The Drudge Sludge

As a pragmatic moderate, I avoid any and all slated resources. I have no intention of reading or using slanted/bias resources, to me, it's basically propaganda.

How about cluing us in on the list of news resources that are not slanted or biased that you use?

I usually start my day with Reuters. (Actually, most news services aren't bad at all.)
Most local TV stations present pretty much unbiased news.
And I would never watch any cable news channels, they are a joke and appeal to folks who want their news their way. In other words, news slanted to fit their ideology. That's an open door to ignorance.
As a pragmatic moderate, I avoid any and all slated resources. I have no intention of reading or using slanted/bias resources, to me, it's basically propaganda.

How about cluing us in on the list of news resources that are not slanted or biased that you use?

I usually start my day with Reuters. (Actually, most news services aren't bad at all.)
Most local TV stations present pretty much unbiased news.
And I would never watch any cable news channels, they are a joke and appeal to folks who want their news their way. In other words, news slanted to fit their ideology. That's an open door to ignorance.

Sorry, but I am laughing too hard to write more than that I am laughing too hard.
Of course as a moderate, I'm to the left of Ernie, so I must be a liberal and watch MSNBC. I just love that inane thinking. It's the carry over from the "you either with us or against us" line.
Ernie, there are actually adults who think objectively, yeah I know that it requires using your brain more than goose-stepping to one ideology. It's actually good for you and helps combat Alzheimers as you get older.
His favorite is MSNBC

As a pragmatic moderate, I avoid any and all slated resources. I have no intention of reading or using slanted/bias resources, to me, it's basically propaganda.

How about cluing us in on the list of news resources that are not slanted or biased that you use?

I usually start my day with Reuters. (Actually, most news services aren't bad at all.)
Most local TV stations present pretty much unbiased news.
And I would never watch any cable news channels, they are a joke and appeal to folks who want their news their way. In other words, news slanted to fit their ideology. That's an open door to ignorance.

Sorry, but I am laughing too hard to write more than that I am laughing too hard.

Ok, what do you find so funny?
Wow even the Freemasons are worried about the Mid Terms!

Yeah, this is like 2006 when Bush's incompetence screwed over the GOP, this time it's Obama's incompetence screwing over the Dems. What goes around, comes around. Two incompetent presidents in a row, no wonder the US is sinking.

I'll see your two incompetent Presidents and raise you two more (Bush 41 and BJ Bill).

I would include Ronnie, but at least he was competent enough to make us all feel good about the country as he screwed us over.
Drudge has been around a long time and is as powerful as ever.

Does the OP not know this?
I don't know what this has to do with the OP; I didn't infer that the Drudge Report has lost any "power."

My problem is with the Drudge Sludge. They really, really raise the Retard factor when they post to message boards.

Far better than what we see from NBC News viewer.
What other site links to as many writers from all portions of the political spectrum as Drudge does? Any site that links to both Paul Krugman and Ann Coulter is presenting more than one perspective. Usually haters don't even bother to find out what they're really complaining about, they just react to something someone ELSE said.
Conservative POV: If I don't like a newspaper, I just don't buy it or read it

Progressive POV: If I don't like a newspaper I have the government shut it down, it's reporters killed or imprisoned or both

His favorite is MSNBC

As a pragmatic moderate, I avoid any and all slated resources. I have no intention of reading or using slanted/bias resources, to me, it's basically propaganda.

How about cluing us in on the list of news resources that are not slanted or biased that you use?

I usually start my day with Reuters. (Actually, most news services aren't bad at all.)
Most local TV stations present pretty much unbiased news.
And I would never watch any cable news channels, they are a joke and appeal to folks who want their news their way. In other words, news slanted to fit their ideology. That's an open door to ignorance.

Sorry, but I am laughing too hard to write more than that I am laughing too hard.

Ok, what do you find so funny?

Reuters. That's what's funny. Gaza flotilla raid. Do you see any difference in the narrative that develops from these two photos? You remember that flotilla of unarmed peaceniks. Purposely cropping the photo to reinforce the narrative doesn't make for good journalism, but it sure serves the goal of advancing propaganda.

Drudge has been around a long time and is as powerful as ever.

Does the OP not know this?
The Nazis were around longer and were more powerful.

Do you not know longevity and strength do not automatically imply wholesome goodness?
His favorite is MSNBC

As a pragmatic moderate, I avoid any and all slated resources. I have no intention of reading or using slanted/bias resources, to me, it's basically propaganda.

How about cluing us in on the list of news resources that are not slanted or biased that you use?

I usually start my day with Reuters. (Actually, most news services aren't bad at all.)
Most local TV stations present pretty much unbiased news.
And I would never watch any cable news channels, they are a joke and appeal to folks who want their news their way. In other words, news slanted to fit their ideology. That's an open door to ignorance.

Sorry, but I am laughing too hard to write more than that I am laughing too hard.

Ok, what do you find so funny?

Reuters. That's what's funny. Gaza flotilla raid. Do you see any difference in the narrative that develops from these two photos? You remember that flotilla of unarmed peaceniks. Purposely cropping the photo to reinforce the narrative doesn't make for good journalism, but it sure serves the goal of advancing propaganda.


Thank you for your contribution. It appears that Reuters did error in that circumstance. But I stand by my comment that Reuters is unbiased as it satisfies me in my quest for honest news without an agenda.
I tell you what. Why don't you list where you get your news from? Let's see if they had made journalistic errors.
As my father said to me, "if you haven't had any mistakes, you aren't doing anything".
His favorite is MSNBC

As a pragmatic moderate, I avoid any and all slated resources. I have no intention of reading or using slanted/bias resources, to me, it's basically propaganda.

How about cluing us in on the list of news resources that are not slanted or biased that you use?

I usually start my day with Reuters. (Actually, most news services aren't bad at all.)
Most local TV stations present pretty much unbiased news.
And I would never watch any cable news channels, they are a joke and appeal to folks who want their news their way. In other words, news slanted to fit their ideology. That's an open door to ignorance.

Sorry, but I am laughing too hard to write more than that I am laughing too hard.

Ok, what do you find so funny?

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