The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K


Dear customers of the Bake Shop. Due to the risk of being sued, by the possibility of someone being offended, we no longer serve SPECIALTY cakes but standard cake orders..............Please refer to the menu of cakes made at this bakery............These are the available cakes you may order..........Any requests for orders off the menu are against store policy. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you..............Enjoy your cake.................

And have a nice day.

Wouldn't have changed anything if the menu includes a selection of standard wedding cakes and the Klein's refused sale.

New by law.........all deliveries by UPS...............let the Gov't deliver to all weddings then.
Animal House fitting a name for the current state of affairs in this country............

Yep........all those in the movie animal house were the 1%'s..........

I think it perfectly describes what the 1% does to the Christian Working CLass. They got what htey wanted out of you and discarded you when they were done.
Animal House fitting a name for the current state of affairs in this country............

Yep........all those in the movie animal house were the 1%'s..........

I think it perfectly describes what the 1% does to the Christian Working CLass. They got what htey wanted out of you and discarded you when they were done.
So says the Hollywood Actor making millions and millions more than the business owner making less........

And neither of these did so baking cakes.
this kind of stuff help people reject homosexuals period. If they(homosexuals) don't start standing up for OTHERS in these witch hunts. Then they only have themselves to blame for the hate that people will have against them. It's sad but a fact of life. they can't keep pushing themselves off on the people in the country. They like Black people, they are being USED by others and should wake up to it.

You have it backwards. It's stuff like this which creates a backlash against Christian right wingers. The phrase "Christian right wingers" is really an oxymoron because Jesus was a person who stood up for the poor, the downtrodden, and the outcasts of society. He even stood up to those who were stoning an adulterer by saying "Let you who is without sin, cast the first stone".

I guess the phrase "Love one another as I have loved you" has no meaning to you. It is not very loving of these so-called Christians to refuse service to the gays.

Yep. Jesus certainly wasn't killed for his strict adherence to the conservative religious
principles of his day.
What a sick, abusive, and scary mindset you have. Any decent, normal couple would have simply found another baker if they discovered that the first baker would find it offensive to make their wedding cake. No normal couple would have even considered filing a complaint against the first baker, much less trying to get him fined.

"If you're not gay, gay marriage won't affect you! So what do you care if gays get married?" Remember that argument?

Now we see gay rights nazis using gay marriage to punish any vendor who dares to decline to service their wedding on religious grounds.

Any decent normal business wouldn't refuse service to a gay couple. It takes a special brand of hatred to stand there and spit in the eye of someone who honors your business by asking for service.

If I were refused service because of discrimination, I'd sue. Unless this bakery is also refusing service to other classes of sinners, like adulterers, liars, thieves and blasphemers, all of which are specifically mentioned in the 10 Commandments, the bakers don't have a leg to stand on.

How would they know they are adulterers, liars, thieves and blasphemers? LOL You stepped in it

How would you know they're gay if they didn't expressly tell yo
this kind of stuff help people reject homosexuals period. If they(homosexuals) don't start standing up for OTHERS in these witch hunts. Then they only have themselves to blame for the hate that people will have against them. It's sad but a fact of life. they can't keep pushing themselves off on the people in the country. They like Black people, they are being USED by others and should wake up to it.

You have it backwards. It's stuff like this which creates a backlash against Christian right wingers. The phrase "Christian right wingers" is really an oxymoron because Jesus was a person who stood up for the poor, the downtrodden, and the outcasts of society. He even stood up to those who were stoning an adulterer by saying "Let you who is without sin, cast the first stone".

I guess the phrase "Love one another as I have loved you" has no meaning to you. It is not very loving of these so-called Christians to refuse service to the gays.

Yep. Jesus certainly wasn't killed for his strict adherence to the conservative religious
principles of his day.
Jesus was killed by know.........the one's partying down with Toga's on and off as they practiced radical sex rituals and cheered as Christians were fed to the Lion's............

Conservative religious Principles..................ROME................
[QUOTE="SassyIrishLass, post: 11757866, member: 18937]

GFY idiot. You're another one too stupid to live.
Jesus is watching every word you write.

Pray for forgiveness tonight.

He may smite you.

You let me worry about my relationship with God. Newsflash: It doesn't concern you. Now go study the Bible and then comment, you looked like a tool on that tattoo comment. LMAO[/QUOTE]

So then why do the gays excite you so?
Isn't it their relationship with God that doesn't concern you? It's not your soul on the line.
What a sick, abusive, and scary mindset you have. Any decent, normal couple would have simply found another baker if they discovered that the first baker would find it offensive to make their wedding cake. No normal couple would have even considered filing a complaint against the first baker, much less trying to get him fined.

"If you're not gay, gay marriage won't affect you! So what do you care if gays get married?" Remember that argument?

Now we see gay rights nazis using gay marriage to punish any vendor who dares to decline to service their wedding on religious grounds.

Any decent normal business wouldn't refuse service to a gay couple. It takes a special brand of hatred to stand there and spit in the eye of someone who honors your business by asking for service.

If I were refused service because of discrimination, I'd sue. Unless this bakery is also refusing service to other classes of sinners, like adulterers, liars, thieves and blasphemers, all of which are specifically mentioned in the 10 Commandments, the bakers don't have a leg to stand on.

How would they know they are adulterers, liars, thieves and blasphemers? LOL You stepped in it

How would you know they're gay if they didn't expressly tell yo
this kind of stuff help people reject homosexuals period. If they(homosexuals) don't start standing up for OTHERS in these witch hunts. Then they only have themselves to blame for the hate that people will have against them. It's sad but a fact of life. they can't keep pushing themselves off on the people in the country. They like Black people, they are being USED by others and should wake up to it.

You have it backwards. It's stuff like this which creates a backlash against Christian right wingers. The phrase "Christian right wingers" is really an oxymoron because Jesus was a person who stood up for the poor, the downtrodden, and the outcasts of society. He even stood up to those who were stoning an adulterer by saying "Let you who is without sin, cast the first stone".

I guess the phrase "Love one another as I have loved you" has no meaning to you. It is not very loving of these so-called Christians to refuse service to the gays.

Yep. Jesus certainly wasn't killed for his strict adherence to the conservative religious
principles of his day.
Jesus was killed by know.........the one's partying down with Toga's on and off as they practiced radical sex rituals and cheered as Christians were fed to the Lion's............

Conservative religious Principles..................ROME................

Killed by the Romans at the behest of whom?
What a sick, abusive, and scary mindset you have. Any decent, normal couple would have simply found another baker if they discovered that the first baker would find it offensive to make their wedding cake. No normal couple would have even considered filing a complaint against the first baker, much less trying to get him fined.

"If you're not gay, gay marriage won't affect you! So what do you care if gays get married?" Remember that argument?

Now we see gay rights nazis using gay marriage to punish any vendor who dares to decline to service their wedding on religious grounds.

Any decent normal business wouldn't refuse service to a gay couple. It takes a special brand of hatred to stand there and spit in the eye of someone who honors your business by asking for service.

If I were refused service because of discrimination, I'd sue. Unless this bakery is also refusing service to other classes of sinners, like adulterers, liars, thieves and blasphemers, all of which are specifically mentioned in the 10 Commandments, the bakers don't have a leg to stand on.

How would they know they are adulterers, liars, thieves and blasphemers? LOL You stepped in it

How would you know they're gay if they didn't expressly tell yo
this kind of stuff help people reject homosexuals period. If they(homosexuals) don't start standing up for OTHERS in these witch hunts. Then they only have themselves to blame for the hate that people will have against them. It's sad but a fact of life. they can't keep pushing themselves off on the people in the country. They like Black people, they are being USED by others and should wake up to it.

You have it backwards. It's stuff like this which creates a backlash against Christian right wingers. The phrase "Christian right wingers" is really an oxymoron because Jesus was a person who stood up for the poor, the downtrodden, and the outcasts of society. He even stood up to those who were stoning an adulterer by saying "Let you who is without sin, cast the first stone".

I guess the phrase "Love one another as I have loved you" has no meaning to you. It is not very loving of these so-called Christians to refuse service to the gays.

Yep. Jesus certainly wasn't killed for his strict adherence to the conservative religious
principles of his day.
Jesus was killed by know.........the one's partying down with Toga's on and off as they practiced radical sex rituals and cheered as Christians were fed to the Lion's............

Conservative religious Principles..................ROME................

Killed by the Romans at the behest of whom?
Nice try at diversion...........You equated with your bs Christians being Roman........but your point is bs because the Romans persecuted Christians............which is why I laughed at your post..............

Batshittians 3:42: "Because it was destiny that sweet cakes, Jeebus and 'ghey' would all belong within the same sentence one day in the land of Or, for the holy Spaghetti Monster foresaw it all with his longest noodle."​

Sweet Cakes final order Gresham bakery must pay 135 000 for denying service to same-sex couple

Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian on Thursday ordered the owners of a former Gresham bakery to pay $135,000 in damages to a lesbian couple for refusing to make them a wedding cake.

Avakian's ruling upheld a preliminary finding earlier this year that the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa had discriminated against the women on the basis of their sexual orientation.

Bakery owners Melissa and Aaron Klein cited their Christian beliefs against same-sex marriage in denying service. The case ignited a long-running skirmish in the nation's culture wars, pitting civil rights advocates against religious freedom proponents who argued business owners should have the right to refuse services for gay and lesbian weddings.

Avakian's final order makes clear that serving potential customers equally trumps the Kleins' religious beliefs. Under Oregon law, businesses cannot discriminate or refuse service based on sexual orientation, just as they cannot turn customers away because of race, sex, disability, age or religion, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries said in a news release.

"This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage," Avakian wrote. "It is about a business's refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal.

"Within Oregon's public accommodations law is the basic principle of human decency that every person, regardless of their sexual orientation, has the freedom to fully participate in society. The ability to enter public places, to shop, to dine, to move about unfettered by bigotry."


So, when do the cries of evil, evil, evil ZOG persecution begin?
And when will this all be Obama's fault?
And when does the GoFundMe account go up?
Anyone know how much delicious icing 135 K can buy?

No mudslinging, folks! But you may throw delicious icing. :D


So two married couples work out at a gym together, one couple married lesbians, the other married straights. They go to the showers. One couple gets to enter their locker/showers together, the other has to go to separate.

Lesbians are attracted to females in the same way males are, but the lesbians get access greater than the straights?

This is going to be a mess folks. Enjoy it while you're ahead!

lol, you mean like the big mess the military was going to be in when gays were given equal rights... in the big mess that never happened and no one even talks about anymore?
Because no one talks (or is allowed to) about the big mess doesn't mean there isn't one.
Any decent normal business wouldn't refuse service to a gay couple. It takes a special brand of hatred to stand there and spit in the eye of someone who honors your business by asking for service.

If I were refused service because of discrimination, I'd sue. Unless this bakery is also refusing service to other classes of sinners, like adulterers, liars, thieves and blasphemers, all of which are specifically mentioned in the 10 Commandments, the bakers don't have a leg to stand on.

How would they know they are adulterers, liars, thieves and blasphemers? LOL You stepped in it

How would you know they're gay if they didn't expressly tell yo
this kind of stuff help people reject homosexuals period. If they(homosexuals) don't start standing up for OTHERS in these witch hunts. Then they only have themselves to blame for the hate that people will have against them. It's sad but a fact of life. they can't keep pushing themselves off on the people in the country. They like Black people, they are being USED by others and should wake up to it.

You have it backwards. It's stuff like this which creates a backlash against Christian right wingers. The phrase "Christian right wingers" is really an oxymoron because Jesus was a person who stood up for the poor, the downtrodden, and the outcasts of society. He even stood up to those who were stoning an adulterer by saying "Let you who is without sin, cast the first stone".

I guess the phrase "Love one another as I have loved you" has no meaning to you. It is not very loving of these so-called Christians to refuse service to the gays.

Yep. Jesus certainly wasn't killed for his strict adherence to the conservative religious
principles of his day.
Jesus was killed by know.........the one's partying down with Toga's on and off as they practiced radical sex rituals and cheered as Christians were fed to the Lion's............

Conservative religious Principles..................ROME................

Killed by the Romans at the behest of whom?
Nice try at diversion...........You equated with your bs Christians being Roman........but your point is bs because the Romans persecuted Christians............which is why I laughed at your post..............

You have the mind of a child.
it's all there. I said Jesus didn't die for his adherence to the conservative religious principles of his day. You then claimed that the godless Romans killed him. True enough, but who asked the Romans to kill him?
You then talked about Romans killing Christians. You are weak.
Any decent normal business wouldn't refuse service to a gay couple. It takes a special brand of hatred to stand there and spit in the eye of someone who honors your business by asking for service.

If I were refused service because of discrimination, I'd sue. Unless this bakery is also refusing service to other classes of sinners, like adulterers, liars, thieves and blasphemers, all of which are specifically mentioned in the 10 Commandments, the bakers don't have a leg to stand on.

How would they know they are adulterers, liars, thieves and blasphemers? LOL You stepped in it

How would you know they're gay if they didn't expressly tell yo
this kind of stuff help people reject homosexuals period. If they(homosexuals) don't start standing up for OTHERS in these witch hunts. Then they only have themselves to blame for the hate that people will have against them. It's sad but a fact of life. they can't keep pushing themselves off on the people in the country. They like Black people, they are being USED by others and should wake up to it.

You have it backwards. It's stuff like this which creates a backlash against Christian right wingers. The phrase "Christian right wingers" is really an oxymoron because Jesus was a person who stood up for the poor, the downtrodden, and the outcasts of society. He even stood up to those who were stoning an adulterer by saying "Let you who is without sin, cast the first stone".

I guess the phrase "Love one another as I have loved you" has no meaning to you. It is not very loving of these so-called Christians to refuse service to the gays.

Yep. Jesus certainly wasn't killed for his strict adherence to the conservative religious
principles of his day.
Jesus was killed by know.........the one's partying down with Toga's on and off as they practiced radical sex rituals and cheered as Christians were fed to the Lion's............

Conservative religious Principles..................ROME................

Killed by the Romans at the behest of whom?
Nice try at diversion...........You equated with your bs Christians being Roman........but your point is bs because the Romans persecuted Christians............which is why I laughed at your post..............

How would they know they are adulterers, liars, thieves and blasphemers? LOL You stepped in it

How would you know they're gay if they didn't expressly tell yo
You have it backwards. It's stuff like this which creates a backlash against Christian right wingers. The phrase "Christian right wingers" is really an oxymoron because Jesus was a person who stood up for the poor, the downtrodden, and the outcasts of society. He even stood up to those who were stoning an adulterer by saying "Let you who is without sin, cast the first stone".

I guess the phrase "Love one another as I have loved you" has no meaning to you. It is not very loving of these so-called Christians to refuse service to the gays.

Yep. Jesus certainly wasn't killed for his strict adherence to the conservative religious
principles of his day.
Jesus was killed by know.........the one's partying down with Toga's on and off as they practiced radical sex rituals and cheered as Christians were fed to the Lion's............

Conservative religious Principles..................ROME................

Killed by the Romans at the behest of whom?
Nice try at diversion...........You equated with your bs Christians being Roman........but your point is bs because the Romans persecuted Christians............which is why I laughed at your post..............

You have the mind of a child.
it's all there. I said Jesus didn't die for his adherence to the conservative religious principles of his day. You then claimed that the godless Romans killed him. True enough, but who asked the Romans to kill him?
You then talked about Romans killing Christians. You are weak.

A Portrait Of Jesus World - The Empire s Religions From Jesus To Christ - The First Christians FRONTLINE PBS

[In the Roman Empire] you have an enormous set of religious options. It would be like going to a supermarket and being able to sort of shop for God. And you have them at various times in your life and for various functions of your living. If you were ill and had access to a physician and could afford the care of a physician, certainly you would do that, but if the physician didn't work out or if you didn't have access to a physician then you would have gone to a sanctuary of Aesclepius.

Your principal deity, however, might well be Athena, the Athena of the city. And so you would take part in the civic celebrations around Athena, who would be the protector of the city. If one were a farmer, or even if were not, but dependent on agriculture, certainly Dionysus would have been a very important deity, the one who makes things grow. Dionysus was a beloved character in the Roman Empire; we find him everywhere.

The Romans of the time were Pagans............Christ was not the time of the Pagan Constantinople......

How does Paganism equate to conservative religious principle unless you are equating Paganism to Conservatives.......

Hardly...........those of the left and the ACLU attack Christian symbols and Religious people of today...........and if they REFUSE TO OBEY they are FED TO THE LIONS...............aka THE COURTS FOR THEIR PERSECUTION................for having a set of beliefs that doesn't comply with your demands............

The roman paganism, of RITUAL SEX and toga parties in places like San Fran Sicko...........are they new they perform their very rituals in the streets in protest.....................and the left says nothing........

But dare to not bake a cake because it's against your beliefs and you WILL OBEY.....OR YOU WILL BE DESTROYED............

Your side under this context are the Modern Day Version of PAGANISM.............and claim you are the ones of Jesus is a Joke.
How would they know they are adulterers, liars, thieves and blasphemers? LOL You stepped in it

How would you know they're gay if they didn't expressly tell yo
You have it backwards. It's stuff like this which creates a backlash against Christian right wingers. The phrase "Christian right wingers" is really an oxymoron because Jesus was a person who stood up for the poor, the downtrodden, and the outcasts of society. He even stood up to those who were stoning an adulterer by saying "Let you who is without sin, cast the first stone".

I guess the phrase "Love one another as I have loved you" has no meaning to you. It is not very loving of these so-called Christians to refuse service to the gays.

Yep. Jesus certainly wasn't killed for his strict adherence to the conservative religious
principles of his day.
Jesus was killed by know.........the one's partying down with Toga's on and off as they practiced radical sex rituals and cheered as Christians were fed to the Lion's............

Conservative religious Principles..................ROME................

Killed by the Romans at the behest of whom?
Nice try at diversion...........You equated with your bs Christians being Roman........but your point is bs because the Romans persecuted Christians............which is why I laughed at your post..............

Huh...........the Romans of that day practiced Paganism...............and perverted rituals...........and you equate that to Conservative Christians.........

huh? yeah.........I agree...........HUH?
The Dore Alley Street Fair, or “Up Your Alley” as it is now formally known, is as dirty and debaucherous as San Francisco gets in broad daylight.


n 2012 the world's largest leather event, the Folsom Street Fair®, will take place on Sunday, September 23, 2012 from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Your side defends these Fairs as Freedom of Speech...............Celebrate it in San Fran Scko................

We must accept this shit in San Fran as perfectly ok............1st Amendment.......1st Amendment.........1st Amendment.......

Freedom of Religion need not apply.

Bondage festival.............again San Fran Sicko...........

The NEW NORM.................

BUT THIS.........................

Judge denies bid for Nativity displays in Santa Monica

To Liberals left is right..........right is left.........up is down......down is up.............

What you propose to the United States as MORALLY ACCEPTABLE........while attacking Religion has no MORAL HIGH GROUND............Your side doesn't have a Moral leg to stand on.............NOTHING......................

The Day I respect these activities to be NORMAL.........IS THE DAY HELL FREEZES OVER.............which brings us to another ding bat topic.........GLOBAL WARMING IS GONNA BAKE YOUR CAKE WITHOUT AN OVEN...............

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