The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

From the January Ruling ....

BOLI finds substantial evidence of unlawful discrimination in bakery civil rights complaint

Sweet Cakes complaint will now move into conciliation to determine whether settlement can be reached

Portland, OR—A Gresham bakery violated the civil rights of a same-sex couple when it denied service based on sexual orientation, a Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) investigation has found.

The couple filed the complaint against Sweet Cakes by Melissa under the Oregon Equality Act of 2007, a law that protects the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender Oregonians in employment, housing and public places.

Under Oregon law, Oregonians may not be denied service based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The law provides an exemption for religious organizations and schools, but does not allow private business owners to discriminate based on sexual orientation, just as they cannot legally deny service based on race, sex, age, disability or religion.

The investigation concludes that the bakery is not a religious institution under law and that the business’ policy of refusing to make same-sex wedding cakes represents unlawful discrimination based on sexual orientation.

With the substantial evidence determination, the complaint now moves into conciliation to see if the parties can reach a settlement. If the parties cannot reach an agreement, the bureau may bring formal charges and move the issue to BOLI’s Administrative Prosecution Unit, responsible for processing contested civil rights division cases pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) and BOLI contested case hearing rules."
Time to repeal so called PA laws
It's time for business owners to stop discrimination based on race, religion, or sexual orientation, making public accommodations laws unnecessary, no need for repeal.

But as long as businesses owners seek to discriminate, public accommodations laws need to remain.

It's solely up to business owners.

Business owners have a right to discriminate, no matter how icky you find that clayton. It's exactly no different than gays have a right to marry no matter how icky other people may find it.

Stop being a hypocrite. Freedom means freedom. The government has ZERO authority to tell people they can't discriminate.
If you have a for-profit place of public accommodation -- open to the public, and you deny someone service based on their race or religion, for example, you'll likely soon find out much you have a right to discriminate.
Time to repeal so called PA laws
It's time for business owners to stop discrimination based on race, religion, or sexual orientation, making public accommodations laws unnecessary, no need for repeal.

But as long as businesses owners seek to discriminate, public accommodations laws need to remain.

It's solely up to business owners.

Business owners have a right to discriminate, no matter how icky you find that clayton. It's exactly no different than gays have a right to marry no matter how icky other people may find it.

Stop being a hypocrite. Freedom means freedom. The government has ZERO authority to tell people they can't discriminate.
If you have a for-profit place of public accommodation -- open to the public, and you deny someone service based on their race or religion, for example, you'll likely soon find out much you have a right to discriminate.

which means the law needs to be removed. Just EXACTLY as the laws against same sex marriage were removed.

You people truly are stupid
Time to repeal so called PA laws
It's time for business owners to stop discrimination based on race, religion, or sexual orientation, making public accommodations laws unnecessary, no need for repeal.

But as long as businesses owners seek to discriminate, public accommodations laws need to remain.

It's solely up to business owners.

Business owners have a right to discriminate, no matter how icky you find that clayton. It's exactly no different than gays have a right to marry no matter how icky other people may find it.

Stop being a hypocrite. Freedom means freedom. The government has ZERO authority to tell people they can't discriminate.
If you have a for-profit place of public accommodation -- open to the public, and you deny someone service based on their race or religion, for example, you'll likely soon find out much you have a right to discriminate.

which means the law needs to be removed. Just EXACTLY as the laws against same sex marriage were removed.

You people truly are stupid
Get right on it.

Maybe you can even encourage your GOP candidates to push for it and put it in the Republican party platform.

Snap to it! Get going...Push for it. Hard!
This was the final word.

Aaron Klein was on a radio show here on Thursday, and says they'll have to pay.

I don't know how these two lesbos sleep at night knowing they've ruined an entire families business and livelihood. Greedy little bitches.

1. It's not the final word, now that the BOLI finding is in. The Klein's can accept the ruling or appeal the ruling in court. The case isn't over yet.

2. They probably sleep just fine knowing that the law was on their side.

3. The couple didn't "ruin" their business, the Klien's "ruined" their business by discriminating against the couple. Their business declined and they moved from the shop back to a home base business because their actions caused them customers. Previous orders were cancelled and the public spoke by declining to do business with them. The loss of income due to the free-market reduced the revenue from the storefront based business.

4. The award is $135,000. Last I knew they had collected $100,000 through "GoFundMe" account and after that another religious based donation site opened another account targeting $150,000 and they had 58% toward their goal. That's 100,000 + 150,000(.58) = $191,640 toward a $135,000 fine.

Time to repeal so called PA laws
It's time for business owners to stop discrimination based on race, religion, or sexual orientation, making public accommodations laws unnecessary, no need for repeal.

But as long as businesses owners seek to discriminate, public accommodations laws need to remain.

It's solely up to business owners.

Business owners have a right to discriminate, no matter how icky you find that clayton. It's exactly no different than gays have a right to marry no matter how icky other people may find it.

Stop being a hypocrite. Freedom means freedom. The government has ZERO authority to tell people they can't discriminate.
If you have a for-profit place of public accommodation -- open to the public, and you deny someone service based on their race or religion, for example, you'll likely soon find out much you have a right to discriminate.

which means the law needs to be removed. Just EXACTLY as the laws against same sex marriage were removed.

You people truly are stupid
Get right on it.

Maybe you can even encourage your GOP candidates to push for it and put it in the Republican party platform.

Snap to it! Get going...Push for it. Hard!

I do push for it, and I think these gay cases are going to push things to the limit and we're going to see some changes made.

I mean seriously, how stupid do you have to be believe that you have the right to force via law me to do business with you, rather than I have the right to choose whether or not to do business with you?

Further, how stupid do you have to be to think that a law that allows some discrimination whilst not allowing others is perfectly acceptable?
does anyone know if miss piggy and that frog are having problems getting a cake and a licsence?
It's time for business owners to stop discrimination based on race, religion, or sexual orientation, making public accommodations laws unnecessary, no need for repeal.

But as long as businesses owners seek to discriminate, public accommodations laws need to remain.

It's solely up to business owners.

Business owners have a right to discriminate, no matter how icky you find that clayton. It's exactly no different than gays have a right to marry no matter how icky other people may find it.

Stop being a hypocrite. Freedom means freedom. The government has ZERO authority to tell people they can't discriminate.
If you have a for-profit place of public accommodation -- open to the public, and you deny someone service based on their race or religion, for example, you'll likely soon find out much you have a right to discriminate.

which means the law needs to be removed. Just EXACTLY as the laws against same sex marriage were removed.

You people truly are stupid
Get right on it.

Maybe you can even encourage your GOP candidates to push for it and put it in the Republican party platform.

Snap to it! Get going...Push for it. Hard!

I do push for it, and I think these gay cases are going to push things to the limit and we're going to see some changes made.

I mean seriously, how stupid do you have to be believe that you have the right to force via law me to do business with you...

Yeah, I know, huh?

How stupid.
Business owners have a right to discriminate, no matter how icky you find that clayton. It's exactly no different than gays have a right to marry no matter how icky other people may find it.

Stop being a hypocrite. Freedom means freedom. The government has ZERO authority to tell people they can't discriminate.
If you have a for-profit place of public accommodation -- open to the public, and you deny someone service based on their race or religion, for example, you'll likely soon find out much you have a right to discriminate.

which means the law needs to be removed. Just EXACTLY as the laws against same sex marriage were removed.

You people truly are stupid
Get right on it.

Maybe you can even encourage your GOP candidates to push for it and put it in the Republican party platform.

Snap to it! Get going...Push for it. Hard!

I do push for it, and I think these gay cases are going to push things to the limit and we're going to see some changes made.

I mean seriously, how stupid do you have to be believe that you have the right to force via law me to do business with you...

Yeah, I know, huh?

How stupid.

That is assault, which is a crime regardless of whether the customer is wanted or not

does anyone know if miss piggy and that frog are having problems getting a cake and a licsence?
Interesting you should mention a piggie in this thread.

There was this racist guy who didn't serve blacks in his restaurant - he thought he could legally discriminate.

What happened?

"In its 8-0 decision in Piggie Park, the Supreme Court upheld the Fourth Circuit Court’s ruling against the restaurant chain and found that it was not exempt from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 simply because its owner had religious objections to the law. "
If you have a for-profit place of public accommodation -- open to the public, and you deny someone service based on their race or religion, for example, you'll likely soon find out much you have a right to discriminate.

which means the law needs to be removed. Just EXACTLY as the laws against same sex marriage were removed.

You people truly are stupid
Get right on it.

Maybe you can even encourage your GOP candidates to push for it and put it in the Republican party platform.

Snap to it! Get going...Push for it. Hard!

I do push for it, and I think these gay cases are going to push things to the limit and we're going to see some changes made.

I mean seriously, how stupid do you have to be believe that you have the right to force via law me to do business with you...

Yeah, I know, huh?

How stupid.

That is assault, which is a crime regardless of whether the customer is wanted or not


You really missed the point there, didn't you?
if they refused to bake a gay cake, all they had to do was to go to the nearest pizza parlor, right?
Time to repeal so called PA laws
It's time for business owners to stop discrimination based on race, religion, or sexual orientation, making public accommodations laws unnecessary, no need for repeal.

But as long as businesses owners seek to discriminate, public accommodations laws need to remain.

It's solely up to business owners.

Can you honestly say you would go to a business owned by say for instance, Muslims and try to force them to perform a service for you when you know it would be against their religious beliefs, and you also know you have dozens of other businesses you could choose from ?
Liberals believe a black baker should be forced to bake a cake for the KKK.
Why aren't all the RWrs here fighting actively in their home states to repeal PA laws?

Don't think we won't.....but you leftists have lied so long about public accomodation laws and the truth about private property that it is going to take a while to get people to understand why freedom is important...including the freedom to run your business any way you want......

No you cannot. You CANNOT discriminate. If you want to discriminate, then stay out of the public accommodation business. PERIOD.
It's fucking retarded................appeal to a higher court............

Which would be God.............You Homo Heathens................

Why isn't God helping them?
Well well Sarcasm versus Sarcasm.........Aint that cute......................

Do you want a RAINBOW FLAG TO GO WITH THAT CUTENESS..............

Bottom line, these people believe it's against their faith............and are supposed to have Freedom of Religion in this country..............and forcing them to sell their products to gays offends them and their religious beliefs.................So the minority view is that only them being offended matters............Again, while they sell to the is Privately owned..............not OWNED BY THE PUBLIC................

This decision wan't the case presented to SCOTUS................and it needs to be.....................

Then they cannot run a business in accordance with our secular laws. Get out of the public accommodation business. They cannot refuse business to a certain sector of the public, just like an atheist could not refuse to do business with a Christian.
Why aren't all the RWrs here fighting actively in their home states to repeal PA laws?

Don't think we won't.....but you leftists have lied so long about public accomodation laws and the truth about private property that it is going to take a while to get people to understand why freedom is important...including the freedom to run your business any way you want......

What???? The bottom line here is, if you are going to open a business to serve the PUBLIC, you cannot discriminate against certain sectors of the public based upon your personal belief system. It is illegal!
It's fucking retarded................appeal to a higher court............

Which would be God.............You Homo Heathens................

Why isn't God helping them?

He is, $84,000 raised on ContinueToGive. They'll be fine with the Christian community behind them

Up to $132,000 since yesterday :)
Those aren't Christians, those are homo-haters...

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