Simplified Analysis of the "Occupied Territories" Lie

Of course, none of these matters. The current geography was created by the Arabs' failed attempts, in their words, to eradicate the Jews in 1948, 1967 and 1973 and the subsequent peace treaties signed with Egypt and Jordan.

The Jews firebombed Haifa in 1947. The Israelis attacked Egypt in 1967. Egyptian troops were deployed in Yemen. Read Moishe Dayan. The Israelis did everything in their power to provoke war with Syria and Lebanon because they wanted more land and water. That's just the truth before God. The Zionists have wanted all the land since 1897. Anything else is a lie.

In 1950 Chaim Weizmann approached ibn Saud and Aramco to accept the rest of the Palestinians which they would forcibly expell from Palestine.

There's no way to solve this nightmare or stop the killing if you can't face the truth.
The Jews firebombed Haifa in 1947. The Israelis attacked Egypt in 1967. Egyptian troops were deployed in Yemen. Read Moishe Dayan. The Israelis did everything in their power to provoke war with Syria and Lebanon because they wanted more land and water. That's just the truth before God. The Zionists have wanted all the land since 1897. Anything else is a lie.

In 1950 Chaim Weizmann approached ibn Saud and Aramco to accept the rest of the Palestinians which they would forcibly expell from Palestine.

There's no way to solve this nightmare or stop the killing if you can't face the truth.
In 1947, the Arabs threatened to kill all the Jews, just as the Grand Mufti and Hitler had discussed in 1941, and when the Arabs attacked Israel in 1948 and were driven back, it was the Arabs who defined expanded borders for Israel in the 1949 truce agreement, and when Israel accepted UN 194, allowing Arabs who would live in peace to return to Israel, the Arabs refused to recognize Israel and thus created the Nakba which they love to complain about.

In 1967, Egypt massed its forces on Israel's border, kicked out UN observers and blocked the Strait of Tiran, an act of war, making the Six Day War unavoidable, and in the ceasefire, they agreed to the Arabs effectively ceded Sinai, Golan Heights, West Bank to Israel, thus again expanding Israel's defacto borders, however Israel immediately offered to return all the land it had won in return for peace with the Arab nations, but driven by the same blind, raving antisemitism that clearly drives you, which shows clearly that Israel was in search of peace, not land and the Arabs have been driven by nothing but a genocidal mania.
It matters with respect the the "lawfare" currently being conducted against Israel. And it matters with respect to lawfully reaching a conclusion to the violence committed against Israel. Peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan are welcome, but in order to end the civil war ...

Why don't you read Moishe Dayan? They planned the 1967 war because they wanted more land and water. They had been stealing topsoil and killing unarmed Lebanese farmers for a decade.

Even Ben Gurion and Theodore Herzl said that they had to get rid of the Palestinians.

I know the Jews had been abused by everybody for 2000 years, but not by the Palestinian Arabs.

What the Zionists have done is wrong and cruel. Make it right.
In 1947, the Arabs threatened to kill all the Jews, just as the Grand Mufti and Hitler had discussed in 1941, and when the Arabs attacked Israel in 1948 and were driven back, it was the Arabs who defined expanded borders for Israel in the 1949 truce agreement, and when Israel accepted UN 194, allowing Arabs who would live in peace to return to Israel, the Arabs refused to recognize Israel and thus created the Nakba which they love to complain about.

In 1967, Egypt massed its forces on Israel's border, kicked out UN observers and blocked the Strait of Tiran, an act of war, making the Six Day War unavoidable, and in the ceasefire, they agreed to the Arabs effectively ceded Sinai, Golan Heights, West Bank to Israel, thus again expanding Israel's defacto borders, however Israel immediately offered to return all the land it had won in return for peace with the Arab nations, but driven by the same blind, raving antisemitism that clearly drives you, which shows clearly that Israel was in search of peace, not land and the Arabs have been driven by nothing but a genocidal mania.

No Israeli flagged ship had passed through the Straits of Tiran for 14 months before the closure . Nasser had called for a summit to resolve the problem.

The European Zionists wanted an excuse to kill people and expell more Palestinians.

In 1947 there had been NO trouble in Haifa before the Zionists firebombed the refinery.

Do you want to go on killing Palestinians for another 80 years? You become what you hate .. and God forbid the Arabs cave in to rabid nationalism of their own.

Do the right thing. Aren't you all supposed to be a light unto the nations? Aren't you supposed to be superior to the gentiles?
Why don't you read Moishe Dayan? They planned the 1967 war because they wanted more land and water. They had been stealing topsoil and killing unarmed Lebanese farmers for a decade.

Even Ben Gurion and Theodore Herzl said that they had to get rid of the Palestinians.

I know the Jews had been abused by everybody for 2000 years, but not by the Palestinian Arabs.

What the Zionists have done is wrong and cruel. Make it right.
The desire for self-determination in your own homeland is neither wrong nor cruel. It is the exact same thing that the Palestinian Arabs claim to want. (Or what the West claims to claim the Palestinian Arabs want). You can't have it both ways with it being "noble" for one and "cruel" for the other.

That's why I labelled it a civil war. Civil wars most often get solved by splitting the territory and giving both groups the dignity of self-determination and sovereignty.
No Israeli flagged ship had passed through the Straits of Tiran for 14 months before the closure . Nasser had called for a summit to resolve the problem.

The European Zionists wanted an excuse to kill people and expell more Palestinians.

In 1947 there had been NO trouble in Haifa before the Zionists firebombed the refinery.

Do you want to go on killing Palestinians for another 80 years? You become what you hate .. and God forbid the Arabs cave in to rabid nationalism of their own.

Do the right thing. Aren't you all supposed to be a light unto the nations? Aren't you supposed to be superior to the gentiles?
Again, you present nothing but lies. There was no fire bombing of Haifa. In a conflict between Jewish and Arab workers in the Haifa oil refinery, 6 Arabs and 39 Jews were killed.

The fact remains that since 1920, the Jews have sought to live in peace with the Arabs and the Arabs have been plotting to create another Holocaust in Palestine, and their failed efforts have created all the problems they complain about today.

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