The Drudge Sludge

The Drudge Report is a Republican-controlled news aggregator site that links to articles supporting right wing ideology. It specializes in allegations, outrage, fear, rage, and vague conspiratorial rhetoric.

It's the kiss of death when your article is linked by Drudge, because Drudge followers (the Drudge Sludge) go the linked site and flood it with crazy right wing fuckery. As an example, the Nat'l Weather Service issued a statement regarding a data loss from a weather satellite. Although it seems to be a temporary issue that is network-related, the Drudge Sludge flooded the associated message board with

(1) It's Obama's fault--due to his falsified birth certificate.
(2) It's Obama's fault--he's trying to cover up data that harms the global warming theories.
(3) It's Muslims!
(4) It's Ebola!
(5) Government is too big.
(6) All minorities should leave the country.

I suspect it's a matter of time before Drudge is banned from linking to many websites--really, once Drudge links, "there goes the neighborhood."

pos-repped & friend's request sent :)

Seriously though, Drudge is sludge akin to Fox & Friends.
His favorite is MSNBC

As a pragmatic moderate, I avoid any and all slated resources. I have no intention of reading or using slanted/bias resources, to me, it's basically propaganda.

How about cluing us in on the list of news resources that are not slanted or biased that you use?

I usually start my day with Reuters. (Actually, most news services aren't bad at all.)
Most local TV stations present pretty much unbiased news.
And I would never watch any cable news channels, they are a joke and appeal to folks who want their news their way. In other words, news slanted to fit their ideology. That's an open door to ignorance.

Sorry, but I am laughing too hard to write more than that I am laughing too hard.

Ok, what do you find so funny?

That you consider Reuters and local TV stations as unbiased news sources. There is no such thing as an unbiased news source. The trick is to understand the bias of each and piece together your own understanding of what the truth may be from a broad swath of different biased sources...which of course is subject to our own bias as well.

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