The Donald Undone: Tilting At The Swamp, Succumbing To The Empire

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Holy shit.

That is definitely NOT the sort of post I would expect from you.

Instead of "Orange man Bad," it is reasoned argument as to why he is a fraud.

Nice job.

Thanks, but I didn't right it. David Stockman did...I just am posting it (though I do agree with it).

I always thought he was a joke as a man.

But he had some good ideas (the U-3 is a 'hoax', the equity markets are a 'big, fat, ugly bubble, etc.). Plus some of his foreign policy ideas were good (leave NATO, get out of Afghanistan, 'fire' the Fed, lower the deficit). But he went back on ALL of that - and he completely lost me.

Well said, I couldn't agree more! Some things he talked about originally I totally agreed with, but watching this man my whole adult life I knew he had no intention of doing them!
All of us can argue forever whether he had the intention of doing them or not. We can all agree that his personal business empire is more important to him.

The power of propaganda, is that is tends to corrupt our thoughts.

Obama had intended to get out of Afghanistan and close Gitmo. We all know how that went.

Perhaps he really does want to, but he is calculating how much he can reasonably do, compared to what it will personally cost him.

Hell, he doesn't even have the decency to divest the income from his hotel businesses, that should tell a lot right there.

Personally, I HOPE the establishment wins it's emoluments case against him, maybe then he will hit back by making good on some of these promises we KNOW how he feels on.

By forcing him to clean up HIS act, he might just force D.C. and the nation to clean up theirs????

This establishment is more powerful than anyone man. Whose to say he still doesn't have that desire?

He is in this only for him. He doesn't and never has given a fuck about you or me or this country. It is only about Donald Trump.

I suppose, if we believe the corporate media.

I'm not sure that is entirely the case.

Why would anyone want to put themselves through everything that this guy is going through, and put their family through everything that they are going through?

I don't think the gains are really worth the costs. IT makes no logical sense.

That's easy, ego!
Trump is transforming the US back to the way it should be, with jobs and prosperity.

No...he is not.

US Trade Deficit Soars To Record High As Exports Tumble

US Manufacturers Warn Trump Tariffs Will Bring Higher Prices, Not More Jobs: Survey

You are buying the hype and ignoring the facts.

The trade deficit with China is WAY up and far more jobs are being lost than being gained from the tariffs. Those are facts.

The US has the advantage in any trade war. It takes time to re-negotiate fair trade deals with countries that have gotten used to ripping the US off, especially China.
Navarro and Lightheizer are doing good work renegotiating trade deals.
At least Trump is working on bringing good jobs back to the US, raising middle class wages, and reducing the trade deficit over the long haul by having fair trade deals.

What's your solution? The same as Obama's "manufacturing jobs are not coming back"? So good luck finding a good job.

How about the high US taxes chasing corporation overseas to tax havens like Ireland?
America's Party Is Over--Thanks To High Taxes

The new tariffs saved the US steel industry
Moody's revises 12-18-month outlook for U.S. steel industry to positive vs. stable
Trump is transforming the US back to the way it should be, with jobs and prosperity.

No...he is not.

US Trade Deficit Soars To Record High As Exports Tumble

US Manufacturers Warn Trump Tariffs Will Bring Higher Prices, Not More Jobs: Survey

You are buying the hype and ignoring the facts.

The trade deficit with China is WAY up and far more jobs are being lost than being gained from the tariffs. Those are facts.

The US has the advantage in any trade war. It takes time to re-negotiate fair trade deals with countries that have gotten used to ripping the US off, especially China.
Navarro and Lightheizer are doing good work renegotiating trade deals.
At least Trump is working on bringing good jobs back to the US, raising middle class wages, and reducing the trade deficit over the long haul by having fair trade deals.

What's your solution? The same as Obama's "manufacturing jobs are not coming back"? So good luck finding a good job.

How about the high US taxes chasing corporation overseas to tax havens like Ireland?
America's Party Is Over--Thanks To High Taxes

The new tariffs saved the US steel industry
Moody's revises 12-18-month outlook for U.S. steel industry to positive vs. stable

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

True or False? The goods trade deficit with China is now the highest EVER?

True or False? Total Chinese goods exports to America are now the highest EVER?

True or False? The US trade deficit with China is now 15+% worse then the 2'nd quarter of 2017?

And this is how the trade deficit should be dealt with (at least more than Trump is).

Prove what Summers is saying is wrong with data/facts from unbiased sources (and NOT opinions)?

I guarantee you cannot.

BTW - I am no fan of Larry Summers, but he is generally right here.

Me? I am a free trader - I do not believe in tariffs. If a company cannot survive without government interference....than let it die.

Import tariffs are NOTHING but taxes. And I am for lower taxes - not higher ones.

And protectionism is for the simple and the weak.
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Trump is transforming the US back to the way it should be, with jobs and prosperity.

No...he is not.

US Trade Deficit Soars To Record High As Exports Tumble

US Manufacturers Warn Trump Tariffs Will Bring Higher Prices, Not More Jobs: Survey

You are buying the hype and ignoring the facts.

The trade deficit with China is WAY up and far more jobs are being lost than being gained from the tariffs. Those are facts.

The US has the advantage in any trade war. It takes time to re-negotiate fair trade deals with countries that have gotten used to ripping the US off, especially China.
Navarro and Lightheizer are doing good work renegotiating trade deals.
At least Trump is working on bringing good jobs back to the US, raising middle class wages, and reducing the trade deficit over the long haul by having fair trade deals.

What's your solution? The same as Obama's "manufacturing jobs are not coming back"? So good luck finding a good job.

How about the high US taxes chasing corporation overseas to tax havens like Ireland?
America's Party Is Over--Thanks To High Taxes

The new tariffs saved the US steel industry
Moody's revises 12-18-month outlook for U.S. steel industry to positive vs. stable

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

True or False? The goods trade deficit with China is now the highest EVER?

True or False? Total Chinese goods exports to America are now the highest EVER?

True or False? The US trade deficit with China is now 15+% worse then the 2'nd quarter of 2017?

And this is how the trade deficit should be dealt with (at least more than Trump is).

Prove what Summers is saying is wrong with data/facts from unbiased sources (and NOT opinions)?

I guarantee you cannot.

BTW - I am no fan of Summers AT ALL, but he is generally right here.

Me? I am a free trader - I do not believe in tariffs. If a company cannot survive without government interference....than let it die.

Import tariffs are NOTHING but taxes. And I am for lower taxes - not higher ones.

And protectionism is for the simple and the weak.

Free trade doesn't work because it implies both sides will trade honestly. Fair Trade is what should be sought after. And the way you get fair trade is through Tariffs, Taxes and Commerce Regulations. The US Federal Government has failed miserably in all three.
Trump is transforming the US back to the way it should be, with jobs and prosperity.

No...he is not.

US Trade Deficit Soars To Record High As Exports Tumble

US Manufacturers Warn Trump Tariffs Will Bring Higher Prices, Not More Jobs: Survey

You are buying the hype and ignoring the facts.

The trade deficit with China is WAY up and far more jobs are being lost than being gained from the tariffs. Those are facts.

The US has the advantage in any trade war. It takes time to re-negotiate fair trade deals with countries that have gotten used to ripping the US off, especially China.
Navarro and Lightheizer are doing good work renegotiating trade deals.
At least Trump is working on bringing good jobs back to the US, raising middle class wages, and reducing the trade deficit over the long haul by having fair trade deals.

What's your solution? The same as Obama's "manufacturing jobs are not coming back"? So good luck finding a good job.

How about the high US taxes chasing corporation overseas to tax havens like Ireland?
America's Party Is Over--Thanks To High Taxes

The new tariffs saved the US steel industry
Moody's revises 12-18-month outlook for U.S. steel industry to positive vs. stable

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

True or False? The goods trade deficit with China is now the highest EVER?

True or False? Total Chinese goods exports to America are now the highest EVER?

True or False? The US trade deficit with China is now 15+% worse then the 2'nd quarter of 2017?

And this is how the trade deficit should be dealt with (at least more than Trump is).

Prove what Summers is saying is wrong with data/facts from unbiased sources (and NOT opinions)?

I guarantee you cannot.

BTW - I am no fan of Summers AT ALL, but he is generally right here.

Me? I am a free trader - I do not believe in tariffs. If a company cannot survive without government interference....than let it die.

Import tariffs are NOTHING but taxes. And I am for lower taxes - not higher ones.

And protectionism is for the simple and the weak.

Free trade doesn't work because it implies both sides will trade honestly. Fair Trade is what should be sought after. And the way you get fair trade is through Tariffs, Taxes and Commerce Regulations. The US Federal Government has failed miserably in all three.

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that major tariffs are better for America than no tariffs?

And I suppose you know better than the U.S. Chamber of Commerce?

Tariffs are the Wrong Approach
Trump, forever the 'con man' pulled the wool over the eyes of ~63 million ignorant, brainless, trailer trash, rubes and America gets a good fvcking. Enjoy the chaos without the happy ending. :26:
Trump is transforming the US back to the way it should be, with jobs and prosperity.

No...he is not.

US Trade Deficit Soars To Record High As Exports Tumble

US Manufacturers Warn Trump Tariffs Will Bring Higher Prices, Not More Jobs: Survey

You are buying the hype and ignoring the facts.

The trade deficit with China is WAY up and far more jobs are being lost than being gained from the tariffs. Those are facts.

The US has the advantage in any trade war. It takes time to re-negotiate fair trade deals with countries that have gotten used to ripping the US off, especially China.
Navarro and Lightheizer are doing good work renegotiating trade deals.
At least Trump is working on bringing good jobs back to the US, raising middle class wages, and reducing the trade deficit over the long haul by having fair trade deals.

What's your solution? The same as Obama's "manufacturing jobs are not coming back"? So good luck finding a good job.

How about the high US taxes chasing corporation overseas to tax havens like Ireland?
America's Party Is Over--Thanks To High Taxes

The new tariffs saved the US steel industry
Moody's revises 12-18-month outlook for U.S. steel industry to positive vs. stable

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

True or False? The goods trade deficit with China is now the highest EVER?

True or False? Total Chinese goods exports to America are now the highest EVER?

True or False? The US trade deficit with China is now 15+% worse then the 2'nd quarter of 2017?

And this is how the trade deficit should be dealt with (at least more than Trump is).

Prove what Summers is saying is wrong with data/facts from unbiased sources (and NOT opinions)?

I guarantee you cannot.

BTW - I am no fan of Summers AT ALL, but he is generally right here.

Me? I am a free trader - I do not believe in tariffs. If a company cannot survive without government interference....than let it die.

Import tariffs are NOTHING but taxes. And I am for lower taxes - not higher ones.

And protectionism is for the simple and the weak.

Free trade doesn't work because it implies both sides will trade honestly. Fair Trade is what should be sought after. And the way you get fair trade is through Tariffs, Taxes and Commerce Regulations. The US Federal Government has failed miserably in all three.

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that major tariffs are better for America than no tariffs?

And I suppose you know better than the U.S. Chamber of Commerce?

Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

I have a degree in Business. My opinion is as good as any link you could ever provide. And this is strictly business 301. I have dealt with the Chinese system and see just how corrupt it is against the US. And I know how corrupt their own Tariffs on the US goods coming into China is out of kilter as well. And it's not just China. It's most of Asia. For instance, even though the tariffs are pretty much even with Japan, if I was in Japan and wanted a F-150 Ford or a Caddie, I may not be able to buy them. The Quotas are so low that not many are allowed to be imported and they are not allowed to be manufactured in Japan.

In China, every product that goes out to the US also gets a kickback to the Chinese Government at the Dock. The Red Tape is ridiculous. And the quality will just not be there. I remember when you bought a Black and Decker made in the US and if it broke after so many years, you had it repaired. Today, since Black and Decker is now Chinese, if it lasts a year, you throw it away and just buy another one. About a year ago, the last Fix-it Shop closed it's doors around here for good. When I was in entertainment, I worked hard and dreamed of owning 2 D-600 and 1 D-300 Crown Amps for the PA. I finally got them. The D-600 was the finest Professional Amp on the face of the earth. Today, Crown is made in China and they make throw-away crap. The American Public has been sold a bill of goods. We need those factories to be moved back to the US. It was not fair trade that move them in the first place. It was pure greed and the education of the gullible American public done by PR firms.

Fair Trade is the answer. We needed to put a 20% tariff and quota system on China on most things, give tax incentives to the companies still in the US and give incentives to those that move back to the US. Yes, the cost of goods will go up 20% but more people will be working and the tax revenues will more than make up for it. But we should NEVER put tariffs and quotas on any food or medicine like we are threatening to do.
No...he is not.

US Trade Deficit Soars To Record High As Exports Tumble

US Manufacturers Warn Trump Tariffs Will Bring Higher Prices, Not More Jobs: Survey

You are buying the hype and ignoring the facts.

The trade deficit with China is WAY up and far more jobs are being lost than being gained from the tariffs. Those are facts.

The US has the advantage in any trade war. It takes time to re-negotiate fair trade deals with countries that have gotten used to ripping the US off, especially China.
Navarro and Lightheizer are doing good work renegotiating trade deals.
At least Trump is working on bringing good jobs back to the US, raising middle class wages, and reducing the trade deficit over the long haul by having fair trade deals.

What's your solution? The same as Obama's "manufacturing jobs are not coming back"? So good luck finding a good job.

How about the high US taxes chasing corporation overseas to tax havens like Ireland?
America's Party Is Over--Thanks To High Taxes

The new tariffs saved the US steel industry
Moody's revises 12-18-month outlook for U.S. steel industry to positive vs. stable

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

True or False? The goods trade deficit with China is now the highest EVER?

True or False? Total Chinese goods exports to America are now the highest EVER?

True or False? The US trade deficit with China is now 15+% worse then the 2'nd quarter of 2017?

And this is how the trade deficit should be dealt with (at least more than Trump is).

Prove what Summers is saying is wrong with data/facts from unbiased sources (and NOT opinions)?

I guarantee you cannot.

BTW - I am no fan of Summers AT ALL, but he is generally right here.

Me? I am a free trader - I do not believe in tariffs. If a company cannot survive without government interference....than let it die.

Import tariffs are NOTHING but taxes. And I am for lower taxes - not higher ones.

And protectionism is for the simple and the weak.

Free trade doesn't work because it implies both sides will trade honestly. Fair Trade is what should be sought after. And the way you get fair trade is through Tariffs, Taxes and Commerce Regulations. The US Federal Government has failed miserably in all three.

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that major tariffs are better for America than no tariffs?

And I suppose you know better than the U.S. Chamber of Commerce?

Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

I have a degree in Business. My opinion is as good as any link you could ever provide.

LOL...oh give me a break. Talk about arrogance? are saying that your opinion is as good as any link on the entire internet? More than any Wall Street firm, the Fed, any CEO of ANY back, any economist, the ENTIRE U.S. Chamber of Commerce, any Presidential Chief Economic Advisor (including Trump's first one, Gary Cohn)?

You know as much as ANY of them on business?

True or false?
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No...he is not.

US Trade Deficit Soars To Record High As Exports Tumble

US Manufacturers Warn Trump Tariffs Will Bring Higher Prices, Not More Jobs: Survey

You are buying the hype and ignoring the facts.

The trade deficit with China is WAY up and far more jobs are being lost than being gained from the tariffs. Those are facts.

The US has the advantage in any trade war. It takes time to re-negotiate fair trade deals with countries that have gotten used to ripping the US off, especially China.
Navarro and Lightheizer are doing good work renegotiating trade deals.
At least Trump is working on bringing good jobs back to the US, raising middle class wages, and reducing the trade deficit over the long haul by having fair trade deals.

What's your solution? The same as Obama's "manufacturing jobs are not coming back"? So good luck finding a good job.

How about the high US taxes chasing corporation overseas to tax havens like Ireland?
America's Party Is Over--Thanks To High Taxes

The new tariffs saved the US steel industry
Moody's revises 12-18-month outlook for U.S. steel industry to positive vs. stable

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

True or False? The goods trade deficit with China is now the highest EVER?

True or False? Total Chinese goods exports to America are now the highest EVER?

True or False? The US trade deficit with China is now 15+% worse then the 2'nd quarter of 2017?

And this is how the trade deficit should be dealt with (at least more than Trump is).

Prove what Summers is saying is wrong with data/facts from unbiased sources (and NOT opinions)?

I guarantee you cannot.

BTW - I am no fan of Summers AT ALL, but he is generally right here.

Me? I am a free trader - I do not believe in tariffs. If a company cannot survive without government interference....than let it die.

Import tariffs are NOTHING but taxes. And I am for lower taxes - not higher ones.

And protectionism is for the simple and the weak.

Free trade doesn't work because it implies both sides will trade honestly. Fair Trade is what should be sought after. And the way you get fair trade is through Tariffs, Taxes and Commerce Regulations. The US Federal Government has failed miserably in all three.

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that major tariffs are better for America than no tariffs?

And I suppose you know better than the U.S. Chamber of Commerce?

Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

I have a degree in Business. My opinion is as good as any link you could ever provide. And this is strictly business 301. I have dealt with the Chinese system and see just how corrupt it is against the US. And I know how corrupt their own Tariffs on the US goods coming into China is out of kilter as well. And it's not just China. It's most of Asia. For instance, even though the tariffs are pretty much even with Japan, if I was in Japan and wanted a F-150 Ford or a Caddie, I may not be able to buy them. The Quotas are so low that not many are allowed to be imported and they are not allowed to be manufactured in Japan.

In China, every product that goes out to the US also gets a kickback to the Chinese Government at the Dock. The Red Tape is ridiculous. And the quality will just not be there. I remember when you bought a Black and Decker made in the US and if it broke after so many years, you had it repaired. Today, since Black and Decker is now Chinese, if it lasts a year, you throw it away and just buy another one. About a year ago, the last Fix-it Shop closed it's doors around here for good. When I was in entertainment, I worked hard and dreamed of owning 2 D-600 and 1 D-300 Crown Amps for the PA. I finally got them. The D-600 was the finest Professional Amp on the face of the earth. Today, Crown is made in China and they make throw-away crap. The American Public has been sold a bill of goods. We need those factories to be moved back to the US. It was not fair trade that move them in the first place. It was pure greed and the education of the gullible American public done by PR firms.

Fair Trade is the answer. We needed to put a 20% tariff and quota system on China on most things, give tax incentives to the companies still in the US and give incentives to those that move back to the US. Yes, the cost of goods will go up 20% but more people will be working and the tax revenues will more than make up for it. But we should NEVER put tariffs and quotas on any food or medicine like we are threatening to do.

I don't disagree with any of that. However I do think the American public and American corporations have substantial blame as well.

Porter Cable and Dewalt used to be the gold standard for power tools used by professional and they were expensive. They were also reliable and could be repaired efficiently.

Then the big box stores (Loews/ Home Depot) started selling them...except that sold what were essentially knock offs. Instead of stainless steel and brass gears...they used plastic. They are now cheap throwaways as well..

At first there were two levels of quality. You could by them cheap at the big box stores or by the "real deal" for considerably more from supply houses. The problem was that after a never knew which was which and you ended up buying the crap version for real money.

At this point you might as well pay the lesser price for the knock off version. Quality gone.

Do Porter Cable and Dewalt now manufacture in China? I don't know...but they might as well
Trump is transforming the US back to the way it should be, with jobs and prosperity.

No...he is not.

US Trade Deficit Soars To Record High As Exports Tumble

US Manufacturers Warn Trump Tariffs Will Bring Higher Prices, Not More Jobs: Survey

You are buying the hype and ignoring the facts.

The trade deficit with China is WAY up and far more jobs are being lost than being gained from the tariffs. Those are facts.

The US has the advantage in any trade war. It takes time to re-negotiate fair trade deals with countries that have gotten used to ripping the US off, especially China.
Navarro and Lightheizer are doing good work renegotiating trade deals.
At least Trump is working on bringing good jobs back to the US, raising middle class wages, and reducing the trade deficit over the long haul by having fair trade deals.

What's your solution? The same as Obama's "manufacturing jobs are not coming back"? So good luck finding a good job.

How about the high US taxes chasing corporation overseas to tax havens like Ireland?
America's Party Is Over--Thanks To High Taxes

The new tariffs saved the US steel industry
Moody's revises 12-18-month outlook for U.S. steel industry to positive vs. stable

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

True or False? The goods trade deficit with China is now the highest EVER?

True or False? Total Chinese goods exports to America are now the highest EVER?

True or False? The US trade deficit with China is now 15+% worse then the 2'nd quarter of 2017?

And this is how the trade deficit should be dealt with (at least more than Trump is).

Prove what Summers is saying is wrong with data/facts from unbiased sources (and NOT opinions)?

I guarantee you cannot.

BTW - I am no fan of Larry Summers, but he is generally right here.

Me? I am a free trader - I do not believe in tariffs. If a company cannot survive without government interference....than let it die.

Import tariffs are NOTHING but taxes. And I am for lower taxes - not higher ones.

And protectionism is for the simple and the weak.

1. True, the trade deficit with China is the highest ever, (because the bulk of the tariffs haven't been imposed yet)
2. True, but not high enough yet, see #1
3. True, because the unfair trade deals haven't been corrected yet
4. Summers is a pure globalist and is wrong in that he doesn't see the long term damage to the US economy and standard of living, I support the Navarro and Lightheizer trade policies of "fair trade" and not dumping and subsidies, and currency manipulation, and intellectual property theft, and the actual long term threat that China poses militarily.
Gen. Dunford: China to be US' 'greatest threat' by 2025 - CNNPolitics

I'm a fair trader, if the US needs tariffs to keep a reasonable manufacturing base and trade deficit, fine.
Trump is transforming the US back to the way it should be, with jobs and prosperity.

No...he is not.

US Trade Deficit Soars To Record High As Exports Tumble

US Manufacturers Warn Trump Tariffs Will Bring Higher Prices, Not More Jobs: Survey

You are buying the hype and ignoring the facts.

The trade deficit with China is WAY up and far more jobs are being lost than being gained from the tariffs. Those are facts.

The US has the advantage in any trade war. It takes time to re-negotiate fair trade deals with countries that have gotten used to ripping the US off, especially China.
Navarro and Lightheizer are doing good work renegotiating trade deals.
At least Trump is working on bringing good jobs back to the US, raising middle class wages, and reducing the trade deficit over the long haul by having fair trade deals.

What's your solution? The same as Obama's "manufacturing jobs are not coming back"? So good luck finding a good job.

How about the high US taxes chasing corporation overseas to tax havens like Ireland?
America's Party Is Over--Thanks To High Taxes

The new tariffs saved the US steel industry
Moody's revises 12-18-month outlook for U.S. steel industry to positive vs. stable

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

True or False? The goods trade deficit with China is now the highest EVER?

True or False? Total Chinese goods exports to America are now the highest EVER?

True or False? The US trade deficit with China is now 15+% worse then the 2'nd quarter of 2017?

And this is how the trade deficit should be dealt with (at least more than Trump is).

Prove what Summers is saying is wrong with data/facts from unbiased sources (and NOT opinions)?

I guarantee you cannot.

BTW - I am no fan of Larry Summers, but he is generally right here.

Me? I am a free trader - I do not believe in tariffs. If a company cannot survive without government interference....than let it die.

Import tariffs are NOTHING but taxes. And I am for lower taxes - not higher ones.

And protectionism is for the simple and the weak.

1. True, the trade deficit with China is the highest ever, (because the bulk of the tariffs haven't been imposed yet)
2. True, but not high enough yet, see #1
3. True, because the unfair trade deals haven't been corrected yet
4. Summers is a pure globalist and is wrong in that he doesn't see the long term damage to the US economy and standard of living, I support the Navarro and Lightheizer trade policies of "fair trade" and not dumping and subsidies, and currency manipulation, and intellectual property theft, and the actual long term threat that China poses militarily.
Gen. Dunford: China to be US' 'greatest threat' by 2025 - CNNPolitics

I'm a fair trader, if the US needs tariffs to keep a reasonable manufacturing base and trade deficit, fine.

I will give you credit for actually answering the questions...most probably would not. Thank you.

But you are making assumptions with not one shred of unbiased, factual proof to back them up. Nor historical, for that matter.

Please prove (with ONLY unbiased data/facts) that the trade deficit with China will be lower soon after Trump has implemented ALL of his tariffs?

I guarantee you that you cannot. You are just going on theory...NOTHING but theory. History, Wall Street, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the equity markets ALL say Trump is wrong on this...BIG TIME.
And there is NO substantial, factual evidence that they are incorrect.

And I asked you to prove Summers is wrong about how to handle the China trade problem with facts/data from unbiased sources.

You did not because you cannot...the statistics he quoted were correct.

The fact is the trade situation with China was improving quickly using diplomacy. It had a long way to go...but progress was taking place.
Now - things are worse (as my above links prove)...thanks to Trump.

The ONLY way Trump's 'plan' will work is if China caves. If they don't, I (and most of Wall Street, probably) GUARANTEE YOU that Trump's plan will do NOTHING but raise prices, cause more lost jobs than new ones and will hurt the trade deficit (which is what they are doing now).
Last edited:
Trump is transforming the US back to the way it should be, with jobs and prosperity.

No...he is not.

US Trade Deficit Soars To Record High As Exports Tumble

US Manufacturers Warn Trump Tariffs Will Bring Higher Prices, Not More Jobs: Survey

You are buying the hype and ignoring the facts.

The trade deficit with China is WAY up and far more jobs are being lost than being gained from the tariffs. Those are facts.

The US has the advantage in any trade war. It takes time to re-negotiate fair trade deals with countries that have gotten used to ripping the US off, especially China.
Navarro and Lightheizer are doing good work renegotiating trade deals.
At least Trump is working on bringing good jobs back to the US, raising middle class wages, and reducing the trade deficit over the long haul by having fair trade deals.

What's your solution? The same as Obama's "manufacturing jobs are not coming back"? So good luck finding a good job.

How about the high US taxes chasing corporation overseas to tax havens like Ireland?
America's Party Is Over--Thanks To High Taxes

The new tariffs saved the US steel industry
Moody's revises 12-18-month outlook for U.S. steel industry to positive vs. stable

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

True or False? The goods trade deficit with China is now the highest EVER?

True or False? Total Chinese goods exports to America are now the highest EVER?

True or False? The US trade deficit with China is now 15+% worse then the 2'nd quarter of 2017?

And this is how the trade deficit should be dealt with (at least more than Trump is).

Prove what Summers is saying is wrong with data/facts from unbiased sources (and NOT opinions)?

I guarantee you cannot.

BTW - I am no fan of Larry Summers, but he is generally right here.

Me? I am a free trader - I do not believe in tariffs. If a company cannot survive without government interference....than let it die.

Import tariffs are NOTHING but taxes. And I am for lower taxes - not higher ones.

And protectionism is for the simple and the weak.

1. True, the trade deficit with China is the highest ever, (because the bulk of the tariffs haven't been imposed yet)
2. True, but not high enough yet, see #1
3. True, because the unfair trade deals haven't been corrected yet
4. Summers is a pure globalist and is wrong in that he doesn't see the long term damage to the US economy and standard of living, I support the Navarro and Lightheizer trade policies of "fair trade" and not dumping and subsidies, and currency manipulation, and intellectual property theft, and the actual long term threat that China poses militarily.
Gen. Dunford: China to be US' 'greatest threat' by 2025 - CNNPolitics

I'm a fair trader, if the US needs tariffs to keep a reasonable manufacturing base and trade deficit, fine.

I will give you credit for actually answering the questions...most probably would not. Thank you.

But you are making assumptions with not one shred of unbiased, factual proof to back them up. Nor historical, for that matter.

Please prove (with ONLY unbiased data/facts) that the trade deficit with China will be lower soon after Trump has implemented ALL of his tariffs?

I guarantee you that you cannot. You are just going on theory...NOTHING but theory. History, Wall Street, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the equity markets ALL say Trump is wrong on this...BIG TIME.
And there is NO substantial, factual evidence that they are incorrect.

And I asked you to prove Summers is wrong about how to handle the China trade problem with facts/data from unbiased sources.

You did not because you cannot...the statistics he quoted were correct.

The fact is the trade situation with China was improving quickly using diplomacy. It had a long way to go...but progress was taking place. Now - things are worse (as my above links prove)...thanks to Trump.

The ONLY way Trump's 'plan' will work is if China caves. If they don't, I (and most of Wall Street, probably) GUARANTEE YOU that Trump's plan will do NOTHING but raise prices, cause more lost jobs than new ones and will hurt the trade deficit (which is what they are doing now).

Please prove that the trade deficit with China will be lower after Trump has implemented ALL of his tariffs? History, Wall Street, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the equity markets ALL say Trump is wrong on this...BIG TIME.
You are arguing in favor of the "race to the bottom" of wages whereby jobs must flow to the lowest labor rates globally. Wall ST, and the other billionaire class want that to maximize profits. If that's all you want fine, I prefer a healthy middle-class and living wages, even if goods cost slightly more. My proof is simple, when tariffs make prices competitive the trade deficit will improve, as well as when China reduces their tariffs on US goods. Its simple math.

I asked you to prove Summers is wrong about how to handle the China trade problem with facts/data from unbiased sources.
Summers argued in favor of the race to the bottom. Eventually China's economy would dwarf the US economy based on growth rates, and the US quality of life suffers. A better argument for you is that "trade deficits don't matter". Which I also disagree with.

The ONLY way Trump's 'plan' will work is if China caves. Agreed
We will lose more small farmers with the soy bean hit. many will not get new bank loans. not happy to see more control going to the largest corporations,
No...he is not.

US Trade Deficit Soars To Record High As Exports Tumble

US Manufacturers Warn Trump Tariffs Will Bring Higher Prices, Not More Jobs: Survey

You are buying the hype and ignoring the facts.

The trade deficit with China is WAY up and far more jobs are being lost than being gained from the tariffs. Those are facts.

The US has the advantage in any trade war. It takes time to re-negotiate fair trade deals with countries that have gotten used to ripping the US off, especially China.
Navarro and Lightheizer are doing good work renegotiating trade deals.
At least Trump is working on bringing good jobs back to the US, raising middle class wages, and reducing the trade deficit over the long haul by having fair trade deals.

What's your solution? The same as Obama's "manufacturing jobs are not coming back"? So good luck finding a good job.

How about the high US taxes chasing corporation overseas to tax havens like Ireland?
America's Party Is Over--Thanks To High Taxes

The new tariffs saved the US steel industry
Moody's revises 12-18-month outlook for U.S. steel industry to positive vs. stable

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

True or False? The goods trade deficit with China is now the highest EVER?

True or False? Total Chinese goods exports to America are now the highest EVER?

True or False? The US trade deficit with China is now 15+% worse then the 2'nd quarter of 2017?

And this is how the trade deficit should be dealt with (at least more than Trump is).

Prove what Summers is saying is wrong with data/facts from unbiased sources (and NOT opinions)?

I guarantee you cannot.

BTW - I am no fan of Larry Summers, but he is generally right here.

Me? I am a free trader - I do not believe in tariffs. If a company cannot survive without government interference....than let it die.

Import tariffs are NOTHING but taxes. And I am for lower taxes - not higher ones.

And protectionism is for the simple and the weak.

1. True, the trade deficit with China is the highest ever, (because the bulk of the tariffs haven't been imposed yet)
2. True, but not high enough yet, see #1
3. True, because the unfair trade deals haven't been corrected yet
4. Summers is a pure globalist and is wrong in that he doesn't see the long term damage to the US economy and standard of living, I support the Navarro and Lightheizer trade policies of "fair trade" and not dumping and subsidies, and currency manipulation, and intellectual property theft, and the actual long term threat that China poses militarily.
Gen. Dunford: China to be US' 'greatest threat' by 2025 - CNNPolitics

I'm a fair trader, if the US needs tariffs to keep a reasonable manufacturing base and trade deficit, fine.

I will give you credit for actually answering the questions...most probably would not. Thank you.

But you are making assumptions with not one shred of unbiased, factual proof to back them up. Nor historical, for that matter.

Please prove (with ONLY unbiased data/facts) that the trade deficit with China will be lower soon after Trump has implemented ALL of his tariffs?

I guarantee you that you cannot. You are just going on theory...NOTHING but theory. History, Wall Street, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the equity markets ALL say Trump is wrong on this...BIG TIME.
And there is NO substantial, factual evidence that they are incorrect.

And I asked you to prove Summers is wrong about how to handle the China trade problem with facts/data from unbiased sources.

You did not because you cannot...the statistics he quoted were correct.

The fact is the trade situation with China was improving quickly using diplomacy. It had a long way to go...but progress was taking place. Now - things are worse (as my above links prove)...thanks to Trump.

The ONLY way Trump's 'plan' will work is if China caves. If they don't, I (and most of Wall Street, probably) GUARANTEE YOU that Trump's plan will do NOTHING but raise prices, cause more lost jobs than new ones and will hurt the trade deficit (which is what they are doing now).

Please prove that the trade deficit with China will be lower after Trump has implemented ALL of his tariffs? History, Wall Street, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the equity markets ALL say Trump is wrong on this...BIG TIME.
You are arguing in favor of the "race to the bottom" of wages whereby jobs must flow to the lowest labor rates globally. Wall ST, and the other billionaire class want that to maximize profits. If that's all you want fine, I prefer a healthy middle-class and living wages, even if goods cost slightly more. My proof is simple, when tariffs make prices competitive the trade deficit will improve, as well as when China reduces their tariffs on US goods. Its simple math.

I asked you to prove Summers is wrong about how to handle the China trade problem with facts/data from unbiased sources.
Summers argued in favor of the race to the bottom. Eventually China's economy would dwarf the US economy based on growth rates, and the US quality of life suffers. A better argument for you is that "trade deficits don't matter". Which I also disagree with.

The ONLY way Trump's 'plan' will work is if China caves. Agreed

Well then, we will just have to wait and see whether China caves or not.

I enjoyed debating with don't play games, you just make points. Refreshing.

Good day.

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