When does Hillary's trial start?

Hmm..maybe when the Right wakes up and grows a pair.....on second thought ....never.

Wake up to reality.

The ruling class...(exclusively THE LEFT) sets the rules.
The Right can only follow those rules and cry if it doesn't like them.....the cost of weakness.

Better learn to live with it.

The billionaire class are exclusively the right, and you wouldn’t know Jesus if he fucked you in the ass.
Republicans have been trying to get revenge on Democrats since Nixon. That's what the Starr Investigation and Clinton Impeachment was REALLY about. How has that revenge thing worked out for you so far?

Democrats have to actually be committing the crimes Republicans keep saying they're committing, for there to be evidence or witnesses.

I need to disagree with you. It wasn’t Nixon. After Nixon, it settled down to compromise and normal jockeying for position and advantage. Democrats had their share of scandal, as did the Republicans. This current atmosphere is much newer, and I’ve watched it grow election cycle after election cycle.

It was Clinton, and Newt Gingrich. That was the start of the split. And the road that has brought us here. Democrats share the blame, as do Republicans.

Newt pushed an agenda that was new, and it was well received. But he didn’t follow through on the intent of the pledges, made during the Contract with America. He knew that people were sick of Congressmen serving for life, in other districts. We see it on here. New York is awful for electing AOC. Georgia is a crap hole for electing MTG. Nancy Pelosi should be thrown out of office. The majority of people in those districts keep reelecting the hated ones though. So they keep going back time and time again.

This began a power struggle that we hadn’t seen in a while. It was worse even than the Tip O’Neil and Reagan struggles of a decade earlier.

It culminated in the Clinton Impeachment. Democrats wanted revenge for the humiliation. They resisted W. for a while, until 9-11. And while they were, they found that insults were held onto instead of ignored, as had been the norm for decades.

Every time one side or the other won any sort of victory, be it electoral, or legislative, the anger increased on the losing side, but here is what is different. It didn’t dissipate on the victorious side.

Obama won. This sent the RW into furious gnashing of teeth. They’ll tell you it was that Obama was a radical. But the Democrat is always a Radical, just as the Republican is always dumber than ever before.

Obama made some mistakes early on, like everyone, he really wasn’t prepared for the Presidency early on. But the lies from the Right didn’t help. We stopped searching for Common Ground. We stopped compromise. We refused to even consider frank discussions. We became a nation of sound bites. Then Twitter stabbed the art of debate in the heart.

Hillary was an awful candidate. I could spend an hour describing her screw ups. I said at the time, one of the reasons I wasn’t voting for her was that she was clever, but always just short of clever enough to pull off her schemes.

The Left thought they had a way to pull the wind out of Trump’s sails, with Me Too. But they ended up taking out their own who were behaving badly too. Trump and the Republicans refused to leave office like Al Franklin. This made the Left furious.

Then we get going in the Trump Era. Obama made mistakes in the early part of his administration. His idiotic hotline to report people spreading misinformation on Obamacare as one glaring example. That was stupid, unconstitutional, and led to seven more years of doom tales of secret camps and plans to seize the nation. That none of those things actually happened or ever existed, doesn’t matter. It’s that they were onto the Left now.

The radicals are more energized and enthusiastic than ever before. On both sides of the aisle. Or every side I guess would be better. And the internet has made it much worse.

When I was a boy, radical and crazy nonsense was out there. Conspiracy Theory newsletters. But they were few and far between and the nuts who believed it were not able to get together and grow. Today, nuts can and do completely insulate themselves from anything but the wild theories that fuel their insane beliefs. So much so that their ideals are becoming more mainstream in availability if not acceptance.

If someone had claimed Carter, or Reagan, or HW Bush was creating camps to house dissidents in, even Nixon, then the world would have laughed. No news paper with more than fifty readers would publish it. No news program would give that story ten seconds of airtime. It was laughable. We spent half of the Clinton administration, and every minute of the Obama Administration with top secret inside information on the plans to round up RW Patriots and toss them into the camps.

Now, I’ve always thought this was bullshit. I served in the Army. I served for nine years. They never managed to give me a pair of boots that fit. Not once. Not even by accident. I had and continue to have a hard time with the idea that the same Government that couldn’t manage to give me a pair of boots that fit could manage to do all this nonsense they’re accused of by the Nutjobs.

Republicans were humiliated by Nixon, but remember that after one term of Carter, Reagan stepped into the White House. The man won a 49 state landslide reelection. The only real legislative defeat the Republicans had between Nixon and Reagan was Vietnam. When Ford went to the Hill and said that the North Vietnamese were violating the cease fire and peace agreement. We needed to go back in to Vietnam because of that. Even the Republicans in Congress didn’t want to go back to Vietnam. So it wasn’t much of a loss, legislatively speaking.

Compared to attitudes nationally, I am a slightly right of center Moderate. Compared to the average in Georgia, I am a slightly left of center Moderate. Compared to San Francisco, I am a radical RW gun nut.

What is happening to the Republicans now, is the same thing that happened to the Democrats in 2002. They are conducting a purity purge. I’m not sure you remember when the Democrats were assaulted by the Left who decided that the reason they were losing elections, like in 2000, was because they were not Liberal enough. They actually primaried their own VP nominee of two years previously, which had him scramble to run as an independent, which he still won. Lieberman went from VP hopeful to demon of the anti-left in no time at all.

Democrats lost the election badly. The liberals were if not silenced then more muted. And in 2006, more moderate Democrats started winning elections.

Right now, the Republicans are going through the same thing. Only they call it MAGA instead of Move On or whatever. It will probably fail, as the Move On effort did. The only difference is that the Republicans are taking longer to learn the lesson than the Move On crowd did.
I need to disagree with you. It wasn’t Nixon. After Nixon, it settled down to compromise and normal jockeying for position and advantage. Democrats had their share of scandal, as did the Republicans. This current atmosphere is much newer, and I’ve watched it grow election cycle after election cycle.

It was Clinton, and Newt Gingrich. That was the start of the split. And the road that has brought us here. Democrats share the blame, as do Republicans.

Newt pushed an agenda that was new, and it was well received. But he didn’t follow through on the intent of the pledges, made during the Contract with America. He knew that people were sick of Congressmen serving for life, in other districts. We see it on here. New York is awful for electing AOC. Georgia is a crap hole for electing MTG. Nancy Pelosi should be thrown out of office. The majority of people in those districts keep reelecting the hated ones though. So they keep going back time and time again.

This began a power struggle that we hadn’t seen in a while. It was worse even than the Tip O’Neil and Reagan struggles of a decade earlier.

It culminated in the Clinton Impeachment. Democrats wanted revenge for the humiliation. They resisted W. for a while, until 9-11. And while they were, they found that insults were held onto instead of ignored, as had been the norm for decades.

Every time one side or the other won any sort of victory, be it electoral, or legislative, the anger increased on the losing side, but here is what is different. It didn’t dissipate on the victorious side.

Obama won. This sent the RW into furious gnashing of teeth. They’ll tell you it was that Obama was a radical. But the Democrat is always a Radical, just as the Republican is always dumber than ever before.

Obama made some mistakes early on, like everyone, he really wasn’t prepared for the Presidency early on. But the lies from the Right didn’t help. We stopped searching for Common Ground. We stopped compromise. We refused to even consider frank discussions. We became a nation of sound bites. Then Twitter stabbed the art of debate in the heart.

Hillary was an awful candidate. I could spend an hour describing her screw ups. I said at the time, one of the reasons I wasn’t voting for her was that she was clever, but always just short of clever enough to pull off her schemes.

The Left thought they had a way to pull the wind out of Trump’s sails, with Me Too. But they ended up taking out their own who were behaving badly too. Trump and the Republicans refused to leave office like Al Franklin. This made the Left furious.

Then we get going in the Trump Era. Obama made mistakes in the early part of his administration. His idiotic hotline to report people spreading misinformation on Obamacare as one glaring example. That was stupid, unconstitutional, and led to seven more years of doom tales of secret camps and plans to seize the nation. That none of those things actually happened or ever existed, doesn’t matter. It’s that they were onto the Left now.

The radicals are more energized and enthusiastic than ever before. On both sides of the aisle. Or every side I guess would be better. And the internet has made it much worse.

When I was a boy, radical and crazy nonsense was out there. Conspiracy Theory newsletters. But they were few and far between and the nuts who believed it were not able to get together and grow. Today, nuts can and do completely insulate themselves from anything but the wild theories that fuel their insane beliefs. So much so that their ideals are becoming more mainstream in availability if not acceptance.

If someone had claimed Carter, or Reagan, or HW Bush was creating camps to house dissidents in, even Nixon, then the world would have laughed. No news paper with more than fifty readers would publish it. No news program would give that story ten seconds of airtime. It was laughable. We spent half of the Clinton administration, and every minute of the Obama Administration with top secret inside information on the plans to round up RW Patriots and toss them into the camps.

Now, I’ve always thought this was bullshit. I served in the Army. I served for nine years. They never managed to give me a pair of boots that fit. Not once. Not even by accident. I had and continue to have a hard time with the idea that the same Government that couldn’t manage to give me a pair of boots that fit could manage to do all this nonsense they’re accused of by the Nutjobs.

Republicans were humiliated by Nixon, but remember that after one term of Carter, Reagan stepped into the White House. The man won a 49 state landslide reelection. The only real legislative defeat the Republicans had between Nixon and Reagan was Vietnam. When Ford went to the Hill and said that the North Vietnamese were violating the cease fire and peace agreement. We needed to go back in to Vietnam because of that. Even the Republicans in Congress didn’t want to go back to Vietnam. So it wasn’t much of a loss, legislatively speaking.

Compared to attitudes nationally, I am a slightly right of center Moderate. Compared to the average in Georgia, I am a slightly left of center Moderate. Compared to San Francisco, I am a radical RW gun nut.

What is happening to the Republicans now, is the same thing that happened to the Democrats in 2002. They are conducting a purity purge. I’m not sure you remember when the Democrats were assaulted by the Left who decided that the reason they were losing elections, like in 2000, was because they were not Liberal enough. They actually primaried their own VP nominee of two years previously, which had him scramble to run as an independent, which he still won. Lieberman went from VP hopeful to demon of the anti-left in no time at all.

Democrats lost the election badly. The liberals were if not silenced then more muted. And in 2006, more moderate Democrats started winning elections.

Right now, the Republicans are going through the same thing. Only they call it MAGA instead of Move On or whatever. It will probably fail, as the Move On effort did. The only difference is that the Republicans are taking longer to learn the lesson than the Move On crowd did.
Let me start out by saying his is a really superb post that everyone should read.

I'm going to take back any negative remarks I've made about you in the past.

I actually agree with most of it.

My commentary:

1) I'd go back to Iran-Contra, Clarence Thomas' confirmation hearings instead of the Clinton impeachment as the instigating incident, but... that's an opinion call.

2) I don't think it was Obama's election led to the hated of Obama...it was the way Obamacare was shoved through regardless of the will of the people.

At the time I was at Leonard Wood and had voted for Rep Ike Skelton (D) twice. Solid Blue Dog. But! Missourians voted in favor a resolution against Obamacare that year. Maybe 10% of my district favored Obamacare...and he voted for it anyway. Three quarters of There was no longer any trust on Blue Dog Democrats...an POOF, they were gone.

The PEOPLE opposed Obamacare so much... Massachusetts elected a Republican Senator to stop it.

And they pushed it through anyway.

That was the catalyst that drove Republicans to despise Obama.

3) I was also a Cold War soldier and I tell people the same thing. Secrecy in the US government is like honor among thieves... there is none. And nothing on Earth breeds incompetence like bureaucracy.

4) I think MAGA is more a response to Republicans paying lip service to their constituents, then going to Washington and doing nothing...or even the opposite of what we elected them to do.

It is a response to politicians that never give a straight answer.

It is a response to outsourcing American jobs.

It is a response to winning elections and then not making progress on our political policies.

And again we can go back to Obamacare. Democrats took a big risk to push through their agenda. They fought for it, and they got it.

And Obamacare is the law today.

The biggest problem with conservatives is that they are pretty much conservative in all things.

Don't push to much, don't risk too much, don't say too much, don't make too big a fuss, don't be too disagreeable.

And you can't fight a culture war that way. You have to win elections...but the purpose of winning elections is to fight for policies that shift the direction of the country's tragectory. Otherwise, who cares? You're just a place holder.

For 30 years the Republicans have don't little but play defense. And that's what a conservative person does. But the things about only playing defense is the only possible outcome will be losing ground.

MAGA plays offense. We put Democrats on defense. Make them expense resources defending against OUR thrusts that take their territory.

And look at the resources the Democrats have expended trying and failing to destroy Donald Trump!

Does anyone believe the media anymore?

The liberal media was a bludgeon that devastated conservatives since Kronkite.

And who slayed it? MAGA and Donald Trump.

You guys need us to be the offense.

And...to elect more fighters and less milquetoast fence sitters that are happy as pigs in slop to keep their heads down. And I mean down as in out of the line of for AND Down in the government trough.
First. Nobody owes you anything.

Second. Trump wasn’t convicted for legal expenses. He was convicted for conspiring with others in the furtherance of election interference by hiding a payoff.

Not even remotely the same thing.

Finally. When you magat brain low life’s can only constantly bring up the Clintons. You have already lost any argument that you will ever be able to make.

Do you have any thoughts on Reagan selling weapons to Iran?
Hiding Extortion by a porn star.

No victim. Only crime is corrupt DA and Judge BUTT HURT.

You have turned us third world.

You are a Cancer on this Nation
Tell me how this is different than what Trump was just convicted of...

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Weird how Hillary only got a fine.

Almost like the fix was in.
Hillary is a Democrat. Don't count , she is above the law.

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