The Dossier

Don't want any of the judges fired, you jump to conclusions.

If we find out what was in the FISA application, it will answer ALL of OUR questions, including those you have. I am positive Trump will release them, it is just a matter of time. If he doesn't, we should ALL scream! If the Republicans try and block it, we should ALL scream again, same if it is the Democrats. We should remember--------->these documents hold the key to if it was/was not a conspiracy, and if it was a conspiracy, which side was actually the conspirators.
I guess my point is exactly that: We don't know what was in the FISA application and until we do, the entire Trumptard Nation is blowing hot air as usual. They have no more EVIDENCE that the application(s) were wrongly approved than we have to say they weren't. Except that some of us actually trust the judges and the people of the FBI and DOJ, for the most part, and some of us don't.

I find it very troubling that although the Mueller investigation "cleared" the President, that Trump now wants to turn around and prosecute those people who began the investigation. That is very scuzzy behavior, cheap third world tin pot dictator type behavior, if you ask me.
So you are say a dossier that was created in comments to yahoo stories, was credible enough to open up an investigation that spied on people inside of the Trump organization ? I think you are suffering from trump derangement syndrome
Maybe you're the one who needs to "research" a little into where Steele's information came from. He never claimed it had been vetted when he said "Holy shit, someone ought to know about this." It was up to our government to look into all this potential involvement of Trump with the Russian oligarchy/government. Which they did. And they did not find Trump had conspired with them.
Happy ending for all, don't you think? Or why don't you think?
The information from the dossier came from people commenting on Trump in Yahoo messaging groups Lol
Come on.. at least price you are sane to vote
I don't believe that's true.
FBI Used Yahoo Reporter To Promote Fabricated Dossier, Bolster Warrant Request - Central Florida Post
This absolves the obozo's corrupt minions in the FBI how?

Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Chris Wallace haha.. he has a DNC dildo under his pillow ha..

The dossier was used to open up Fisa warrant to spy on Trump..
These are facts

The OP obviously wants to focus in on the dossier so as he can take everyones eye of the ball.

The question isn't---------> dossier, or no dossier; the real question is------------>in total, did they have enough PROVEN evidence to get a FISA! Now that all their reasoning for getting a FISA has been proven bogus, they want to argue that only ONE piece of the evidence was, lol, and it had no bearing.

Nice misdirect Lesh, but it won't work. Your side is screwed, I know it, they know it, and most importantly, YOU know it-)
How do you know they didn't have enough evidence for a FISA? It wasn't just once, either--it was reapproved a few times, wasn't it?
If you have a problem with the judges' decisions, aren't you just joining the ranks of grousers who want the judges fired who decided against Trump's dictatorial wishes?

Don't want any of the judges fired, you jump to conclusions.

If we find out what was in the FISA application, it will answer ALL of OUR questions, including those you have. I am positive Trump will release them, it is just a matter of time. If he doesn't, we should ALL scream! If the Republicans try and block it, we should ALL scream again, same if it is the Democrats. We should remember--------->these documents hold the key to if it was/was not a conspiracy, and if it was a conspiracy, which side was actually the conspirators.
I guess my point is exactly that: We don't know what was in the FISA application and until we do, the entire Trumptard Nation is blowing hot air as usual. They have no more EVIDENCE that the application(s) were wrongly approved than we have to say they weren't. Except that some of us actually trust the judges and the people of the FBI and DOJ, for the most part, and some of us don't.

I find it very troubling that although the Mueller investigation "cleared" the President, that Trump now wants to turn around and prosecute those people who began the investigation. That is very scuzzy behavior, cheap third world tin pot dictator type behavior, if you ask me.

I agree with you, with a caveat----------------> To do it, Trump must prove to the public that it actually was a witch hunt, that they had no business starting, and that it was started for other reasons beside the reason stated. If he does this, it is Katie bar the door, it really is.

If he proves that ANY aspect of the start of this investigation was illegal, by any entity; then it is over, it really, really, is.

Everyone has to understand one simple reality------------> until he was elected President, and in fact was sworn in; he had zero control of anything going on in Washington DC. That means that IF; and that is a big IF, he proves any sort of illegal behavior, it has absolutely nothing to do with him. It falls squarely on the last administration, and those people who still hold office in Washington.

Now I know you think Trump is dumb. I disagree with you, I think he is absolutely highly intelligent. He knows he has to prove it, or he might as well hang it up. And he better not try to manufacture facts, or he will surely get busted as everyone and their brother in the media are doing a proctology exam on him, each and every day. He knows what he does/does not have. Let us see what he does with it.
How do you know they didn't have enough evidence for a FISA? It wasn't just once, either--it was reapproved a few times, wasn't it?
If you have a problem with the judges' decisions, aren't you just joining the ranks of grousers who want the judges fired who decided against Trump's dictatorial wishes?

Don't want any of the judges fired, you jump to conclusions.

If we find out what was in the FISA application, it will answer ALL of OUR questions, including those you have. I am positive Trump will release them, it is just a matter of time. If he doesn't, we should ALL scream! If the Republicans try and block it, we should ALL scream again, same if it is the Democrats. We should remember--------->these documents hold the key to if it was/was not a conspiracy, and if it was a conspiracy, which side was actually the conspirators.
I guess my point is exactly that: We don't know what was in the FISA application and until we do, the entire Trumptard Nation is blowing hot air as usual. They have no more EVIDENCE that the application(s) were wrongly approved than we have to say they weren't. Except that some of us actually trust the judges and the people of the FBI and DOJ, for the most part, and some of us don't.

I find it very troubling that although the Mueller investigation "cleared" the President, that Trump now wants to turn around and prosecute those people who began the investigation. That is very scuzzy behavior, cheap third world tin pot dictator type behavior, if you ask me.
So you are say a dossier that was created in comments to yahoo stories, was credible enough to open up an investigation that spied on people inside of the Trump organization ? I think you are suffering from trump derangement syndrome
Maybe you're the one who needs to "research" a little into where Steele's information came from. He never claimed it had been vetted when he said "Holy shit, someone ought to know about this." It was up to our government to look into all this potential involvement of Trump with the Russian oligarchy/government. Which they did. And they did not find Trump had conspired with them.
Happy ending for all, don't you think? Or why don't you think?
The information from the dossier came from people commenting on Trump in Yahoo messaging groups Lol
Come on.. at least price you are sane to vote
This article says that some of the information corroborating the dossier came from the same source. I found it confusing. But it definitely doesn't say that the original information in the dossier came from Yahoo.
Christopher Steele, Russia dossier writer, same source for Yahoo News, FBI
Don't want any of the judges fired, you jump to conclusions.

If we find out what was in the FISA application, it will answer ALL of OUR questions, including those you have. I am positive Trump will release them, it is just a matter of time. If he doesn't, we should ALL scream! If the Republicans try and block it, we should ALL scream again, same if it is the Democrats. We should remember--------->these documents hold the key to if it was/was not a conspiracy, and if it was a conspiracy, which side was actually the conspirators.
I guess my point is exactly that: We don't know what was in the FISA application and until we do, the entire Trumptard Nation is blowing hot air as usual. They have no more EVIDENCE that the application(s) were wrongly approved than we have to say they weren't. Except that some of us actually trust the judges and the people of the FBI and DOJ, for the most part, and some of us don't.

I find it very troubling that although the Mueller investigation "cleared" the President, that Trump now wants to turn around and prosecute those people who began the investigation. That is very scuzzy behavior, cheap third world tin pot dictator type behavior, if you ask me.
So you are say a dossier that was created in comments to yahoo stories, was credible enough to open up an investigation that spied on people inside of the Trump organization ? I think you are suffering from trump derangement syndrome
Maybe you're the one who needs to "research" a little into where Steele's information came from. He never claimed it had been vetted when he said "Holy shit, someone ought to know about this." It was up to our government to look into all this potential involvement of Trump with the Russian oligarchy/government. Which they did. And they did not find Trump had conspired with them.
Happy ending for all, don't you think? Or why don't you think?
The information from the dossier came from people commenting on Trump in Yahoo messaging groups Lol
Come on.. at least price you are sane to vote
This article says that some of the information corroborating the dossier came from the same source. I found it confusing. But it definitely doesn't say that the original information in the dossier came from Yahoo.
Christopher Steele, Russia dossier writer, same source for Yahoo News, FBI
It came from yahoo lol go away tds#
Lost of questions as to how those FISA warrants were procured.

Would be nice to know the facts.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Chris Wallace haha.. he has a DNC dildo under his pillow ha..

The dossier was used to open up Fisa warrant to spy on Trump..
These are facts
I hate to burst your QAnon bubble buddy but the FISA warrant was for Carter Page. He wasn’t even working for the Trump campaign at that time. He had been fired when his Russian connections became known
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Chris Wallace haha.. he has a DNC dildo under his pillow ha..

The dossier was used to open up Fisa warrant to spy on Trump..
These are facts
I hate to burst your QAnon bubble buddy but the FISA warrant was for Carter Page. He wasn’t even working for the Trump campaign at that time. He had been fired when his Russian connections became known
They were trying to use him.. hey why is he a free man if he is a Russian spy?? Lol
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Chris Wallace haha.. he has a DNC dildo under his pillow ha..

The dossier was used to open up Fisa warrant to spy on Trump..
These are facts
I hate to burst your QAnon bubble buddy but the FISA warrant was for Carter Page. He wasn’t even working for the Trump campaign at that time. He had been fired when his Russian connections became known
They were trying to use him.. hey why is he a free man if he is a Russian spy?? Lol
Use him for WHAT exactly? He wasn’t a member of the Trump campaign.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Chris Wallace haha.. he has a DNC dildo under his pillow ha..

The dossier was used to open up Fisa warrant to spy on Trump..
These are facts
I hate to burst your QAnon bubble buddy but the FISA warrant was for Carter Page. He wasn’t even working for the Trump campaign at that time. He had been fired when his Russian connections became known
They were trying to use him.. hey why is he a free man if he is a Russian spy?? Lol
Use him for WHAT exactly? He wasn’t a member of the Trump campaign.
Ask Obama.. well he will be asked very soon haha
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
I couldn't read it, Lesh, because I don't seem able to turn off my ad blocker. However, I really appreciate Chris Wallace, always have. He is a conservative, for sure, but he is not afraid to base his arguments on facts.
Idk about conservative but he is a registered dem.
I like him. He is honest. And you know that means something coming from my cynical ass lol
Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sets Record Straight: Russia Investigation Did Not Start With Trump Dossier

The Dossier was NOT the basis of either the Carter Page FISA warrant OR the "oranges" of the Mueller investigation (regardless of what Rush Limpdick is claiming)

So we can drop that nonsense...mmmmkay.
Mmmmkay, what was it based off of then? A low level campaigner meeting once with a possibly connected Russian professor in Britain? Oh yea thats totally great basis to start a whole federal special investigation.

For fucks sake, all you have to do is take your OPs premise to its next logical, and extremely obvious step. You’d ask yourself “according to Wallace, if not the dossier (which he never excludes as the base of the investigation), then what started it?” And then your conclusion will lead you to dead end. Whoops.

Maybe, instead of quoting snippets from a single clip of an entire dialogue, you should try paying attention to the entire context of the conversation. Because if he wasn’t getting investigated based on the dossier, what was he being investigated on? Rumors?

If you don’t have the dossier to link trump to Russia, then this entire investigation is no longer suspect, it’s egregious. Why you wanna throw away your best defense?
Mmmmkay, what was it based off of then? A low level campaigner meeting once with a possibly connected Russian professor in Britain? Oh yea thats totally great basis to start a whole federal special investigation.

He was bragging about a Russian contact providing e-mails from the DNC. It so alarmed the Australian businessman that he contacted Australian intel who contacted the FBI who began an investigation long before the Dossier had been born.

As far as your lame attempt to minimize that...our intel folks take that kind of thing seriously and your QAnon nonsense simply doesn't fly.

Not that anything will stop you from believing and spewing utter nonsense...but it needs to be said
I guess my point is exactly that: We don't know what was in the FISA application and until we do, the entire Trumptard Nation is blowing hot air as usual. They have no more EVIDENCE that the application(s) were wrongly approved than we have to say they weren't. Except that some of us actually trust the judges and the people of the FBI and DOJ, for the most part, and some of us don't.

I find it very troubling that although the Mueller investigation "cleared" the President, that Trump now wants to turn around and prosecute those people who began the investigation. That is very scuzzy behavior, cheap third world tin pot dictator type behavior, if you ask me.
So you are say a dossier that was created in comments to yahoo stories, was credible enough to open up an investigation that spied on people inside of the Trump organization ? I think you are suffering from trump derangement syndrome
Maybe you're the one who needs to "research" a little into where Steele's information came from. He never claimed it had been vetted when he said "Holy shit, someone ought to know about this." It was up to our government to look into all this potential involvement of Trump with the Russian oligarchy/government. Which they did. And they did not find Trump had conspired with them.
Happy ending for all, don't you think? Or why don't you think?
The information from the dossier came from people commenting on Trump in Yahoo messaging groups Lol
Come on.. at least price you are sane to vote
I don't believe that's true.
FBI Used Yahoo Reporter To Promote Fabricated Dossier, Bolster Warrant Request - Central Florida Post
I guess my point is exactly that: We don't know what was in the FISA application and until we do, the entire Trumptard Nation is blowing hot air as usual. They have no more EVIDENCE that the application(s) were wrongly approved than we have to say they weren't. Except that some of us actually trust the judges and the people of the FBI and DOJ, for the most part, and some of us don't.

I find it very troubling that although the Mueller investigation "cleared" the President, that Trump now wants to turn around and prosecute those people who began the investigation. That is very scuzzy behavior, cheap third world tin pot dictator type behavior, if you ask me.
So you are say a dossier that was created in comments to yahoo stories, was credible enough to open up an investigation that spied on people inside of the Trump organization ? I think you are suffering from trump derangement syndrome
Maybe you're the one who needs to "research" a little into where Steele's information came from. He never claimed it had been vetted when he said "Holy shit, someone ought to know about this." It was up to our government to look into all this potential involvement of Trump with the Russian oligarchy/government. Which they did. And they did not find Trump had conspired with them.
Happy ending for all, don't you think? Or why don't you think?
The information from the dossier came from people commenting on Trump in Yahoo messaging groups Lol
Come on.. at least price you are sane to vote
I don't believe that's true.
FBI Used Yahoo Reporter To Promote Fabricated Dossier, Bolster Warrant Request - Central Florida Post
Central Florida Post? Really?

Central Florida Post
Mmmmkay, what was it based off of then? A low level campaigner meeting once with a possibly connected Russian professor in Britain? Oh yea thats totally great basis to start a whole federal special investigation.

He was bragging about a Russian contact providing e-mails from the DNC. It so alarmed the Australian businessman that he contacted Australian intel who contacted the FBI who began an investigation long before the Dossier had been born.

As far as your lame attempt to minimize that...our intel folks take that kind of thing seriously and your QAnon nonsense simply doesn't fly.

Not that anything will stop you from believing and spewing utter nonsense...but it needs to be said
Are you saying the entire mueller probe was started because of papadop?
So you are say a dossier that was created in comments to yahoo stories, was credible enough to open up an investigation that spied on people inside of the Trump organization ? I think you are suffering from trump derangement syndrome
Maybe you're the one who needs to "research" a little into where Steele's information came from. He never claimed it had been vetted when he said "Holy shit, someone ought to know about this." It was up to our government to look into all this potential involvement of Trump with the Russian oligarchy/government. Which they did. And they did not find Trump had conspired with them.
Happy ending for all, don't you think? Or why don't you think?
The information from the dossier came from people commenting on Trump in Yahoo messaging groups Lol
Come on.. at least price you are sane to vote
I don't believe that's true.
FBI Used Yahoo Reporter To Promote Fabricated Dossier, Bolster Warrant Request - Central Florida Post
So you are say a dossier that was created in comments to yahoo stories, was credible enough to open up an investigation that spied on people inside of the Trump organization ? I think you are suffering from trump derangement syndrome
Maybe you're the one who needs to "research" a little into where Steele's information came from. He never claimed it had been vetted when he said "Holy shit, someone ought to know about this." It was up to our government to look into all this potential involvement of Trump with the Russian oligarchy/government. Which they did. And they did not find Trump had conspired with them.
Happy ending for all, don't you think? Or why don't you think?
The information from the dossier came from people commenting on Trump in Yahoo messaging groups Lol
Come on.. at least price you are sane to vote
I don't believe that's true.
FBI Used Yahoo Reporter To Promote Fabricated Dossier, Bolster Warrant Request - Central Florida Post
Central Florida Post? Really?

Central Florida Post
Is something wrong?
Are you saying the entire mueller probe was started because of papadop?

The FBI investigation that it grew out of was yes.

You know...the one Trump tried to quash by firing Comey
This absolves the obozo's corrupt minions in the FBI how?

If Comey was Obama's minion, why was Carter Page not placed under FISA Surveillance until AFTER he left the Trump Campaign?

If Comey was Obama's minion, why did he announce a further investigation into Hillary's emails, days before the election?

If the FBI was full of "Obama's corrupt minions", why didn't the FBI leak news that Trump was under investigation as a Russian agent?

These lies about the FBI being corrupt, are just the attempt of a weak and completed corrupted President to deflect attention away from the crimes he's been committing for decades.

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