The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

yet, you are.

I am what? Show me where I cherry pick Leviticus. Advance warning: I don't quote Leviticus
OK then. You don't agree with the baker quoting Leviticus to discriminate against gays and lesbians.


The bakers didn't have to quote Leviticus. I'm setting you up to fail, you know that don't you?


Poor you.

Romans 1 26-28 :) You took the bait :)

Where's the ban on doing business with homosexuals in those verses?
Advance warning: I don't quote Leviticus

Aaron Klien the owner of the bakeshop did, the person in question in the case. Which is the point being made.


He didn't have to quote Leviticus, it's his choice to use Biblical verse he wants to but there are others that would do nicely

Yet that was the verse he choose to use to call the women abominations, all while sporting a tattoo - which Leviticus commands people should not do.

I wonder what the bakers would say if they, as a married couple, were denied access together to the same gym showerroom together as a lesbian couple can?

Heck, I bet they would never sue on the basis that the gym owner denied them equal public access?

Hmmmm, I wonder if the court would treat the complaint the same?
Advance warning: I don't quote Leviticus

Aaron Klien the owner of the bakeshop did, the person in question in the case. Which is the point being made.


He didn't have to quote Leviticus, it's his choice to use Biblical verse he wants to but there are others that would do nicely

Yet that was the verse he choose to use to call the women abominations, all while sporting a tattoo - which Leviticus commands people should not do.


Johnny come lately World Watcher missed the part on ceremonial and Mosaic law.
Dear customers of the Bake Shop. Due to the risk of being sued, by the possibility of someone being offended, we no longer serve SPECIALTY cakes but standard cake orders..............Please refer to the menu of cakes made at this bakery............These are the available cakes you may order..........Any requests for orders off the menu are against store policy. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you..............Enjoy your cake.................

And have a nice day.
I never mentioned the New Testament. Did I? If so point out where

FatIrishSow, you are backpeddling so fast we'd think you were in spin class.

So are you saying that you only follow the bible in hating gays because that gives you an excuse, but you are going to ignore all the other rules in the bible (Old and New Testament) that might put a crimp on you life?

SO why not just say, "I hate gay people because of my own sexual insecurities'. I htink that would really be the first step in getting the help you need.

But don't drag in some Imaginary Sky Pixie to make your point.
Dear customers of the Bake Shop. Due to the risk of being sued, by the possibility of someone being offended, we no longer serve SPECIALTY cakes but standard cake orders..............Please refer to the menu of cakes made at this bakery............These are the available cakes you may order..........Any requests for orders off the menu are against store policy. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you..............Enjoy your cake.................

And have a nice day.

Except Bakeries make the really big money off of Wedding cakes. As do a lot of other industries, which is why this is kind of a big deal.
I never mentioned the New Testament. Did I? If so point out where

FatIrishSow, you are backpeddling so fast we'd think you were in spin class.

So are you saying that you only follow the bible in hating gays because that gives you an excuse, but you are going to ignore all the other rules in the bible (Old and New Testament) that might put a crimp on you life?

SO why not just say, "I hate gay people because of my own sexual insecurities'. I htink that would really be the first step in getting the help you need.

But don't drag in some Imaginary Sky Pixie to make your point.

Yo dumb fuck, I have laid out why your fellow cohorts don't have a clue what they are talking about. Now stfu because you are just as fucking clueless
Riddle me this.................If someone came to you and requested you make them a cake that said GOD DAMN AMERICA! Would you bake it and put those words on it as requested....................or would you tell them to go fuck themselves..................

I'd tell them to go fuck themselves...............Then they'd go I'LL SUE..........OR reply would be the same...........because I wouldn't do it.............and the courts would say I MUST DO SO........your out of must pay................and you can't go public with your convictions...........

Only in America with RETARDS who think this is righteous, would this ever be allowed...........oops...........already happens in Europe.........

Moral of the story..................Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

Not really the same thing.

You didn't advertise "I'll make cakes with offensive messages on them."

You advertised, "I make cakes for weddings."

Refusing to provide the service you offered based on race, religion or sexual orientation is against the law in Oregon. These bakers broke the law.
Yo dumb fuck, I have laid out why your fellow cohorts don't have a clue what they are talking about. Now stfu because you are just as fucking clueless

Yeah, I've read your incoherent babbling. I was just trying to explain it to you in a way you might understand, but you are a bit thick headed.

Not to worry, we'll have "Tolerance Camps" for folks like you soon enough.
I never mentioned the New Testament. Did I? If so point out where

FatIrishSow, you are backpeddling so fast we'd think you were in spin class.

So are you saying that you only follow the bible in hating gays because that gives you an excuse, but you are going to ignore all the other rules in the bible (Old and New Testament) that might put a crimp on you life?

SO why not just say, "I hate gay people because of my own sexual insecurities'. I htink that would really be the first step in getting the help you need.

But don't drag in some Imaginary Sky Pixie to make your point.
aka You are a HOMOPHOBE...............Do not question your orders..........OBEY.........You will be Assimulated...........We are the Borg,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RESISTANCE IS FUTILE..............

Or the quick version...........STFU...............

Yo dumb fuck, I have laid out why your fellow cohorts don't have a clue what they are talking about. Now stfu because you are just as fucking clueless

Yeah, I've read your incoherent babbling. I was just trying to explain it to you in a way you might understand, but you are a bit thick headed.

Not to worry, we'll have "Tolerance Camps" for folks like you soon enough.

You don't know the Old Covenant from the New Covenant, you confused them with Testaments. Now shut up and sit down
Dear customers of the Bake Shop. Due to the risk of being sued, by the possibility of someone being offended, we no longer serve SPECIALTY cakes but standard cake orders..............Please refer to the menu of cakes made at this bakery............These are the available cakes you may order..........Any requests for orders off the menu are against store policy. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you..............Enjoy your cake.................

And have a nice day.

Except Bakeries make the really big money off of Wedding cakes. As do a lot of other industries, which is why this is kind of a big deal.
Sir the wedding cake menu or store offers in on pages 25 to 35............Please choose one of those selections.........those are the wedding cakes that this bakery is authorized to make...............Have a nice day..............and thank you for ordering your cake at "bake you cake and eat it to Bakeries".............

Be well customer...............

aka You are a HOMOPHOBE...............Do not question your orders..........OBEY.........You will be Assimulated...........We are the Borg,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RESISTANCE IS FUTILE..............

Or the quick version...........STFU...............

That works for me, too.

Here's the real problem with you homophobes.

You all got used by the 1%. The 1% brought up this issue in 2004 to get Bush re-elected. They got all you homophobes out to the polls and you put the world's stupidest man in the White House and he proceeded to fuck up, well, everything.

The rich made out like bandits. They got their war to drag on for another four years, they got to play all sorts of games with the markets and got bailouts when it crashed.

And you stupid, working class homophobes look at your underwater mortgages and your busted 401K accounts and a lot of you can't even get jobs that pay as well as they did in the 1990's, and you said to yourselves...

"Well, at least we kept them fag-goots from getting married, Cleetus."

Oh, Damn.

Don't you feel a little silly now?
Yo dumb fuck, I have laid out why your fellow cohorts don't have a clue what they are talking about. Now stfu because you are just as fucking clueless

"Yo dumb fuck, .... Now stfu because you are just as fucking clueless" <---- The "christian" speaks.

Jesus weeps.
You don't know the Old Covenant from the New Covenant, you confused them with Testaments. Now shut up and sit down

Completely irrelevent to the point. there's a whole lot of shit in the "New Covenant" you guys ignore as well.

Actually, the only thing Jesus said was to love your neighbor and treat people the way you want to be treated. He didn't say jack diddly shit about the gay stuff.
You don't know the Old Covenant from the New Covenant, you confused them with Testaments. Now shut up and sit down

Completely irrelevent to the point. there's a whole lot of shit in the "New Covenant" you guys ignore as well.

Actually, the only thing Jesus said was to love your neighbor and treat people the way you want to be treated. He didn't say jack diddly shit about the gay stuff.

It's completely relevant. You're just too ignorant to know why. Now go bother someone that takes you serious. I don't. Idiot
Sir the wedding cake menu or store offers in on pages 25 to 35............Please choose one of those selections.........those are the wedding cakes that this bakery is authorized to make...............Have a nice day..............and thank you for ordering your cake at "bake you cake and eat it to Bakeries".............

Be well customer...............

You can keep trying to weasel your way out of this, but here's why it won't work.

Big Business has already decided gay marriage is going to happen. They've figured out that they value the dollars of gay couple more than homophobes.

So when you all try to get around this by being "clever", big businesses are going to slap you down and tell republican lawmakers to get in line.

Just imagine how silly you are going to look in 20 years.

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