The Dossier

The FISA report by Horowitz finds that the FBI would not have had enough claimed evidence to secretly surveil former Trump aide Carter Page, and thus the Trump 2016 campaign, without using a “dossier” of opposition research funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Where does it say that in the report?

You certainly didn't quote the part that does
Can anyone do the "shoe on the other foot test"?

Imagine if Trump paid Russians for a "Dossier" on Hillary full of lies, and that document was used by the FBI to spy on her campaign. Can you imagine the outrage?

This is why Durham needs to get to the bottom of how the Obama admin used Operation Crossfire Hurricane to "break into" the Trump campaign and illegally spy is the biggest scandal in US history.

That crime makes Nixon's "plumbers" look amateur.
Can anyone do the "shoe on the other foot test"?

Imagine if Trump paid Russians for a "Dossier" on Hillary full of lies, and that document was used by the FBI to spy on her campaign. Can you imagine the outrage?

This is why Durham needs to get to the bottom of how the Obama admin used Operation Crossfire Hurricane to "break into" the Trump campaign and illegally spy is the biggest scandal in US history.

That crime makes Nixon's "plumbers" look amateur.
Yes. "A Republic if We Can Keep It!"

If we want to keep our self-rule, usurpers have to be dealt with very firmly.
Can anyone do the "shoe on the other foot test"?

Imagine if Trump paid Russians for a "Dossier" on Hillary full of lies, and that document was used by the FBI to spy on her campaign. Can you imagine the outrage?

This is why Durham needs to get to the bottom of how the Obama admin used Operation Crossfire Hurricane to "break into" the Trump campaign and illegally spy is the biggest scandal in US history.

That crime makes Nixon's "plumbers" look amateur.
That’s almost what Trump is trying to do with Biden’s campaign in Ukraine.

The difference is Obama had no part in this scandal and Trump is at the center of his.
Can anyone do the "shoe on the other foot test"?

Imagine if Trump paid Russians for a "Dossier" on Hillary full of lies, and that document was used by the FBI to spy on her campaign. Can you imagine the outrage?

This is why Durham needs to get to the bottom of how the Obama admin used Operation Crossfire Hurricane to "break into" the Trump campaign and illegally spy is the biggest scandal in US history.

That crime makes Nixon's "plumbers" look amateur.
That’s almost what Trump is trying to do with Biden’s campaign in Ukraine.

The difference is Obama had no part in this scandal and Trump is at the center of his.

You are forgetting the texts between Strzok and Page, where they said that BO wants to be kept in the loop.
Please recall that all counter-intelligence investigations includes the president.

Sen. Graham Wants to Know Who in Obama WH Knew About Trump Counterintelligence Investigation?
Can anyone do the "shoe on the other foot test"?

Imagine if Trump paid Russians for a "Dossier" on Hillary full of lies, and that document was used by the FBI to spy on her campaign. Can you imagine the outrage?

This is why Durham needs to get to the bottom of how the Obama admin used Operation Crossfire Hurricane to "break into" the Trump campaign and illegally spy is the biggest scandal in US history.

That crime makes Nixon's "plumbers" look amateur.
That’s almost what Trump is trying to do with Biden’s campaign in Ukraine.

The difference is Obama had no part in this scandal and Trump is at the center of his.

You are forgetting the texts between Strzok and Page, where they said that BO wants to be kept in the loop.
Please recall that all counter-intelligence investigations includes the president.

Sen. Graham Wants to Know Who in Obama WH Knew About Trump Counterintelligence Investigation?

Strzok never communicated with Obama, that was above his pay grade. His text was in reference to the investigation into Russian interference, not the Trump campaign. Comey informed Obama that some members of Trump’s campaign were part of the investigation but Obama asked no further questions and was never told anything further with regard to that part of the investigation. This was in the Horowitz report.

You are using a stretched interpretation of a vague text message to push a story that you want to believe while ignoring all evidence to the contrary.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Chris Wallace haha.. he has a DNC dildo under his pillow ha..

The dossier was used to open up Fisa warrant to spy on Trump..
These are facts

Chris Wallace is a real journalist not like the mostly Trump sycophants Fox has. You have a dildo up Trump's ass.

Facts are facts. The dossier was not used to any great extent as the dossier was nothing but a series of memos. You are not on Fantasy Island where your dreams become fact.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
I couldn't read it, Lesh, because I don't seem able to turn off my ad blocker. However, I really appreciate Chris Wallace, always have. He is a conservative, for sure, but he is not afraid to base his arguments on facts.
If you think Chris Wallace is a conservative I would probably log off a political forum site and Do some research then come back in a few weeks lol

Trump supporters are not conservatives. They are racists and neo-nazis.
This absolves the obozo's corrupt minions in the FBI how?

Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Chris Wallace haha.. he has a DNC dildo under his pillow ha..

The dossier was used to open up Fisa warrant to spy on Trump..
These are facts

The OP obviously wants to focus in on the dossier so as he can take everyones eye of the ball.

The question isn't---------> dossier, or no dossier; the real question is------------>in total, did they have enough PROVEN evidence to get a FISA! Now that all their reasoning for getting a FISA has been proven bogus, they want to argue that only ONE piece of the evidence was, lol, and it had no bearing.

Nice misdirect Lesh, but it won't work. Your side is screwed, I know it, they know it, and most importantly, YOU know it-)
How do you know they didn't have enough evidence for a FISA? It wasn't just once, either--it was reapproved a few times, wasn't it?
If you have a problem with the judges' decisions, aren't you just joining the ranks of grousers who want the judges fired who decided against Trump's dictatorial wishes?
Again log off look up how they get fisa warrants then come back. Youbare wasting MB’s

A Trump supporter telling others to look things up. You need to look up quite a few things.
This absolves the obozo's corrupt minions in the FBI how?

Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Chris Wallace haha.. he has a DNC dildo under his pillow ha..

The dossier was used to open up Fisa warrant to spy on Trump..
These are facts

The OP obviously wants to focus in on the dossier so as he can take everyones eye of the ball.

The question isn't---------> dossier, or no dossier; the real question is------------>in total, did they have enough PROVEN evidence to get a FISA! Now that all their reasoning for getting a FISA has been proven bogus, they want to argue that only ONE piece of the evidence was, lol, and it had no bearing.

Nice misdirect Lesh, but it won't work. Your side is screwed, I know it, they know it, and most importantly, YOU know it-)
How do you know they didn't have enough evidence for a FISA? It wasn't just once, either--it was reapproved a few times, wasn't it?
If you have a problem with the judges' decisions, aren't you just joining the ranks of grousers who want the judges fired who decided against Trump's dictatorial wishes?
Again log off look up how they get fisa warrants then come back. Youbare wasting MB’s

Wait a sec, as far as I know, we are only speculating how they got the FISA since the FISA application has not yet been released.

As long as it is NOT released, people can defend or attack their perception on the evidence used to do it. This is why it is so important for President Trump to release it! But to be honest, I think Trump is in a quandry. (that is my opinion and speculation) It appears other sovereign countries had a hand in this, doing it to curry favor with the NEW Clinton Administration, which was against the 5 eyes policy of NOT denying an American citizens rights. If you or anyone else remembers--------->when President Trump was going to release the documents last time, other countries insisted he not do it.

The obvious answer is (again speculation)---------> Part of the reason the FISA warrant was issued was not only to GET information, but also to explain how it was they had a treasure trove of information already, albeit mostly bogus. If Hillary was elected and it EVER came out, they could then claim they did it for national security, and aren't we glad they did it to save us from a Russian puppet.

Time will tell!

We know the application was quite voluminous. The dossier was a series of memos that was nowhere that long. Obviously they had more than the dossier. Since you don't know what is in it, you don't have any clue that it is bogus. It should not be released if it compromises intelligence sources. What you forget is that no one expected Trump to win. Even Putin didn't.
How do you know they didn't have enough evidence for a FISA? It wasn't just once, either--it was reapproved a few times, wasn't it?
If you have a problem with the judges' decisions, aren't you just joining the ranks of grousers who want the judges fired who decided against Trump's dictatorial wishes?

Don't want any of the judges fired, you jump to conclusions.

If we find out what was in the FISA application, it will answer ALL of OUR questions, including those you have. I am positive Trump will release them, it is just a matter of time. If he doesn't, we should ALL scream! If the Republicans try and block it, we should ALL scream again, same if it is the Democrats. We should remember--------->these documents hold the key to if it was/was not a conspiracy, and if it was a conspiracy, which side was actually the conspirators.
I guess my point is exactly that: We don't know what was in the FISA application and until we do, the entire Trumptard Nation is blowing hot air as usual. They have no more EVIDENCE that the application(s) were wrongly approved than we have to say they weren't. Except that some of us actually trust the judges and the people of the FBI and DOJ, for the most part, and some of us don't.

I find it very troubling that although the Mueller investigation "cleared" the President, that Trump now wants to turn around and prosecute those people who began the investigation. That is very scuzzy behavior, cheap third world tin pot dictator type behavior, if you ask me.
So you are say a dossier that was created in comments to yahoo stories, was credible enough to open up an investigation that spied on people inside of the Trump organization ? I think you are suffering from trump derangement syndrome
Maybe you're the one who needs to "research" a little into where Steele's information came from. He never claimed it had been vetted when he said "Holy shit, someone ought to know about this." It was up to our government to look into all this potential involvement of Trump with the Russian oligarchy/government. Which they did. And they did not find Trump had conspired with them.
Happy ending for all, don't you think? Or why don't you think?
The information from the dossier came from people commenting on Trump in Yahoo messaging groups Lol
Come on.. at least price you are sane to vote

Several pieces of information in the dossier was confirmed. The dossier correctly stated that the Russians were interfering in our elections when it was not common knowledge. It also correctly stated that a diplomat in the Russian Embassy in Washington was a spy. He was later recalled by Russia. That did not come in Yahoo messaging groups.
I guess my point is exactly that: We don't know what was in the FISA application and until we do, the entire Trumptard Nation is blowing hot air as usual. They have no more EVIDENCE that the application(s) were wrongly approved than we have to say they weren't. Except that some of us actually trust the judges and the people of the FBI and DOJ, for the most part, and some of us don't.

I find it very troubling that although the Mueller investigation "cleared" the President, that Trump now wants to turn around and prosecute those people who began the investigation. That is very scuzzy behavior, cheap third world tin pot dictator type behavior, if you ask me.
So you are say a dossier that was created in comments to yahoo stories, was credible enough to open up an investigation that spied on people inside of the Trump organization ? I think you are suffering from trump derangement syndrome
Maybe you're the one who needs to "research" a little into where Steele's information came from. He never claimed it had been vetted when he said "Holy shit, someone ought to know about this." It was up to our government to look into all this potential involvement of Trump with the Russian oligarchy/government. Which they did. And they did not find Trump had conspired with them.
Happy ending for all, don't you think? Or why don't you think?
The information from the dossier came from people commenting on Trump in Yahoo messaging groups Lol
Come on.. at least price you are sane to vote
I don't believe that's true.
FBI Used Yahoo Reporter To Promote Fabricated Dossier, Bolster Warrant Request - Central Florida Post

Another crazy Trump supporter. Clearly this is fake news. The FBI cut ties with Steele over his leaks to the press including Isikoff. This is from Fox News aka Trump News.

FISA memo: Steele fired as an FBI source for breaking 'cardinal rule' --leaking to the media
Are you saying the entire mueller probe was started because of papadop?

The FBI investigation that it grew out of was yes.

You know...the one Trump tried to quash by firing Comey
Everybody said fire comey .. it was rods Written recommendation

Rosenstein gave cover for Trump to fire Comey. It was BS. Trump admitted on national tv that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.
Can anyone do the "shoe on the other foot test"?

Imagine if Trump paid Russians for a "Dossier" on Hillary full of lies, and that document was used by the FBI to spy on her campaign. Can you imagine the outrage?

This is why Durham needs to get to the bottom of how the Obama admin used Operation Crossfire Hurricane to "break into" the Trump campaign and illegally spy is the biggest scandal in US history.

That crime makes Nixon's "plumbers" look amateur.
That’s almost what Trump is trying to do with Biden’s campaign in Ukraine.

The difference is Obama had no part in this scandal and Trump is at the center of his.
That's only possible if you are also claiming that Obama's CIA/FBI/DNI/DOJ/IC went completely rogue.

They never had sufficient probable cause for a criminal investigation, so they circumvented the 4th amendment by opening a COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE investigation. A counter-intelligence investigation is FOR the President, in order to keep him informed of foreign threats.

Are you claiming that the Obama Administration did all this WITHOUT the President's knowledge, and that this is a superior set of affairs than the President directing the activities of the Executive Branch as outlined in Article II?
Second, I take a different view of Rosenstein's letter.

He had just gotten that Asst. AG job and was requested to write a letter condemning Comey. Comey certainly did have much to criticize and he did so...for good cause. His letter how ever did NOT recommend firing Comey. Read it. It did not.

Two letters were written. One by Rosey and one by Sessions. The Sessions letter recommended firing Comey. Rosey's did not but since Sessions was recused, Trump needed cover and he got it from Rosey's letter. It was a bit of slight of hand that everyone seems to have bought.

The way the Director handled the conclusion of the email investigation was wrong. As a result, the FBI is unlikely to regain public and congressional trust until it has a Director who understands the gravity of the mistakes and pledges never to repeat them. Having refused to admit his errors, the Director cannot be expected to implement the necessary corrective actions.​

Yeah, you can say "Fired" using up a whole paragraph. It still reads "Fired", and there isn't even a hint of ambiguity about it.

BS. The FBI has the trust of the American people. They are not looney tune Trump supporters.
This absolves the obozo's corrupt minions in the FBI how?

Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Chris Wallace haha.. he has a DNC dildo under his pillow ha..

The dossier was used to open up Fisa warrant to spy on Trump..
These are facts

The OP obviously wants to focus in on the dossier so as he can take everyones eye of the ball.

The question isn't---------> dossier, or no dossier; the real question is------------>in total, did they have enough PROVEN evidence to get a FISA! Now that all their reasoning for getting a FISA has been proven bogus, they want to argue that only ONE piece of the evidence was, lol, and it had no bearing.

Nice misdirect Lesh, but it won't work. Your side is screwed, I know it, they know it, and most importantly, YOU know it-)
How do you know they didn't have enough evidence for a FISA? It wasn't just once, either--it was reapproved a few times, wasn't it?
If you have a problem with the judges' decisions, aren't you just joining the ranks of grousers who want the judges fired who decided against Trump's dictatorial wishes?
Again log off look up how they get fisa warrants then come back. Youbare wasting MB’s

A Trump supporter telling others to look things up. You need to look up quite a few things.
Ok tiny tim
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Odd you link an article behind a paywall.

It's kinda like you know your accusation is false.

It's true that the investigation started before the Dossier was used. Spying on the Trump Campaign was a high priority for some time.

But the Dossier was absolutely necessary for the FISA warrant, as testified by Horowitz and later admitted to by Comey.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Actually, that's not quite right.


Thanks to the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report, we now know for certain what has been, for those paying attention, fairly obvious.

The Steele dossier played a central role in the genesis of the Russia hoax and was used to justify extensive spying on former naval officer and Annapolis graduate Carter Page.

The top two leaders of the FBI were closely involved in this fiasco. Other powerful people knew what was happening and lied to cover it up. That all was confirmed by the IG report. The report was a disaster for the credibility of top leaders in Barack Obama’s FBI, and it’s also a big problem for the American Fake news media.

For example, in early 2018, Washington Post intelligence and national security correspondent Shane Harris lectured Kim Strassel of The Wall Street Journal about how little she knows about the story.

“Yes,” he wrote, “I am telling you the dossier was not used as the basis for a FISA warrant on Carter Page.”
That’s false. And yet, Harris hasn’t apologized or even acknowledged his incompetence.

Or take NBC News’s so-called intelligence correspondent Ken Dilanian. In the summer of 2018, he smugly tweeted,

“Trump is wrong about Carter Page, the dossier and the FISA warrant.”
But it looks like Trump was right, and he was wrong.

CNN Newsroom anchor and chief national security correspondent Jim Sciutto did admit the Steele dossier might have been used for the warrant. But don’t be impressed. He lectured readers that

“the FBI would corroborate information in the dossier on its own before using such intel to justify the FISA warrant.”​

Of course, that didn’t happen. In fact, the corrupt FBI hid information showing the dossier was false. Did Sciutto issue a correction? Of course not. But it does seem a little unfair to focus on Jim Sciutto. He was merely following the lead of almost everyone else at CNN, all of whom were frantically trying to convince us that the dossier was irrelevant…

The dossier was not false as it got several things right. Comey confirmed that parts of the dossier had been verified and the more salacious stuff had not been. Steele's dossier correctly pointed out the Russian interference in our elections and that was not something known outside of our intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Also the Steele dossier correctly pointed out a Russian spy working as a diplomat in the Russian embassy. He was recalled. Clearly they either were able to confirm or they already had knowledge of it.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Turns out Chris Wallace was full of shit....Just like you.

You and the other Trump supporters are full of shit.
I'm supporting of the truth, which you wouldn't know if it walked up and punched you in the face.

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