When does Hillary's trial start?

That doesn’t mean it isn’t election interference. It just means that the FEC doesn’t have jurisdiction.

So you're saying if any politician doesn't tell the voters everything about themselves, it's election interference? REALLY Are you seriously saying every politician needs to be prosecuted for that? BTW, there could have been many reasons for that NDA other than the election. Like protecting a brand, Trump didn't know he was going to win when the NDA was executed, in fact all the polls said he wouldn't.

Tell me how this is different than what Trump was just convicted of...

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Weird how Hillary only got a fine.

Almost like the fix was in.
Yeah, weird.
That a guy who so desperately wants to be a Mob Boss got caught up in falsifying the paperwork.

Almost like he never heard of a hundred other mob bosses going down the same way.

He's making the point that there's a two tiered justice system, Dems get a slap on the wrist or nothing while Reps are burned at the stake in corrupt Dem courts. I would add Dems have proven they are lowlife scum who have no shame.
Dems filed paperwork wrong
Trump intended to commit a crime.

But I do acknowledge your expertise in being a lowlife scum supporter
After Trump wins we should set up a special inquisition and convict most of the top Dem leaders. Biden is guilty as sin and I'm sure we can find some dirt on Obama. We'll RIG it like Dems did so convictions are a sure thing.
Oh i'm pretty sure being cell block captain won't get Trump any juice in Congress.
Go for it. I have a fresh bag of popcorn waiting to be popped. She is hated almost as much as Trump.
REVENGE will be after we win. We will make Dems cry and squeal and suffer it would be glorious.
So you're saying Republicans have no intention governing, only in exacting revenge?

So what's different about the last 14 years since the ****** walked into your White House?
So you're saying if any politician doesn't tell the voters everything about themselves, it's election interference? REALLY Are you seriously saying every politician needs to be prosecuted for that? BTW, there could have been many reasons for that NDA other than the election. Like protecting a brand, Trump didn't know he was going to win when the NDA was executed, in fact all the polls said he wouldn't.


I’m saying you, I, and them need to obey the law. Trump could have arranged the NDA without violating the law. Most politicians have a PAC they have limited or no communication with. The PAC does the dirty work that they want done.

Trump wanted to handle it himself. With only a handful of trusted subordinates. Again. Not a politician and no politically astute lawyer to help.

Trump has since learned. His PAC is raising money calling it a reelection PAC while what it is really doing is paying his legal bills.

If you don’t have experience, you need to hire someone who does. Trump only hires acolytes. People who will tell him how wonderful he is and only do what he says.

You can go after the other politicians. However they are probably, hell, almost certainly protected.

Trump was too smart to fall for the expertise of those who had the experience. Too smart to consult or hire the experts. Too smart to work out a plea bargain when this all started.

Bill Clinton did. He worked out a plea bargain before he left office. He did so to head off the possible prosecution. Democrats and Republicans who realize they have been caught do so quickly.

Randal “Duke” Cunningham was one who went the plea bargain route.

Trump could have worked out a deal to plead guilty to the misdemeanor and gotten probation. He could have written it off as a mistake he made while learning the ropes of the business. He might have gotten only a fine.

But there again, the Trump perfection image wouldn’t allow it to happen that way. And he wouldn’t hire the right lawyers who could make it happen. He went with more sycophants who follow instructions.

Life is not a reality TV show. Trump hasn’t figured that out yet. I don’t know he ever will. But that is why I can’t vote for him ever again.
Yeah, weird.
That a guy who so desperately wants to be a Mob Boss got caught up in falsifying the paperwork.

Almost like he never heard of a hundred other mob bosses going down the same way.

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Name any CEO of a large company that looks at every single ledger entry. Wouldn't they need the CFO to explain that? Yet they didn't call him to testify. Was Bragg hiding something from the defense and jury?

After Trump wins we should set up a special inquisition and convict most of the top Dem leaders. Biden is guilty as sin and I'm sure we can find some dirt on Obama. We'll RIG it like Dems did so convictions are a sure thing.
Keep shedding those MAGA tears, dope.

45 got 34. :abgg2q.jpg:
Well...we're 28 posts and four liberals in...and nobody has even had a good lie to explain why President Trump was prosecuted and Ms.Clinton only got a fine of $8,000 for the same misreporting of legal expenses.

It's almost like they don't have an answer!
Why don't you ask your boy, Jailbird Trump why HE didn't prosecute Hillary thru his lackey Bill Barr? He had four years. Huh?
Name any CEO of a large company that looks at every single ledger entry. Wouldn't they need the CFO to explain that? Yet they didn't call him to testify. Was Bragg hiding something from the defense and jury?


Mob Boss wannabe.
Mob boss wannabes tell their flunkies what to do
When the Mob Boss fails to take care of "their guy"
He rolls.

It's like they've never seen a Sopranos episode.
So you're saying Republicans have no intention governing, only in exacting revenge?

So what's different about the last 14 years since the ****** walked into your White House?
Why do you lie? Is that even remotely what I said, no. Look we were always going to get revenge on Democrats, just now more than ever. Unlike Dem imbeciles we can do more than one thing simultaneously.

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