The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

Okay, why don't you clearly state your reason for wanting to deny gay people the same rights and privileges that you have please. :)

I want them to have every right that I have. I want a gay bakery to be able to refuse service to the KKK or the black panthers or the skinheads.

I want a gay bakery to be free to bake a rebel flag cake or to refuse to bake one.

I want muslims to be free to serve nothing but halal foods or to serve pork if they choose.

Freedom is a two way street.

Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.

you just made my point. serving halal or kosher is based on religious beliefs, should they be forced to serve bacon and pork chops rather than offend pork eaters?

you libs are all over the place on this, your theories always fall apart because of your false circular logic.

I'm not all over the place at all. Your understanding is just limited. We all know what kosher and halal foods are. That is the entire reason for their business is to provide those foods. It would be absolutely unreasonable to demand bacon from a kosher deli. There is no equivalent Christian food tradition though, is there?

those food limitations are based on religious beliefs, just as opposition to gay marriage is based on religious beliefs in some cases. Its exactly the same thing.

Not really but keep thinking that.
We know anything goes with you....

I want better for this land.

You mean, you want people, who do not share your personal beliefs, to live by your religious convictions. Sorry, not going to happen. :)

No, but you want them to live by yours. Hypocrite.

Mine? No, those are the laws. If you are going to open a business, be aware of the laws. Know the laws. If you can't comply with the laws, then don't open a business.
If you can't sit in the front of the bus, move to the back. It's the law!

Please, if you are going to address my posts, make some kind of sense and don't waste my time.
Sorry, I mistook you from someone with at least 3 functioning brain cells.
Your constant bleating about "it's the law, it's the law" ignores the long tradition of civil disobedience against unjust laws in this country. Rosa Parks is remembered as a hero precisely because she broke the law. The lunch counter sit ins were heroic precisely because they broke the law.
Christian opposition to coerced business transactions is the new civil rights movement of our era.
That cleaer?
I am talking about the gay marriage ruling, thats what this thread is basically about.

Okay, why don't you clearly state your reason for wanting to deny gay people the same rights and privileges that you have please. :)

I want them to have every right that I have. I want a gay bakery to be able to refuse service to the KKK or the black panthers or the skinheads.

I want a gay bakery to be free to bake a rebel flag cake or to refuse to bake one.

I want muslims to be free to serve nothing but halal foods or to serve pork if they choose.

Freedom is a two way street.

Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.
Gays are the ultimate hate group.

Look, we get it. You hate the gays. :rolleyes-41:
Another lie from you.
What are you talking about? Public accommodation laws and anti-discrimination laws? Don't think so. Lol. :D

I am talking about the gay marriage ruling, thats what this thread is basically about.

Okay, why don't you clearly state your reason for wanting to deny gay people the same rights and privileges that you have please. :)

I want them to have every right that I have. I want a gay bakery to be able to refuse service to the KKK or the black panthers or the skinheads.

I want a gay bakery to be free to bake a rebel flag cake or to refuse to bake one.

I want muslims to be free to serve nothing but halal foods or to serve pork if they choose.

Freedom is a two way street.

Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.
Gays are the ultimate hate group.

some of them, not all of them. I know gays who think the gay marriage thing is unnecessary and foolish.
You mean, you want people, who do not share your personal beliefs, to live by your religious convictions. Sorry, not going to happen. :)

No, but you want them to live by yours. Hypocrite.

Mine? No, those are the laws. If you are going to open a business, be aware of the laws. Know the laws. If you can't comply with the laws, then don't open a business.
If you can't sit in the front of the bus, move to the back. It's the law!

Please, if you are going to address my posts, make some kind of sense and don't waste my time.
Sorry, I mistook you from someone with at least 3 functioning brain cells.
Your constant bleating about "it's the law, it's the law" ignores the long tradition of civil disobedience against unjust laws in this country. Rosa Parks is remembered as a hero precisely because she broke the law. The lunch counter sit ins were heroic precisely because they broke the law.
Christian opposition to coerced business transactions is the new civil rights movement of our era.
That cleaer?

It is not an "unjust" law. It applies to everyone. These laws are to make sure the Rosa Parks incidents never happen again in our country. It doesn't just apply to gay people, it applies to you too.
I don't agree with AA. I think at one time it was needed but not anymore since we have anti-discrimination laws! See how that works? :D

Yes, you continue to make my points for me. Maybe there is hope for you

Right, but it is BECAUSE we have anti discrimination laws. They protect all of us. That is what you need to realize.

I do realize it you need to realize that its a two way street and that all beliefs are due the same protections.

And they are. These laws protect you too. Businesses cannot discriminate against you because of your religious beliefs. That is all there is to it. There is nothing "unfair" about these laws. If you go into business, be prepared to serve EVERYBODY.

Don't you understand? you are advocating discrimination against businesses because of their religious beliefs. anti-discrimination does not just apply to individuals, it applies to businesses and groups as well.
The bakery was not being discriminated against because of their religious beliefs. The bakery is not a religious institution.
Okay, why don't you clearly state your reason for wanting to deny gay people the same rights and privileges that you have please. :)

I want them to have every right that I have. I want a gay bakery to be able to refuse service to the KKK or the black panthers or the skinheads.

I want a gay bakery to be free to bake a rebel flag cake or to refuse to bake one.

I want muslims to be free to serve nothing but halal foods or to serve pork if they choose.

Freedom is a two way street.

Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.
Gays are the ultimate hate group.

Look, we get it. You hate the gays. :rolleyes-41:
Another lie from you.

Oh please. I think it would be you who is lying here. You like the gays then?
Okay, why don't you try to reverse the discrimination and see how YOU would feel . . . probably quite angry.

as a straight, white male I am discriminated against today. in employment, college admissions.

I don't agree with AA. I think at one time it was needed but not anymore since we have anti-discrimination laws! See how that works? :D

Yes, you continue to make my points for me. Maybe there is hope for you

Right, but it is BECAUSE we have anti discrimination laws. They protect all of us. That is what you need to realize.

I do realize it you need to realize that its a two way street and that all beliefs are due the same protections.

That's not the agenda. The agenda is to make Progressivism more powerful, and to crush traditional American values. Angelo Codevilla has an excellent piece on this topic at NRO:

The ruling class’s component groups jointly dismiss America’s traditional liberties because they aim to replace them with their own primacy. Having seized the power to redefine liberty, our rulers tighten their definitions around their opponents’ necks like nooses. Since their desire for primacy has no limit, they can’t stop tightening. The norms that they demand that we honor help sustain each constituency by letting its members feel good about themselves while looking down on others. Their “dignitary interests” (to use Justice Kennedy’s term for who must be honored vs. those who must submit to being vilified) simply trump those of others. This is why the ruling class demonizes any questioning of its demands’ substance by imposing modern equivalents of the slave-era “gag rule.” They wage identity politics as war. ...

Read more at: Rulikng class redefinitions no more equal protection National Review Online
Yes, you continue to make my points for me. Maybe there is hope for you

Right, but it is BECAUSE we have anti discrimination laws. They protect all of us. That is what you need to realize.

I do realize it you need to realize that its a two way street and that all beliefs are due the same protections.

And they are. These laws protect you too. Businesses cannot discriminate against you because of your religious beliefs. That is all there is to it. There is nothing "unfair" about these laws. If you go into business, be prepared to serve EVERYBODY.

Don't you understand? you are advocating discrimination against businesses because of their religious beliefs. anti-discrimination does not just apply to individuals, it applies to businesses and groups as well.
The bakery was not being discriminated against because of their religious beliefs. The bakery is not a religious institution.

You don't really grok Individual liberty.
Yes, you continue to make my points for me. Maybe there is hope for you

Right, but it is BECAUSE we have anti discrimination laws. They protect all of us. That is what you need to realize.

I do realize it you need to realize that its a two way street and that all beliefs are due the same protections.

And they are. These laws protect you too. Businesses cannot discriminate against you because of your religious beliefs. That is all there is to it. There is nothing "unfair" about these laws. If you go into business, be prepared to serve EVERYBODY.

Don't you understand? you are advocating discrimination against businesses because of their religious beliefs. anti-discrimination does not just apply to individuals, it applies to businesses and groups as well.
The bakery was not being discriminated against because of their religious beliefs. The bakery is not a religious institution.

Hobby Lobby isn't a religious organization either, how'd that work out?
I want them to have every right that I have. I want a gay bakery to be able to refuse service to the KKK or the black panthers or the skinheads.

I want a gay bakery to be free to bake a rebel flag cake or to refuse to bake one.

I want muslims to be free to serve nothing but halal foods or to serve pork if they choose.

Freedom is a two way street.

Uh, no, it isn't.

When those bakers said, "We provide wedding cakes", they became a public accommodation.
Yes, you continue to make my points for me. Maybe there is hope for you

Right, but it is BECAUSE we have anti discrimination laws. They protect all of us. That is what you need to realize.

I do realize it you need to realize that its a two way street and that all beliefs are due the same protections.

And they are. These laws protect you too. Businesses cannot discriminate against you because of your religious beliefs. That is all there is to it. There is nothing "unfair" about these laws. If you go into business, be prepared to serve EVERYBODY.

Don't you understand? you are advocating discrimination against businesses because of their religious beliefs. anti-discrimination does not just apply to individuals, it applies to businesses and groups as well.
The bakery was not being discriminated against because of their religious beliefs. The bakery is not a religious institution.

neither were the gay couple a religious institution, so what?

what should have happened is:

gay couple: we would like for you to bake us a wedding cake

baker: I do not want to do that because I do not believe in gay marriage, however, Tom the baker down the street is gay and he would be pleased to bake your cake

gay couple: thanks, we respect your beliefs and will go see Tom, have a nice day.
No, but you want them to live by yours. Hypocrite.

Mine? No, those are the laws. If you are going to open a business, be aware of the laws. Know the laws. If you can't comply with the laws, then don't open a business.
If you can't sit in the front of the bus, move to the back. It's the law!

Please, if you are going to address my posts, make some kind of sense and don't waste my time.
Sorry, I mistook you from someone with at least 3 functioning brain cells.
Your constant bleating about "it's the law, it's the law" ignores the long tradition of civil disobedience against unjust laws in this country. Rosa Parks is remembered as a hero precisely because she broke the law. The lunch counter sit ins were heroic precisely because they broke the law.
Christian opposition to coerced business transactions is the new civil rights movement of our era.
That cleaer?

It is not an "unjust" law. It applies to everyone. These laws are to make sure the Rosa Parks incidents never happen again in our country. It doesn't just apply to gay people, it applies to you too.
LOL! Sure thing.
Of course it is unjust and oppressive.
Rosa Parks involved a city bus. That's a public institution. You get that, right?
as a straight, white male I am discriminated against today. in employment, college admissions.

I don't agree with AA. I think at one time it was needed but not anymore since we have anti-discrimination laws! See how that works? :D

Yes, you continue to make my points for me. Maybe there is hope for you

Right, but it is BECAUSE we have anti discrimination laws. They protect all of us. That is what you need to realize.

I do realize it you need to realize that its a two way street and that all beliefs are due the same protections.

That's not the agenda. The agenda is to make Progressivism more powerful, and to crush traditional American values. Angelo Codevilla has an excellent piece on this topic at NRO:

The ruling class’s component groups jointly dismiss America’s traditional liberties because they aim to replace them with their own primacy. Having seized the power to redefine liberty, our rulers tighten their definitions around their opponents’ necks like nooses. Since their desire for primacy has no limit, they can’t stop tightening. The norms that they demand that we honor help sustain each constituency by letting its members feel good about themselves while looking down on others. Their “dignitary interests” (to use Justice Kennedy’s term for who must be honored vs. those who must submit to being vilified) simply trump those of others. This is why the ruling class demonizes any questioning of its demands’ substance by imposing modern equivalents of the slave-era “gag rule.” They wage identity politics as war. ...

Read more at: Rulikng class redefinitions no more equal protection National Review Online

That sounds like a bunch of paranoia, IMO. As far as the laws are concerned, they are fair and just to everyone equally. They are anti discrimination laws that apply equally to everyone. Your traditional values as an American are not necessarily the same as another person's traditional values.

Everyone is an individual, and we don't all think or believe the same. That is what makes life interesting.
I want them to have every right that I have. I want a gay bakery to be able to refuse service to the KKK or the black panthers or the skinheads.

I want a gay bakery to be free to bake a rebel flag cake or to refuse to bake one.

I want muslims to be free to serve nothing but halal foods or to serve pork if they choose.

Freedom is a two way street.

Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.
Gays are the ultimate hate group.

Look, we get it. You hate the gays. :rolleyes-41:
Another lie from you.

Oh please. I think it would be you who is lying here. You like the gays then?
Name another group that conspires to force businesses to close, threatens to "out" politicians unless the vote the right way, and wages nasty social media campaigns against CEOs for their personal beliefs. Yeah, we know.
Denying people rights and privileges the same as what you have IS discrimination. Hello?

the right and priviledge to practice your religious beliefs is a basic constitutional right. It applies to all religions, atheists, and tree huggers. denying the practice of religious beliefs is discrimination
Mine? No, those are the laws. If you are going to open a business, be aware of the laws. Know the laws. If you can't comply with the laws, then don't open a business.
If you can't sit in the front of the bus, move to the back. It's the law!

Please, if you are going to address my posts, make some kind of sense and don't waste my time.
Sorry, I mistook you from someone with at least 3 functioning brain cells.
Your constant bleating about "it's the law, it's the law" ignores the long tradition of civil disobedience against unjust laws in this country. Rosa Parks is remembered as a hero precisely because she broke the law. The lunch counter sit ins were heroic precisely because they broke the law.
Christian opposition to coerced business transactions is the new civil rights movement of our era.
That cleaer?

It is not an "unjust" law. It applies to everyone. These laws are to make sure the Rosa Parks incidents never happen again in our country. It doesn't just apply to gay people, it applies to you too.
LOL! Sure thing.
Of course it is unjust and oppressive.
Rosa Parks involved a city bus. That's a public institution. You get that, right?

I don't understand what point you're trying to make here. Try to be more clear. It sounds as if you agree that the Rosa Parks incident was unjust??? That it was wrong to discriminate against her in that way?

If you don't want to associate with gay people or whomever in your personal life, that is fine. You just cannot carry that over into your business practice when you go into a business that serves the public.

Now, what is your objection to gay marriage or baking a cake?
Refusing to make a cake for the KKK really is not the same as refusing gays. I don't think a judge in the world would force someone to work with a hate group.

Muslims and Jews are free to serve only halal or kosher foods. That's the whole point of their business.
Gays are the ultimate hate group.

Look, we get it. You hate the gays. :rolleyes-41:
Another lie from you.

Oh please. I think it would be you who is lying here. You like the gays then?
Name another group that conspires to force businesses to close, threatens to "out" politicians unless the vote the right way, and wages nasty social media campaigns against CEOs for their personal beliefs. Yeah, we know.

It would be the same if a gay baker discriminated against you because you were a heterosexual. Then, they would be fined and perhaps driving out of business. Do you see that?
Denying people rights and privileges the same as what you have IS discrimination. Hello?

the right and priviledge to practice your religious beliefs is a basic constitutional right. It applies to all religions, atheists, and tree huggers. denying the practice of religious beliefs is discrimination
Baking a cake, for money, is not an act of faith...

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