The Dreadful Safari


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a naturalism-modernism vignette inspired by the offbeat films The Ghost and the Darkness and Air America!

Signing off,


Alastair, the wealthy prince and inheritor of a great fortune in India and Africa had built himself an incredibly spacious and diverse safari theme-park in the Arizona desert and Midwest prairie. The safari was named the Alastair-Land, and it included guided tours to various animal groupings roaming around freely. The tour-guides carried machine-guns and tranquilizer-darts. The safari became a big hit, and it spawned the generation of a lush safari-themed Hollywood (USA) film titled The Big Tour and starring Leo DiCaprio and Eva Green.


Unfortunately, all the media hysteria drew the attention of a mystical fairy-creature named Hera and a zombie from Hell named Jason Voorhees, a psycho who carried a machete. Hera and Jason descended on Earth from the 'far-regions' of the known universe and declared war on the successes and peace promotional marketing of naturalism catalyzed by the bounteousness of Alastair-Land. Hera and Jason terrorized all the animals in Alastair-Land. A young patriotic American named Derek began submitting innocence-themed silly stick-figure child-art doodles of Hera and descriptive color-pencil renderings to the New Yorker. The coupling made a splash!


Hera and Jason realized their power was diminishing, so they retreated after Alastair declared he was bestowed an honorary Yale University teaching position (in the Comparative-Literature Department) writing papers and teaching courses on naturalism in modern media. As Alastair became a god, Hera and Jason slowly vanished into the halls of memory with the trophies of anti-social terrorists/monsters. Alastair became a special culture-PR modernism academics consultant to the Trump Administration! Hera and Jason bit their lips and remarked, "Alastair is the new 'Mystical Messiah'!"



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