Simplified Analysis of the "Occupied Territories" Lie

You have never yet put up a single honest post. The Arabs were well armed, partly by the British to help them revolt against the Turks in 1916, but the Jewish immigrants were unarmed and and depended on the British to defend them against the fiercely antisemitic Arabs until it became apparent the British would not defend them.

No they weren't armed at all. This wasn't 1916, dolt. This was 1947 when the Zionists fire bombed the oil refinery in Haifa and began destroying Arab villages.
Read the Treaty, I just did. It had nothing to do with Palestine, Trans-Jordan Saudi-Arabia or, other than renouncing some economic claims in Syria any other middle eastern country. All it did was to settle the borders of the modern state of Turkey.

The treaty outlined the boundaries of Turkey.
Turkey ceded several islands to Italy, wording: "Turkey renounces in favour of Italy all rights and title...".
Turkey abandoned all other territory, wording: "Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever...".
Read the Treaty, I just did. It had nothing to do with Palestine, Trans-Jordan Saudi-Arabia or, other than renouncing some economic claims in Syria any other middle eastern country. All it did was to settle the borders of the modern state of Turkey.
Read the Treaty, I just did. It had nothing to do with Palestine,
I have and what you say is not true. Syria was the only one of the new states mentioned because it was the only one bordering Turkey. That border had to be defined.

Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:
“Turkish subjects habitually resident in territory which in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty is detached from Turkey will become ipso facto, in the conditions laid down by the local law, nationals of the State to which such territory is transferred.”
Palestine's local law followed as required by the Treaty of Lausanne.

The automatic, ipso facto, change from Ottoman to Palestinian nationality was dealt with in Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Citizenship Order, which declared:
“Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine upon the 1st day of August, 1925, shall become Palestinian citizens.”
The treaty of Lausanne ceded that territory to Palestine and the Palestinians became citizens of their new state.
No they weren't armed at all. This wasn't 1916, dolt. This was 1947 when the Zionists fire bombed the oil refinery in Haifa and began destroying Arab villages.
Still more lies. You were claiming the Arabs were unarmed in 1920, not 1947, but even in 1947 the Arab states had armies armed with WWII surplus weapons and the Jews had only scraps they could garner from European and South American junk yards.
Still more lies. You were claiming the Arabs were unarmed in 1920, not 1947, but even in 1947 the Arab states had armies armed with WWII surplus weapons and the Jews had only scraps they could garner from European and South American junk yards.

Blue Box collection was famous. The arms were bought in Argentina and shipped to the Zionists. Until recently I had elderly Jewish friends who collected money all through the 1930s and early 1940s.

Families always flee a war zone.
Blue Box collection was famous. The arms were bought in Argentina and shipped to the Zionists. Until recently I had elderly Jewish friends who collected money all through the 1930s and early 1940s.

Families always flee a war zone.
Again, nothing but lies from you. Money was collected for Israel in Europe and the US, but not to buy arms. In the 1920's both the Jews and Arabs were poorly armed but after WWII, the Arab states were able to buy surplus WWII weapons, but since there was not yet a Jewish state, the Jews could not.
Again, nothing but lies from you. Money was collected for Israel in Europe and the US, but not to buy arms. In the 1920's both the Jews and Arabs were poorly armed but after WWII, the Arab states were able to buy surplus WWII weapons, but since there was not yet a Jewish state, the Jews could not.

You've never heard of the Blue Box? Maybe Jewish National Home fund.

You've never heard of the Blue Box? Maybe Jewish National Home fund.

As always, nothing but lies from you. There is no connection between the collection boxes and buying weapons from Argentina.
The population of Palestine doubled in 15 years with European immigrants. Jews had been in the minority since the 2nd century.

The Arab Jews, Christians and Muslims were not happy with the immigrants who considered them inferior and didn't speak Arabic.
Your first senence is so correct. "The population of Palestine doubled in 15 years with European immigrants. Jews had been in the minority since the 2nd century." And still those Zionists deny any genocide. Right?
As always, nothing but lies from you. There is no connection between the collection boxes and buying weapons from Argentina.

I don't think my elderly Jewish friends are liars. They collected to buy weapons for the Zionists.
Maybe you should read the Parshat Masei.

"Now we've received this unvarnished gem from an unnamed minister: "Israel warned the United States that if the International Criminal Court issues arrest warrants against Israelis, Israel will destroy the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank."

Damn. Israel is threatening the US?

Israel seized the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip in the 1967 Mideast war. Some 500,000 Israelis have settled in the West Bank; the international community largely considers their presence illegal. But under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition — the most right-wing in Israeli history, with settlers themselves in key positions — expansion has been turbocharged.

Palestinians say expanding Israeli outposts are shrinking their access to land, and settler violence against them has soared since Hamas' Oct. 7 attack that sparked the war with Israel. Land seized through unauthorized outposts has more than doubled since the war started, according to settlement watchdog Kerem Navot.

Palestinians living in small hamlets ringed by hilltop outposts say they fear it’s just a matter of time until they’re forced to leave their homes.

U.S. officials have repeatedly raised concerns about surging settler violence, with President Joe Biden saying it had reached “intolerable levels” when announcing sanctions. Israel has said it's calling for settlers to stand down and investigating violence. But rights groups accuse the government and army of complicity with the settlers.

In March, even the Israeli army complained about the extent to which the government intervenes on settlers' behalf. An internal document, seen by AP and published by The New York Times, said the army is routinely denied authorization to act against illegal building by Israelis and regularly authorized to act against Palestinians.

Three sanctioned settlers — Levi, Federman and Elisha Yered — told AP the measures against them were, at most, an annoyance.

The treaty of Lausanne ceded that territory to Palestine and the Palestinians became citizens of their new state.
Two errors:

1. Turkey did not cede the territory TO any specific entity. See wording of the document under discussion: "renounces in favor of ..." vs "renounces ...".

2. No State was created in the territory in 1923. This was one of the purposes of the mandate system. While provisionally recognized, the territory was to be administered by a foreign government until such time as the territory could "stand alone". Part of the "stand alone" equation is the formation of an effective government.
Two errors:

1. Turkey did not cede the territory TO any specific entity. See wording of the document under discussion: "renounces in favor of ..." vs "renounces ...".

2. No State was created in the territory in 1923. This was one of the purposes of the mandate system. While provisionally recognized, the territory was to be administered by a foreign government until such time as the territory could "stand alone". Part of the "stand alone" equation is the formation of an effective government.
Of course, none of these matters. The current geography was created by the Arabs' failed attempts, in their words, to eradicate the Jews in 1948, 1967 and 1973 and the subsequent peace treaties signed with Egypt and Jordan.
Two errors:

1. Turkey did not cede the territory TO any specific entity. See wording of the document under discussion: "renounces in favor of ..." vs "renounces ...".

2. No State was created in the territory in 1923. This was one of the purposes of the mandate system. While provisionally recognized, the territory was to be administered by a foreign government until such time as the territory could "stand alone". Part of the "stand alone" equation is the formation of an effective government.

Did you read the language of the Treaty?
Of course, none of these matters. The current geography was created by the Arabs' failed attempts, in their words, to eradicate the Jews in 1948, 1967 and 1973 and the subsequent peace treaties signed with Egypt and Jordan.
It matters with respect the the "lawfare" currently being conducted against Israel. And it matters with respect to lawfully reaching a conclusion to the violence committed against Israel. Peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan are welcome, but in order to end the civil war ...

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