The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

I am talking about the gay marriage ruling, thats what this thread is basically about.

Okay, why don't you clearly state your reason for wanting to deny gay people the same rights and privileges that you have please. :)

I want them to have every right that I have. I want a gay bakery to be able to refuse service to the KKK or the black panthers or the skinheads.

I want a gay bakery to be free to bake a rebel flag cake or to refuse to bake one.

I want muslims to be free to serve nothing but halal foods or to serve pork if they choose.

Freedom is a two way street.

Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.

Do you think the gay mafia is not a hate group? Their rhetoric is the most hate filled of any group on the scene today.

Okay, why don't you try to reverse the discrimination and see how YOU would feel . . . probably quite angry.

as a straight, white male I am discriminated against today. in employment, college admissions.
Okay, why don't you clearly state your reason for wanting to deny gay people the same rights and privileges that you have please. :)

I want them to have every right that I have. I want a gay bakery to be able to refuse service to the KKK or the black panthers or the skinheads.

I want a gay bakery to be free to bake a rebel flag cake or to refuse to bake one.

I want muslims to be free to serve nothing but halal foods or to serve pork if they choose.

Freedom is a two way street.

Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.

Do you think the gay mafia is not a hate group? Their rhetoric is the most hate filled of any group on the scene today.

The gay mafia? :lol:

Yes, the ones who spit on a catholic priest and performed gay sex acts in public in "celebration" of the SC ruling.

I certainly do not condone that behavior, but the actions of some doesn't mean that all gay people are in a hate group. In fact, there are some gay people that you would never know they were gay unless they told you. They are NOT all the same, you know? They are individuals, like you and me.
Okay, why don't you clearly state your reason for wanting to deny gay people the same rights and privileges that you have please. :)

I want them to have every right that I have. I want a gay bakery to be able to refuse service to the KKK or the black panthers or the skinheads.

I want a gay bakery to be free to bake a rebel flag cake or to refuse to bake one.

I want muslims to be free to serve nothing but halal foods or to serve pork if they choose.

Freedom is a two way street.

Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.

Do you think the gay mafia is not a hate group? Their rhetoric is the most hate filled of any group on the scene today.

Okay, why don't you try to reverse the discrimination and see how YOU would feel . . . probably quite angry.

as a straight, white male I am discriminated against today. in employment, college admissions.

I don't agree with AA. I think at one time it was needed but not anymore since we have anti-discrimination laws! See how that works? :D
I am talking about the gay marriage ruling, thats what this thread is basically about.

Okay, why don't you clearly state your reason for wanting to deny gay people the same rights and privileges that you have please. :)

I want them to have every right that I have. I want a gay bakery to be able to refuse service to the KKK or the black panthers or the skinheads.

I want a gay bakery to be free to bake a rebel flag cake or to refuse to bake one.

I want muslims to be free to serve nothing but halal foods or to serve pork if they choose.

Freedom is a two way street.

Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.

you just made my point. serving halal or kosher is based on religious beliefs, should they be forced to serve bacon and pork chops rather than offend pork eaters?

you libs are all over the place on this, your theories always fall apart because of your false circular logic.

I think this is silly. I don't consider gay people a "hate group." I see them as a group of people who feel disenfranchised because people want to discriminate against them. They get angry, they act out. Can you blame them though? I know if I walked into a bakery, happy, wanting to have you bake me a cake for my upcoming wedding and you refused to do so because I was a heterosexual, I would probably be quite pissed off about it and it would make me feel bad too.

there are lots of gay bars on the east end of Bourbon street, I would not be welcome in any of them and that does not bother me in the least. I have no desire to force them to sell me a beer while watching two men hump each other on the dance floor.
Okay, why don't you clearly state your reason for wanting to deny gay people the same rights and privileges that you have please. :)

I want them to have every right that I have. I want a gay bakery to be able to refuse service to the KKK or the black panthers or the skinheads.

I want a gay bakery to be free to bake a rebel flag cake or to refuse to bake one.

I want muslims to be free to serve nothing but halal foods or to serve pork if they choose.

Freedom is a two way street.

Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.

you just made my point. serving halal or kosher is based on religious beliefs, should they be forced to serve bacon and pork chops rather than offend pork eaters?

you libs are all over the place on this, your theories always fall apart because of your false circular logic.

I think this is silly. I don't consider gay people a "hate group." I see them as a group of people who feel disenfranchised because people want to discriminate against them. They get angry, they act out. Can you blame them though? I know if I walked into a bakery, happy, wanting to have you bake me a cake for my upcoming wedding and you refused to do so because I was a heterosexual, I would probably be quite pissed off about it and it would make me feel bad too.

there are lots of gay bars on the east end of Bourbon street, I would not be welcome in any of them and that does not bother me in the least. I have no desire to force them to sell me a beer while watching two men hump each other on the dance floor.

Sure you would. I used to have a gay friend (haven't seen him in YEARS), and I went to a gay bar with him, and everyone was very kind.
What are you talking about? Public accommodation laws and anti-discrimination laws? Don't think so. Lol. :D

I am talking about the gay marriage ruling, thats what this thread is basically about.

Okay, why don't you clearly state your reason for wanting to deny gay people the same rights and privileges that you have please. :)

I want them to have every right that I have. I want a gay bakery to be able to refuse service to the KKK or the black panthers or the skinheads.

I want a gay bakery to be free to bake a rebel flag cake or to refuse to bake one.

I want muslims to be free to serve nothing but halal foods or to serve pork if they choose.

Freedom is a two way street.

Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.

you just made my point. serving halal or kosher is based on religious beliefs, should they be forced to serve bacon and pork chops rather than offend pork eaters?

you libs are all over the place on this, your theories always fall apart because of your false circular logic.

I'm not all over the place at all. Your understanding is just limited. We all know what kosher and halal foods are. That is the entire reason for their business is to provide those foods. It would be absolutely unreasonable to demand bacon from a kosher deli. There is no equivalent Christian food tradition though, is there?
I want them to have every right that I have. I want a gay bakery to be able to refuse service to the KKK or the black panthers or the skinheads.

I want a gay bakery to be free to bake a rebel flag cake or to refuse to bake one.

I want muslims to be free to serve nothing but halal foods or to serve pork if they choose.

Freedom is a two way street.

Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.

Do you think the gay mafia is not a hate group? Their rhetoric is the most hate filled of any group on the scene today.

Okay, why don't you try to reverse the discrimination and see how YOU would feel . . . probably quite angry.

as a straight, white male I am discriminated against today. in employment, college admissions.

I don't agree with AA. I think at one time it was needed but not anymore since we have anti-discrimination laws! See how that works? :D

Yes, you continue to make my points for me. Maybe there is hope for you
No it's not, dope
Yes, it is, you stupid fuck. Tanakh forbids tattoos and declares them an abomination. So, go fuck yourself Sassylezbithing.

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You dont know jack-shit, jack. Quote the passage that calls it an abomination.
More ignorant bawk from the chief of stupidity on USMB.

Vayikra 19:28, you stupid fuckwad, which is then interpreted by Maimonides in Mishnah Torah 12:11 (you know, the most revered of Rabbis, a fact you should know, but you don't, because you are fake) as the most base form of idolatry, which is indeed to'evah. Anything that invokes false gods is to'evah, and if you were a real Jew, you would have known it. Here you are, always railing on others about context, you claim to be a Rabbi, and yet, you cannot connect two simple dots from the Tanakh and one of our most revered commentaries. This is how willingly stupid and unlearned you are, you disgusting fuckwad. Maimonides even goes so far as to argue that if a certain tattoo does not have the name of a false god etched into it, it is still idolatry, for it takes on the trappings of pagan culture, which is also strictly forbidden in Tanakh, something you would also know if you were a real Jew and had some brain cells to rub together.

You know, ever since my first day in USMB, you have been a rude, disgusting fuckwad to me from the get-go and I have given you more than the benefit of the doubt.

You are not a Jew. Hell, you are not even an adult. You are prolly some 22 year old twinky kid who just can't wait for the next big bare cock to fill up your boypussy with a lot of that protein filled cum that you so crave, and this is why you act so fucked-up. You are as gay as it gets, but don't want to admit it, and so you attack others in order to stay in your fragile closet. You are a fraud, a fake.

So, it's of no use to tell you to go fuck yourself; your to'evah hole is filled day and night, fuckwad. Don't forget to take your truvada, whore.

And by the way, this is the end of my even giving you the slightest benefit of the doubt. Until now, you have seen my nice side. Just wait until you see the other side. :D

I am sure that when death gets the contract to come pick you up, it will want it's money back.
OK you found the prohibiton but not where it says it is an "abomination."
So you are wrong, as usual.
You arent the most ignroant poster on this site. But you are the most arrogant piece of shit in the universe who thinks he knows far more than he actually does. A real drekk oifn shpitz messer if I ever saw one.

Ok, and so you are still too stupid to know that context is as important as text itself. You are a disgrace to anything Jewish.
You stated something. I called on you to back it up. You failed. And now you blame me for your failure.
Man up, take some responsibility for your fuck ups, admit I was right, and move on. It's shit like this that makes you one of the most detested posters on this site.
Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.

Do you think the gay mafia is not a hate group? Their rhetoric is the most hate filled of any group on the scene today.

Okay, why don't you try to reverse the discrimination and see how YOU would feel . . . probably quite angry.

as a straight, white male I am discriminated against today. in employment, college admissions.

I don't agree with AA. I think at one time it was needed but not anymore since we have anti-discrimination laws! See how that works? :D

Yes, you continue to make my points for me. Maybe there is hope for you

Right, but it is BECAUSE we have anti discrimination laws. They protect all of us. That is what you need to realize.
I am talking about the gay marriage ruling, thats what this thread is basically about.

Okay, why don't you clearly state your reason for wanting to deny gay people the same rights and privileges that you have please. :)

I want them to have every right that I have. I want a gay bakery to be able to refuse service to the KKK or the black panthers or the skinheads.

I want a gay bakery to be free to bake a rebel flag cake or to refuse to bake one.

I want muslims to be free to serve nothing but halal foods or to serve pork if they choose.

Freedom is a two way street.

Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.

you just made my point. serving halal or kosher is based on religious beliefs, should they be forced to serve bacon and pork chops rather than offend pork eaters?

you libs are all over the place on this, your theories always fall apart because of your false circular logic.

I'm not all over the place at all. Your understanding is just limited. We all know what kosher and halal foods are. That is the entire reason for their business is to provide those foods. It would be absolutely unreasonable to demand bacon from a kosher deli. There is no equivalent Christian food tradition though, is there?

those food limitations are based on religious beliefs, just as opposition to gay marriage is based on religious beliefs in some cases. Its exactly the same thing.
Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.

Do you think the gay mafia is not a hate group? Their rhetoric is the most hate filled of any group on the scene today.

Okay, why don't you try to reverse the discrimination and see how YOU would feel . . . probably quite angry.

as a straight, white male I am discriminated against today. in employment, college admissions.

I don't agree with AA. I think at one time it was needed but not anymore since we have anti-discrimination laws! See how that works? :D

Yes, you continue to make my points for me. Maybe there is hope for you

Now, why don't you tell me why exactly you are anti gay marriage. Fire and brimstone and all that? :D
Yep, count on it?
Still trying to figure out why Polygamy is a problem for you Pops? Oh did you simply give up?

We know anything goes with you....

I want better for this land.

You mean, you want people, who do not share your personal beliefs, to live by your religious convictions. Sorry, not going to happen. :)

No, but you want them to live by yours. Hypocrite.

Mine? No, those are the laws. If you are going to open a business, be aware of the laws. Know the laws. If you can't comply with the laws, then don't open a business.
If you can't sit in the front of the bus, move to the back. It's the law!
Still trying to figure out why Polygamy is a problem for you Pops? Oh did you simply give up?

We know anything goes with you....

I want better for this land.

You mean, you want people, who do not share your personal beliefs, to live by your religious convictions. Sorry, not going to happen. :)

No, but you want them to live by yours. Hypocrite.

Mine? No, those are the laws. If you are going to open a business, be aware of the laws. Know the laws. If you can't comply with the laws, then don't open a business.
If you can't sit in the front of the bus, move to the back. It's the law!

Please, if you are going to address my posts, make some kind of sense and don't waste my time.
Do you think the gay mafia is not a hate group? Their rhetoric is the most hate filled of any group on the scene today.

Okay, why don't you try to reverse the discrimination and see how YOU would feel . . . probably quite angry.

as a straight, white male I am discriminated against today. in employment, college admissions.

I don't agree with AA. I think at one time it was needed but not anymore since we have anti-discrimination laws! See how that works? :D

Yes, you continue to make my points for me. Maybe there is hope for you

Right, but it is BECAUSE we have anti discrimination laws. They protect all of us. That is what you need to realize.

I do realize it you need to realize that its a two way street and that all beliefs are due the same protections.
No, but you want them to live by yours. Hypocrite.

Mine? No, those are the laws. If you are going to open a business, be aware of the laws. Know the laws. If you can't comply with the laws, then don't open a business.

Bad laws are still laws, you are correct. Laws that discriminate against people because of their religious or personal beliefs are unconstitutional.

It is quite likely that a future SC will vacate this ruling.

What are you talking about? Public accommodation laws and anti-discrimination laws? Don't think so. Lol. :D

I am talking about the gay marriage ruling, thats what this thread is basically about.

Okay, why don't you clearly state your reason for wanting to deny gay people the same rights and privileges that you have please. :)
Gay people always had the same rights and privileges as the rest of us. Now we all have more.
Bad laws are still laws, you are correct. Laws that discriminate against people because of their religious or personal beliefs are unconstitutional.

It is quite likely that a future SC will vacate this ruling.

What are you talking about? Public accommodation laws and anti-discrimination laws? Don't think so. Lol. :D

I am talking about the gay marriage ruling, thats what this thread is basically about.

Okay, why don't you clearly state your reason for wanting to deny gay people the same rights and privileges that you have please. :)

I want them to have every right that I have. I want a gay bakery to be able to refuse service to the KKK or the black panthers or the skinheads.

I want a gay bakery to be free to bake a rebel flag cake or to refuse to bake one.

I want muslims to be free to serve nothing but halal foods or to serve pork if they choose.

Freedom is a two way street.

Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.
Gays are the ultimate hate group.
Okay, why don't you try to reverse the discrimination and see how YOU would feel . . . probably quite angry.

as a straight, white male I am discriminated against today. in employment, college admissions.

I don't agree with AA. I think at one time it was needed but not anymore since we have anti-discrimination laws! See how that works? :D

Yes, you continue to make my points for me. Maybe there is hope for you

Right, but it is BECAUSE we have anti discrimination laws. They protect all of us. That is what you need to realize.

I do realize it you need to realize that its a two way street and that all beliefs are due the same protections.

And they are. These laws protect you too. Businesses cannot discriminate against you because of your religious beliefs. That is all there is to it. There is nothing "unfair" about these laws. If you go into business, be prepared to serve EVERYBODY.
What are you talking about? Public accommodation laws and anti-discrimination laws? Don't think so. Lol. :D

I am talking about the gay marriage ruling, thats what this thread is basically about.

Okay, why don't you clearly state your reason for wanting to deny gay people the same rights and privileges that you have please. :)

I want them to have every right that I have. I want a gay bakery to be able to refuse service to the KKK or the black panthers or the skinheads.

I want a gay bakery to be free to bake a rebel flag cake or to refuse to bake one.

I want muslims to be free to serve nothing but halal foods or to serve pork if they choose.

Freedom is a two way street.

Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.
Gays are the ultimate hate group.

Look, we get it. You hate the gays. :rolleyes-41:
What are you talking about? Public accommodation laws and anti-discrimination laws? Don't think so. Lol. :D

I am talking about the gay marriage ruling, thats what this thread is basically about.

Okay, why don't you clearly state your reason for wanting to deny gay people the same rights and privileges that you have please. :)

I want them to have every right that I have. I want a gay bakery to be able to refuse service to the KKK or the black panthers or the skinheads.

I want a gay bakery to be free to bake a rebel flag cake or to refuse to bake one.

I want muslims to be free to serve nothing but halal foods or to serve pork if they choose.

Freedom is a two way street.

Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.
Gays are the ultimate hate group.
The guy with the Confederate flag, and the founder of the KKK, as an avatar, is talking about hate groups.......

the irony
as a straight, white male I am discriminated against today. in employment, college admissions.

I don't agree with AA. I think at one time it was needed but not anymore since we have anti-discrimination laws! See how that works? :D

Yes, you continue to make my points for me. Maybe there is hope for you

Right, but it is BECAUSE we have anti discrimination laws. They protect all of us. That is what you need to realize.

I do realize it you need to realize that its a two way street and that all beliefs are due the same protections.

And they are. These laws protect you too. Businesses cannot discriminate against you because of your religious beliefs. That is all there is to it. There is nothing "unfair" about these laws. If you go into business, be prepared to serve EVERYBODY.

Don't you understand? you are advocating discrimination against businesses because of their religious beliefs. anti-discrimination does not just apply to individuals, it applies to businesses and groups as well.

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