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The Dossier- In Its Rightful Place

and so, you folks still have NOT gotten over Trump winning the 2016 POTUS election either, have you? :21:

Still hung up on the election that Trump WON, still hung up on OR that Republicans initiated against Trump, still hung up about religion, still hung up about gays, you guys have sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many hang ups. :26:

You can't just get over shit & move along, can you?


1. Eschew the vulgarity....pretend you're an adult.

2. "you folks still have NOT gotten over Trump winning the 2016 POTUS election either, "
In a constellation of stupid, absurd, and sophomoric statements....you've managed to move to the head of the pack.

3. If you were given an enema, you could be buried in a matchbox.

Besides a complete thread FAIL you also FAILED to address any of the above 'Republican issues' not that I expected any Trump supporter here to address any of their 'issues' whatsoever. :26:
Must be a tough pill for Trump supporters to swallow knowing the OR was initiated by Mark Continetti (son-in-law of Bill Kristol) of The Washington Free Beacon, and they contracted GPS for the OR. TWFB is heavily funded by REPUBLICAN billionaire Paul Singer. The WHOLE premise of the 'dossier' was completely established before the DNC, or the HRC campaign ever came into the picture.

You Trumpettes NEVER toss that reality & TRUTH out there, do you. NO, you DON'T.

I bet it just irritates you worthless Trumpians to no end to know that REPUBLICANS were actually responsible for the OR established by your own.

Maybe that's why you folk NEVER mention the real facts of the matter. :26:

Must be impossible for you folks to ever be truthful, about anything.

Republican dishonesty is a given.

Who wrote the dossier?
Who paid for the dossier?
Who used it to enable surveillance of the President and his associates?
Who, as of last week, was still inserting the dossier into Congressional hearings?

None of the above can be answered with 'Republicans.'

One more query?

Does lying come naturally to you, or did it require government school training?
and so, you folks still have NOT gotten over Trump winning the 2016 POTUS election either, have you? :21:

Still hung up on the election that Trump WON, still hung up on OR that Republicans initiated against Trump, still hung up about religion, still hung up about gays, you guys have sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many hang ups. :26:

You can't just get over shit & move along, can you?

They fear the end of their centuries long hegemony.
And that would be at the beginning. In fact, the mélange, ....nay, the chaos.....that was created by the Democrats in its name, has no end.

1.Today, the pretense continues.

“Democrats to subpoena 60 Trump associates Monday

WASHINGTON (AP) - Emboldened by their new majority, Democrats are undertaking several broad new investigations into President Donald Trump and setting the stage for a post-Robert Mueller world” Democrats to subpoena 60 Trump associates Monday

2.It all started with the ‘dossier.

"...in April 2016, Marc Elias — a top Democratic campaign lawyer — retained Fusion GPS through his firm of Perkins Coie on behalf of both Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Perkins Coie, at Elias’s behest and with the bills ultimately paid by Clinton and the DNC, continued to fund Fusion’s work through the end of October 2016, though the people involved say that neither the campaign nor the DNC was aware of the details of Fusion’s work."
Steele’s dossier circulated in the media during the fall of 2016..."
The Steele dossier on Trump and Russia, explained

3.What, exactly, was the purpose of that dossier?
Must be good....it has been reported that over $12 million was required (Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier)

Short version: when the dossier was created, the aim was to sink the Trump candidacy. There is no other possible explanation: it was a contract between the Clintons and the Kremlin. Life-long communist fellow-traveler Christopher Steele was the conduit from Russia to the DNC.
Certainly proves who the Kremlin wanted as President.
As any investigation of the dossier was left out of the Mueller conspiracy, clearly, Mueller, the FBI, and the DoJ were party to the plan. And that plan is to hurt Trump and benefit the Clintons. It was designed to sink Trump, elect Hillary Clinton, and, post-election, to delegitimize the elected President.

Passed around through both the intelligence community, so they could pretend it was worthy of FISA warrants, and through the media, even most of them afraid to print it, it was itself a lie, and lied about when it was convenient for Hillary and her supporters.

4. And use it, they did.

“…the dossier was used by government officials to justify a spy warrant against Page,…. the FISA application “extensively” cited an Sept. 23, 2016 news article that was in effect planted by Fusion GPS.
McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.”
Spy Warrant Relied On Dossier And News Stories Planted By Fusion GPS

5. And should it no longer prove useful, the inertia begun with the dossier, continues.

“Democrats load "subpoena cannon" with 85+ Trump targets” Democrats load "subpoena cannon" with 85+ Trump targets

And it all began with the dossier.

Why does everyone who writes an essay, blogs, or posts their thoughts on Social Media about The Dossier, always mentions Christopher Steele, but completely forgets about his Partner Sergei Skirpal?

Skirpal was a major contributor to The Dossier, and it was his contacts in Russia that he and Steele used to obtain the Kremlin Propaganda for The Dossier.

Skirpal was living and working in The UK for years with Christopher Steele after leaving Russia and no one bothered him until The Dossier was created.

Sergei Skirpal btw who was a double agent was swapped for this gorgeous Russian Spy. So I am surprised that he is left out of the Conversation.

Hell, I am surprised she is left out of the conversation. lol

Poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal - Wikipedia

"Why does everyone who writes an essay, blogs, or posts their thoughts on Social Media about The Dossier, always mentions Christopher Steele, but completely forgets about his Partner Sergei Skirpal?"

Both Skirpan and Steele were double agents, hence fit together like two spoons in the silverware draw.

As such, neither had particular allegience to anything except communism, and to anyone other than himself.

The important fact here is that Steele served as a courier for Putin to provided damaging material about Trump to the Clintons and the DNC.

Christopher Steele, Hillary's employee, got the 'dossier' via
Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch linked to Vladimir Putin, according to a new report.
Christopher Steele Reportedly Worked For Sanctioned Russian Oligarch

Here is the fact I would like you to focus on (forgive me for ending a sentence with a preposition).
Here's the quote that should not be overlooked:
Christopher Steele told [the DoJ] he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

Here is the question that has never been asked:
Steele is not even an American citizen…..what is behind this hatred of Trump, and his passion to end his chances of becoming President?

Answer: Putin's need to have the Clinton Crime Family.....who he has bribed before.....elected.

4.This is an analysis of the anti-Trump dossier, paid for by Hillary and the DNC, and used by the FBI and DoJ to obtain a warrant to spy on Trump and his associates.

I think they believed Hillary was going to win and the original purpose of the Steele dossier was to shut down any type of movement created by a TRUMP loss. While Hillary and the majority believed she would win, it wasn't assured it would be with a democratic majority in the House and Senate.

Let's be honest Hillary knew if she did win a Republican controlled Congress would be set on investigations, and the dossier could be used as a distraction.

The dossier comes under the rubric of what Strzok called 'an insurance policy.'
and so, you folks still have NOT gotten over Trump winning the 2016 POTUS election either, have you? :21:

Still hung up on the election that Trump WON, still hung up on OR that Republicans initiated against Trump, still hung up about religion, still hung up about gays, you guys have sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many hang ups. :26:

You can't just get over shit & move along, can you?


1. Eschew the vulgarity....pretend you're an adult.

2. "you folks still have NOT gotten over Trump winning the 2016 POTUS election either, "
In a constellation of stupid, absurd, and sophomoric statements....you've managed to move to the head of the pack.

3. If you were given an enema, you could be buried in a matchbox.

Besides a complete thread FAIL you also FAILED to address any of the above 'Republican issues' not that I expected any Trump supporter here to address any of their 'issues' whatsoever. :26:

Please don't make the effort of trying to save face.....you never had any cachet.

I showed your post to be a Democrat-serving lie.....now, get lost.
and so, you folks still have NOT gotten over Trump winning the 2016 POTUS election either, have you? :21:

Still hung up on the election that Trump WON, still hung up on OR that Republicans initiated against Trump, still hung up about religion, still hung up about gays, you guys have sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many hang ups. :26:

You can't just get over shit & move along, can you?

They fear the end of their centuries long hegemony.

Well, oh history-challenged-one.....does that timeline include Joseph Stalin influenced regime of FDR?

You know, where he demanded a communist be his vice-president, or he wouldn't run?

Have you ever read a book???

Oh...never mind....you're a Liberal, and you treat books the way vampires treat garlic.
And that would be at the beginning. In fact, the mélange, ....nay, the chaos.....that was created by the Democrats in its name, has no end.

1.Today, the pretense continues.

“Democrats to subpoena 60 Trump associates Monday

WASHINGTON (AP) - Emboldened by their new majority, Democrats are undertaking several broad new investigations into President Donald Trump and setting the stage for a post-Robert Mueller world” Democrats to subpoena 60 Trump associates Monday

2.It all started with the ‘dossier.

"...in April 2016, Marc Elias — a top Democratic campaign lawyer — retained Fusion GPS through his firm of Perkins Coie on behalf of both Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Perkins Coie, at Elias’s behest and with the bills ultimately paid by Clinton and the DNC, continued to fund Fusion’s work through the end of October 2016, though the people involved say that neither the campaign nor the DNC was aware of the details of Fusion’s work."
Steele’s dossier circulated in the media during the fall of 2016..."
The Steele dossier on Trump and Russia, explained

3.What, exactly, was the purpose of that dossier?
Must be good....it has been reported that over $12 million was required (Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier)

Short version: when the dossier was created, the aim was to sink the Trump candidacy. There is no other possible explanation: it was a contract between the Clintons and the Kremlin. Life-long communist fellow-traveler Christopher Steele was the conduit from Russia to the DNC.
Certainly proves who the Kremlin wanted as President.
As any investigation of the dossier was left out of the Mueller conspiracy, clearly, Mueller, the FBI, and the DoJ were party to the plan. And that plan is to hurt Trump and benefit the Clintons. It was designed to sink Trump, elect Hillary Clinton, and, post-election, to delegitimize the elected President.

Passed around through both the intelligence community, so they could pretend it was worthy of FISA warrants, and through the media, even most of them afraid to print it, it was itself a lie, and lied about when it was convenient for Hillary and her supporters.

4. And use it, they did.

“…the dossier was used by government officials to justify a spy warrant against Page,…. the FISA application “extensively” cited an Sept. 23, 2016 news article that was in effect planted by Fusion GPS.
McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.”
Spy Warrant Relied On Dossier And News Stories Planted By Fusion GPS

5. And should it no longer prove useful, the inertia begun with the dossier, continues.

“Democrats load "subpoena cannon" with 85+ Trump targets” Democrats load "subpoena cannon" with 85+ Trump targets

And it all began with the dossier.
I feel your pain. I was just as outraged when the Clintons were investigated for losing money in White Water and it ended up being about Clinton's pecker. I just hope we don't have to sit through two years and 33 Congressional hearings (like we did for Benghazi) only to find there was nothing there.

I wonder if the 2020 Dem campaign slogan will be "Lock him up".

Your post has proven that you have a mollusk’s grasp of the issue…

My point is that dossier was created by Russia to make Hillary President.

What is your point, dunce???
What goes around comes around?

Why would the Russians prefer Hillary to Trump? They were negotiating financial projects with Trump so it would have been in Trump's interest to play nice with Putin. Hillary had no such interests and in fact was hated by Putin:

In December 2011, Vladimir Putin came closer than he’s ever been to losing his hold on power. His decision that year to run for a third term as Russia’s President had inspired a massive protest movement against him. Demonstrations calling for him to resign were attracting hundreds of thousands of people across the country. Some of his closest allies had defected to the opposition, causing a split in the Kremlin elites, and Russian state media had begun to warn of a revolution in the making.

At a crisis meeting with his advisers on Dec. 8 of that year, the Russian leader chose to lay the blame on one meddling foreign diplomat: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“She set the tone for certain actors inside the country; she gave the signal,” Putin said of Clinton at the time, accusing her of ordering the opposition movement into action like some kind of revolutionary sleeper cell. “They heard this signal and, with the support of the U.S. State Department, started actively doing their work.”​
There is a lot of Leftist crookedness going on behind the scenes as shown here:

The Last Refuge

Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows Inform AG William Barr of Compromise Within Mueller Probe…

March 3, 2019



"While a letter from congress to the DOJ amounts to further process frustration for those who bear witness to the corruption that took place; there is a valuable dynamic at play which may help answer whether AG William Barr is factually going to address corruption, or whether he is apt to just cover it up.

Representatives Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows send a letter (full pdf below) to AG William Barr questioning the independence of two members of the Mueller team, Zainab Ahmad and Andrew Weissmann.

Both Weissmann and Ahmad were involved in contacts and discussions with DOJ official Bruce Ohr as he transferred the Clinton/Steele dossier from his wife, Nellie Ohr, and from Fusion GPS into the FBI to advance a political investigation targeting Donald Trump."

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The Dossier is a non-factor.

Long in the rearview mirror.

But keep tilting at wind mills
And that would be at the beginning. In fact, the mélange, ....nay, the chaos.....that was created by the Democrats in its name, has no end.

1.Today, the pretense continues.

“Democrats to subpoena 60 Trump associates Monday

WASHINGTON (AP) - Emboldened by their new majority, Democrats are undertaking several broad new investigations into President Donald Trump and setting the stage for a post-Robert Mueller world” Democrats to subpoena 60 Trump associates Monday

2.It all started with the ‘dossier.

"...in April 2016, Marc Elias — a top Democratic campaign lawyer — retained Fusion GPS through his firm of Perkins Coie on behalf of both Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Perkins Coie, at Elias’s behest and with the bills ultimately paid by Clinton and the DNC, continued to fund Fusion’s work through the end of October 2016, though the people involved say that neither the campaign nor the DNC was aware of the details of Fusion’s work."
Steele’s dossier circulated in the media during the fall of 2016..."
The Steele dossier on Trump and Russia, explained

3.What, exactly, was the purpose of that dossier?
Must be good....it has been reported that over $12 million was required (Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier)

Short version: when the dossier was created, the aim was to sink the Trump candidacy. There is no other possible explanation: it was a contract between the Clintons and the Kremlin. Life-long communist fellow-traveler Christopher Steele was the conduit from Russia to the DNC.
Certainly proves who the Kremlin wanted as President.
As any investigation of the dossier was left out of the Mueller conspiracy, clearly, Mueller, the FBI, and the DoJ were party to the plan. And that plan is to hurt Trump and benefit the Clintons. It was designed to sink Trump, elect Hillary Clinton, and, post-election, to delegitimize the elected President.

Passed around through both the intelligence community, so they could pretend it was worthy of FISA warrants, and through the media, even most of them afraid to print it, it was itself a lie, and lied about when it was convenient for Hillary and her supporters.

4. And use it, they did.

“…the dossier was used by government officials to justify a spy warrant against Page,…. the FISA application “extensively” cited an Sept. 23, 2016 news article that was in effect planted by Fusion GPS.
McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.”
Spy Warrant Relied On Dossier And News Stories Planted By Fusion GPS

5. And should it no longer prove useful, the inertia begun with the dossier, continues.

“Democrats load "subpoena cannon" with 85+ Trump targets” Democrats load "subpoena cannon" with 85+ Trump targets

And it all began with the dossier.

Why does everyone who writes an essay, blogs, or posts their thoughts on Social Media about The Dossier, always mentions Christopher Steele, but completely forgets about his Partner Sergei Skirpal?

Skirpal was a major contributor to The Dossier, and it was his contacts in Russia that he and Steele used to obtain the Kremlin Propaganda for The Dossier.

Skirpal was living and working in The UK for years with Christopher Steele after leaving Russia and no one bothered him until The Dossier was created.

Sergei Skirpal btw who was a double agent was swapped for this gorgeous Russian Spy. So I am surprised that he is left out of the Conversation.

Hell, I am surprised she is left out of the conversation. lol

Poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal - Wikipedia

"Why does everyone who writes an essay, blogs, or posts their thoughts on Social Media about The Dossier, always mentions Christopher Steele, but completely forgets about his Partner Sergei Skirpal?"

Both Skirpan and Steele were double agents, hence fit together like two spoons in the silverware draw.

As such, neither had particular allegience to anything except communism, and to anyone other than himself.

The important fact here is that Steele served as a courier for Putin to provided damaging material about Trump to the Clintons and the DNC.

Christopher Steele, Hillary's employee, got the 'dossier' via
Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch linked to Vladimir Putin, according to a new report.
Christopher Steele Reportedly Worked For Sanctioned Russian Oligarch

Here is the fact I would like you to focus on (forgive me for ending a sentence with a preposition).
Here's the quote that should not be overlooked:
Christopher Steele told [the DoJ] he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

Here is the question that has never been asked:
Steele is not even an American citizen…..what is behind this hatred of Trump, and his passion to end his chances of becoming President?

Answer: Putin's need to have the Clinton Crime Family.....who he has bribed before.....elected.

This is an analysis of the anti-Trump dossier, paid for by Hillary and the DNC, and used by the FBI and DoJ to obtain a warrant to spy on Trump and his associates.

Exactly. You have two UK-Russian Double Agents, who both were Desperate That Trump not Be President. That is THE OFFICIAL KREMLIN STANCE on TRUMP's Candidacy. They did not want Trump elected, because he would not give them favorable treatment like Clinton or Obama would.

Did you also know that The UK claimed two Russian Spies poisoned The Skirpals, but despite the fact that they have an extradition treaty with Russia, The UK never asked for them to be extradited? The reason being, is that, they'd have to put them on trial, and they would then testify under oath what they know, and it would not be flattering to The UK. They would also in their defense call Skipal and Steele to the stand. The UK is not going to allow that to happen.

Likewise, Mueller's phony indictments of 13 real or imaginary Russians, when we have an Extradition Agreement with Russia is completely suspect. Mueller has not even requested extradition.

Mueller also can ask Assange to be extradited to The US to question him under oath about the source of The Podesta Emails. We have an Extradition Agreement with Ecuador.

Has Mueller even attempted to contact The Government of Ecuador?


So what does that tell you?
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7. First fact: the origins of the dossier, even before it was lied about, was kept secret. That way the partisans could pretend it was real, accurate, and correct.

The plan originated prior to the election. Not until October 24, 2017 was the origin revealed:

“Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier” https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...ory.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.0ac31baaac99

Almost a year earlier, BuzzFeed published the dossier, and had the public considering it real.

8. While the public was given the impression…for neigh on a year….there were lots of folks who knew exactly who and why created the dossier…..they didn’t.

Hillary knew, members of her campaign knew, her law firm that served as a cut-out, Perkins Coie knew, the DNC, Fusion GPS, and Christopher Steele knew.

Vladimir Putin, and the Kremlin folks knew.

And the FBI and the Department of Justice knew.

9. The NYTimes jumped in to do what it does best: lie.

“The story began in September 2015, when a wealthy Republican donor who strongly opposed Mr. Trump put up the money to hire a Washington research firm run by former journalists, Fusion GPS, to compile a dossier about the real estate magnate’s past scandals and weaknesses, …” How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump


The Republican donor had nothing to do with that dossier.....as I showed earlier.
Did you also know that The UK claimed two Russian Spies poisoned The Skirpals, but despite the fact that they have an extradition treaty with Russia, The UK never asked for them to be extradited? The reason being, is that, they'd have to put them on trial, and they would then testify under oath what they know, and it would not be flattering to The UK.

Likewise, Mueller's phony indictments of 13 real or imaginary Russians, when we have an Extradition Agreement with Russia is completely suspect. Mueller has not even requested extradition.

So what does that tell you?
Your facts are in error? The Russian constitution prohibits the extradition of citizens to stand trial abroad.
7. First fact: the origins of the dossier, even before it was lied about, was kept secret. That way the partisans could pretend it was real, accurate, and correct.

The plan originated prior to the election. Not until October 24, 2017 was the origin revealed:

“Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier” https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...ory.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.0ac31baaac99

Almost a year earlier, BuzzFeed published the dossier, and had the public considering it real.

8. While the public was given the impression…for neigh on a year….there were lots of folks who knew exactly who and why created the dossier…..they didn’t.

Hillary knew, members of her campaign knew, her law firm that served as a cut-out, Perkins Coie knew, the DNC, Fusion GPS, and Christopher Steele knew.

Vladimir Putin, and the Kremlin folks knew.

And the FBI and the Department of Justice knew.

9. The NYTimes jumped in to do what it does best: lie.

“The story began in September 2015, when a wealthy Republican donor who strongly opposed Mr. Trump put up the money to hire a Washington research firm run by former journalists, Fusion GPS, to compile a dossier about the real estate magnate’s past scandals and weaknesses, …” How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump


The Republican donor had nothing to do with that dossier.....as I showed earlier.

If Putin wanted Trump to be president, there would be a massive propaganda operation against Clinton, not President Trump. There would be a Clinton Dossier that The GOP and Trump paid Russia for. Russian agents were paid through Fusion GPS, Steele and Skirpal, so this would be evident if the shoe were on the other foot, and Putin wanted Trump in office, NOT the other way around.

Then there would be Trump Loyalists in The FBI and DOJ who would take that Russian Propaganda they knew was false, and treat it like the truth, and they would file False Affidavits in FISA using that, concealing it's sourcing and funding to spy on The Clinton Campaign, not The Trump campaign, not wiretapping Trump Tower, spying on Trump's family.

There would be leaks from The White House and illegal unmasking of Clinton Associates to smear them, not President Trump and his team. There would be willing accomplices in The Main Stream Media willing to print, and broadcast all manner of negative stories on Clinton 24-7 on every channel. It would be Clinton-Russia every day, with no facts, and all innuendo.

Clinton paid for a Russian Dossier, so where was THE FISA Request to spy on her campaign?

Instead what you saw was a massive bureaucratic effort to cover up crimes committed by both Obama aand Clinton that were exposed by a whistle blower. The Obama FBI and DOJ did not even respect "Whistleblower Laws" to protect whistle blowers and went after all the people that exposed what Clinton was doing with her secret server.
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dumb ass Republicans refuse to acknowledge they eat their own :abgg2q.jpg:

keep on whining you bunch of worthless Russian Republican traitors

Singer, Billionaire Behind Russia Dossier Dustup, Joked of Owning Trump's Bonds

Conservative Website First Funded Anti-Trump Research by Firm That Later Produced Dossier

Journalist Charts The 'Bizarre Twists And Turns' Of The Trump-Russia Dossier

There are so many bizarre twists and turns in this story. ... This whole project of looking at Trump's ties to Russia starts, really, going back to 2015, but it's funded by a Republican New York financier named Paul Singer, who dislikes Trump and wants to knock him out. So he hires this firm, Fusion GPS — it's a private eye firm in Washington that also does business intelligence — and says, "Can you look into Trump's ties to Russia?" Everybody could see there was something hinky about this, but nobody knew exactly what was going on.
7. First fact: the origins of the dossier, even before it was lied about, was kept secret. That way the partisans could pretend it was real, accurate, and correct.

The plan originated prior to the election. Not until October 24, 2017 was the origin revealed:

“Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier” https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...ory.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.0ac31baaac99

Almost a year earlier, BuzzFeed published the dossier, and had the public considering it real.

8. While the public was given the impression…for neigh on a year….there were lots of folks who knew exactly who and why created the dossier…..they didn’t.

Hillary knew, members of her campaign knew, her law firm that served as a cut-out, Perkins Coie knew, the DNC, Fusion GPS, and Christopher Steele knew.

Vladimir Putin, and the Kremlin folks knew.

And the FBI and the Department of Justice knew.

9. The NYTimes jumped in to do what it does best: lie.

“The story began in September 2015, when a wealthy Republican donor who strongly opposed Mr. Trump put up the money to hire a Washington research firm run by former journalists, Fusion GPS, to compile a dossier about the real estate magnate’s past scandals and weaknesses, …” How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump


The Republican donor had nothing to do with that dossier.....as I showed earlier.

If Putin wanted Trump to be president, there would be a massive propaganda operation against Clinton, not President Trump. There would be a Clinton Dossier that The GOP and Trump paid Russia for. Russian agents were paid through Fusion GPS, Steele and Skirpal, so this would be evident if the shoe were on the other foot, and Putin wanted Trump in office, NOT the other way around.

Then there would be Trump Loyalists in The FBI and DOJ who would take that Russian Propaganda they knew was false, and treat it like the truth, and they would file False Affidavits in FISA using that, concealing it's sourcing and funding to spy on The Clinton Campaign, not The Trump campaign, not wiretapping Trump Tower, spying on Trump's family.

There would be leaks from The White House and illegal unmasking of Clinton Associates to smear them, not President Trump and his team. There would be willing accomplices in The Main Stream Media willing to print, and broadcast all manner of negative stories on Clinton 24-7 on every channel. It would be Clinton-Russia every day, with no facts, and all innuendo.

Clinton paid for a Russian Dossier, so where was THE FISA Request to spy on her campaign?

Instead what you saw was a massive bureaucratic effort to cover up crimes committed by both Obama aand Clinton that were exposed by a whistle blower. The Obama FBI and DOJ did not even respect "Whistleblower Laws" to protect whistle blowers and went after all the people that exposed what Clinton was doing with her secret server.

Rule #1

Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
I have a new vocabulary word for our Liberal pals….’syncretic’… “the attempted reconciliation or union of different or opposing principles, practices, or parts,” the definition of syncretic

An example would be ‘kill a commie for Christ.’

Now, let’s view Andrew McCabe’s various statements through the prism of our new word

10. Which brings us back to the dossier, and to Andrew McCabe, agent of Hillary Clinton.

BAIER: Democrats are criticizing a lot, as you can imagine. I’m sure you’ve heard. But they’re jumping on one particular part of the memo in particular. Number four, the memo states that then-deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, quote, testified before the committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier information? Democrats say he never said that, did he?

NUNES: Yes. I mean, it’s a summation of a long interview. And that is definitely what he said. Not to mention, we have other witnesses who said very similar things. So, the fact of the matter is, the main things that were used to go out and get this warrant was the dossier and the story that corroborated the dossier.
Nunes on Memo: This Is About FBI Using Oppo Research To Get FISA Warrant On Trump Campaign

Now, McCabe offers this:

I do think we represented it adequately,” McCabe reiterated in his C-SPAN interview.

“I think everyone was satisfied that we had represented that accurately and adequately in the package,” said McCabe, who asserted that the FISA judges were “obviously satisfied,” since they approved four surveillance warrants.

McCabe did not answer a question posed to him by The Times’ Adam Goldman about whether the Page FISAs would have been granted without the Steele dossier.

The bureau revealed in its FISA applications that Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier, was likely working on behalf of individuals who wanted to prevent Donald Trump from being elected. But the application did not disclose that the DNC and Clinton campaign were the ultimate financiers. The applications also did not reveal that Justice Department official Bruce Ohr had told FBI and Justice Department officials that Steele was “desperate” to see Trump lose the 2016 election.”
Andrew McCabe Defends FBI’s Use Of Steele Dossier, Confidential Informant In Trump-Russia Probe

Did the FBI adequately explain that the dossier was simply opposition research?
Did McCabe, who stated that without the dossier, no warrants would have been granted, explain same?

“…we represented it adequately…”

7. First fact: the origins of the dossier, even before it was lied about, was kept secret. That way the partisans could pretend it was real, accurate, and correct.

The plan originated prior to the election. Not until October 24, 2017 was the origin revealed:

“Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier” https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...ory.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.0ac31baaac99

Almost a year earlier, BuzzFeed published the dossier, and had the public considering it real.

8. While the public was given the impression…for neigh on a year….there were lots of folks who knew exactly who and why created the dossier…..they didn’t.

Hillary knew, members of her campaign knew, her law firm that served as a cut-out, Perkins Coie knew, the DNC, Fusion GPS, and Christopher Steele knew.

Vladimir Putin, and the Kremlin folks knew.

And the FBI and the Department of Justice knew.

9. The NYTimes jumped in to do what it does best: lie.

“The story began in September 2015, when a wealthy Republican donor who strongly opposed Mr. Trump put up the money to hire a Washington research firm run by former journalists, Fusion GPS, to compile a dossier about the real estate magnate’s past scandals and weaknesses, …” How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump


The Republican donor had nothing to do with that dossier.....as I showed earlier.

If Putin wanted Trump to be president, there would be a massive propaganda operation against Clinton, not President Trump. There would be a Clinton Dossier that The GOP and Trump paid Russia for. Russian agents were paid through Fusion GPS, Steele and Skirpal, so this would be evident if the shoe were on the other foot, and Putin wanted Trump in office, NOT the other way around.

Then there would be Trump Loyalists in The FBI and DOJ who would take that Russian Propaganda they knew was false, and treat it like the truth, and they would file False Affidavits in FISA using that, concealing it's sourcing and funding to spy on The Clinton Campaign, not The Trump campaign, not wiretapping Trump Tower, spying on Trump's family.

There would be leaks from The White House and illegal unmasking of Clinton Associates to smear them, not President Trump and his team. There would be willing accomplices in The Main Stream Media willing to print, and broadcast all manner of negative stories on Clinton 24-7 on every channel. It would be Clinton-Russia every day, with no facts, and all innuendo.

Clinton paid for a Russian Dossier, so where was THE FISA Request to spy on her campaign?

Instead what you saw was a massive bureaucratic effort to cover up crimes committed by both Obama aand Clinton that were exposed by a whistle blower. The Obama FBI and DOJ did not even respect "Whistleblower Laws" to protect whistle blowers and went after all the people that exposed what Clinton was doing with her secret server.

Rule #1

Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

and Republicans are sunning by Denial in Egypt :21:
and so, you folks still have NOT gotten over Trump winning the 2016 POTUS election either, have you? :21:

Still hung up on the election that Trump WON, still hung up on OR that Republicans initiated against Trump, still hung up about religion, still hung up about gays, you guys have sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many hang ups. :26:

You can't just get over shit & move along, can you?


1. Eschew the vulgarity....pretend you're an adult.

2. "you folks still have NOT gotten over Trump winning the 2016 POTUS election either, "
In a constellation of stupid, absurd, and sophomoric statements....you've managed to move to the head of the pack.

3. If you were given an enema, you could be buried in a matchbox.

Besides a complete thread FAIL you also FAILED to address any of the above 'Republican issues' not that I expected any Trump supporter here to address any of their 'issues' whatsoever. :26:

Watch this, you dunce

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.
and so, you folks still have NOT gotten over Trump winning the 2016 POTUS election either, have you? :21:

Still hung up on the election that Trump WON, still hung up on OR that Republicans initiated against Trump, still hung up about religion, still hung up about gays, you guys have sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many hang ups. :26:

You can't just get over shit & move along, can you?


You're not even making sense at this point..

and so, you folks still have NOT gotten over Trump winning the 2016 POTUS election either, have you? :21:

Still hung up on the election that Trump WON, still hung up on OR that Republicans initiated against Trump, still hung up about religion, still hung up about gays, you guys have sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many hang ups. :26:

You can't just get over shit & move along, can you?

They fear the end of their centuries long hegemony.

Dyke hegemony goes 1 generation, then eveybody dies. True story. I hope you realize you're doing your part to contribute to the decline of humanity.
7. First fact: the origins of the dossier, even before it was lied about, was kept secret. That way the partisans could pretend it was real, accurate, and correct.

The plan originated prior to the election. Not until October 24, 2017 was the origin revealed:

“Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier” https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...ory.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.0ac31baaac99

Almost a year earlier, BuzzFeed published the dossier, and had the public considering it real.

8. While the public was given the impression…for neigh on a year….there were lots of folks who knew exactly who and why created the dossier…..they didn’t.

Hillary knew, members of her campaign knew, her law firm that served as a cut-out, Perkins Coie knew, the DNC, Fusion GPS, and Christopher Steele knew.

Vladimir Putin, and the Kremlin folks knew.

And the FBI and the Department of Justice knew.

9. The NYTimes jumped in to do what it does best: lie.

“The story began in September 2015, when a wealthy Republican donor who strongly opposed Mr. Trump put up the money to hire a Washington research firm run by former journalists, Fusion GPS, to compile a dossier about the real estate magnate’s past scandals and weaknesses, …” How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump


The Republican donor had nothing to do with that dossier.....as I showed earlier.

If Putin wanted Trump to be president, there would be a massive propaganda operation against Clinton, not President Trump. There would be a Clinton Dossier that The GOP and Trump paid Russia for. Russian agents were paid through Fusion GPS, Steele and Skirpal, so this would be evident if the shoe were on the other foot, and Putin wanted Trump in office, NOT the other way around.

Then there would be Trump Loyalists in The FBI and DOJ who would take that Russian Propaganda they knew was false, and treat it like the truth, and they would file False Affidavits in FISA using that, concealing it's sourcing and funding to spy on The Clinton Campaign, not The Trump campaign, not wiretapping Trump Tower, spying on Trump's family.

There would be leaks from The White House and illegal unmasking of Clinton Associates to smear them, not President Trump and his team. There would be willing accomplices in The Main Stream Media willing to print, and broadcast all manner of negative stories on Clinton 24-7 on every channel. It would be Clinton-Russia every day, with no facts, and all innuendo.

Clinton paid for a Russian Dossier, so where was THE FISA Request to spy on her campaign?

Instead what you saw was a massive bureaucratic effort to cover up crimes committed by both Obama aand Clinton that were exposed by a whistle blower. The Obama FBI and DOJ did not even respect "Whistleblower Laws" to protect whistle blowers and went after all the people that exposed what Clinton was doing with her secret server.
An impressive amount of nonsense.

Re: If Putin wanted Trump to be president, there would be a massive propaganda operation against Clinton, not President Trump.
You mean like a large WikiLeaks dump of his email? I guess they missed the opportunity to reveal Trump was negotiating for a Trump hotel in Moscow.

Re: There would be a Clinton Dossier that The GOP and Trump paid Russia for.
The Clintons have to be the most thoroughly investigated people in history. From White Water, through Travel Gate, Vince Foster, Benghazi, and email, if there was something to put in a dossier it would have surfaced long ago.

Re: Russian agents were paid through Fusion GPS, Steele and Skirpal, so this would be evident if the shoe were on the other foot, and Putin wanted Trump in office, NOT the other way around.
Russian agents or just plain Russians? Skirpal was jailed for years by the Russian government (and later they tried to kill him), why in the world would he want to help them?

I do enjoy reading your paranoid fantasies though.

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