The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

Name another group that conspires to force businesses to close, threatens to "out" politicians unless the vote the right way, and wages nasty social media campaigns against CEOs for their personal beliefs. Yeah, we know.

It would be the same if a gay baker discriminated against you because you were a heterosexual. Then, they would be fined and perhaps driving out of business. Do you see that?
Only if I complained. Which I wouldn't. I would find a baker who wanted to work with me. And then I would take to the internet and tell everyone I know that this baker discriminated against me and people shouldnt use him.
You understand that I am in favor of people's ability to discriminate in business, even if that means they discriminate against me, right?

That's your prerogative. It has nothing to do with the law though. Your personal feelings and beliefs are not what our laws are based upon. Our laws are based upon fair and just business practices that do not discriminate against a certain sector of the public.

No offense but you're becoming redundant

Me???? :lol: I'm just trying to explain American secular law to you. You still don't seem to get it though. We are not Iran. We don't prefer religious practices over fair business practices when it comes to doing business in America. :cool:

You sound like a broken record, you already posted that before. Quality, not quanity
Oh please. I think it would be you who is lying here. You like the gays then?
Name another group that conspires to force businesses to close, threatens to "out" politicians unless the vote the right way, and wages nasty social media campaigns against CEOs for their personal beliefs. Yeah, we know.

It would be the same if a gay baker discriminated against you because you were a heterosexual. Then, they would be fined and perhaps driving out of business. Do you see that?

why would a hetero couple want a gay baker to make their cake? Why would they want to force him, if he objected due to his sexual orientation? The gay baker should be free to only provide his products to other gays if he chooses to so limit his customers.

Maybe he makes delicious cakes?

Nope, can't do that. It's against the law.

damn, I thought you were coming around, now you have reverted to being as dumb as a sack of frog feet.

I'm sorry, but that's how I view you too. :D Very ignorant.
Denying people rights and privileges the same as what you have IS discrimination. Hello?

Whose rights should prevail? Does one person's right to a gay marriage void someone else's right to just be left alone?

No. It doesn't. The rights in The Constitution are essentially negative rights - meaning they are the right to be left alone to manage one's own life. Forcing someone to employ his skills and resources AGAINST HIS WILL his a clear violation of his Liberty.

For every bakery that doesn't want to make Gay Wedding Cakes, there will be others that will happily provide the business. The right go Gay Marriage should not be construed as a right to FORCE EVERYONE TO PARTICIPATE in one's wedding.

Nobody is controlling your life. Gay marriage is not controlling your life. The thing is, if you open a business, you are not allowed to discriminate against anyone. If you cannot manage that, then you don't open a business because you will be breaking a law.

That is a CROCK. You are buying into the Prog agenda of voiding Property Rights and Individual Liberty.

One person's liberty stops at the boundary of someone else's. A bakery not wanting to bake a cake for someone doesn't prevent the gay couple from getting a cake elsewhere.

Where does this end? Isn't it discrimination to not provide a cake to people with no money? Because that is where this is headed.

Lol. Okay. If you cannot see the value of anti-discrimination laws, I can't help you. If you don't understand that American laws are not based upon any one particular religious principal, then I can't help you.

what you don't, or won't, get is that anti discrimination goes both ways.
Name another group that conspires to force businesses to close, threatens to "out" politicians unless the vote the right way, and wages nasty social media campaigns against CEOs for their personal beliefs. Yeah, we know.

It would be the same if a gay baker discriminated against you because you were a heterosexual. Then, they would be fined and perhaps driving out of business. Do you see that?

why would a hetero couple want a gay baker to make their cake? Why would they want to force him, if he objected due to his sexual orientation? The gay baker should be free to only provide his products to other gays if he chooses to so limit his customers.

Maybe he makes delicious cakes?

Nope, can't do that. It's against the law.

damn, I thought you were coming around, now you have reverted to being as dumb as a sack of frog feet.

I'm sorry, but that's how I view you too. :D Very ignorant.

maybe a sack of frog feet was too complimentary, how about a sack of cat shit?
It would be the same if a gay baker discriminated against you because you were a heterosexual. Then, they would be fined and perhaps driving out of business. Do you see that?
Only if I complained. Which I wouldn't. I would find a baker who wanted to work with me. And then I would take to the internet and tell everyone I know that this baker discriminated against me and people shouldnt use him.
You understand that I am in favor of people's ability to discriminate in business, even if that means they discriminate against me, right?

That's your prerogative. It has nothing to do with the law though. Your personal feelings and beliefs are not what our laws are based upon. Our laws are based upon fair and just business practices that do not discriminate against a certain sector of the public.

No offense but you're becoming redundant

Me???? :lol: I'm just trying to explain American secular law to you. You still don't seem to get it though. We are not Iran. We don't prefer religious practices over fair business practices when it comes to doing business in America. :cool:

You sound like a broken record, you already posted that before. Quality, not quanity

Just trying to make you guys understand that your religious convictions are not applicable to business practices because we are a secular nation and not a theocracy. It's really quite simple. Muslims are not allowed to discriminate against you because you are a Christian. Christians are not allowed to discriminate against gays because they are gay. It's really nothing to throw temper tantrum about. It is not an "unjust" law because it applies to everyone equally.
It is clear that the 135 K fine is warranted.

Gays are a very frail group and such a traumatic event probably warrants counseling for the rest of their lives.
Another lie from you.

Oh please. I think it would be you who is lying here. You like the gays then?
Name another group that conspires to force businesses to close, threatens to "out" politicians unless the vote the right way, and wages nasty social media campaigns against CEOs for their personal beliefs. Yeah, we know.

It would be the same if a gay baker discriminated against you because you were a heterosexual. Then, they would be fined and perhaps driving out of business. Do you see that?
Only if I complained. Which I wouldn't. I would find a baker who wanted to work with me. And then I would take to the internet and tell everyone I know that this baker discriminated against me and people shouldnt use him.
You understand that I am in favor of people's ability to discriminate in business, even if that means they discriminate against me, right?

That's your prerogative. It has nothing to do with the law though. Your personal feelings and beliefs are not what our laws are based upon. Our laws are based upon fair and just business practices that do not discriminate against a certain sector of the public.
Your back to "it's the law." I already demonstrated that's a failure.
Denying people rights and privileges the same as what you have IS discrimination. Hello?

Whose rights should prevail? Does one person's right to a gay marriage void someone else's right to just be left alone?

No. It doesn't. The rights in The Constitution are essentially negative rights - meaning they are the right to be left alone to manage one's own life. Forcing someone to employ his skills and resources AGAINST HIS WILL his a clear violation of his Liberty.

For every bakery that doesn't want to make Gay Wedding Cakes, there will be others that will happily provide the business. The right go Gay Marriage should not be construed as a right to FORCE EVERYONE TO PARTICIPATE in one's wedding.

Nobody is controlling your life. Gay marriage is not controlling your life. The thing is, if you open a business, you are not allowed to discriminate against anyone. If you cannot manage that, then you don't open a business because you will be breaking a law.
If you're forced to engage i an activity you would not do otherwise then someone is controlling your life. How do you not see that?

For Social Justice Snowflakes, tolerance is not enough. They want to force complete Acceptance and Participation in whatever their Cause De Tweet is.

This is just more paranoia. Nobody is out to get you. Really. You are still free to practice your religion. You just cannot apply those beliefs (discriminatory) to a business. A business is not allowed to discriminate against anyone, and this protects all of us from being discriminated against. That's all there is to it really.

I'm not gay, and I don't feel threatened at all by gay people. Although I may not always agree with their tactics, I can understand why they would feel disenfranchised.

You are a useful idiot spewing Prog Propaganda. It's quite sad.
I would have baked the cake.

With a scantily clad girl popping out of it.

That would have ruined the night for all of them.
Only if I complained. Which I wouldn't. I would find a baker who wanted to work with me. And then I would take to the internet and tell everyone I know that this baker discriminated against me and people shouldnt use him.
You understand that I am in favor of people's ability to discriminate in business, even if that means they discriminate against me, right?

That's your prerogative. It has nothing to do with the law though. Your personal feelings and beliefs are not what our laws are based upon. Our laws are based upon fair and just business practices that do not discriminate against a certain sector of the public.

No offense but you're becoming redundant

Me???? :lol: I'm just trying to explain American secular law to you. You still don't seem to get it though. We are not Iran. We don't prefer religious practices over fair business practices when it comes to doing business in America. :cool:

You sound like a broken record, you already posted that before. Quality, not quanity

Just trying to make you guys understand that your religious convictions are not applicable to business practices because we are a secular nation and not a theocracy. It's really quite simple. Muslims are not allowed to discriminate against you because you are a Christian. Christians are not allowed to discriminate against gays because they are gay. It's really nothing to throw temper tantrum about. It is not an "unjust" law because it applies to everyone equally.

Your ignorance of the founding of this country and the ideology that informs The Constitution is quite glaring.
Only if I complained. Which I wouldn't. I would find a baker who wanted to work with me. And then I would take to the internet and tell everyone I know that this baker discriminated against me and people shouldnt use him.
You understand that I am in favor of people's ability to discriminate in business, even if that means they discriminate against me, right?

That's your prerogative. It has nothing to do with the law though. Your personal feelings and beliefs are not what our laws are based upon. Our laws are based upon fair and just business practices that do not discriminate against a certain sector of the public.

No offense but you're becoming redundant

Me???? :lol: I'm just trying to explain American secular law to you. You still don't seem to get it though. We are not Iran. We don't prefer religious practices over fair business practices when it comes to doing business in America. :cool:

You sound like a broken record, you already posted that before. Quality, not quanity

Just trying to make you guys understand that your religious convictions are not applicable to business practices because we are a secular nation and not a theocracy. It's really quite simple. Muslims are not allowed to discriminate against you because you are a Christian. Christians are not allowed to discriminate against gays because they are gay. It's really nothing to throw temper tantrum about. It is not an "unjust" law because it applies to everyone equally.

Nobody is throwing a temper tantrum. Christians have their rights also, you seem to agree it's OK to trample all over them. The bakers should take this to court, they would have a very good case
It would be the same if a gay baker discriminated against you because you were a heterosexual. Then, they would be fined and perhaps driving out of business. Do you see that?

why would a hetero couple want a gay baker to make their cake? Why would they want to force him, if he objected due to his sexual orientation? The gay baker should be free to only provide his products to other gays if he chooses to so limit his customers.

Maybe he makes delicious cakes?

Nope, can't do that. It's against the law.

damn, I thought you were coming around, now you have reverted to being as dumb as a sack of frog feet.

I'm sorry, but that's how I view you too. :D Very ignorant.

maybe a sack of frog feet was too complimentary, how about a sack of cat shit?

Denying people rights and privileges the same as what you have IS discrimination. Hello?

Whose rights should prevail? Does one person's right to a gay marriage void someone else's right to just be left alone?

No. It doesn't. The rights in The Constitution are essentially negative rights - meaning they are the right to be left alone to manage one's own life. Forcing someone to employ his skills and resources AGAINST HIS WILL his a clear violation of his Liberty.

For every bakery that doesn't want to make Gay Wedding Cakes, there will be others that will happily provide the business. The right go Gay Marriage should not be construed as a right to FORCE EVERYONE TO PARTICIPATE in one's wedding.

Nobody is controlling your life. Gay marriage is not controlling your life. The thing is, if you open a business, you are not allowed to discriminate against anyone. If you cannot manage that, then you don't open a business because you will be breaking a law.

That is a CROCK. You are buying into the Prog agenda of voiding Property Rights and Individual Liberty.

One person's liberty stops at the boundary of someone else's. A bakery not wanting to bake a cake for someone doesn't prevent the gay couple from getting a cake elsewhere.

Where does this end? Isn't it discrimination to not provide a cake to people with no money? Because that is where this is headed.

Lol. Okay. If you cannot see the value of anti-discrimination laws, I can't help you. If you don't understand that American laws are not based upon any one particular religious principal, then I can't help you.

what you don't, or won't, get is that anti discrimination goes both ways.

Businesses are not allowed to discriminate period. When someone comes in and asks you, as a public accommodation business, to bake a cake, and you refuse. They are not discriminating against you! Good grief! It's you who is discriminating against them!
those food limitations are based on religious beliefs, just as opposition to gay marriage is based on religious beliefs in some cases. Its exactly the same thing.

No it's not.

In the case of an establishment that doesn't offer pig products on their menu of goods and services provided - they don't provide them to anyone.

On the other hand an establishment that does offer pig products on their of goods and services provided and sells them to some people but refuses to sell them to others based on the race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation is in violation of the law.

The baker did include wedding cakes as part of their business model and refused service based on a protected characteristic of the customer.

Two very different situations.

I don't agree with AA. I think at one time it was needed but not anymore since we have anti-discrimination laws! See how that works? :D

Yes, you continue to make my points for me. Maybe there is hope for you

Right, but it is BECAUSE we have anti discrimination laws. They protect all of us. That is what you need to realize.

I do realize it you need to realize that its a two way street and that all beliefs are due the same protections.

That's not the agenda. The agenda is to make Progressivism more powerful, and to crush traditional American values. Angelo Codevilla has an excellent piece on this topic at NRO:

The ruling class’s component groups jointly dismiss America’s traditional liberties because they aim to replace them with their own primacy. Having seized the power to redefine liberty, our rulers tighten their definitions around their opponents’ necks like nooses. Since their desire for primacy has no limit, they can’t stop tightening. The norms that they demand that we honor help sustain each constituency by letting its members feel good about themselves while looking down on others. Their “dignitary interests” (to use Justice Kennedy’s term for who must be honored vs. those who must submit to being vilified) simply trump those of others. This is why the ruling class demonizes any questioning of its demands’ substance by imposing modern equivalents of the slave-era “gag rule.” They wage identity politics as war. ...

Read more at: Rulikng class redefinitions no more equal protection National Review Online

That sounds like a bunch of paranoia, IMO. As far as the laws are concerned, they are fair and just to everyone equally. They are anti discrimination laws that apply equally to everyone. Your traditional values as an American are not necessarily the same as another person's traditional values.

Everyone is an individual, and we don't all think or believe the same. That is what makes life interesting.

You are completely wrong. the anti discrimination laws do NOT apply to everyone, there are thousands of things I can legally discriminate about.

Which of course makes anti discrimination laws unconstitutional.

Beyond the obvious fact that the COTUS does not give the government the right to stop us from discriminating.

Why do you people hate freedom?
why would a hetero couple want a gay baker to make their cake? Why would they want to force him, if he objected due to his sexual orientation? The gay baker should be free to only provide his products to other gays if he chooses to so limit his customers.

Maybe he makes delicious cakes?

Nope, can't do that. It's against the law.

damn, I thought you were coming around, now you have reverted to being as dumb as a sack of frog feet.

I'm sorry, but that's how I view you too. :D Very ignorant.

maybe a sack of frog feet was too complimentary, how about a sack of cat shit?

Whose rights should prevail? Does one person's right to a gay marriage void someone else's right to just be left alone?

No. It doesn't. The rights in The Constitution are essentially negative rights - meaning they are the right to be left alone to manage one's own life. Forcing someone to employ his skills and resources AGAINST HIS WILL his a clear violation of his Liberty.

For every bakery that doesn't want to make Gay Wedding Cakes, there will be others that will happily provide the business. The right go Gay Marriage should not be construed as a right to FORCE EVERYONE TO PARTICIPATE in one's wedding.

Nobody is controlling your life. Gay marriage is not controlling your life. The thing is, if you open a business, you are not allowed to discriminate against anyone. If you cannot manage that, then you don't open a business because you will be breaking a law.

That is a CROCK. You are buying into the Prog agenda of voiding Property Rights and Individual Liberty.

One person's liberty stops at the boundary of someone else's. A bakery not wanting to bake a cake for someone doesn't prevent the gay couple from getting a cake elsewhere.

Where does this end? Isn't it discrimination to not provide a cake to people with no money? Because that is where this is headed.

Lol. Okay. If you cannot see the value of anti-discrimination laws, I can't help you. If you don't understand that American laws are not based upon any one particular religious principal, then I can't help you.

what you don't, or won't, get is that anti discrimination goes both ways.

Businesses are not allowed to discriminate period. When someone comes in and asks you, as a public accommodation business, to bake a cake, and you refuse. They are not discriminating against you! Good grief! It's you who is discriminating against them!

wrong again, businesses CAN discriminate.
That's your prerogative. It has nothing to do with the law though. Your personal feelings and beliefs are not what our laws are based upon. Our laws are based upon fair and just business practices that do not discriminate against a certain sector of the public.

No offense but you're becoming redundant

Me???? :lol: I'm just trying to explain American secular law to you. You still don't seem to get it though. We are not Iran. We don't prefer religious practices over fair business practices when it comes to doing business in America. :cool:

You sound like a broken record, you already posted that before. Quality, not quanity

Just trying to make you guys understand that your religious convictions are not applicable to business practices because we are a secular nation and not a theocracy. It's really quite simple. Muslims are not allowed to discriminate against you because you are a Christian. Christians are not allowed to discriminate against gays because they are gay. It's really nothing to throw temper tantrum about. It is not an "unjust" law because it applies to everyone equally.

Nobody is throwing a temper tantrum. Christians have their rights also, you seem to agree it's OK to trample all over them. The bakers should take this to court, they would have a very good case

I see temper tantrums. The hatred and ignorance is . . . unbelievable. The SAME would be applicable if a gay person refused you service. IT works the same either way. Therefore, it is not unjust. If it just applied to gays or Muslims or Christians, then the law would be unjust.
why would a hetero couple want a gay baker to make their cake? Why would they want to force him, if he objected due to his sexual orientation? The gay baker should be free to only provide his products to other gays if he chooses to so limit his customers.

Maybe he makes delicious cakes?

Nope, can't do that. It's against the law.

damn, I thought you were coming around, now you have reverted to being as dumb as a sack of frog feet.

I'm sorry, but that's how I view you too. :D Very ignorant.

maybe a sack of frog feet was too complimentary, how about a sack of cat shit?

Whose rights should prevail? Does one person's right to a gay marriage void someone else's right to just be left alone?

No. It doesn't. The rights in The Constitution are essentially negative rights - meaning they are the right to be left alone to manage one's own life. Forcing someone to employ his skills and resources AGAINST HIS WILL his a clear violation of his Liberty.

For every bakery that doesn't want to make Gay Wedding Cakes, there will be others that will happily provide the business. The right go Gay Marriage should not be construed as a right to FORCE EVERYONE TO PARTICIPATE in one's wedding.

Nobody is controlling your life. Gay marriage is not controlling your life. The thing is, if you open a business, you are not allowed to discriminate against anyone. If you cannot manage that, then you don't open a business because you will be breaking a law.

That is a CROCK. You are buying into the Prog agenda of voiding Property Rights and Individual Liberty.

One person's liberty stops at the boundary of someone else's. A bakery not wanting to bake a cake for someone doesn't prevent the gay couple from getting a cake elsewhere.

Where does this end? Isn't it discrimination to not provide a cake to people with no money? Because that is where this is headed.

Lol. Okay. If you cannot see the value of anti-discrimination laws, I can't help you. If you don't understand that American laws are not based upon any one particular religious principal, then I can't help you.

what you don't, or won't, get is that anti discrimination goes both ways.

Businesses are not allowed to discriminate period. When someone comes in and asks you, as a public accommodation business, to bake a cake, and you refuse. They are not discriminating against you! Good grief! It's you who is discriminating against them!

Really? They "discriminate" all of the time by how they set prices. What about "No Shoes No Shirt No Service" signs in restaurants? Don't NUDISTS have rights? What about basketball teams - don't they discriminate against dwarves and parapalegics? Better get the ADA on that right away!
No offense but you're becoming redundant

Me???? :lol: I'm just trying to explain American secular law to you. You still don't seem to get it though. We are not Iran. We don't prefer religious practices over fair business practices when it comes to doing business in America. :cool:

You sound like a broken record, you already posted that before. Quality, not quanity

Just trying to make you guys understand that your religious convictions are not applicable to business practices because we are a secular nation and not a theocracy. It's really quite simple. Muslims are not allowed to discriminate against you because you are a Christian. Christians are not allowed to discriminate against gays because they are gay. It's really nothing to throw temper tantrum about. It is not an "unjust" law because it applies to everyone equally.

Nobody is throwing a temper tantrum. Christians have their rights also, you seem to agree it's OK to trample all over them. The bakers should take this to court, they would have a very good case

I see temper tantrums. The hatred and ignorance is . . . unbelievable. The SAME would be applicable if a gay person refused you service. IT works the same either way. Therefore, it is not unjust. If it just applied to gays or Muslims or Christians, then the law would be unjust.

if a gay refused me service I would simply go somewhere else. The same thing the homos could have done, but there is that agenda
It is clear that the 135 K fine is warranted.

Gays are a very frail group and such a traumatic event probably warrants counseling for the rest of their lives.
You shjould have seen the complaint and what the carpet muncher alleged. SHe was traumatized by the refusal, she wanted to call the wedding off, etc etc. What a snowflake.

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