The Dr. Fauci - President Trump Lack of Agreement

Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!

Perhaps you should be more specific what the hell you're talking about.

Sorry. One of the items that brought about disagreement is the likelihood of the new treatments will work or not. Trump said it will and Fauci said we have to wait and see. Trump, with folded arms said, "We disagree." The Dr. IS THE EXPERT>

For anyone that's paying attention, there's a lot of evidence that the
Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are very effective in some people. I saw an interview with a guy in LA that swears it saved his life. He was saying his goodbyes to his friends and family last Saturday. A friend told him about the possible treatment, he talked to his doctors and was given the meds and by 4:45 the next morning he was breathing better and will probably be released form the hospital tomorrow. A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized and they have had an undetectable viral load in and average of 6 days.

In short Trump's optimism is warranted, Fauci on the other hand what's to see the efficacy proven by blind studies, which could take a year or more. Neither of the two are necessarily wrong, they just look at the situation through a different lens. Fauci has said there's no harm in trying it while studies are being conducted.

"A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized..."

in reality, 3 of 26 stopped treatment because they were transferred into ICU. a further patient died. but who cares, it sounds good.


a link, he demands. after proclaiming gossip as fact without links. you should have supported your undigested claims instead of repeating something you heard somewhere. who do you think you are? your so called president? lol

people who rely on a study should know the study. it is available on the INTERNET.

they should also be able to understand the limits of the study.

Where did I say it was 100% effective? I said reality shows it's has been effective in many. I guess you'd prefer they did nothing and just watch people die. Carry on commie.

This Fauci act
Nothing could be so obvious as the Trumpleton's need to try to discredit Fauci for having the audacity to correct the lies of the Groper-in-Chief.
I think you are one of those folks that believes that anyone who says something nasty about Trump is automatically an expert.
Fauci turned out to be another Hillary plant....thus the sneaky little prick was given his pinkslip.

Pink slip? Not what Trump just said.

Trump likes giving everyone the rope they hang themselves with.
Fauci is fucking up......he's already been tagged for removal. It's just a matter of time.

Not what he said on the town hall on Fox just a little bit ago.

Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!

Perhaps you should be more specific what the hell you're talking about.

Sorry. One of the items that brought about disagreement is the likelihood of the new treatments will work or not. Trump said it will and Fauci said we have to wait and see. Trump, with folded arms said, "We disagree." The Dr. IS THE EXPERT>

For anyone that's paying attention, there's a lot of evidence that the
Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are very effective in some people. I saw an interview with a guy in LA that swears it saved his life. He was saying his goodbyes to his friends and family last Saturday. A friend told him about the possible treatment, he talked to his doctors and was given the meds and by 4:45 the next morning he was breathing better and will probably be released form the hospital tomorrow. A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized and they have had an undetectable viral load in and average of 6 days.

In short Trump's optimism is warranted, Fauci on the other hand what's to see the efficacy proven by blind studies, which could take a year or more. Neither of the two are necessarily wrong, they just look at the situation through a different lens. Fauci has said there's no harm in trying it while studies are being conducted.

"A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized..."

in reality, 3 of 26 stopped treatment because they were transferred into ICU. a further patient died. but who cares, it sounds good.


a link, he demands. after proclaiming gossip as fact without links. you should have supported your undigested claims instead of repeating something you heard somewhere. who do you think you are? your so called president? lol

people who rely on a study should know the study. it is available on the INTERNET.

they should also be able to understand the limits of the study.

Where did I say it was 100% effective? I said reality shows it's has been effective in many. I guess you'd prefer they did nothing and just watch people die. Carry on commie.

you gossipped like a lil bitch that no one was even hospitalized. without knowing anything about the actual facts.

you should be embarrassed instead of calling me a commie.
Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!

Perhaps you should be more specific what the hell you're talking about.

Sorry. One of the items that brought about disagreement is the likelihood of the new treatments will work or not. Trump said it will and Fauci said we have to wait and see. Trump, with folded arms said, "We disagree." The Dr. IS THE EXPERT>

For anyone that's paying attention, there's a lot of evidence that the
Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are very effective in some people. I saw an interview with a guy in LA that swears it saved his life. He was saying his goodbyes to his friends and family last Saturday. A friend told him about the possible treatment, he talked to his doctors and was given the meds and by 4:45 the next morning he was breathing better and will probably be released form the hospital tomorrow. A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized and they have had an undetectable viral load in and average of 6 days.

In short Trump's optimism is warranted, Fauci on the other hand what's to see the efficacy proven by blind studies, which could take a year or more. Neither of the two are necessarily wrong, they just look at the situation through a different lens. Fauci has said there's no harm in trying it while studies are being conducted.

"A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized..."

in reality, 3 of 26 stopped treatment because they were transferred into ICU. a further patient died. but who cares, it sounds good.


a link, he demands. after proclaiming gossip as fact without links. you should have supported your undigested claims instead of repeating something you heard somewhere. who do you think you are? your so called president? lol

people who rely on a study should know the study. it is available on the INTERNET.

they should also be able to understand the limits of the study.

Where did I say it was 100% effective? I said reality shows it's has been effective in many. I guess you'd prefer they did nothing and just watch people die. Carry on commie.


It’s way to early to declare this drug effective or ineffective.
I think Fauci has been put on notice that his services would be useful somewhere else. Too bad. I have read most of the comments and I find it hard to believe that all of you want Fauci fired because he was a Hillary supporter at one time.

I would like to think that Fauci can keep his politics separate from his career.

In my mind, Trump was at it again. He is saying the quarantine will be lifted at a certain date. My problem is WILL BE should be HOPE TO HAVE the quarantine lifted because it is so hard for the government to recoup its losses.
Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!

Perhaps you should be more specific what the hell you're talking about.

Sorry. One of the items that brought about disagreement is the likelihood of the new treatments will work or not. Trump said it will and Fauci said we have to wait and see. Trump, with folded arms said, "We disagree." The Dr. IS THE EXPERT>

For anyone that's paying attention, there's a lot of evidence that the
Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are very effective in some people. I saw an interview with a guy in LA that swears it saved his life. He was saying his goodbyes to his friends and family last Saturday. A friend told him about the possible treatment, he talked to his doctors and was given the meds and by 4:45 the next morning he was breathing better and will probably be released form the hospital tomorrow. A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized and they have had an undetectable viral load in and average of 6 days.

In short Trump's optimism is warranted, Fauci on the other hand what's to see the efficacy proven by blind studies, which could take a year or more. Neither of the two are necessarily wrong, they just look at the situation through a different lens. Fauci has said there's no harm in trying it while studies are being conducted.

"A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized..."

in reality, 3 of 26 stopped treatment because they were transferred into ICU. a further patient died. but who cares, it sounds good.


a link, he demands. after proclaiming gossip as fact without links. you should have supported your undigested claims instead of repeating something you heard somewhere. who do you think you are? your so called president? lol

people who rely on a study should know the study. it is available on the INTERNET.

they should also be able to understand the limits of the study.

Where did I say it was 100% effective? I said reality shows it's has been effective in many. I guess you'd prefer they did nothing and just watch people die. Carry on commie.


It’s way to early to declare this drug effective or ineffective.
It's late enough to give it a try, douchebag.
The fact that Dr. Fauci is missing from all of the updates speaks volumes. It also puts the rest of the team on notice. Don't disagree or say anything different from what Trump says or you, too can be eliminated.

Don't get me wrong, I hope to have the country up and running as soon as possible but not end up like Italy in the meantime.
Realizing getting our country back into gear is the goal but we have to do it without fear of making the pandemic worse in the US.

On another note, the stories of companies coming to the aid of the country by making masks, hand sanitizers and ventilaters makes me think of the greatness of this country and its people. I think everyone should be flying our flags as the did after 9/11, thanking citizens for stepping up in a time of crisis.
Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!

Perhaps you should be more specific what the hell you're talking about.

Sorry. One of the items that brought about disagreement is the likelihood of the new treatments will work or not. Trump said it will and Fauci said we have to wait and see. Trump, with folded arms said, "We disagree." The Dr. IS THE EXPERT>

For anyone that's paying attention, there's a lot of evidence that the
Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are very effective in some people. I saw an interview with a guy in LA that swears it saved his life. He was saying his goodbyes to his friends and family last Saturday. A friend told him about the possible treatment, he talked to his doctors and was given the meds and by 4:45 the next morning he was breathing better and will probably be released form the hospital tomorrow. A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized and they have had an undetectable viral load in and average of 6 days.

In short Trump's optimism is warranted, Fauci on the other hand what's to see the efficacy proven by blind studies, which could take a year or more. Neither of the two are necessarily wrong, they just look at the situation through a different lens. Fauci has said there's no harm in trying it while studies are being conducted.

"A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized..."

in reality, 3 of 26 stopped treatment because they were transferred into ICU. a further patient died. but who cares, it sounds good.


a link, he demands. after proclaiming gossip as fact without links. you should have supported your undigested claims instead of repeating something you heard somewhere. who do you think you are? your so called president? lol

people who rely on a study should know the study. it is available on the INTERNET.

they should also be able to understand the limits of the study.

Where did I say it was 100% effective? I said reality shows it's has been effective in many. I guess you'd prefer they did nothing and just watch people die. Carry on commie.

you gossipped like a lil bitch that no one was even hospitalized. without knowing anything about the actual facts.

you should be embarrassed instead of calling me a commie.

Fuck you commie, I simply told what I saw on a fucking TV interview, of course you've never done that. LMAO

Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!

Perhaps you should be more specific what the hell you're talking about.

Sorry. One of the items that brought about disagreement is the likelihood of the new treatments will work or not. Trump said it will and Fauci said we have to wait and see. Trump, with folded arms said, "We disagree." The Dr. IS THE EXPERT>

For anyone that's paying attention, there's a lot of evidence that the
Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are very effective in some people. I saw an interview with a guy in LA that swears it saved his life. He was saying his goodbyes to his friends and family last Saturday. A friend told him about the possible treatment, he talked to his doctors and was given the meds and by 4:45 the next morning he was breathing better and will probably be released form the hospital tomorrow. A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized and they have had an undetectable viral load in and average of 6 days.

In short Trump's optimism is warranted, Fauci on the other hand what's to see the efficacy proven by blind studies, which could take a year or more. Neither of the two are necessarily wrong, they just look at the situation through a different lens. Fauci has said there's no harm in trying it while studies are being conducted.

"A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized..."

in reality, 3 of 26 stopped treatment because they were transferred into ICU. a further patient died. but who cares, it sounds good.


a link, he demands. after proclaiming gossip as fact without links. you should have supported your undigested claims instead of repeating something you heard somewhere. who do you think you are? your so called president? lol

people who rely on a study should know the study. it is available on the INTERNET.

they should also be able to understand the limits of the study.

Where did I say it was 100% effective? I said reality shows it's has been effective in many. I guess you'd prefer they did nothing and just watch people die. Carry on commie.


It’s way to early to declare this drug effective or ineffective.

Not really, it's been found effective in at least 5 countries. NY is starting wide spread usage this week. Also the FDA has approved them for off label use for COVID-19. But hey, feel free to keep spewing the commie line.

Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!

Perhaps you should be more specific what the hell you're talking about.

Sorry. One of the items that brought about disagreement is the likelihood of the new treatments will work or not. Trump said it will and Fauci said we have to wait and see. Trump, with folded arms said, "We disagree." The Dr. IS THE EXPERT>

For anyone that's paying attention, there's a lot of evidence that the
Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are very effective in some people. I saw an interview with a guy in LA that swears it saved his life. He was saying his goodbyes to his friends and family last Saturday. A friend told him about the possible treatment, he talked to his doctors and was given the meds and by 4:45 the next morning he was breathing better and will probably be released form the hospital tomorrow. A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized and they have had an undetectable viral load in and average of 6 days.

In short Trump's optimism is warranted, Fauci on the other hand what's to see the efficacy proven by blind studies, which could take a year or more. Neither of the two are necessarily wrong, they just look at the situation through a different lens. Fauci has said there's no harm in trying it while studies are being conducted.

"A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized..."

in reality, 3 of 26 stopped treatment because they were transferred into ICU. a further patient died. but who cares, it sounds good.


a link, he demands. after proclaiming gossip as fact without links. you should have supported your undigested claims instead of repeating something you heard somewhere. who do you think you are? your so called president? lol

people who rely on a study should know the study. it is available on the INTERNET.

they should also be able to understand the limits of the study.

Where did I say it was 100% effective? I said reality shows it's has been effective in many. I guess you'd prefer they did nothing and just watch people die. Carry on commie.


It’s way to early to declare this drug effective or ineffective.

Not really, it's been found effective in at least 5 countries. NY is starting wide spread usage this week. Also the FDA has approved them for off label use for COVID-19. But hey, feel free to keep spewing the commie line.


It’s approved for compassionate use. Off label is not subject to approval. Off label is absence of approval.

No study has been sufficiently controlled or powered to definitively demonstrate efficacy.

Im not saying it shouldn’t be used. Im just here with the facts.
Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!

Perhaps you should be more specific what the hell you're talking about.

Sorry. One of the items that brought about disagreement is the likelihood of the new treatments will work or not. Trump said it will and Fauci said we have to wait and see. Trump, with folded arms said, "We disagree." The Dr. IS THE EXPERT>

For anyone that's paying attention, there's a lot of evidence that the
Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are very effective in some people. I saw an interview with a guy in LA that swears it saved his life. He was saying his goodbyes to his friends and family last Saturday. A friend told him about the possible treatment, he talked to his doctors and was given the meds and by 4:45 the next morning he was breathing better and will probably be released form the hospital tomorrow. A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized and they have had an undetectable viral load in and average of 6 days.

In short Trump's optimism is warranted, Fauci on the other hand what's to see the efficacy proven by blind studies, which could take a year or more. Neither of the two are necessarily wrong, they just look at the situation through a different lens. Fauci has said there's no harm in trying it while studies are being conducted.

"A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized..."

in reality, 3 of 26 stopped treatment because they were transferred into ICU. a further patient died. but who cares, it sounds good.


a link, he demands. after proclaiming gossip as fact without links. you should have supported your undigested claims instead of repeating something you heard somewhere. who do you think you are? your so called president? lol

people who rely on a study should know the study. it is available on the INTERNET.

they should also be able to understand the limits of the study.

Where did I say it was 100% effective? I said reality shows it's has been effective in many. I guess you'd prefer they did nothing and just watch people die. Carry on commie.

you gossipped like a lil bitch that no one was even hospitalized. without knowing anything about the actual facts.

you should be embarrassed instead of calling me a commie.

Fuck you commie, I simply told what I saw on a fucking TV interview, of course you've never done that. LMAO

lol. gossip bitch gets hissy fit. film at 11.

no, i do not repeat what i hear on the tv. specifically not with regard to serious topics.
Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!

Perhaps you should be more specific what the hell you're talking about.

Sorry. One of the items that brought about disagreement is the likelihood of the new treatments will work or not. Trump said it will and Fauci said we have to wait and see. Trump, with folded arms said, "We disagree." The Dr. IS THE EXPERT>

For anyone that's paying attention, there's a lot of evidence that the
Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are very effective in some people. I saw an interview with a guy in LA that swears it saved his life. He was saying his goodbyes to his friends and family last Saturday. A friend told him about the possible treatment, he talked to his doctors and was given the meds and by 4:45 the next morning he was breathing better and will probably be released form the hospital tomorrow. A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized and they have had an undetectable viral load in and average of 6 days.

In short Trump's optimism is warranted, Fauci on the other hand what's to see the efficacy proven by blind studies, which could take a year or more. Neither of the two are necessarily wrong, they just look at the situation through a different lens. Fauci has said there's no harm in trying it while studies are being conducted.

"A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized..."

in reality, 3 of 26 stopped treatment because they were transferred into ICU. a further patient died. but who cares, it sounds good.


a link, he demands. after proclaiming gossip as fact without links. you should have supported your undigested claims instead of repeating something you heard somewhere. who do you think you are? your so called president? lol

people who rely on a study should know the study. it is available on the INTERNET.

they should also be able to understand the limits of the study.

Where did I say it was 100% effective? I said reality shows it's has been effective in many. I guess you'd prefer they did nothing and just watch people die. Carry on commie.


It’s way to early to declare this drug effective or ineffective.

Not really, it's been found effective in at least 5 countries. NY is starting wide spread usage this week. Also the FDA has approved them for off label use for COVID-19. But hey, feel free to keep spewing the commie line.


It’s approved for compassionate use. Off label is not subject to approval. Off label is absence of approval.

No study has been sufficiently controlled or powered to definitively demonstrate efficacy.

Im not saying it shouldn’t be used. Im just here with the facts.

I'm aware of the facts, and the facts show it has been effective treatment in many people. Of course not everyone responds the same.

Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!

Perhaps you should be more specific what the hell you're talking about.

Sorry. One of the items that brought about disagreement is the likelihood of the new treatments will work or not. Trump said it will and Fauci said we have to wait and see. Trump, with folded arms said, "We disagree." The Dr. IS THE EXPERT>

For anyone that's paying attention, there's a lot of evidence that the
Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are very effective in some people. I saw an interview with a guy in LA that swears it saved his life. He was saying his goodbyes to his friends and family last Saturday. A friend told him about the possible treatment, he talked to his doctors and was given the meds and by 4:45 the next morning he was breathing better and will probably be released form the hospital tomorrow. A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized and they have had an undetectable viral load in and average of 6 days.

In short Trump's optimism is warranted, Fauci on the other hand what's to see the efficacy proven by blind studies, which could take a year or more. Neither of the two are necessarily wrong, they just look at the situation through a different lens. Fauci has said there's no harm in trying it while studies are being conducted.

"A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized..."

in reality, 3 of 26 stopped treatment because they were transferred into ICU. a further patient died. but who cares, it sounds good.


a link, he demands. after proclaiming gossip as fact without links. you should have supported your undigested claims instead of repeating something you heard somewhere. who do you think you are? your so called president? lol

people who rely on a study should know the study. it is available on the INTERNET.

they should also be able to understand the limits of the study.

Where did I say it was 100% effective? I said reality shows it's has been effective in many. I guess you'd prefer they did nothing and just watch people die. Carry on commie.

you gossipped like a lil bitch that no one was even hospitalized. without knowing anything about the actual facts.

you should be embarrassed instead of calling me a commie.

Fuck you commie, I simply told what I saw on a fucking TV interview, of course you've never done that. LMAO

lol. gossip bitch gets hissy fit. film at 11.

no, i do not repeat what i hear on the tv. specifically not with regard to serious topics.

Of course your not a liar either. LMAO

Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!
Fauci is a medical expert and gives his opinions on the one subject he is an expert in.

President Trump is leading the nation, and looks out for its economic and geopolitical welfare in addition to the well being of the citizens. So they don’t have to agree on everything.
Trump saying the treatments will work when they are trying them out for the first time makes him look foolish. He knows what companies are doing and what the need. He is the expert on that. He needs to keep his medical OPINIONS to himself. He can say he is hoping and praying they work, just not that they are going to.
Trump did not claim the malaria drug will work for everyone

he said it looks promising
Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!

Perhaps you should be more specific what the hell you're talking about.

Sorry. One of the items that brought about disagreement is the likelihood of the new treatments will work or not. Trump said it will and Fauci said we have to wait and see. Trump, with folded arms said, "We disagree." The Dr. IS THE EXPERT>

For anyone that's paying attention, there's a lot of evidence that the
Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are very effective in some people. I saw an interview with a guy in LA that swears it saved his life. He was saying his goodbyes to his friends and family last Saturday. A friend told him about the possible treatment, he talked to his doctors and was given the meds and by 4:45 the next morning he was breathing better and will probably be released form the hospital tomorrow. A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized and they have had an undetectable viral load in and average of 6 days.

In short Trump's optimism is warranted, Fauci on the other hand what's to see the efficacy proven by blind studies, which could take a year or more. Neither of the two are necessarily wrong, they just look at the situation through a different lens. Fauci has said there's no harm in trying it while studies are being conducted.

"A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized..."

in reality, 3 of 26 stopped treatment because they were transferred into ICU. a further patient died. but who cares, it sounds good.


a link, he demands. after proclaiming gossip as fact without links. you should have supported your undigested claims instead of repeating something you heard somewhere. who do you think you are? your so called president? lol

people who rely on a study should know the study. it is available on the INTERNET.

they should also be able to understand the limits of the study.

Where did I say it was 100% effective? I said reality shows it's has been effective in many. I guess you'd prefer they did nothing and just watch people die. Carry on commie.


It’s way to early to declare this drug effective or ineffective.

Not really, it's been found effective in at least 5 countries. NY is starting wide spread usage this week. Also the FDA has approved them for off label use for COVID-19. But hey, feel free to keep spewing the commie line.


It’s approved for compassionate use. Off label is not subject to approval. Off label is absence of approval.

No study has been sufficiently controlled or powered to definitively demonstrate efficacy.

Im not saying it shouldn’t be used. Im just here with the facts.

I'm aware of the facts, and the facts show it has been effective treatment in many people. Of course not everyone responds the same.

True and I am hoping that we get back to work sooner than later, but AFTER the threat if the virus is over.
Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!

Perhaps you should be more specific what the hell you're talking about.

Sorry. One of the items that brought about disagreement is the likelihood of the new treatments will work or not. Trump said it will and Fauci said we have to wait and see. Trump, with folded arms said, "We disagree." The Dr. IS THE EXPERT>

For anyone that's paying attention, there's a lot of evidence that the
Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are very effective in some people. I saw an interview with a guy in LA that swears it saved his life. He was saying his goodbyes to his friends and family last Saturday. A friend told him about the possible treatment, he talked to his doctors and was given the meds and by 4:45 the next morning he was breathing better and will probably be released form the hospital tomorrow. A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized and they have had an undetectable viral load in and average of 6 days.

In short Trump's optimism is warranted, Fauci on the other hand what's to see the efficacy proven by blind studies, which could take a year or more. Neither of the two are necessarily wrong, they just look at the situation through a different lens. Fauci has said there's no harm in trying it while studies are being conducted.

"A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized..."

in reality, 3 of 26 stopped treatment because they were transferred into ICU. a further patient died. but who cares, it sounds good.


a link, he demands. after proclaiming gossip as fact without links. you should have supported your undigested claims instead of repeating something you heard somewhere. who do you think you are? your so called president? lol

people who rely on a study should know the study. it is available on the INTERNET.

they should also be able to understand the limits of the study.

Where did I say it was 100% effective? I said reality shows it's has been effective in many. I guess you'd prefer they did nothing and just watch people die. Carry on commie.


It’s way to early to declare this drug effective or ineffective.

Not really, it's been found effective in at least 5 countries. NY is starting wide spread usage this week. Also the FDA has approved them for off label use for COVID-19. But hey, feel free to keep spewing the commie line.


It’s approved for compassionate use. Off label is not subject to approval. Off label is absence of approval.

No study has been sufficiently controlled or powered to definitively demonstrate efficacy.

Im not saying it shouldn’t be used. Im just here with the facts.

I'm aware of the facts, and the facts show it has been effective treatment in many people. Of course not everyone responds the same.


It doesn’t appear to be the case. There are no trials demonstrating efficacy. They just haven’t been completed yet.

It takes a large number to treat in order to demonstrate efficacy in a disease with a 2% mortality rate. This is going to take some time before anyone can make a definitive statement

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