The downside of carrying a firearm...

The findings indicated a significant negative association between lethal violence (homicide and suicide) and prescription of antidepressants in the Netherlands, indicating that in a period in which the exposure of the Dutch population to antidepressants increased, rates of lethal violence decreased.

Antidepressants and lethal violence in the Netherlands 1994?2008
As you cannot show the % of people who comiitted an act of violence against others while on these meds, your post is meaningless.

You can't show which ones did it because of the drugs or which ones did it because of the illness they'r taking the drugs for or both.

If you're a mental case and taking mental case drugs.....NO GUN.

Its coming.

And more and more law abiding gun owners who aren't sick in the head and need drugs to function in society support it.
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But they look so mean and evil.......and they get gun grabbing fascists votes in idiocracies like Kali-phornica.

Shit we just ought to let these idiots have their circle jerk.

It's a waste of time talking to fucking morons.

Read somewhere that on average there are five to twenty lurkers for every poster on a message board thread.

So do it for the lurkers to the point that you are not chasing your own tail, if you need a reason.

right now according to this site there are

127 members and 826 guests
Shit we just ought to let these idiots have their circle jerk.

It's a waste of time talking to fucking morons.

Read somewhere that on average there are five to twenty lurkers for every poster on a message board thread.

So do it for the lurkers to the point that you are not chasing your own tail, if you need a reason.

right now according to this site there are

127 members and 826 guests

That's pretty much what I was talking about......

Shit we just ought to let these idiots have their circle jerk.

It's a waste of time talking to fucking morons.

Read somewhere that on average there are five to twenty lurkers for every poster on a message board thread.

So do it for the lurkers to the point that you are not chasing your own tail, if you need a reason.

right now according to this site there are

127 members and 826 guests
Must be freaking you out that you can't shoot them. :lol:
The findings indicated a significant negative association between lethal violence (homicide and suicide) and prescription of antidepressants in the Netherlands, indicating that in a period in which the exposure of the Dutch population to antidepressants increased, rates of lethal violence decreased.

Antidepressants and lethal violence in the Netherlands 1994?2008
As you cannot show the % of people who comiitted an act of violence against others while on these meds, your post is meaningless.
You can't show which ones did it because of the drugs or which ones did it because of the illness they'r taking the drugs for or both.
Irrelevant to your position, and so, meaningless to the discussion.

You CAN show the % of people who comiitted an act of violence against others while on these meds; without such a figure, your position is meaningless.

Well, I mean it -can- be shown - you just refuse to do so because it destroys your argument.

You reek of fail.
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As you cannot show the % of people who comiitted an act of violence against others while on these meds, your post is meaningless.
You can't show which ones did it because of the drugs or which ones did it because of the illness they'r taking the drugs for or both.
Irrelevant to your position, and so, meaningless to the discussion.

You CAN show the % of people who comiitted an act of violence against others while on these meds, your post is meaningless.

Well, I mean it -can- be shown - you just refuse to do so because it destroys your argument.

You reek of fail.

Not irrelevant.

No way to tell if it was the drugs, underlying condition or both. Lanza kills 20 children....... was it his condition or the drugs for his condition that have a warning on them about homicidal thoughts or both ?

1000's of acts with these drugs in their system. 1000's

All of which are sufficient grounds for: no guns for crazies.

I can't see for the life of me why you would jeopardize the rights of the sane for the perceived affront on the rights of the mentally ill.
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You can't show which ones did it because of the drugs or which ones did it because of the illness they'r taking the drugs for or both.
Irrelevant to your position, and so, meaningless to the discussion.

You CAN show the % of people who comiitted an act of violence against others while on these meds, your post is meaningless.

Well, I mean it -can- be shown - you just refuse to do so because it destroys your argument.

You reek of fail.

Not irrelevant.

No way to tell if it was the drugs, underlying condition or both. Lanza kills 20 children....... was it his condition or the drugs for his condition that have a warning on them about homicidal thoughts or both ?

1000's of acts with these drugs in their system. 1000's

All of which are sufficient grounds for: no guns for crazies.

I can't see for the life of me why you would jeopardize the rights of the sane for the perceived affront on the rights of the mentally ill.

Perhaps you could explain the mechanics of what you advocate.

For example, let’s assume an individual is diagnosed with one of the mental illnesses you’ve noted and is prescribed the medication you maintain will result in another Sandy Hook.

What happens next?

Does the doctor prescribing the medication get on the phone to the local authorities so they can search the individual’s home for guns, confiscating any firearms found?

How can the authorities justify the search and confiscation without violating the 4th and 5th Amendments?

How will the authorities notify gun dealers in the area to not sell guns to this individual if he’s not in the NICS database because he’s not been convicted of a crime?
Irrelevant to your position, and so, meaningless to the discussion.

You CAN show the % of people who comiitted an act of violence against others while on these meds, your post is meaningless.

Well, I mean it -can- be shown - you just refuse to do so because it destroys your argument.

You reek of fail.

Not irrelevant.

No way to tell if it was the drugs, underlying condition or both. Lanza kills 20 children....... was it his condition or the drugs for his condition that have a warning on them about homicidal thoughts or both ?

1000's of acts with these drugs in their system. 1000's

All of which are sufficient grounds for: no guns for crazies.

I can't see for the life of me why you would jeopardize the rights of the sane for the perceived affront on the rights of the mentally ill.

Perhaps you could explain the mechanics of what you advocate.

For example, let’s assume an individual is diagnosed with one of the mental illnesses you’ve noted and is prescribed the medication you maintain will result in another Sandy Hook.

What happens next?

Does the doctor prescribing the medication get on the phone to the local authorities so they can search the individual’s home for guns, confiscating any firearms found?

How can the authorities justify the search and confiscation without violating the 4th and 5th Amendments?

How will the authorities notify gun dealers in the area to not sell guns to this individual if he’s not in the NICS database because he’s not been convicted of a crime?

You may be missing the point here. They don't give a damn about the Constitution, individual rights are whatever they say individual rights are. And rest assured that each one of them are excluding themselves from the same principle, where they may find themselves in a similar position.

Let's change the topic from the dangers of "GUNS!" and the dangers of the public advocacy of a dangerous, destructive set of ideas. We'll call the destructive set of ideas "Socialism".

Assume for the sake of argument that some group comes to power and decides that the principle which holds that 'rights are whatever we say they are', provides them with the justification to forbid socialists from publicly advocating socialism.

Consider for just a moment what those here, advocating to usurp the rights of others, 'for all the right reasons', would have to say about that.
In my opinion crazy people are not nearly as dangerous as people who would deny Constitutional rights without due process-which is also a Constitutional right.
Irrelevant to your position, and so, meaningless to the discussion.

You CAN show the % of people who comiitted an act of violence against others while on these meds, your post is meaningless.

Well, I mean it -can- be shown - you just refuse to do so because it destroys your argument.

You reek of fail.

Not irrelevant.

No way to tell if it was the drugs, underlying condition or both. Lanza kills 20 children....... was it his condition or the drugs for his condition that have a warning on them about homicidal thoughts or both ?

1000's of acts with these drugs in their system. 1000's

All of which are sufficient grounds for: no guns for crazies.

I can't see for the life of me why you would jeopardize the rights of the sane for the perceived affront on the rights of the mentally ill.

Perhaps you could explain the mechanics of what you advocate.

For example, let’s assume an individual is diagnosed with one of the mental illnesses you’ve noted and is prescribed the medication you maintain will result in another Sandy Hook.

What happens next?

Does the doctor prescribing the medication get on the phone to the local authorities so they can search the individual’s home for guns, confiscating any firearms found?

How can the authorities justify the search and confiscation without violating the 4th and 5th Amendments?

How will the authorities notify gun dealers in the area to not sell guns to this individual if he’s not in the NICS database because he’s not been convicted of a crime?

It won't work. He wants to prevent people with shingles or diabetes that take Lyrica for the pain from having a gun because he believes that immunizations cause autism.
You can't show which ones did it because of the drugs or which ones did it because of the illness they'r taking the drugs for or both.
Irrelevant to your position, and so, meaningless to the discussion.

You CAN show the % of people who comiitted an act of violence against others while on these meds, your post is meaningless.

Well, I mean it -can- be shown - you just refuse to do so because it destroys your argument.

You reek of fail.

Not irrelevant.

No way to tell if it was the drugs, underlying condition or both. Lanza kills 20 children....... was it his condition or the drugs for his condition that have a warning on them about homicidal thoughts or both ?

1000's of acts with these drugs in their system. 1000's

All of which are sufficient grounds for: no guns for crazies.

I can't see for the life of me why you would jeopardize the rights of the sane for the perceived affront on the rights of the mentally ill.

There are millions of people on medication for depression and none of them except a very few have committed mass murders, and for that you want to make them all defenseless.

As I have said, you are a fascist.
Irrelevant to your position, and so, meaningless to the discussion.

You CAN show the % of people who comiitted an act of violence against others while on these meds, your post is meaningless.

Well, I mean it -can- be shown - you just refuse to do so because it destroys your argument.

You reek of fail.

Not irrelevant.

No way to tell if it was the drugs, underlying condition or both. Lanza kills 20 children....... was it his condition or the drugs for his condition that have a warning on them about homicidal thoughts or both ?

1000's of acts with these drugs in their system. 1000's

All of which are sufficient grounds for: no guns for crazies.

I can't see for the life of me why you would jeopardize the rights of the sane for the perceived affront on the rights of the mentally ill.

There are millions of people on medication for depression and none of them except a very few have committed mass murders, and for that you want to make them all defenseless.

As I have said, you are a fascist.

And a lot of those people on antidepressants take them for reason other than depression.
Antidepressants for More than Depression
What about people who think they need a semiautomatic rifle?

After all what you call an assault rifle is really just a semiautomatic rifle with some cosmetic doodads on it.

BTW murders committed with rifles of any kind still amount to less than those committed with hands and feet or blunt objects and knives alone are used in almost 5 times more murders than rifles of any kind.

Deflecting and saying that more people catch a cold than get shot is totally irrelevant.
Nobody needs a semi-automatic weapon, only crazy people think they do.
Thank you for continuing to help prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Thanks for proving my point.

Btw, what do sane people need a semi for? Shoot the whole herd of deer all at once? :lmao:
Deflecting and saying that more people catch a cold than get shot is totally irrelevant.
Nobody needs a semi-automatic weapon, only crazy people think they do.
Thank you for continuing to help prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Thanks for proving my point.

Btw, what do sane people need a semi for? Shoot the whole herd of deer all at once? :lmao:

Have you ever even been hunting?

By your idiotic statements I'd have to say no.
Deflecting and saying that more people catch a cold than get shot is totally irrelevant.
Nobody needs a semi-automatic weapon, only crazy people think they do.
Thank you for continuing to help prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Thanks for proving my point.

Btw, what do sane people need a semi for? Shoot the whole herd of deer all at once? :lmao:


Deflecting and saying that more people catch a cold than get shot is totally irrelevant.
Nobody needs a semi-automatic weapon, only crazy people think they do.
Thank you for continuing to help prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Thanks for proving my point.

Btw, what do sane people need a semi for? Shoot the whole herd of deer all at once? :lmao:

Why do people like want to impose your beliefs on others? This desire to use government, which is force, to force people to live by your rules, is disgusting and anti-American.

We once had a free country. Then the nation became infected with liberalism...and all liberty is lost.

Amazingly those on the left fail to see the danger in all of this. How can they be so blind?

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