The Dr. Fauci - President Trump Lack of Agreement

Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!

Perhaps you should be more specific what the hell you're talking about.

Sorry. One of the items that brought about disagreement is the likelihood of the new treatments will work or not. Trump said it will and Fauci said we have to wait and see. Trump, with folded arms said, "We disagree." The Dr. IS THE EXPERT>

For anyone that's paying attention, there's a lot of evidence that the
Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are very effective in some people. I saw an interview with a guy in LA that swears it saved his life. He was saying his goodbyes to his friends and family last Saturday. A friend told him about the possible treatment, he talked to his doctors and was given the meds and by 4:45 the next morning he was breathing better and will probably be released form the hospital tomorrow. A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized and they have had an undetectable viral load in and average of 6 days.

In short Trump's optimism is warranted, Fauci on the other hand what's to see the efficacy proven by blind studies, which could take a year or more. Neither of the two are necessarily wrong, they just look at the situation through a different lens. Fauci has said there's no harm in trying it while studies are being conducted.

"A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized..."

in reality, 3 of 26 stopped treatment because they were transferred into ICU. a further patient died. but who cares, it sounds good.


a link, he demands. after proclaiming gossip as fact without links. you should have supported your undigested claims instead of repeating something you heard somewhere. who do you think you are? your so called president? lol

people who rely on a study should know the study. it is available on the INTERNET.

they should also be able to understand the limits of the study.

Where did I say it was 100% effective? I said reality shows it's has been effective in many. I guess you'd prefer they did nothing and just watch people die. Carry on commie.


It’s way to early to declare this drug effective or ineffective.

Not really, it's been found effective in at least 5 countries. NY is starting wide spread usage this week. Also the FDA has approved them for off label use for COVID-19. But hey, feel free to keep spewing the commie line.


It’s approved for compassionate use. Off label is not subject to approval. Off label is absence of approval.

No study has been sufficiently controlled or powered to definitively demonstrate efficacy.

Im not saying it shouldn’t be used. Im just here with the facts.

I'm aware of the facts, and the facts show it has been effective treatment in many people. Of course not everyone responds the same.


It doesn’t appear to be the case. There are no trials demonstrating efficacy. They just haven’t been completed yet.

It takes a large number to treat in order to demonstrate efficacy in a disease with a 2% mortality rate. This is going to take some time before anyone can make a definitive statement

Wow, talk about making definitive statements, there's no evidence that there is a 2% mortality rate. Right now it's about 1.3%. The fact is we have no idea at this point how many people have been infected and have shown mild or no symptoms.

I just saw an interview with the keyboard player for Bon Jovi, he showed symptoms and is improving with the treatment, his wife has shown no symptoms after testing positive.

I have a feeling this virus will have a slightly higher mortality rate than the common flu.

If the mortality is lower than expected, that would dilute the proposed effectiveness of the drug in the first place.

So you see why I remain skeptical about the effectiveness of this drug.

Wrong, the purpose of the drugs are to treat people that are symptomatic in the first place. If they can reduce progression of the virus then there is no harm is using them.


I’m not wrong and your comment is a non-sequitor.

What exactly do you think this drug has been shown to do?

It's a combination of two drugs, and they been shown to reduce the viral load and reduce, if not eliminate, symptoms. Perhaps you need some new news sources.

You what else reduces viral load and symptoms?

Time and your own immune system.

I don’t go by news sources. I’m going by medical literature

Diseases with high spontaneous recovery rates are harder to demonstrate efficacy of treatment. That’s a fact.

Tell that to the folks, that were sure they were dying, whose recovery has been hastened by the treatment.

Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!

Perhaps you should be more specific what the hell you're talking about.

Sorry. One of the items that brought about disagreement is the likelihood of the new treatments will work or not. Trump said it will and Fauci said we have to wait and see. Trump, with folded arms said, "We disagree." The Dr. IS THE EXPERT>

For anyone that's paying attention, there's a lot of evidence that the
Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are very effective in some people. I saw an interview with a guy in LA that swears it saved his life. He was saying his goodbyes to his friends and family last Saturday. A friend told him about the possible treatment, he talked to his doctors and was given the meds and by 4:45 the next morning he was breathing better and will probably be released form the hospital tomorrow. A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized and they have had an undetectable viral load in and average of 6 days.

In short Trump's optimism is warranted, Fauci on the other hand what's to see the efficacy proven by blind studies, which could take a year or more. Neither of the two are necessarily wrong, they just look at the situation through a different lens. Fauci has said there's no harm in trying it while studies are being conducted.

"A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized..."

in reality, 3 of 26 stopped treatment because they were transferred into ICU. a further patient died. but who cares, it sounds good.


a link, he demands. after proclaiming gossip as fact without links. you should have supported your undigested claims instead of repeating something you heard somewhere. who do you think you are? your so called president? lol

people who rely on a study should know the study. it is available on the INTERNET.

they should also be able to understand the limits of the study.

Where did I say it was 100% effective? I said reality shows it's has been effective in many. I guess you'd prefer they did nothing and just watch people die. Carry on commie.


It’s way to early to declare this drug effective or ineffective.

Not really, it's been found effective in at least 5 countries. NY is starting wide spread usage this week. Also the FDA has approved them for off label use for COVID-19. But hey, feel free to keep spewing the commie line.


It’s approved for compassionate use. Off label is not subject to approval. Off label is absence of approval.

No study has been sufficiently controlled or powered to definitively demonstrate efficacy.

Im not saying it shouldn’t be used. Im just here with the facts.

I'm aware of the facts, and the facts show it has been effective treatment in many people. Of course not everyone responds the same.


It doesn’t appear to be the case. There are no trials demonstrating efficacy. They just haven’t been completed yet.

It takes a large number to treat in order to demonstrate efficacy in a disease with a 2% mortality rate. This is going to take some time before anyone can make a definitive statement

Wow, talk about making definitive statements, there's no evidence that there is a 2% mortality rate. Right now it's about 1.3%. The fact is we have no idea at this point how many people have been infected and have shown mild or no symptoms.

I just saw an interview with the keyboard player for Bon Jovi, he showed symptoms and is improving with the treatment, his wife has shown no symptoms after testing positive.

I have a feeling this virus will have a slightly higher mortality rate than the common flu.

If the mortality is lower than expected, that would dilute the proposed effectiveness of the drug in the first place.

So you see why I remain skeptical about the effectiveness of this drug.

Wrong, the purpose of the drugs are to treat people that are symptomatic in the first place. If they can reduce progression of the virus then there is no harm is using them.


I’m not wrong and your comment is a non-sequitor.

What exactly do you think this drug has been shown to do?

It's a combination of two drugs, and they been shown to reduce the viral load and reduce, if not eliminate, symptoms. Perhaps you need some new news sources.

You what else reduces viral load and symptoms?

Time and your own immune system.

I don’t go by news sources. I’m going by medical literature

Diseases with high spontaneous recovery rates are harder to demonstrate efficacy of treatment. That’s a fact.

Tell that to the folks, that were sure they were dying, whose recovery has been hastened by the treatment.


Aw, an appeal to emotion. And here I thought this was a discussion of facts, not feelings.
Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!

Perhaps you should be more specific what the hell you're talking about.

Sorry. One of the items that brought about disagreement is the likelihood of the new treatments will work or not. Trump said it will and Fauci said we have to wait and see. Trump, with folded arms said, "We disagree." The Dr. IS THE EXPERT>

For anyone that's paying attention, there's a lot of evidence that the
Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are very effective in some people. I saw an interview with a guy in LA that swears it saved his life. He was saying his goodbyes to his friends and family last Saturday. A friend told him about the possible treatment, he talked to his doctors and was given the meds and by 4:45 the next morning he was breathing better and will probably be released form the hospital tomorrow. A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized and they have had an undetectable viral load in and average of 6 days.

In short Trump's optimism is warranted, Fauci on the other hand what's to see the efficacy proven by blind studies, which could take a year or more. Neither of the two are necessarily wrong, they just look at the situation through a different lens. Fauci has said there's no harm in trying it while studies are being conducted.

"A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized..."

in reality, 3 of 26 stopped treatment because they were transferred into ICU. a further patient died. but who cares, it sounds good.


a link, he demands. after proclaiming gossip as fact without links. you should have supported your undigested claims instead of repeating something you heard somewhere. who do you think you are? your so called president? lol

people who rely on a study should know the study. it is available on the INTERNET.

they should also be able to understand the limits of the study.

Where did I say it was 100% effective? I said reality shows it's has been effective in many. I guess you'd prefer they did nothing and just watch people die. Carry on commie.


It’s way to early to declare this drug effective or ineffective.

Not really, it's been found effective in at least 5 countries. NY is starting wide spread usage this week. Also the FDA has approved them for off label use for COVID-19. But hey, feel free to keep spewing the commie line.


It’s approved for compassionate use. Off label is not subject to approval. Off label is absence of approval.

No study has been sufficiently controlled or powered to definitively demonstrate efficacy.

Im not saying it shouldn’t be used. Im just here with the facts.

I'm aware of the facts, and the facts show it has been effective treatment in many people. Of course not everyone responds the same.


It doesn’t appear to be the case. There are no trials demonstrating efficacy. They just haven’t been completed yet.

It takes a large number to treat in order to demonstrate efficacy in a disease with a 2% mortality rate. This is going to take some time before anyone can make a definitive statement

Wow, talk about making definitive statements, there's no evidence that there is a 2% mortality rate. Right now it's about 1.3%. The fact is we have no idea at this point how many people have been infected and have shown mild or no symptoms.

I just saw an interview with the keyboard player for Bon Jovi, he showed symptoms and is improving with the treatment, his wife has shown no symptoms after testing positive.

I have a feeling this virus will have a slightly higher mortality rate than the common flu.

If the mortality is lower than expected, that would dilute the proposed effectiveness of the drug in the first place.

So you see why I remain skeptical about the effectiveness of this drug.

Wrong, the purpose of the drugs are to treat people that are symptomatic in the first place. If they can reduce progression of the virus then there is no harm is using them.


I’m not wrong and your comment is a non-sequitor.

What exactly do you think this drug has been shown to do?

It's a combination of two drugs, and they been shown to reduce the viral load and reduce, if not eliminate, symptoms. Perhaps you need some new news sources.

You what else reduces viral load and symptoms?

Time and your own immune system.

I don’t go by news sources. I’m going by medical literature

Diseases with high spontaneous recovery rates are harder to demonstrate efficacy of treatment. That’s a fact.

Tell that to the folks, that were sure they were dying, whose recovery has been hastened by the treatment.


Aw, an appeal to emotion. And here I thought this was a discussion of facts, not feelings.

Not emotion, I gave an example of a guy in LA that was saying his goodbyes to friends and family, he was given the Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin and saw improvements in his breathing and elimination of his fever with hours. That's been documented, it's a fact, the medical staff couldn't believe how fast he turned around. I bet you're a glass half empty kind of commie. LMAO

Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!

Perhaps you should be more specific what the hell you're talking about.

Sorry. One of the items that brought about disagreement is the likelihood of the new treatments will work or not. Trump said it will and Fauci said we have to wait and see. Trump, with folded arms said, "We disagree." The Dr. IS THE EXPERT>

For anyone that's paying attention, there's a lot of evidence that the
Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are very effective in some people. I saw an interview with a guy in LA that swears it saved his life. He was saying his goodbyes to his friends and family last Saturday. A friend told him about the possible treatment, he talked to his doctors and was given the meds and by 4:45 the next morning he was breathing better and will probably be released form the hospital tomorrow. A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized and they have had an undetectable viral load in and average of 6 days.

In short Trump's optimism is warranted, Fauci on the other hand what's to see the efficacy proven by blind studies, which could take a year or more. Neither of the two are necessarily wrong, they just look at the situation through a different lens. Fauci has said there's no harm in trying it while studies are being conducted.

"A french doctor is giving the meds to his patients, he had no one even hospitalized..."

in reality, 3 of 26 stopped treatment because they were transferred into ICU. a further patient died. but who cares, it sounds good.


a link, he demands. after proclaiming gossip as fact without links. you should have supported your undigested claims instead of repeating something you heard somewhere. who do you think you are? your so called president? lol

people who rely on a study should know the study. it is available on the INTERNET.

they should also be able to understand the limits of the study.

Where did I say it was 100% effective? I said reality shows it's has been effective in many. I guess you'd prefer they did nothing and just watch people die. Carry on commie.


It’s way to early to declare this drug effective or ineffective.

Not really, it's been found effective in at least 5 countries. NY is starting wide spread usage this week. Also the FDA has approved them for off label use for COVID-19. But hey, feel free to keep spewing the commie line.


It’s approved for compassionate use. Off label is not subject to approval. Off label is absence of approval.

No study has been sufficiently controlled or powered to definitively demonstrate efficacy.

Im not saying it shouldn’t be used. Im just here with the facts.

I'm aware of the facts, and the facts show it has been effective treatment in many people. Of course not everyone responds the same.


It doesn’t appear to be the case. There are no trials demonstrating efficacy. They just haven’t been completed yet.

It takes a large number to treat in order to demonstrate efficacy in a disease with a 2% mortality rate. This is going to take some time before anyone can make a definitive statement

Wow, talk about making definitive statements, there's no evidence that there is a 2% mortality rate. Right now it's about 1.3%. The fact is we have no idea at this point how many people have been infected and have shown mild or no symptoms.

I just saw an interview with the keyboard player for Bon Jovi, he showed symptoms and is improving with the treatment, his wife has shown no symptoms after testing positive.

I have a feeling this virus will have a slightly higher mortality rate than the common flu.

If the mortality is lower than expected, that would dilute the proposed effectiveness of the drug in the first place.

So you see why I remain skeptical about the effectiveness of this drug.

Wrong, the purpose of the drugs are to treat people that are symptomatic in the first place. If they can reduce progression of the virus then there is no harm is using them.


I’m not wrong and your comment is a non-sequitor.

What exactly do you think this drug has been shown to do?

It's a combination of two drugs, and they been shown to reduce the viral load and reduce, if not eliminate, symptoms. Perhaps you need some new news sources.

You what else reduces viral load and symptoms?

Time and your own immune system.

I don’t go by news sources. I’m going by medical literature

Diseases with high spontaneous recovery rates are harder to demonstrate efficacy of treatment. That’s a fact.

Tell that to the folks, that were sure they were dying, whose recovery has been hastened by the treatment.


Aw, an appeal to emotion. And here I thought this was a discussion of facts, not feelings.

Not emotion, I gave an example of a guy in LA that was saying his goodbyes to friends and family, he was given the Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin and saw improvements in his breathing and elimination of his fever with hours. That's been documented, it's a fact, the medical staff couldn't believe how fast he turned around. I bet you're a glass half empty kind of commie. LMAO


You said no emotion and then wrote a post consisting entirely of emotion.

It appears that Dr. Fauci is back! Today's briefing was different. Trump did not claim there were rosy facts, he said, matter of fact he just thanked Democrats (and Republicans) for working hard on the bill. Has he been reading this thread? LOL
Fauci is being used by the media to sow discord in the administration. They're floating stories online about the little prick talking shit about Trump....example: "I have to repeat what I say to Trump several times before it sinks in"......just another continuation of Hillary's campaign against Trump in the media.

I noticed that he's never at any of the briefings anymore....and I have a feeling the little shit is going to be looking for a job soon.

Yes, let's fire the only guy who knows what he is doing.

but libs are consumed with the fear that trump may come out pf this crisis more popular than ever

No, not worried about that at all.. Compared to the bumps Jimmy Carter got after the Iran Hostage Crisis or Baby Bush got after 9/11, Trump isn't really having a big rally around the flag. And this is going to get worse the longer people are trapped at home, losing their jobs.
Dr. Fauci was interviewed in a Science Media today and told the reporter that there was disagreement with the president, but said, "What do you want me to do, jump in front of him and take the mircophone? To the best of my knowledge I am not fired...yet."

Trump is putting a positive spin on some things and that does not purport with Dr. Fauci. We need to know the fascts...straight up. I don't give a damn if Trump is optimistic...I want the straight facts!

And his body language is so telling! He has his arms crossed, looking like a pouting child knowing full well he's not being "open.."

Dr. Fauci is the expert. Let him speak, don't say the opposite, just shut up. I want to hear more from Dr. Fauci! He is the best team member you have. You did a great job in selecting him, Mr. President. That Seema lady is useless. She cannot answer a question directly. Get rid of her!

Fauci was at the CDC when they were supposed to be preparing the equipment needed for an outbreak like this....and yet, we didn't have the things you guys say we needed.....that is on him...not Trump...

I doubt if his budget was that big

It was cut under Trump
Pandemic response was not important to Trump

He believes that windmills cause cancer but doesn’t believe international pandemics are possible
What a load of Lib crap. ALWAYS quoting filthy CNN.
Fauci is being used by the media to sow discord in the administration. They're floating stories online about the little prick talking shit about Trump....example: "I have to repeat what I say to Trump several times before it sinks in"......just another continuation of Hillary's campaign against Trump in the media.

I noticed that he's never at any of the briefings anymore....and I have a feeling the little shit is going to be looking for a job soon.

Yes, let's fire the only guy who knows what he is doing.
Wonder how BIDEN would have handled this?
Fauci is being used by the media to sow discord in the administration. They're floating stories online about the little prick talking shit about Trump....example: "I have to repeat what I say to Trump several times before it sinks in"......just another continuation of Hillary's campaign against Trump in the media.

I noticed that he's never at any of the briefings anymore....and I have a feeling the little shit is going to be looking for a job soon.

Yes, let's fire the only guy who knows what he is doing.
Wonder how BIDEN would have handled this?
They would have invoked the 25th Amendment against him by now.
Fauci is being used by the media to sow discord in the administration. They're floating stories online about the little prick talking shit about Trump....example: "I have to repeat what I say to Trump several times before it sinks in"......just another continuation of Hillary's campaign against Trump in the media.

I noticed that he's never at any of the briefings anymore....and I have a feeling the little shit is going to be looking for a job soon.

Yes, let's fire the only guy who knows what he is doing.
Wonder how BIDEN would have handled this?
They would have invoked the 25th Amendment against him by now.
Well ,here is the plan. Biden will pick Hillary as VP. Then ,if he wins ,he will step down and put the filthy HAG in office.
Playwright Arthur Miller once told a story about a geologist who remarked that life was possible even in the vast American desert. All you needed was water, he said, and the largest reservoir on the globe was located right under the Rockies.

But how would he get it?

Simple -- drop a couple of atomic bombs.

But what about the fallout?

"Oh," said the geologist, "that's not my field."

Today, the epidemiologists are prepared to nuke the entire American economy to kill a virus.

What about the jobs, the suicides, the heart attacks, the lost careers, the destruction of America’s wealth?

Oh, that's not my field.
Ask the filthy MEDIA. They started this panic state.
Wonder how BIDEN would have handled this?

Well, to start with, Biden would have taken these reports seriously when they started coming to him in December.
He wouldn't have disbanded the Pandemic Response Team because Obama Created it.
He wouldn't have engaged in three months of happy talk saying we had this contained when we clearly didn't.
He wouldn't be trying to end quarantine measures early like Trump is.
here’s liberal sex symbol Fauci on AIDS back in 1983, when he was with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, but not yet its director: "As the months go by, we see more and more groups. AIDS is creeping out of well-defined epidemiological confines.” (It didn’t.)

In 1987, Fauci warned that French kissing might transmit the AIDS virus, saying, “Health officials have to presume that it is possible to transmit the virus by exchange of saliva in deep kissing. That presumption is made to be extra safe."

By 1992, after a decade-long epidemic with more than a million infections, the Centers for Disease Control could find only 2,391 cases of AIDS transmission by white heterosexuals -- and that included hemophiliacs and blood transfusion patients. (“White” because AIDS cases among Haitian and African immigrants had a variety of causes.)

But teenagers and sorority girls had to spend years being frightened of kissing lest they catch the AIDS virus, just as today they’re afraid of leaving their homes to avoid a virus that, in Italy, has killed no one under 30 years old and precious few under 50.

I'm going to assume you are too young to remember what things were like when the AIDS virus broke out, and the Senile Actor didn't even say the words "AIDS" out loud until his buddy Rock Hudson got it.

The point is, AIDS was controlled because people DID take precautions back then.
here’s liberal sex symbol Fauci on AIDS back in 1983, when he was with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, but not yet its director: "As the months go by, we see more and more groups. AIDS is creeping out of well-defined epidemiological confines.” (It didn’t.)

In 1987, Fauci warned that French kissing might transmit the AIDS virus, saying, “Health officials have to presume that it is possible to transmit the virus by exchange of saliva in deep kissing. That presumption is made to be extra safe."

By 1992, after a decade-long epidemic with more than a million infections, the Centers for Disease Control could find only 2,391 cases of AIDS transmission by white heterosexuals -- and that included hemophiliacs and blood transfusion patients. (“White” because AIDS cases among Haitian and African immigrants had a variety of causes.)

But teenagers and sorority girls had to spend years being frightened of kissing lest they catch the AIDS virus, just as today they’re afraid of leaving their homes to avoid a virus that, in Italy, has killed no one under 30 years old and precious few under 50.

I'm going to assume you are too young to remember what things were like when the AIDS virus broke out, and the Senile Actor didn't even say the words "AIDS" out loud until his buddy Rock Hudson got it.

The point is, AIDS was controlled because people DID take precautions back then.
when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me!

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