The Dossier

Are you saying the entire mueller probe was started because of papadop?

The FBI investigation that it grew out of was yes.

You know...the one Trump tried to quash by firing Comey
Everybody said fire comey .. it was rods Written recommendation

BULLSHIT. Trump had already decided to fire Comey, and asked the Justice Department to come up with a plausible excuse, and like a good little minion, Rosenstein did as asked. Then Trump threw Rosenstein under the bus by saying he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

Nice support though from another Russian troll with 2600 posts since January.
Are you saying the entire mueller probe was started because of papadop?

The FBI investigation that it grew out of was yes.

You know...the one Trump tried to quash by firing Comey
Everybody said fire comey .. it was rods Written recommendation

BULLSHIT. Trump had already decided to fire Comey, and asked the Justice Department to come up with a plausible excuse, and like a good little minion, Rosenstein did as asked. Then Trump threw Rosenstein under the bus by saying he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

Nice support though from another Russian troll with 2600 posts since January.
Any evidence???
2600 to many post?
Everybody said fire comey .. it was rods Written recommendation

BULLSHIT. Trump had already decided to fire Comey, and asked the Justice Department to come up with a plausible excuse, and like a good little minion, Rosenstein did as asked. Then Trump threw Rosenstein under the bus by saying he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

FIrst of all "everybody" did NOT say fire Comey

Second, I take a different view of Rosenstein's letter.

He had just gotten that Asst. AG job and was requested to write a letter condemning Comey. Comey certainly did have much to criticize and he did so...for good cause. His letter how ever did NOT recommend firing Comey. Read it. It did not.

Two letters were written. One by Rosey and one by Sessions. The Sessions letter recommended firing Comey. Rosey's did not but since Sessions was recused, Trump needed cover and he got it from Rosey's letter. It was a bit of slight of hand that everyone seems to have bought.
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Everybody said fire comey .. it was rods Written recommendation

BULLSHIT. Trump had already decided to fire Comey, and asked the Justice Department to come up with a plausible excuse, and like a good little minion, Rosenstein did as asked. Then Trump threw Rosenstein under the bus by saying he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

FIrst of all "everybody" did NOT say fire Comey

Second, I take a different view of Rosenstein's letter.

He had just gotten that Asst. AG job and was requested to write a letter condemning Comey. Comey certainly did have much to criticize and he did so...for good cause. His letter how ever did NOT recommend firing Comey. Read it. It did not.

Two letters were written. One by Rosey and one by Sessions. The Sessions letter recommended firing Comey. Rosey's did not but since Sessions was recused, Trump needed cover and he got it from Rosey's letter. It was a bit of slight of hand that everyone seems to have bought.
Lol what!? lol
Second, I take a different view of Rosenstein's letter.

He had just gotten that Asst. AG job and was requested to write a letter condemning Comey. Comey certainly did have much to criticize and he did so...for good cause. His letter how ever did NOT recommend firing Comey. Read it. It did not.

Two letters were written. One by Rosey and one by Sessions. The Sessions letter recommended firing Comey. Rosey's did not but since Sessions was recused, Trump needed cover and he got it from Rosey's letter. It was a bit of slight of hand that everyone seems to have bought.

The way the Director handled the conclusion of the email investigation was wrong. As a result, the FBI is unlikely to regain public and congressional trust until it has a Director who understands the gravity of the mistakes and pledges never to repeat them. Having refused to admit his errors, the Director cannot be expected to implement the necessary corrective actions.​

Yeah, you can say "Fired" using up a whole paragraph. It still reads "Fired", and there isn't even a hint of ambiguity about it.
Lol what!? lol

Do I need to type slower for you? I mean I get it that you're from Southie and all but..

First of all "everybody" did NOT say fire Comey

Second, I take a different view of Rosenstein's letter.

He had just gotten that Asst. AG job and was requested to write a letter condemning Comey. Comey certainly did have much to criticize and he (Rosenstein) did so...for good cause. His letter how ever did NOT recommend firing Comey. Read it. It did not.

Two letters were written. One by Rosey and one by Sessions. The Sessions letter recommended firing Comey. Rosey's did not but since Sessions was recused, Trump needed cover and he got it from Rosey's letter. It was a bit of slight of hand that everyone seems to have bought.
Trumpers keep talking about the Dossier and the FISA warrant but have yet to explain how an intel investigation on a creep who was not working for the Trump campaign affected that campaign
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Actually, that's not quite right.


Thanks to the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report, we now know for certain what has been, for those paying attention, fairly obvious.

The Steele dossier played a central role in the genesis of the Russia hoax and was used to justify extensive spying on former naval officer and Annapolis graduate Carter Page.

The top two leaders of the FBI were closely involved in this fiasco. Other powerful people knew what was happening and lied to cover it up. That all was confirmed by the IG report. The report was a disaster for the credibility of top leaders in Barack Obama’s FBI, and it’s also a big problem for the American Fake news media.

For example, in early 2018, Washington Post intelligence and national security correspondent Shane Harris lectured Kim Strassel of The Wall Street Journal about how little she knows about the story.

“Yes,” he wrote, “I am telling you the dossier was not used as the basis for a FISA warrant on Carter Page.”
That’s false. And yet, Harris hasn’t apologized or even acknowledged his incompetence.

Or take NBC News’s so-called intelligence correspondent Ken Dilanian. In the summer of 2018, he smugly tweeted,

“Trump is wrong about Carter Page, the dossier and the FISA warrant.”
But it looks like Trump was right, and he was wrong.

CNN Newsroom anchor and chief national security correspondent Jim Sciutto did admit the Steele dossier might have been used for the warrant. But don’t be impressed. He lectured readers that

“the FBI would corroborate information in the dossier on its own before using such intel to justify the FISA warrant.”​

Of course, that didn’t happen. In fact, the corrupt FBI hid information showing the dossier was false. Did Sciutto issue a correction? Of course not. But it does seem a little unfair to focus on Jim Sciutto. He was merely following the lead of almost everyone else at CNN, all of whom were frantically trying to convince us that the dossier was irrelevant…
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Actually, that's not quite right.


Thanks to the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report, we now know for certain what has been, for those paying attention, fairly obvious.

The Steele dossier played a central role in the genesis of the Russia hoax and was used to justify extensive spying on former naval officer and Annapolis graduate Carter Page.

The top two leaders of the FBI were closely involved in this fiasco. Other powerful people knew what was happening and lied to cover it up. That all was confirmed by the IG report. The report was a disaster for the credibility of top leaders in Barack Obama’s FBI, and it’s also a big problem for the American Fake news media.

For example, in early 2018, Washington Post intelligence and national security correspondent Shane Harris lectured Kim Strassel of The Wall Street Journal about how little she knows about the story.

“Yes,” he wrote, “I am telling you the dossier was not used as the basis for a FISA warrant on Carter Page.”
That’s false. And yet, Harris hasn’t apologized or even acknowledged his incompetence.

Or take NBC News’s so-called intelligence correspondent Ken Dilanian. In the summer of 2018, he smugly tweeted,

“Trump is wrong about Carter Page, the dossier and the FISA warrant.”
But it looks like Trump was right, and he was wrong.

CNN Newsroom anchor and chief national security correspondent Jim Sciutto did admit the Steele dossier might have been used for the warrant. But don’t be impressed. He lectured readers that

“the FBI would corroborate information in the dossier on its own before using such intel to justify the FISA warrant.”​

Of course, that didn’t happen. In fact, the corrupt FBI hid information showing the dossier was false. Did Sciutto issue a correction? Of course not. But it does seem a little unfair to focus on Jim Sciutto. He was merely following the lead of almost everyone else at CNN, all of whom were frantically trying to convince us that the dossier was irrelevant…
Their flawed case fell apart before Trump was even inaugurated.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Actually, that's not quite right.


Thanks to the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report, we now know for certain what has been, for those paying attention, fairly obvious.

The Steele dossier played a central role in the genesis of the Russia hoax and was used to justify extensive spying on former naval officer and Annapolis graduate Carter Page.

The top two leaders of the FBI were closely involved in this fiasco. Other powerful people knew what was happening and lied to cover it up. That all was confirmed by the IG report. The report was a disaster for the credibility of top leaders in Barack Obama’s FBI, and it’s also a big problem for the American Fake news media.

For example, in early 2018, Washington Post intelligence and national security correspondent Shane Harris lectured Kim Strassel of The Wall Street Journal about how little she knows about the story.

“Yes,” he wrote, “I am telling you the dossier was not used as the basis for a FISA warrant on Carter Page.”
That’s false. And yet, Harris hasn’t apologized or even acknowledged his incompetence.

Or take NBC News’s so-called intelligence correspondent Ken Dilanian. In the summer of 2018, he smugly tweeted,

“Trump is wrong about Carter Page, the dossier and the FISA warrant.”
But it looks like Trump was right, and he was wrong.

CNN Newsroom anchor and chief national security correspondent Jim Sciutto did admit the Steele dossier might have been used for the warrant. But don’t be impressed. He lectured readers that

“the FBI would corroborate information in the dossier on its own before using such intel to justify the FISA warrant.”​

Of course, that didn’t happen. In fact, the corrupt FBI hid information showing the dossier was false. Did Sciutto issue a correction? Of course not. But it does seem a little unfair to focus on Jim Sciutto. He was merely following the lead of almost everyone else at CNN, all of whom were frantically trying to convince us that the dossier was irrelevant…
Their flawed case fell apart before Trump was even inaugurated.
And the corrupt FBI, DOJ and complicit media breathed life into this zombie case for nearly four years, clearly impacting the 2018 elections.

Has CNN retracted the comments or apologized? Apologies require introspection and integrity. At CNN, they're doubling down. CNN's Don Lemon explained that, by definition, everything CNN reported was true.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.

Are you calling McCabe and the DOJ IG liars? McCabe testified that without the dossier there would have been no warrant, in fact the first one they applied for, without the dossier, was refused. The DOJ IG concluded the same. So take you propaganda and shove it.

This absolves the obozo's corrupt minions in the FBI how?

Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Chris Wallace haha.. he has a DNC dildo under his pillow ha..

The dossier was used to open up Fisa warrant to spy on Trump..
These are facts

The OP obviously wants to focus in on the dossier so as he can take everyones eye of the ball.

The question isn't---------> dossier, or no dossier; the real question is------------>in total, did they have enough PROVEN evidence to get a FISA! Now that all their reasoning for getting a FISA has been proven bogus, they want to argue that only ONE piece of the evidence was, lol, and it had no bearing.

Nice misdirect Lesh, but it won't work. Your side is screwed, I know it, they know it, and most importantly, YOU know it-)
How do you know they didn't have enough evidence for a FISA? It wasn't just once, either--it was reapproved a few times, wasn't it?
If you have a problem with the judges' decisions, aren't you just joining the ranks of grousers who want the judges fired who decided against Trump's dictatorial wishes?

Read the damn IG report, the FISA warrants were based on lies, forged emails and circular reporting. You have to remember the judges only have what one side places in front of them. This scandal could likely cause the FISA courts to not be reauthorized, and if they are more safeguards from abuse will be built in. The court has already demanded an action plan from the FBI to prevent further abuses, of course that's happened twice before and evidently didn't fix it.

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Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.

Are you calling McCabe and the DOJ IG liars? McCabe testified that without the dossier there would have been no warrant, in fact the first one they applied for, without the dossier, was refused. The DOJ IG concluded the same. So take you propaganda and shove it.

You are correct. Their collusion hoax to justify spying on the Trump campaign failed when the FISA Court denied the warrant. Then the resubmitted using lies out of the Hillary Purchased Dossier, and then the spy warrant was approved, with 3 - 90 day renewals, all based on the same pack of lies provided the Court by the corrupt DOJ and FBI.
Democrats are in denial. Durham and Barr will be sending some Democrats and Deep Staters to prison. Obama should be one of them for his illegal spying on Trump.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Actually, that's not quite right.


Thanks to the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report, we now know for certain what has been, for those paying attention, fairly obvious.

The Steele dossier played a central role in the genesis of the Russia hoax and was used to justify extensive spying on former naval officer and Annapolis graduate Carter Page.

The top two leaders of the FBI were closely involved in this fiasco. Other powerful people knew what was happening and lied to cover it up. That all was confirmed by the IG report. The report was a disaster for the credibility of top leaders in Barack Obama’s FBI, and it’s also a big problem for the American Fake news media.

For example, in early 2018, Washington Post intelligence and national security correspondent Shane Harris lectured Kim Strassel of The Wall Street Journal about how little she knows about the story.

“Yes,” he wrote, “I am telling you the dossier was not used as the basis for a FISA warrant on Carter Page.”
That’s false. And yet, Harris hasn’t apologized or even acknowledged his incompetence.

Or take NBC News’s so-called intelligence correspondent Ken Dilanian. In the summer of 2018, he smugly tweeted,

“Trump is wrong about Carter Page, the dossier and the FISA warrant.”
But it looks like Trump was right, and he was wrong.

CNN Newsroom anchor and chief national security correspondent Jim Sciutto did admit the Steele dossier might have been used for the warrant. But don’t be impressed. He lectured readers that

“the FBI would corroborate information in the dossier on its own before using such intel to justify the FISA warrant.”​

Of course, that didn’t happen. In fact, the corrupt FBI hid information showing the dossier was false. Did Sciutto issue a correction? Of course not. But it does seem a little unfair to focus on Jim Sciutto. He was merely following the lead of almost everyone else at CNN, all of whom were frantically trying to convince us that the dossier was irrelevant…

Bad poster!

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