The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

Sweet Cakes final order Gresham bakery must pay 135 000 for denying service to same-sex couple

Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian on Thursday ordered the owners of a former Gresham bakery to pay $135,000 in damages to a lesbian couple for refusing to make them a wedding cake.

Avakian's ruling upheld a preliminary finding earlier this year that the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa had discriminated against the women on the basis of their sexual orientation.

Bakery owners Melissa and Aaron Klein cited their Christian beliefs against same-sex marriage in denying service. The case ignited a long-running skirmish in the nation's culture wars, pitting civil rights advocates against religious freedom proponents who argued business owners should have the right to refuse services for gay and lesbian weddings.

Avakian's final order makes clear that serving potential customers equally trumps the Kleins' religious beliefs. Under Oregon law, businesses cannot discriminate or refuse service based on sexual orientation, just as they cannot turn customers away because of race, sex, disability, age or religion, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries said in a news release.

"This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage," Avakian wrote. "It is about a business's refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal.

"Within Oregon's public accommodations law is the basic principle of human decency that every person, regardless of their sexual orientation, has the freedom to fully participate in society. The ability to enter public places, to shop, to dine, to move about unfettered by bigotry."

So, when do the cries of evil, evil, evil ZOG persecution begin?
And when will this all be Obama's fault?
And when does the GoFundMe account go up?
Anyone know how much delicious icing 135 K can buy?

No mudslinging, folks! But you may throw delicious icing. :D

It was people like you who cheered as the Nazis shut down Jewish businesses and hauled off Jews to concentration camps.

In America, the state is not supposed to be able to force you or punish you for not assisting with a ceremony that you find offensive. Buying a burger, renting a room, using a restroom, etc., does not constitute a ceremony, and therefore refusing to provide such service is illegal, and rightly so. But taking part in a ceremony by baking a cake for it, doing flowers for it, etc., is a very different matter.

A wedding is undeniably a ceremony, and in America if you find a wedding ceremony offensive, for whatever reason, you're supposed to have the right not to be forced or punished if you decline to assist with that ceremony. This about the basic rights of freedom of religion, freedom of association, and freedom of private property.

Using Oregon's Stalinist view of "public accommodation," a devout Muslim photographer could be punished for declining to photograph a wedding between a 60-year-old man and a 16-year-old girl whose parents had consented to the "marriage." Or, an Orthodox Jewish baker could be punished for declining to bake a cake for a party being held to celebrate a Muslim teen boy's decision to join Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.
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One of my favorite parts of this case -- is the owner of the bakery -- who called the two women "abominations unto the Lord" (the woman went in with her mother -- and were only there for literally a few minutes at the bakery)

-- sports a tattoo on his arm.

Which is -- an abomination unto the Lord.

No it's not, dope
Yes, it is, you stupid fuck. Tanakh forbids tattoos and declares them an abomination. So, go fuck yourself Sassylezbithing.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You dont know jack-shit, jack. Quote the passage that calls it an abomination.
More ignorant bawk from the chief of stupidity on USMB.

Vayikra 19:28, you stupid fuckwad, which is then interpreted by Maimonides in Mishnah Torah 12:11 (you know, the most revered of Rabbis, a fact you should know, but you don't, because you are fake) as the most base form of idolatry, which is indeed to'evah. Anything that invokes false gods is to'evah, and if you were a real Jew, you would have known it. Here you are, always railing on others about context, you claim to be a Rabbi, and yet, you cannot connect two simple dots from the Tanakh and one of our most revered commentaries. This is how willingly stupid and unlearned you are, you disgusting fuckwad. Maimonides even goes so far as to argue that if a certain tattoo does not have the name of a false god etched into it, it is still idolatry, for it takes on the trappings of pagan culture, which is also strictly forbidden in Tanakh, something you would also know if you were a real Jew and had some brain cells to rub together.

You know, ever since my first day in USMB, you have been a rude, disgusting fuckwad to me from the get-go and I have given you more than the benefit of the doubt.

You are not a Jew. Hell, you are not even an adult. You are prolly some 22 year old twinky kid who just can't wait for the next big bare cock to fill up your boypussy with a lot of that protein filled cum that you so crave, and this is why you act so fucked-up. You are as gay as it gets, but don't want to admit it, and so you attack others in order to stay in your fragile closet. You are a fraud, a fake.

So, it's of no use to tell you to go fuck yourself; your to'evah hole is filled day and night, fuckwad. Don't forget to take your truvada, whore.

And by the way, this is the end of my even giving you the slightest benefit of the doubt. Until now, you have seen my nice side. Just wait until you see the other side. :D

I am sure that when death gets the contract to come pick you up, it will want it's money back.
OK you found the prohibiton but not where it says it is an "abomination."
So you are wrong, as usual.
You arent the most ignroant poster on this site. But you are the most arrogant piece of shit in the universe who thinks he knows far more than he actually does. A real drekk oifn shpitz messer if I ever saw one.
Sweet Cakes final order Gresham bakery must pay 135 000 for denying service to same-sex couple

Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian on Thursday ordered the owners of a former Gresham bakery to pay $135,000 in damages to a lesbian couple for refusing to make them a wedding cake.

Avakian's ruling upheld a preliminary finding earlier this year that the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa had discriminated against the women on the basis of their sexual orientation.

Bakery owners Melissa and Aaron Klein cited their Christian beliefs against same-sex marriage in denying service. The case ignited a long-running skirmish in the nation's culture wars, pitting civil rights advocates against religious freedom proponents who argued business owners should have the right to refuse services for gay and lesbian weddings.

Avakian's final order makes clear that serving potential customers equally trumps the Kleins' religious beliefs. Under Oregon law, businesses cannot discriminate or refuse service based on sexual orientation, just as they cannot turn customers away because of race, sex, disability, age or religion, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries said in a news release.

"This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage," Avakian wrote. "It is about a business's refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal.

"Within Oregon's public accommodations law is the basic principle of human decency that every person, regardless of their sexual orientation, has the freedom to fully participate in society. The ability to enter public places, to shop, to dine, to move about unfettered by bigotry."

So, when do the cries of evil, evil, evil ZOG persecution begin?
And when will this all be Obama's fault?
And when does the GoFundMe account go up?
Anyone know how much delicious icing 135 K can buy?

No mudslinging, folks! But you may throw delicious icing. :D

It was people like you who cheered as the Nazis shut down Jewish businesses and hauled off Jews to concentration camps.

In America, the state is not supposed to be able to force you or punish you for not assisting with a ceremony that you find offensive. Buying a burger, renting a room, using a restroom, etc., does not constitute a ceremony, and therefore refusing to provide such service is illegal, and rightly so. But taking part in a ceremony by baking a cake for it, doing flowers for it, etc., is a very different matter.

A wedding is undeniably a ceremony, and in America if you find a wedding ceremony offensive, for whatever reason, you're supposed to have the right not to be forced or punished if you decline to assist with that ceremony. This about the basic rights of freedom of religion, freedom of association, and freedom of private property.

Using Oregon's Stalinist view of "public accommodation," a devout Muslim photographer could be punished for declining to photograph a wedding between a 60-year-old man and a 16-year-old girl whose parents had consented to the "marriage." Or, an Orthodox Jewish baker could be punished for declining to bake a cake for a party being held to celebrate a Muslim teen boy's decision to join Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Well, aren't you a truly stupid fuck. I'm a Jew, and so I would never celebrate anything the Nazis did, you disgusting fuckwad.

Secondly, I support the law of the land, including public accomodations laws, something that treasonous Righties like you do not do. So, who's the real Nazi here, you stupid fuckwad?

I see you are taking courses in stupidity from the fake Rabbi. Careful, you may surpass him shortly.
One of my favorite parts of this case -- is the owner of the bakery -- who called the two women "abominations unto the Lord" (the woman went in with her mother -- and were only there for literally a few minutes at the bakery)

-- sports a tattoo on his arm.

Which is -- an abomination unto the Lord.

No it's not, dope
Yes, it is, you stupid fuck. Tanakh forbids tattoos and declares them an abomination. So, go fuck yourself Sassylezbithing.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You dont know jack-shit, jack. Quote the passage that calls it an abomination.
More ignorant bawk from the chief of stupidity on USMB.

Vayikra 19:28, you stupid fuckwad, which is then interpreted by Maimonides in Mishnah Torah 12:11 (you know, the most revered of Rabbis, a fact you should know, but you don't, because you are fake) as the most base form of idolatry, which is indeed to'evah. Anything that invokes false gods is to'evah, and if you were a real Jew, you would have known it. Here you are, always railing on others about context, you claim to be a Rabbi, and yet, you cannot connect two simple dots from the Tanakh and one of our most revered commentaries. This is how willingly stupid and unlearned you are, you disgusting fuckwad. Maimonides even goes so far as to argue that if a certain tattoo does not have the name of a false god etched into it, it is still idolatry, for it takes on the trappings of pagan culture, which is also strictly forbidden in Tanakh, something you would also know if you were a real Jew and had some brain cells to rub together.

You know, ever since my first day in USMB, you have been a rude, disgusting fuckwad to me from the get-go and I have given you more than the benefit of the doubt.

You are not a Jew. Hell, you are not even an adult. You are prolly some 22 year old twinky kid who just can't wait for the next big bare cock to fill up your boypussy with a lot of that protein filled cum that you so crave, and this is why you act so fucked-up. You are as gay as it gets, but don't want to admit it, and so you attack others in order to stay in your fragile closet. You are a fraud, a fake.

So, it's of no use to tell you to go fuck yourself; your to'evah hole is filled day and night, fuckwad. Don't forget to take your truvada, whore.

And by the way, this is the end of my even giving you the slightest benefit of the doubt. Until now, you have seen my nice side. Just wait until you see the other side. :D

I am sure that when death gets the contract to come pick you up, it will want it's money back.
OK you found the prohibiton but not where it says it is an "abomination."
So you are wrong, as usual.
You arent the most ignroant poster on this site. But you are the most arrogant piece of shit in the universe who thinks he knows far more than he actually does. A real drekk oifn shpitz messer if I ever saw one.

Ok, and so you are still too stupid to know that context is as important as text itself. You are a disgrace to anything Jewish.
It was people like you who cheered as the Nazis shut down Jewish businesses and hauled off Jews to concentration camps.


In America, the state is not supposed to be able to force you or punish you for not assisting with a ceremony that you find offensive. Buying a burger, renting a room, using a restroom, etc., does not constitute a ceremony, and therefore refusing to provide such service is illegal, and rightly so. But taking part in a ceremony by baking a cake for it, doing flowers for it, etc., is a very different matter.

Except you aren't really "participating". You are delivering a product you said you provide. Usually the "Ceremony" part happens in a church, not at the reception where the Florist or the Baker are doing their thing.

The only person who might have a leg to stand on with the "Ceremony" argument is the Photographer, who would have to be in the church or chapel. But even that's kind of a stretch.

In short- The Chicken Dance is not a Ceremony.

A wedding is undeniably a ceremony, and in America if you find a wedding ceremony offensive, for whatever reason, you're supposed to have the right not to be forced or punished if you decline to assist with that ceremony. This about the basic rights of freedom of religion, freedom of association, and freedom of private property.

Again, you might have an argument if the person hadn't already stated that they do these "Ceremonies". If you don't want to participate in a ceremony you find offensive, then don't be in a business that caters to that ceremony.

Using Oregon's Stalinist view of "public accommodation," a devout Muslim photographer could be punished for declining to photograph a wedding between a 60-year-old man and a 16-year-old girl whose parents had consented to the "marriage." Or, an Orthodox Jewish baker could be punished for declining to bake a cake for a party being held to celebrate a Muslim teen boy's decision to join Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

well, no, not really. The latter case, a Muslim Teen Boy who joined Hamas would be engaging in a criminal act and would probably go to prison.
Just as they are wrong to discriminate against you because of your religious beliefs, you are wrong to discriminate against them. It's quite simple really. If an atheist cannot bring him or herself to bake a cake for a Christian or a Christian cannot bring him or herself to bake a cake for an atheist or a gay person, both are being discriminatory, and that is not going to fly anymore.

Well, too bad. Because we're not going away, and we are not bowing to your dictation on our lives. So, you gotta decide what you will do. Kill us? Fine us? Take away our lives, and our property? What will it be?

Because we are simply not going to cater to SSM. Sorry. It's just not going to happen.... Period. So do whatever you want, it's not changing us.

Nobody wants you to go away or kill you, you nut. Just don't break our secular laws and don't discriminate. If you feel you have to discriminate, then don't go into business for the public.

Well.. we are going to go in business.... and we are going to follow our religious views.

So.... what you going to do? Fines, and jail time won't stop us. So... make up your mind.

Then gay couples are going to sue you for discrimination. :dunno: Not a very savvy businessman, are you?
Ridiculous. SMH.
To you I'm sure it is...................

It's Ok to insult Religion.........Church and State......Church and State.............Cheer when you win a victory and a Nativity scene is not the Constitution...................

And say nothing about these events from the very crowds pushing the current debate...................

and demand we say nothing to offend Muslims.................

This issue is not about a is about the path your side chooses to take this country.............and be damned those who disagree..........and their FREEDOM OF RELIGION BE DAMNED...................

And now the Flood Gates of law suits will commence..............via JUDICIAL ACTIVISM.................TO SILENCE ANY DISSENT.................

And at the same time........................say you are for Freedom of Speech..............the only Speech that is Free to be said in your little anything you agree with............

No others need apply...................

Who says you can't say anything that offends Muslims? Is that a law?
Because no one talks (or is allowed to) about the big mess doesn't mean there isn't one.

Yep, count on it?
Still trying to figure out why Polygamy is a problem for you Pops? Oh did you simply give up?

We know anything goes with you....

I want better for this land.

You mean, you want people, who do not share your personal beliefs, to live by your religious convictions. Sorry, not going to happen. :)
Because no one talks (or is allowed to) about the big mess doesn't mean there isn't one.

Yep, count on it?
Still trying to figure out why Polygamy is a problem for you Pops? Oh did you simply give up?

We know anything goes with you....

I want better for this land.

You mean, you want people, who do not share your personal beliefs, to live by your religious convictions. Sorry, not going to happen. :)

Post where I have stated anything concerning my religious belief.

You can't, my arguments have always been on a secular basis.

Nice try trying to pigeon hole me though.
Because no one talks (or is allowed to) about the big mess doesn't mean there isn't one.

Yep, count on it?
Still trying to figure out why Polygamy is a problem for you Pops? Oh did you simply give up?

We know anything goes with you....

I want better for this land.

You mean, you want people, who do not share your personal beliefs, to live by your religious convictions. Sorry, not going to happen. :)

Post where I have stated anything concerning my religious belief.

You can't, my arguments have always been on a secular basis.

Nice try trying to pigeon hole me though.

Well to be honest, I haven't really seen you make any arguments that make a lick of sense. :D You are persistent though, I'll give you that much.
Because no one talks (or is allowed to) about the big mess doesn't mean there isn't one.

Yep, count on it?
Still trying to figure out why Polygamy is a problem for you Pops? Oh did you simply give up?

We know anything goes with you....

I want better for this land.

You mean, you want people, who do not share your personal beliefs, to live by your religious convictions. Sorry, not going to happen. :)

No, but you want them to live by yours. Hypocrite.
Ridiculous. SMH.
To you I'm sure it is...................

It's Ok to insult Religion.........Church and State......Church and State.............Cheer when you win a victory and a Nativity scene is not the Constitution...................

And say nothing about these events from the very crowds pushing the current debate...................

and demand we say nothing to offend Muslims.................

This issue is not about a is about the path your side chooses to take this country.............and be damned those who disagree..........and their FREEDOM OF RELIGION BE DAMNED...................

And now the Flood Gates of law suits will commence..............via JUDICIAL ACTIVISM.................TO SILENCE ANY DISSENT.................

And at the same time........................say you are for Freedom of Speech..............the only Speech that is Free to be said in your little anything you agree with............

No others need apply...................

Who says you can't say anything that offends Muslims? Is that a law?

No, its a policy of the obama administration.
Because no one talks (or is allowed to) about the big mess doesn't mean there isn't one.

Yep, count on it?
Still trying to figure out why Polygamy is a problem for you Pops? Oh did you simply give up?

We know anything goes with you....

I want better for this land.

You mean, you want people, who do not share your personal beliefs, to live by your religious convictions. Sorry, not going to happen. :)

No, but you want them to live by yours. Hypocrite.

Mine? No, those are the laws. If you are going to open a business, be aware of the laws. Know the laws. If you can't comply with the laws, then don't open a business.
Ridiculous. SMH.
To you I'm sure it is...................

It's Ok to insult Religion.........Church and State......Church and State.............Cheer when you win a victory and a Nativity scene is not the Constitution...................

And say nothing about these events from the very crowds pushing the current debate...................

and demand we say nothing to offend Muslims.................

This issue is not about a is about the path your side chooses to take this country.............and be damned those who disagree..........and their FREEDOM OF RELIGION BE DAMNED...................

And now the Flood Gates of law suits will commence..............via JUDICIAL ACTIVISM.................TO SILENCE ANY DISSENT.................

And at the same time........................say you are for Freedom of Speech..............the only Speech that is Free to be said in your little anything you agree with............

No others need apply...................

Who says you can't say anything that offends Muslims? Is that a law?

No, its a policy of the obama administration.

Funny, I see people here make remarks about Muslims all the time. Perhaps you are one of them.
Yep, count on it?
Still trying to figure out why Polygamy is a problem for you Pops? Oh did you simply give up?

We know anything goes with you....

I want better for this land.

You mean, you want people, who do not share your personal beliefs, to live by your religious convictions. Sorry, not going to happen. :)

No, but you want them to live by yours. Hypocrite.

Mine? No, those are the laws. If you are going to open a business, be aware of the laws. Know the laws. If you can't comply with the laws, then don't open a business.

Bad laws are still laws, you are correct. Laws that discriminate against people because of their religious or personal beliefs are unconstitutional.

It is quite likely that a future SC will vacate this ruling.
Ridiculous. SMH.
To you I'm sure it is...................

It's Ok to insult Religion.........Church and State......Church and State.............Cheer when you win a victory and a Nativity scene is not the Constitution...................

And say nothing about these events from the very crowds pushing the current debate...................

and demand we say nothing to offend Muslims.................

This issue is not about a is about the path your side chooses to take this country.............and be damned those who disagree..........and their FREEDOM OF RELIGION BE DAMNED...................

And now the Flood Gates of law suits will commence..............via JUDICIAL ACTIVISM.................TO SILENCE ANY DISSENT.................

And at the same time........................say you are for Freedom of Speech..............the only Speech that is Free to be said in your little anything you agree with............

No others need apply...................

Who says you can't say anything that offends Muslims? Is that a law?

No, its a policy of the obama administration.

Funny, I see people here make remarks about Muslims all the time. Perhaps you are one of them.

Remarks about radical muslim terrorists who want to kill you and me? Yes, I have and will continue to do so. Obama can kiss my cajun ass as he caters to muslims.
Still trying to figure out why Polygamy is a problem for you Pops? Oh did you simply give up?

We know anything goes with you....

I want better for this land.

You mean, you want people, who do not share your personal beliefs, to live by your religious convictions. Sorry, not going to happen. :)

No, but you want them to live by yours. Hypocrite.

Mine? No, those are the laws. If you are going to open a business, be aware of the laws. Know the laws. If you can't comply with the laws, then don't open a business.

Bad laws are still laws, you are correct. Laws that discriminate against people because of their religious or personal beliefs are unconstitutional.

It is quite likely that a future SC will vacate this ruling.

They are not "bad laws." Lol. These laws protect ALL of us. The same thing is going to apply if you, as a Christian, go to a Muslim bakery, and they refuse to bake YOU a cake based on their personal belief system. You seem to think people are out to "get you." That is not the case. These laws are in place for fair business practice.
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Ridiculous. SMH.
To you I'm sure it is...................

It's Ok to insult Religion.........Church and State......Church and State.............Cheer when you win a victory and a Nativity scene is not the Constitution...................

And say nothing about these events from the very crowds pushing the current debate...................

and demand we say nothing to offend Muslims.................

This issue is not about a is about the path your side chooses to take this country.............and be damned those who disagree..........and their FREEDOM OF RELIGION BE DAMNED...................

And now the Flood Gates of law suits will commence..............via JUDICIAL ACTIVISM.................TO SILENCE ANY DISSENT.................

And at the same time........................say you are for Freedom of Speech..............the only Speech that is Free to be said in your little anything you agree with............

No others need apply...................

Who says you can't say anything that offends Muslims? Is that a law?

No, its a policy of the obama administration.

Funny, I see people here make remarks about Muslims all the time. Perhaps you are one of them.

Remarks about radical muslim terrorists who want to kill you and me? Yes, I have and will continue to do so. Obama can kiss my cajun ass as he caters to muslims.

Well, then, no one is stopping you from making these remarks, are they? Have you been fined or arrested? No? Then what is your point?
Still trying to figure out why Polygamy is a problem for you Pops? Oh did you simply give up?

We know anything goes with you....

I want better for this land.

You mean, you want people, who do not share your personal beliefs, to live by your religious convictions. Sorry, not going to happen. :)

No, but you want them to live by yours. Hypocrite.

Mine? No, those are the laws. If you are going to open a business, be aware of the laws. Know the laws. If you can't comply with the laws, then don't open a business.

Bad laws are still laws, you are correct. Laws that discriminate against people because of their religious or personal beliefs are unconstitutional.

It is quite likely that a future SC will vacate this ruling.

What are you talking about? Public accommodation laws and anti-discrimination laws? Don't think so. Lol. :D

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