The Donald's Idiocy Starting To Catch Up With Him....

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Donald J. Duck's bizarre week just got progressively worse. Strutting around the stage blowing hot air doing his Bronx wiseguy impersonation, while surrounded by security, the con man saw his protestors turn up the volume. One even tried to get at him, leaving the Duck wondering for a few moments if he'd blown his tough guy ruse in front of the cameras. While he didn't faint or crouch behind the lectern, it may have finally dawned on him, words matter.

And it's only going to get more dangerous in person and at the polls. He pulled 7% of the vote in Wyoming and barely 13% in the Washington D.C. caucus. Rubio and Cruz both messed up his hair and it's only going to get worse come Tuesday. I believe it's time for Rubio to tell Trump it's time for him to suspend his campaign and head back to his gold-plated penthouse. He's 70 years old...too old for us to take seriously any longer.

Right, on the Poppy Harlow Show who does a segment for CNN, she just five minutes ago covered the incident where an enraged Democrat jumped the security line at a Trump rally and attempted to gain access to the stage from which Trump was speaking. The long and short of the report was that The Donald jumped the gun saying this guy was ISIS. Even though he looked eastern outwardly, dark hair and beard, the eastern complexion, Trump had no business stating or bringing in the ISIS connection. The fact that the individual has been on Facebook or whatever, in a clip favorable to ISIS is not relevant as the person himself say's someone else doctored a video of him and placed it in public view. This in CNN's view supports the negative actions of Trump and that he is too quick to judge. After all the attacker himself stated he intended no harm, only to deny Trump the right to speak. He, the attacker simply wanted to take Trump's platform and discuss peace with the crowd while showing Trump to be a charlatan. Sounds reasonable to me. How low, can CNN go, is my question? Why does a crazed nut Democrat think he should be allowed to interrupt a Trump event, forcefully, and be considered a non threat? Where do these Democrat's come from, Missouri institutes of higher learning? How can this type of thing be considered normal behavior by CNN? What is wrong with this picture? Perhaps I am simply out of touch as an Independent.
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Right, on the Poppy Harlow Show who does a segment for CNN, she just five minutes ago covered the incident where an enraged Democrat jumped the security line at a Trump rally and attempted to gain access to the stage from which Trump was speaking. The long and short of the report was that The Donald jumped the gun saying this guy was ISIS. Even though he looked eastern outwardly, dark hair and beard, the eastern complexion, Trump had no business stating or bringing in the ISIS connection. The fact that the individual has been on Facebook or whatever, in a clip favorable to ISIS is not relevant as the person himself say's someone else doctored a video of him and placed it in public view. This in CNN's view supports the negative actions of Trump and that he is too quick to judge. After all the attacker himself stated he intended no harm, only to deny Trump the right to speak. He, the attacker simply wanted to take Trump's platform and discuss peace with the crowd while showing Trump to be a charlatan. Sounds reasonable to me. How low, can CNN go, is my question? Why does a crazed nut Democrat think he should be allowed to interrupt a Trump event, forcefully, and be considered a non threat? Where do these Democrat's come from, Missouri institutes of higher learning? How can this type of thing be considered normal behavior by CNN? What is wrong with this picture? Perhaps I am simply out of touch as an Independent.

As I pointed out in another thread, Trump has no script at these rallies...he just free-associates, skips from one topic to another, disjointed rants separated by some bragging, calls his opponents names, forgets what he was talking about, and the crowd loves it. That's why he's getting the attention....he's growing increasingly bizarre because that's what it takes to keep the crowds coming.....Charlie Manson finally had to start ordering murders when his zombies grew tired of his's the same with all these messianic types....sooner or later it turns to violence and that's what we're beginning to see with him.
Well, Tom, I truly understand the thesis of your comments. Do not get the idea I am a Trump supporter as I am not. But I am neither a supporter of criminally liable Hillary or the socialist Bernie. In fact I wish all of the candidates would disappear and start the whole process over. None are truly what is needed and all of them spell more trouble than they are worth. Having said that, my original thoughts and questions still stand so lets try harder. What the hell gives some fanatical leftist the right to deny a platform to a fanatical rightest stirring the pot! And why would a major news organization try to justify the actions of a "baby hitler" over that of a piss poor agitator wanna be? And why is this ignorant stupidity going on to begin with? I am aware that these are all rhetorical questions but when is some smart son of a bitch going to provide some answers for the dick headed country we live in More importantly, what the hell is the maze of zoo animals referred to as human beings and citizens of this nation going to do about it?

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