A loner on antipsychotics..........

Standing with Vanguard America, holding a shield. Sure.
James Fields Jr.: Charlottesville car attack suspect was 'very infatuated' with Nazis, teacher says

He said those views, combined with Fields' history of being prescribed antipsychotic medication, may have been a "perfect storm."

Tanner Coleman, who knew Fields in passing at Cooper High, said he seemed like a "gentle giant" who was always alone.
Hey America, screw your First Amendment and ban Antifa rallies.

It's domestic terrorism.

Do NOT normalise this.
Can we get Antifa and the Neo-Nazis to fight eachother in some dome in Madagascar or something? Winner gets a free dome they can't leave.
A loner on antipsychotics..........

Standing with Vanguard America, holding a shield. Sure.
James Fields Jr.: Charlottesville car attack suspect was 'very infatuated' with Nazis, teacher says

He said those views, combined with Fields' history of being prescribed antipsychotic medication, may have been a "perfect storm."

Tanner Coleman, who knew Fields in passing at Cooper High, said he seemed like a "gentle giant" who was always alone.

Possibly but his actions appear deliberate.
It's more likely he got jumped by the zombies, maybe tortured like a few were in YouTube the end, everybody gets what they got coming.
He should be charged as such & summarily executed in public within 24 hours of his conviction.

Let it be known America will not tolerate this bullshit.

Anyone that disagrees can kiss my ass.
I'd rather kiss your ass than agree with you, because I believe terrorists should be questioned to find out if they have accomplices.

Anyone displaying the confederate flag. VERY good chance you'll find the accomplices.
He should be charged as such & summarily executed in public within 24 hours of his conviction.

Let it be known America will not tolerate this bullshit.

Anyone that disagrees can kiss my ass.
I'd rather kiss your ass than agree with you, because I believe terrorists should be questioned to find out if they have accomplices.

HA!.............Sure, but you can bet your ass this guy doesn't have any accomplices. He's a 20 year old wack job.
Dressed like and carrying a shield from one of the Alt-Right groups yet they are now denying they know him.........that avenue needs to be pursued more aggressively.
I'd rather kiss your ass than agree with you, because I believe terrorists should be questioned to find out if they have accomplices.

HA!.............Sure, but you can bet your ass this guy doesn't have any accomplices. He's a 20 year old wack job.
And you seem eager to fall on the sword for him.
Charge, convict & execute.

Agree and do the same to the other white terrorists participating in the attack
What about the people responsible for radicalizing him?

George Soros?
Dog Whistling! That Evil Jewish Overlord Conspiracy!!
He should be charged as such & summarily executed in public within 24 hours of his conviction.

Let it be known America will not tolerate this bullshit.

Anyone that disagrees can kiss my ass.

No, there should a trial by a jury of his peers and then he will be sentenced.

Funny how the same Party that sat back on it's fat collective white pimpled ass while condoning, supporting, encouraging Racist Imagery, Racist Taunts, Racist Slogans is now Manufacturing Outrage.

You don't give two shits and you know it. What happened in Charlottesville Virginia was White Nationalist/White Racist/White Supremacist Terrorism.

You people encourage racism, homophobia, islamophobia, antisemitism and now you act all shocked at what you have done.

You people own this. You people created this.

Rejoice and be most proud.

Seig Heil.....Seig Heil.....Seig Heil
Story is changing and changing quickly. Even the NYT is saying he didn't drive into the crowd but instead hit several vehicles. There have been other reports like this.

Are we witnessing another "hands up don't shoot" moment here? Turned out everything about Michael Brown's death was a freaking lie to push a narrative.

James Alex Fields Jr. of Ohio was charged with second-degree murder in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday after the authorities said he smashed a car into a line of cars in an episode that left a 32-year-old woman dead and injured at least 19 other people who were protesting a rally staged by white nationalists."

What We Know About James Alex Fields, Driver Charged in Charlottesville Killing

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