic.
I doubt that Trump will have second test - don't you?

There in my opinion is absolutely no reason why Campaigning and Debating cannot continue. To suggest the entire Campaign and the Debating has to be trashed is completely absurd.
Pretty good chance the campaign will continue somehow. Who suggested that it is all over?
The presidents position requires he know quickly and acts quickly to maintin our government. He has had a blood antigen test. 100% assured that it has been done.
Kind of fishy. He completely screws up the debate, so has to manufacture an excuse to bow out of the next one. BTW, Joe is fine and can't wait for the next debate. Trump looks weak considering his loss of faculties, as evidenced in the debate, and frailty due his age and morbid obesity.

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